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Terrorist attack in german: Man drives car into parade. 30+ injuried including heavy injuries. Developing.


Gold Member
You know, not to be callous about such events, but in a world with such a large population, we will always have cases of crazy behavior like this.

I'm not against freedom of information/speech at all, but given the way media profits from chaos/tragedy/fear, I sometimes think we self-sabotage as a society by focusing on such things. It feeds an atmoshpere of fear and distrust among the general populace and it also has the opportunity to influence those who are already on the fringes of society or are of a fragile mental nature. Those directly affected will always have to deal with such events, but do we benefit collectively by having our attention (via media) so consistently driven to things of this nature?

Not trying to derail. It's just something I think about quite often in regards to collective attention/focus.



that's tragic but i don't think it is a terrorist attack.

we do have this kind of shit here

i.e.: last year

there's a video showing those people getting hit by the car.


Too bad the "terrorist" was german and not the usual suspects...so this will be forgotten about in short time i guess. Could have been such good PR for the AfD.
How is this not a terrorist attack? Because he wasn't from a certain religion or something?
Terrorists usually want to use violence in the name of a political or ideological cause. If it's just your run of the mill nutter then the same act would just be attempted murder.

Too bad the "terrorist" was german and not the usual suspects...so this will be forgotten about in short time i guess. Could have been such good PR for the AfD.
Chin up, we've not been told what ethnicity/religion he is yet!


How is this not a terrorist attack? Because he wasn't from a certain religion or something?

sometimes people get killed here in large sums of amounts per day for any sort of reasons . we don't call it terrorist attacks though. could be a burglar, could be a drunk driver. it's doesn't cease to be tragic but if it's only alcohol the only confirmed thing behind that story and no one else knows the true intentions of the driver then this is still a story about a drunk driver who injured a lot of people.

EDIT: German driver under influence of drugs
Brazil: driver under influence of alcohol
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Terrorists usually want to use violence in the name of a political or ideological cause. If it's just your run of the mill nutter then the same act would just be attempted murder.

Chin up, we've not been told what ethnicity/religion he is yet!

The problem with this kind of thinking has deeper implications. Its the idea that if some one from my tribe commits a horrible act, he's crazy. This isnt normal behavior.

But if some one that doesnt look like me commits this atrocious act, well its normal behavior. They are radical, yes, but they have a political agenda.

When none of this is normal behavior. Whether its a brown guy with a political agenda or just a crazy white guy.


rip to the victims

Nobody died as of now.

The problem with this kind of thinking has deeper implications. Its the idea that if some one from my tribe commits a horrible act, he's crazy. This isnt normal behavior.

But if some one that doesnt look like me commits this atrocious act, well its normal behavior. They are radical, yes, but they have a political agenda.

When none of this is normal behavior. Whether its a brown guy with a political agenda or just a crazy white guy.

It has nothing to do with being "normal" or belonging to a "tribe", it's all about purpose.
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No. But increasingly I'm of the view that people forfeit their right to be assessed by any standard metric of humanity when they carry out wanton acts like this. They're beyond redemption.
if there's few laws to punish them accordingly then more people will be more encouraged to act like that way. it's a non-stop disco.


if there's few laws to punish them accordingly then more people will be more encouraged to act like that way. it's a non-stop disco.

Can you elaborate because I'm not getting your meaning here. I think you perhaps are reading something into what I originally wrote that isn't there.


Can you elaborate because I'm not getting your meaning here. I think you perhaps are reading something into what I originally wrote that isn't there.
brazil doesn't have death penalty for hideous crime for example. and you can walk away freely if you flee from the crime scene and then walk to the poilice station in the next day. you will still be prosecuted but you can do that while you are free. and with good lawyers you can't be arrested in the first instance. not even after the second instance.
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brazil doesn't have death penalty for hideous crime for example. and you can walk away freely if you flee from the crime scene and then walk to the poilice station in the next day. you will still be prosecuted but you can do that while you are free. and with good lawyers you can't be arrested in the first instance. not even after the second instance.

I suspect the Germans likely have stricter rules when it comes to this.


Nobody died as of now.

It has nothing to do with being "normal" or belonging to a "tribe", it's all about purpose.

You miss my point. It has nothing to do with intent. The fact some one is committing an atrocity like this speaks of mental illness. This is not the model of sanity, to commit murder on the grounds of whatever belief.

This is a strange psychosis, which you are only willing to grant as insanity, for people that belong to your tribe.

If its a brown guy, its typical.




Uhm if it wasn’t a terrorist attack, what was it? An extremely bad driver?
the brazilian one was not considered as a terrorist attack.
now you mean the german one? i don't think so until evidences show otherwise. do you have anything to share?


the brazilian one was not considered as a terrorist attack.
now you mean the german one? i don't think so until evidences show otherwise. do you have anything to share?

Typically, for large parades and celebrations like this there will be numerous barricades set up. It is highly unlikely this wasn’t intentional.


Big brains know it was never about compassion

It was for the people fooled by it. So he’s right, to an extent.

To elaborate for anyone wondering, if you dig deep enough, which basically amounts to sifting through publicly available documents and speeches, even from the U.N., because these people aren’t shy, you can find all sorts of references pertaining to population replacement being a goal.

This was a really nice way to package it for public consumption.


Fucking horrible, I hope everyone recovers.

For those who don't know, today is/was shrove Tuesday, last day before lent, and people tend to dress up a bit like on Halloween. It's extra despicable to do this shit when people are out with their kids celebrating.


To elaborate for anyone wondering, if you dig deep enough, which basically amounts to sifting through publicly available documents and speeches, even from the U.N., because these people aren’t shy, you can find all sorts of references pertaining to population replacement being a goal.

If you happen across any of these documents, I'm interested. I find it totally believable but just hadn't seen what you're referring to.


Uhm if it wasn’t a terrorist attack, what was it? An extremely bad driver?

As mentioned above, terrorism has to be linked to an ideology. If you kill people for the sake of a country, a religion, a political view, it's terrorism. If you kill people because you like killing, or hate your life, or are having hallucinations, you're a "regular" murderer.

There was an incident in Germany about a week ago in a hookah club (?) but the perp was a white supremacist type I believe.

The car thing happened during "Rosenmontag", so it was indeed yesterday.
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If you happen across any of these documents, I'm interested. I find it totally believable but just hadn't seen what you're referring to.

It’s been years, otherwise I’d have something for you. Not sure what to offer, but some strong search engine Kung Fu and the right terms should help.

Perhaps someone else has something handy, as I’ve never really adopted the mindset of building a library of this stuff and saving it. Maybe I should change that.


It’s been years, otherwise I’d have something for you. Not sure what to offer, but some strong search engine Kung Fu and the right terms should help.

Perhaps someone else has something handy, as I’ve never really adopted the mindset of building a library of this stuff and saving it. Maybe I should change that.

But you at least built a bunker and began doomsday prepping after reading that stuff, right? RIGHT???

It's okay. I only meant that if you come across that stuff again, you could send it my way. I would appreciate it.


Gold Member
You know, not to be callous about such events, but in a world with such a large population, we will always have cases of crazy behavior like this.

I'm not against freedom of information/speech at all, but given the way media profits from chaos/tragedy/fear, I sometimes think we self-sabotage as a society by focusing on such things. It feeds an atmoshpere of fear and distrust among the general populace and it also has the opportunity to influence those who are already on the fringes of society or are of a fragile mental nature. Those directly affected will always have to deal with such events, but do we benefit collectively by having our attention (via media) so consistently driven to things of this nature?

Not trying to derail. It's just something I think about quite often in regards to collective attention/focus.
Totally true.

Media focuses on shit shows for ratings. But it's us people who click it.

I'm sure the media would put up more articles about fundraisers and which kids at school got good grades if they got good traffic, but nobody would click them.

99% of people click these clickbaity articles for entertainment and carry on. But that 1% of weirdos take it seriously and hit back even though all the trash he's been reading might have nothing to do with him.

That's the world. Mostly good people, but always some assholes to screw things up. That's life I guess.
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Last week some shitstain shot up several bars in Germany and they couldn't wait to tell us how white and right wing this guy was.

I find it pretty suspicious that nothing is known about this new perp.
There's always a conspiracy, but generally the speed of which they report who did it is directly proportional to how long it takes to see if he/she had any accomplices. If it is a refugee, it takes longer to do that background check than if the person was a native.


Gold Member
Totally true.

Media focuses on shit shows for ratings. But it's us people who click it.

I'm sure the media would put up more articles about fundraisers and which kids at school got good grades if they got good traffic, but nobody would click them.

99% of people click these clickbaity articles for entertainment and carry on. But that 1% of weirdos take it seriously and hit back even though all the trash he's been reading might have nothing to do with him.

That's the world. Mostly good people, but always some assholes to screw things up. That's life I guess.

When you consider the fundamental nature of things, society is nothing more than collective agreement. We agree and identify with each other, that we belong with each other. that we are a collective family of sorts. And also it is agreement about certain ideas (and ideals). And while those basic principles are never universally agreed upon in their details, the essence of our agreement is pretty universal. I won't harm you and I expect that you won't act maliciously towards me. (at a bare minimum, a minimum which is very often exceeded)

But when we indulge (and buy into - consciously or not) in representations of behavior that is in conflict with the essence of that basic understanding, we erode the bedrock of that agreement which, subtly or grossly, informs our interactions with one another. And when we're force fed a continuous stream (well the attempts are made whether we partake or not) of that erosion, the sense of security and trust in each other is lessened. Aberrant and fringe behavior against our human fellowship can morph into something that is incorrectly perceived as somewhat normal, which corrodes the sense of well-being and trust that should be the norm.

Garbage in, garbage out. If we want a better world, we have a duty to maintain a default standard of implicit trust in our fellow beings - trust that is by and large warranted. That's not easy to do when we absorb a steady stream of messaging to the contrary, regardless of its relative rarity in actuality in comparison to the whole.

TLDR - don't watch/read the news. :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:


Gold Member
When you consider the fundamental nature of things, society is nothing more than collective agreement. We agree and identify with each other, that we belong with each other. that we are a collective family of sorts. And also it is agreement about certain ideas (and ideals). And while those basic principles are never universally agreed upon in their details, the essence of our agreement is pretty universal. I won't harm you and I expect that you won't act maliciously towards me. (at a bare minimum, a minimum which is very often exceeded)

But when we indulge (and buy into - consciously or not) in representations of behavior that is in conflict with the essence of that basic understanding, we erode the bedrock of that agreement which, subtly or grossly, informs our interactions with one another. And when we're force fed a continuous stream (well the attempts are made whether we partake or not) of that erosion, the sense of security and trust in each other is lessened. Aberrant and fringe behavior against our human fellowship can morph into something that is incorrectly perceived as somewhat normal, which corrodes the sense of well-being and trust that should be the norm.

Garbage in, garbage out. If we want a better world, we have a duty to maintain a default standard of implicit trust in our fellow beings - trust that is by and large warranted. That's not easy to do when we absorb a steady stream of messaging to the contrary, regardless of its relative rarity in actuality in comparison to the whole.

TLDR - don't watch/read the news. :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:
So true.

But I'll add to it. Regardless of whether someone likes indulging in news or not.......

.... what's that Bart Simpson saying? Don't have a cow man!

Ya, if people joked around more like before SJWmania on the net and Twitter, and people just laughed at shit it would be much better. Some people brought up in modern times should watch some old Married with Children shows or even older, crass Benny Hill stuff. They'd probably have a heart attack. Yet, nobody back then did or cared.

Now someone is going to say...... "but it's not fun when someone makes fun of you".

Says who? Why is it that I can joke with (and be joked at) from tons of people and not care? And vice versa? If anything, I'll join in and laugh with someone cracking a joke I'm overweight. Just don't be we whiner where if you can joke I'm fat, but I can't make fun you got a big nose. Or if it comes to racial jokes (which I think are hilarious), we can all have fun making ethnic jokes. But don't be a baby if words are getting slung where one guy is a smelly curry eater and the other a dumb WOP who paves driveways, and one guy gets mad at one-way jokes.

Can't have it both ways.
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Unconfirmed Member
So true.

But I'll add to it. Regardless of whether someone likes indulging in news or not.......

.... what's that Bart Simpson saying? Don't have a cow man!

Ya, if people joked around more like before SJWmania on the net and Twitter, and people just laughed at shit it would be much better. Some people brought up in modern times should watch some old Married with Children shows or even older, crass Benny Hill stuff. They'd probably have a heart attack. Yet, nobody back then did or cared.

Now someone is going to say...... "but it's not fun when someone makes fun of you".

Says who? Why is it that I can joke with (and be joked at) from tons of people and not care? And vice versa? If anything, I'll join in and laugh with someone cracking a joke I'm overweight. Just don't be we whiner where if you can joke I'm fat, but I can't make fun you got a big nose. Or if it comes to racial jokes (which I think are hilarious), we can all have fun making ethnic jokes. But don't be a baby if words are getting slung where one guy is a smelly curry eater and the other a dumb WOP who paves driveways, and one guy gets mad at one-way jokes.

Can't have it both ways.
Is this 1955? Who even says wop anymore? Italian works by itself haha. Unacceptable!


Gold Member
So true.

But I'll add to it. Regardless of whether someone likes indulging in news or not.......

.... what's that Bart Simpson saying? Don't have a cow man!

Ya, if people joked around more like before SJWmania on the net and Twitter, and people just laughed at shit it would be much better. Some people brought up in modern times should watch some old Married with Children shows or even older, crass Benny Hill stuff. They'd probably have a heart attack. Yet, nobody back then did or cared.

Now someone is going to say...... "but it's not fun when someone makes fun of you".

Says who? Why is it that I can joke with (and be joked at) from tons of people and not care? And vice versa? If anything, I'll join in and laugh with someone cracking a joke I'm overweight. Just don't be we whiner where if you can joke I'm fat, but I can't make fun you got a big nose. Or if it comes to racial jokes (which I think are hilarious), we can all have fun making ethnic jokes. But don't be a baby if words are getting slung where one guy is a smelly curry eater and the other a dumb WOP who paves driveways, and one guy gets mad at one-way jokes.

Can't have it both ways.

Yes, there is a very uncomfortable and heavy weight to life in the world now. Everything is so serious. If we could all remember to laugh at ourselves a bit, the tensions could be lessened. But we've somehow made our way into a place where we're eager and ready to be offended. Sensors are picking up everything with a hair-trigger in an ultra-defensive and often-angry posture.

Maybe we should practice making jokes about each other in life, with the attitude that it's just an exercise so we can learn to laugh again.

Edit: Someone start. Insult me. It's alright. I already forgive you.
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