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Thank you, Player One Podcast

I love the Player One Podcast.

I’ve recently begun podcasting for work, and it amazes me how much time, effort, and skill it takes to actually produce an entertaining podcast. Believe me, it ain’t easy. Getting people in place with the right gear, having an interesting dialogue, then editing and publishing your work is a giant pain in the neck even in the best of circumstances.

The gang at POP has managed to do this for a staggering 170-plus consecutive weeks!

Each and every week, CJ, Phil, Sewart, and Ford manage to put together the most enjoyable, relaxed, and downright fun-to-listen-to ‘cast and make it sound easy.

Sure, they may not always talk about the latest games. Considering that everyone else does, that’s actually kind of nice. I enjoy the fact that they’re playing games that came out more than a week or so ago, because normal people like me (with jobs and kids and other responsibilities) can’t possibly keep up with all the new stuff that comes out these days.

Sure, they may skew heavily towards anime, Japanese themes, and platformers. What’s funny is that I don’t normally go for most genres they do. Yet I still love the show. Plus, you can always count on Sewart to weigh in on racers and Ford to occasionally pipe up about sports titles. At some point, each and every kind of game is mentioned.

CJ – how I love your unabashed love for Apple; your utter inability to come close to finishing (almost) any game; your disdain of podcast editing contrasted with your unwavering commitment to producing POP every week.

Phil – how I love your obstinate refusal to beat Mega Man 9; your incomprehensible dissection of Japanese animation minutae; your gleeful, ignorant hatred of all things sports; and your open disdain of Greg Ford.

Sewart – as a fellow Dad of a toddler, how I love your sharing of video games with your kids; your loathing of online multiplayer; your unapologetic defense of Motherland Canada; and your hockey prowess.

Ford – how I love your refusal to quit the POP despite Phil’s continuing abuse; your widely varying tastes and opinions; your co-ed beer parties, and steadfast desire to make everyone else wait to record while you wrap up a few rounds of Modern Warfare.

Thanks, POP, for being the best podcast out there. Keep it up few decades, if ya don’t mind.
They may not be the flashiest, but they're the most dependable podcast about gaming. I love all their references to the Simpsons and Mr Show, though. They're probably at least a decade older than myself and my friends but there's a lot of humor we share. Also love the history about old school EGM. Great way to start the week.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
how much are they paying you

i knew they sounded kind of crooked
RichyDevil said:
Sure, they may skew heavily towards anime, Japanese themes, and platformers. What’s funny is that I don’t normally go for most genres they do. Yet I still love the show.

Sounds kinda like me and the GFW podcast when it was still around. I'm not a PC gamer at all, but they simply had one of, if not the best, podcast going.


mik is unbeatable
Never heard of it, but I'll check it out thanks to your recommendation. Subscribe +1


Classy group of guys.

The tribute to Andy Baran was well done. I don't listen to the podcast very often but I do have respect for the cast.


mik is unbeatable
Well, that will definitely help me with the "Any podcasts you just stopped listening to because of a segment or incident?" topic later on!


mik said:
Well, that will definitely help me with the "Any podcasts you just stopped listening to because of a segment or incident?" topic later on!

I can't find the last really, really brilliant one because search is broken, but 139 was phenomenal.

Whimsical Phil

Ninja School will help you
We're currently trying to determine when to record this week's episode. Greg Ford won't let us record on Sunday because of something called a "Superb-Bowl." I hev no idea what he's talking abart.

Wotta jerk. I hate him.


Whimsical Phil said:
We're currently trying to determine when to record this week's episode. Greg Ford won't let us record on Sunday because of something called a "Superb-Bowl." I hev no idea what he's talking abart.

Wotta jerk. I hate him.

bah, go ahead without him. i'll hear him on 5 other podcasts anyways.


I've been listening since Episode 0. Definitely one of my favorites. It's great to have Greg Sewart back. I didn't get his rationale for leaving in the first place.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
RichyDevil said:
I love the Player One Podcast.

Thanks, POP, for being the best podcast out there. Keep it up few decades, if ya don’t mind.

Hi CJ!


Just had to come in post, by far my favorite podcast, even if CJ hates Bioware RPG's and is an apple tard', but damn if the show is not funny and I love the consistency.


Yeah, it's definitely one of the most consistent podcasts out there. One of 2 or 3 different podcasts that I try to make sure and download each week. Keep up the good work guys.
I find that this podcast perfectly complements the Giant Bombcast. Completely different focus and humor. The entire cast is great, even Ford who sleeps through most of their obscure japanese game nonsense :p.

Plus, I informed them about a porno that uses their outro music and they mentioned it at the end of last episode :D.


TheLegendary said:
I find that this podcast perfectly complements the Giant Bombcast. Completely different focus and humor.
This is exactly how I feel - both excellent podcasts in their own way and hysterical to listen to; though POP takes the biscuit. Only started on POP just before Christmas but working my way through the oldies now
I listen to and enjoy the Player One Podcast and it's because of Player One that I associate shoveling snow with the Sega32x!!!

If that isn't an endorsement then I don't what is.
Joseph Merrick said:
what the. missed this

It was just a throwaway mention; noone would probably notice it.

It was during the last few minutes, after their usual ending script. They were talking about the Garage Band jazzy song that they close the podcast out with being used in some other venue. Then at the last minute CJ mentioned that some user told him it was in a porno although he sounded very reluctant to :D. Said, "I don't watch porn so I only watched the first 10 seconds to confirm that it infact did have our music." Everyone else ribbed him. I know they take tweet questions from listeners but it was nice to hear them bring it up during regular conversation.

The porn is actually pretty funny and there's a whole 5-7 minutes before any "action" even occurs (in fact...it might be worth just cropping that beginning and sharing it since there's no nudity or anything). It takes place in a restaurant and a "buxom waitress" takes some orders before the night ends where things get heavy. After recognizing the music, I decided that the characters in the film, personality wise, resembled the cast of the podcast. In fact, I wouldnt be surprised if they cite P1P as their entire inspiration! OK, maybe not. But there's this suave ladies man with a leather jacket who plays guitar that I deemed was Ford. CJ was this other patron who kept whining about his order being wrong and asking her to take it back. I think Phil was the cook who ends up rubbing his junk on the food before returning it to CJ, who then ends up enjoying the meal. And I think I ran out of characters so Sewart was the waitress. lol. All throughout, their jazz outro is playing. Quite surreal.

Course they didn't mention any of this except that the song played, but I thought it was pretty funny. I was actually on my first commute to my internship so the fact that they mentioned it made me smile before getting off the train when I was super nervous :D .
I need a podcast that tailors to my unabashed love of Megaman yet procrastinating attitude about finishing Megaman 9, keep me abreast of local restaurants in Halifax Nova Scotia, agree with my disdain about the state of Best Buys in midtown Atlanta and contains a SECOND guy named Greg who will occasionally say something sports related and be met with complete and utter silence.

Will this podcast suit my needs? Occasionally hearing the ring of the a ferret/weasel/magazine-weasel's neck-bell is a plus, as well.


Whoever said that this compliments the Bombcast perfectly hit it right on the head I think. I love both shows for different reasons, but humor is one thing they both have in common.

Whimsical Phil said:
We're currently trying to determine when to record this week's episode. Greg Ford won't let us record on Sunday because of something called a "Superb-Bowl." I hev no idea what he's talking abart.

Wotta jerk. I hate him.

Perfect example of why I listen.:lol

Thanks for the post and I share your affection for the P1P!

I love it when CJ gets crap from everybody for using that iPhone GPS game :lol


Hail to the KING baby
Whimsical Phil said:
We're currently trying to determine when to record this week's episode. Greg Ford won't let us record on Sunday because of something called a "Superb-Bowl."

smh. i hope you're joking


Neo Member
So which one is it then, Bombcast or Player One? Thinking about subscribing to a gaming podcast, but have only got time for one.


Going to give this one a shot, been looking for a few new podcasts to add to the rotation. I recently started to listen to Cartalk and Risk, so another gaming podcast would be good to round things out!


Hail to the KING baby
TheLegendary said:
i've actually listened to a few episodes and tbh i wouldn't be surprised if it was serious. people talk shit about ford but you have to feel bad for him going from probably the "manliest" podcast out there (sports anomaly, which was great back in the day btw) to the maybe the least manliest. the only "sport" i've ever heard them discuss is that one guy who plays all those nascar kart games


Licorice-flavoured booze?
bluegoon said:
So which one is it then, Bombcast or Player One? Thinking about subscribing to a gaming podcast, but have only got time for one.

Bombcast out of the two but POP is a great show.

It was actually quite refreshing not to have ME2 talk on this weeks show, I also probably won't play the game myself for a good few months yet.
AstroLad said:
i've actually listened to a few episodes and tbh i wouldn't be surprised if it was serious. people talk shit about ford but you have to feel bad for him going from probably the "manliest" podcast out there (sports anomaly, which was great back in the day btw) to the maybe the least manliest. the only "sport" i've ever heard them discuss is that one guy who plays all those nascar kart games

eh. Most people are able to adapt to different types of people pretty well. I'm sure Ford enjoys it or he'd stop. I'm sure he doesn't gain anything from it except that he likes to talk with them. I'm a big sports fan but that doesn't mean all my friends would need to be as well, nor would the guys in a video game podcast. And I don't think it has anything to do with manliness at all.
TheLegendary said:
eh. Most people are able to adapt to different types of people pretty well. I'm sure Ford enjoys it or he'd stop. I'm sure he doesn't gain anything from it except that he likes to talk with them. I'm a big sports fan but that doesn't mean all my friends would need to be as well, nor would the guys in a video game podcast. And I don't think it has anything to do with manliness at all.

Congratulations, you are now a true gaffer. We all go through this ritual once.

About the podcast, I also enjoy how behind the times and off in left field their playlists are. Your average listener to gaming podcasts is right there with you. Over a typical year there might be 3 games that I hop on just when they're released, but for the most part I'm off catching up on older stuff, and it's nice to hear about that sometimes, too.
bluegoon said:
So which one is it then, Bombcast or Player One? Thinking about subscribing to a gaming podcast, but have only got time for one.

That is like choosing between your mother and your father

You need to make time for both
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