I know this game has been talked about so many times. However I just want to really dig deep and understand why a game that is beautifully crafted and given a lot of love by the developers was rejected so harshly by Nintendo fans and even the media. I understand that many people wanted a new game or Metroid from Retro, but the amount of hate and flack it got was extreme. Is it that people think that Donkey Kong as a property is beneath Retro? Or is it because 2D games are seen as low budget throwaway games that don't come close to 3D games? Which I find as a joke because Tropical Freeze imo is one of the most complex games in terms of gameplay and level designs than most 3d games I have played.
Anyways it breaks my heart how one of the best platformers if not best game on the WiiU imo was rejected by lots of people including a lot of people on GAF. To the point I feel like it almost destroyed the series. I fear that if Retro were to do another Donkey Kong game it would see a bigger backlash even if Retro were the ones that wanted to make another one.
This video right here pretty much sums up some of things I feel about the backlash Tropical Freeze got. Also it would be nice to see some other peoples insight on this topic and how they feel about the rejection the game got leading to its release.