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The Dutch know how to support there team

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Good job steering away from every argument I proved you wrong in.

esquire said:
How exactly does that prove that United States isn't better than the Netherlands? You rationalise it any way you want and the result is still the same.

You are bitter. You can't quantify any of your arguments. Legalisation of illicit activities like prostitution and drug use are not better or worse; they just are. It is ironic that you think I'm not very educated on the situation in the Netherlands when I would say the same thing of you regarding your knowledge of the United States. I actually have lived in the Netherlands (Amsterdam), I know very much what it is like there and you have serious problems integrating immigrants into Dutch society. Unemployment is especially high among immigrants and the Netherlands have some of the most stringent immigration laws in Europe due to intense Xenophobia and Racism - I'm not really sure what you are trying to prove by saying you accept a lot of immigrants when the United States accepts a lot more immigrants from more countries than any other country in the world (some of them Dutch) and unlike you we aren't trying to curb legal immigration and we're actually trying to resolve the issue of illegal immigration amicably and fairly.

In a overpopulated country like the Netherlands, it's pretty obvious that we will have to restrict immigration somewhat. It's not xenophobia or racism - no one cared in the 70s when there was plenty of work and space for immigrants. When it's costing us billions a year, yeah, we'll have to curb legal immigration somewhat. You already said it yourself, unemployment is high among immigrants and we're trying to solve our current issues without resorting to segregation. America solves it by letting their underpriviliged immigrants live under shitty circumstances in ghettos and the like. We don't discriminate between native Dutchmen and immigrants so everyone has a right to social benefits and gets a chance to live a decent life, not in poverty. That costs money and we can't keep providing it if immigrants keep streaming in.

Gay marriage is very much a legal issue about how you legally define marriage as well as state rights but I wouldn't expect you to understand that if you think homophobia and bigotry are the reasons why gay marriage isn't legal in every state. Read up on your legalese before you attempt to understand this issue.

People say marriage is between man and woman because they're homophobic bible-thumping morons. You can keep repeating that it's very much a legal issue, but if no one was forcing their discriminatory definition on others it wouldn't be an issue at all. It's not like non-homophobic citizens care whether gays get the right to marry...


Has waited diligently to think of something to say before making this post
ClosingADoor said:
My country is better then your country. Your argument is invalid. *Nicolage Cage bird*

So, you're surprised a country the size of New York accepts less immigrants then one sizing half a continent?

The United States is better than the Netherlands in a lot of ways. Not really sure how anyone can argue otherwise and this thread is a pretty good example why.

It's not land size that's at issue; it's how many immigrants the economy of the respective country can support. The United States can support a lot more immigrants than the Netherlands and that is one more reason why it is better than the Netherlands. Furthermore the United States does a better job than the Netherlands of integrating immigrants into mainstream society.

Prophet Steve said:
We do not have strict regulation for immigrants because we do not want them here. Although Geert Wilders makes it seem so the main reasons are that our country is already overcrowded as it is, and that it costs way to much to supply insurgence to them. The Netherlands is a very multicultural country and I think more tolerant of other cultures then most countries in the world.

I also think we are more tolerant to gay people then some states of the United States are and I also think that homophobia is indeed a reason of why it is illegal in some states in the United States.

I can't say anything about the unemployment of immigrants since I don't know anything about that issue, but I think you are exaggerating.

The United States may be better in some ways, but is certainly not a superior in every way. Not economical nor morally.

If you are going to be so dismissive of openly racist politicians because you think they don't represent you then why don't you extend the United States the same courtesy regarding blow hards like Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck? Neither of those two would ever be elected to public office yet you seem to be under the impression that they represent mainstream thought in America. I find that extremely disrespectful of our legal processes and traditions that you know nothing of. Gay marriage isn't being held back because of bigotry. Get that out of your head right now. The United States is a moral authority on a lot of world matters (it is why people think we should be responsible for human rights abuses that occur in other countries) and we are economically superior by a large margin (that is why you need the EU to compete with us).

Stridone said:
Good job steering away from every argument I proved you wrong in.

In a overpopulated country like the Netherlands, it's pretty obvious that we will have to restrict immigration somewhat. It's not xenophobia or racism - no one cared in the 70s when there was plenty of work and space for immigrants. When it's costing us billions a year, yeah, we'll have to curb legal immigration somewhat. You already said it yourself, unemployment is high among immigrants and we're trying to solve our current issues without resorting to segregation. America solves it by letting their underpriviliged immigrants live under shitty circumstances in ghettos and the like. We don't discriminate between native Dutchmen and immigrants so everyone has a right to social benefits and gets a chance to live a decent life, not in poverty. That costs money and we can't keep providing it if immigrants keep streaming in.

People say marriage is between man and woman because they're homophobic bible-thumping morons. You can keep repeating that it's very much a legal issue, but if no one was forcing their discriminatory definition on others it wouldn't be an issue at all. It's not like non-homophobic citizens care whether gays get the right to marry...

You have no clue what you are talking about. You can't prove the bolded statement. It's utter horseshit.

There is no legal definition for what marriage is in the United States. Once you understand that you will start to understand why it is very much a legal issue and not one of bigotry. The arguments are going through our legal system right now and you honestly would not understand it because you have a myopic view of the matter.


esquire said:
It's not land size that's at issue; it's how many immigrants the economy of the respective country can support. The United States can support a lot more immigrants than the Netherlands and that is one more reason why it is better than the Netherlands. Furthermore the United States does a better job than the Netherlands of integrating immigrants into mainstream society.

It [is] land size. There's hardly any room to build left. And yeah, your economy can support more immigrants because it's more labour-intensive than our knowledge economy. Immigrants are generally not well-educated.

If you are going to be so dismissive of openly racist politicians because you think they don't represent you then why don't you extend the United States the same courtesy regarding blow hards like Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck? Neither of those two would ever be elected to public office yet you seem to be under the impression that they represent mainstream thought in America. I find that extremely disrespectful of our legal processes and traditions that you know nothing of. Gay marriage isn't being held back because of bigotry. Get that out of your head right now. The United States is a moral authority on a lot of world matters (it is why people think we should be responsible for human rights abuses that occur in other countries) and we are economically superior by a large margin (that is why you need the EU to compete with us).

Geert Wilders isn't openly racist. Stop lying about the gay marriage thing, pretty sure prop 8 for example, was a case of pure bigotry and not legal issues. If the American people really wanted equal rights for gays then it wouldn't be an issue.

You have no clue what you are talking about. You can't prove the bolded statement. It's utter horseshit.

Good job ignoring the rest, AGAIN. Ignore that statement for all I care. You're trying to hide ignorance by ignoring everything you've been wrong about.

And I was trying to compare the situation in the US to that in the Netherlands. You won't find any poor ghettos here for example because we ensure a certain standard of living. We all pay to ensure that, and it costs us more than a few million.

There is no legal definition for what marriage is in the United States. Once you understand that you will start to understand why it is very much a legal issue and not one of bigotry. The arguments are going through our legal system right now and you honestly would not understand it because you have a myopic view of the matter.

Right, because perfectly tolerant, non-homophobic people are fighting to keep gays out of marriage right?
Bullshit. People keeping gays out of marriage are bigots. Why would they so blatantly


Has waited diligently to think of something to say before making this post
Stridone said:
It [is] land size. There's hardly any room to build left. And yeah, your economy can support more immigrants because it's more labour-intensive than our knowledge economy. Immigrants are generally not well-educated.

Geert Wilders isn't openly racist. Stop lying about the gay marriage thing, pretty sure prop 8 for example, was a case of pure bigotry and not legal issues. If the American people really wanted equal rights for gays then it wouldn't be an issue.

Racism/Xenophobia. Right there. Truly a degenerate Dutch if I ever saw one.

"And I was trying to compare the situation in the US to that in the Netherlands. You won't find any poor ghettos here for example because we ensure a certain standard of living."

Hahahahaha. Right.

"Right, because perfectly tolerant, non-homophobic people are fighting to keep gays out of marriage right?
Bullshit. People keeping gays out of marriage are bigots. Why would they so blatantly"

You have no clue what you are talking about. Read the arguments before the SCOTUS then let's discuss the matter like adults.


esquire said:
Racism/Xenophobia. Right there. Truly a degenerate Dutch if I ever saw one.

Please be a troll, I can't believe anyone is this fucking stupid. Alright I'll bite. Immigrants aren't very well-educated in general because of the language barrier for example. There is a disproportionately low amount of immigrants with a university degree as is to be expected for people coming to a new country with a complicated new language.
Wow, just wow.

esquire said:
The United States is better than the Netherlands in a lot of ways. Not really sure how anyone can argue otherwise and this thread is a pretty good example why.

The United States is better then every other country in the world? You must be one fucking idiot to think like that.

It's not land size that's at issue; it's how many immigrants the economy of the respective country can support. The United States can support a lot more immigrants than the Netherlands and that is one more reason why it is better than the Netherlands. Furthermore the United States does a better job than the Netherlands of integrating immigrants into mainstream society.

Again, larger country can support more immigrants, big surprise. And the US integration might be better because you have stricter rules about who gets in the country.

If you are going to be so dismissive of openly racist politicians because you think they don't represent you then why don't you extend the United States the same courtesy regarding blow hards like Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck? Neither of those two would ever be elected to public office yet you seem to be under the impression that they represent mainstream thought in America. I find that extremely disrespectful of our legal processes and traditions that you know nothing of.

I don't agree with the stuff Wilders says, but he has the right to say it. If people agree, he can start a political party and get votes. And there are judges who are looking into if he breaks any laws by saying the things he says, so we'll just await their ruling.

Gay marriage isn't being held back because of bigotry. Get that out of your head right now. The United States is a moral authority on a lot of world matters (it is why people think we should be responsible for human rights abuses that occur in other countries) and we are economically superior by a large margin (that is why you need the EU to compete with us).

Moral superiority? But let's not talk about gays in the military, let's not let them get married. And wasn't there something about torturing prisoners a while ago? Let's not act like the US is perfect.

You have no clue what you are talking about. You can't prove the bolded statement. It's utter horseshit.

I'm pretty sure you have it better on welfare here in Europe then in the US, but please correct me if I'm wrong.

Again, I am not saying Holland is so great, but you are making it sound like the US is the best country in the world, while there are lots of problems with that country as well.


great thread you guys got going here. it's been very pleasurable and edifying to read and i look forward to more learned input from all you upstanding fellows.


esquire said:
"Right, because perfectly tolerant, non-homophobic people are fighting to keep gays out of marriage right?
Bullshit. People keeping gays out of marriage are bigots. Why would they so blatantly"

You have no clue what you are talking about. Read the arguments before the SCOTUS then let's discuss the matter like adults.

So basically, you're saying that if there were no bigots and homophobes in the USA, there would still be a big problem? Pretty sure prop 8 was a great demonstration of the bigotry and homophobia in the US. People actually cared enough to abolish gay marriage after it was instituted... And that's in one of the most liberal states.
esquire said:
"And I was trying to compare the situation in the US to that in the Netherlands. You won't find any poor ghettos here for example because we ensure a certain standard of living."

Hahahahaha. Right.

Yes, right. I am living in one of the worse neighbourhoods of this country and I'm doing fine over here. Yes, there are some shootings a year and robberies, but I can walk around at 2AM from the train station to my house (20 minute walk) safely. I don't think I want to try that in some parts of Detroit.


As a Dutchman Living,and working in the USA, married to an American , and by cause.. father of American kids .. I can only tell you, esquire, that you are full of shit and have no clue what you are talking about..

The USA if fine and NL is fine, and they both have their own flaws as well.
But I can tell there is no arguing with you since you are to busy looking down on the rest of the world on that high and mighty horse you are sitting on.
I thumb my nose at you sir..

But let me tel you .. it is a horse bought with borrowed money .. and China wants its money back.

edit: and before you query why I am living int he USA now?? Well that is just where life brought me.
It is great .. but so is where I am from.


Has waited diligently to think of something to say before making this post
Stridone said:
Please be a troll, I can't believe anyone is this fucking stupid. Alright I'll bite. Immigrants aren't very well-educated in general because of the language barrier for example. There is a disproportionately low amount of immigrants with a university degree as is to be expected for people coming to a new country with a complicated new language.

So. You are explaining why you are a racist xenophobe to me? What?

Stridone said:
So basically, you're saying that if there were no bigots and homophobes in the USA, there would still be a big problem? Pretty sure prop 8 was a great demonstration of the bigotry and homophobia in the US. People actually cared enough to abolish gay marriage after it was instituted... And that's in one of the most liberal states.

I don't argue in hypotheticals. It is what it is and your continued refusal to accept that for gay marriage to exist legally, the legal argument has to be sound and justified, is all I need to write you off as an idiot.

ClosingADoor said:
Wow, just wow.

The United States is better then every other country in the world? You must be one fucking idiot to think like that.

Again, larger country can support more immigrants, big surprise. And the US integration might be better because you have stricter rules about who gets in the country.

I don't agree with the stuff Wilders says, but he has the right to say it. If people agree, he can start a political party and get votes. And there are judges who are looking into if he breaks any laws by saying the things he says, so we'll just await their ruling.

Moral superiority? But let's not talk about gays in the military, let's not let them get married. And wasn't there something about torturing prisoners a while ago? Let's not act like the US is perfect.

I'm pretty sure you have it better on welfare here in Europe then in the US, but please correct me if I'm wrong.

Again, I am not saying Holland is so great, but you are making it sound like the US is the best country in the world, while there are lots of problems with that country as well.

Where exactly did I say that the United States was perfect in every way? It is the best country in the world (no where else in the world does one have as much opportunity to succeed than in the United States) but that doesn't mean it's perfect.

rSpooky said:
As a Dutchman Living,and working in the USA, married to an American , and by cause.. father of American kids .. I can only tell you, esquire, that you are full of shit and have no clue what you are talking about..

The USA if fine and NL is fine, and they both have their own flaws as well.
But I can tell there is no arguing with you since you are to busy looking down on the rest of the world on that high and mighty horse you are sitting on.
I thumb my nose at you sir..

But let me tel you .. it is a horse bought with borrowed money .. and China wants its money back.

edit: and before you query why I am living int he USA now?? Well that is just where life brought me.
It is great .. but so is where I am from.

Go back to the Netherlands. Seriously. I dare you to.

ClosingADoor said:
Yes, right. I am living in one of the worse neighbourhoods of this country and I'm doing fine over here. Yes, there are some shootings a year and robberies, but I can walk around at 2AM from the train station to my house (20 minute walk) safely. I don't think I want to try that in some parts of Detroit.

Hey, I don't want to live in Detroit either, but I'd rather live there than in the God dammed Netherlands.
esquire said:
Where exactly did I say that the United States was perfect in every way? It is the best country in the world (no where else in the world does one have as much opportunity to succeed than in the United States) but that doesn't mean it's perfect.

You are sure acting like it is. And EVERY developed country has a very good opportunity to succeed if you are willing to work for it. You just will pay a bit more taxes in Europe ;)

Go back to the Netherlands. Seriously. I dare you to.

Would you be so kind to tell me where you live at the moment (Holland or US)? And if you live in the US, when did you live in Holland?
Esquire seems like one of those crazy people who tries to talk to people on the bus. Either that or he's just doing some super solid trolling, I cant quite decide.


esquire said:
So. You are explaining why you are a racist xenophobe to me? What?

So you really are this stupid? What?

I don't argue in hypotheticals. It is what it is and your continued refusal to accept that for gay marriage to exist legally, the legal argument has to be sound and justified, is all I need to write you off as an idiot.

Well isn't that just convenient.

Where exactly did I say that the United States was perfect in every way? It is the best country in the world (no where else in the world does one have as much opportunity to succeed than in the United States) but that doesn't mean it's perfect.

Do you believe this shit yourself? Pretty sure the Netherlands, where even the poorest families get the chance to send their children to the best university/college/whatever, gives its people at least as much opportunity to succeed.


Has waited diligently to think of something to say before making this post
Dagless M.D. said:
Esquire seems like one of those crazy people who tries to talk to people on the bus. Either that or he's just doing some super solid trolling, I cant quite decide.

Hahaha. I like you.

Stridone said:
So you really are this stupid? What?

Well isn't that just convenient.

Do you believe this shit yourself? Pretty sure the Netherlands, where even the poorest families get the chance to send their children to the best university/college/whatever, gives its people at least as much opportunity to succeed.

Umm... a lot of the best schools in the world are in the United States; not the Netherlands. Just sayin'. Don't get all butt-hurt over that as well because I know how sensitive you people are about these things.

Anyone can succeed in the United States. I'm not saying it's easy (I guess that depends on how you succeed really) but the opportunity is there if you are willing to work for it. Countless success stories of all types of people succeeding in this country. It's just that great, and you know, people, for the most part respect each others contributions to the great melting pot that is our cultural stew. God bless the United States of America! That's why I can say I prefer living here despite its problems to say, the Netherlands where casual racism is part of their culture and no one will stand up against it.

ClosingADoor said:
You are sure acting like it is. And EVERY developed country has a very good opportunity to succeed if you are willing to work for it. You just will pay a bit more taxes in Europe ;)

Would you be so kind to tell me where you live at the moment (Holland or US)? And if you live in the US, when did you live in Holland?

I don't really agree with the first point. Not really. No. I live in the US of course; lived in Amsterdam between the ages of 11-14. I've lived in many different countries, but let's not make this personal. I'm not going to ask you where you are from, etc.

Stridone said:
If he's trolling then he's pretty damn good.

Better than you.

rSpooky said:
Go and visit there.. I dare you !

What? Been there and done that. You should go back because if you don't that would make you a hypocrite. Oops. Too late.


Dagless M.D. said:
Esquire seems like one of those crazy people who tries to talk to people on the bus. Either that or he's just doing some super solid trolling, I cant quite decide.

If he's trolling then he's pretty damn good.


Eeny Meenie Penis
I'm actually surprised by the lack of "America! Fuck Yeah!" pictures. Which I think is great since they are often over used.

That's your signal.


Has waited diligently to think of something to say before making this post
Emenis said:
I'm actually surprised by the lack of "America! Fuck Yeah!" pictures. Which I think is great since they are often over used.

That's your signal.

In the context of this thread shouldn't it actually be "Netherlands! Fuck Yeah!"? I mean, the thread is about the rationalisation of the casual racism of the Dutch.

It's really too bad I probably won't get to see Germany destroy the Netherlands in the World Cup. You guys suck for this (what the thread is about) and you will pay. I guess Cameroon or Japan (fuck, even Denmark) beating you guys would satiate my desire for retribution. I hope you lose all the same.


esquire said:
In the context of this thread shouldn't it actually be "Netherlands! Fuck Yeah!"? I mean, the thread is about the rationalisation of the casual racism of the Dutch.

It's really too bad I probably won't get to see Germany destroy the Netherlands in the World Cup. You guys suck for this (what the thread is about) and you will pay. I guess Cameroon or Japan (fuck, even Denmark) beating you guys would satiate my desire for retribution. I hope you lose all the same.

One thing's for sure, we won't be taken down by the USA. :p


Stridone said:
One thing's for sure, we won't be taken down by the USA. :p

Yeah... it pains us knowing we didn't make it.. *sighs*
Do we even have a Soccer team?
Do we even care for the sport?

I must say.... we pay more attention to female Softball then Soccer lol


Amakusa said:
Yeah... it pains us knowing we didn't make it.. *sighs*
Do we even have a Soccer team?
Do we even care for the sport?

I must say.... we pay more attention to female Softball then Soccer lol

You did make it actually. You're up against England on the 12th of june if I'm not mistaken.


rezuth said:
Let's be honest. We're not all created equal. Someone, somewhere owed Sweden a favour.


esquire said:
In the context of this thread shouldn't it actually be "Netherlands! Fuck Yeah!"? I mean, the thread is about the rationalisation of the casual racism of the Dutch.

It's really too bad I probably won't get to see Germany destroy the Netherlands in the World Cup. You guys suck for this (what the thread is about) and you will pay. I guess Cameroon or Japan (fuck, even Denmark) beating you guys would satiate my desire for retribution. I hope you lose all the same.

Wow. All this anger and resentment towards the Dutch. Did something bad happen to you when you lived in Amsterdam?


Tence said:
Wow. All this anger and resentment towards the Dutch. Did something bad happen to you when you lived in Amsterdam?
Did you miss this...

esquire said:
Racism/Xenophobia. Right there. Truly a degenerate Dutch if I ever saw one.

I suspect the whole thing was a skilfully crafted troll.


is now taking requests
esquire said:
In the context of this thread shouldn't it actually be "Netherlands! Fuck Yeah!"? I mean, the thread is about the rationalisation of the casual racism of the Dutch.

No, the thread is mostly about your crazy rants. And also some proof that Sweden is teh best nation on earth. Forget about the "40 virgins when you die" bollocks, as a citizen in Sweden you get 40 sluts while you live.


jorma said:
No, the thread is mostly about your crazy rants. And also some proof that Sweden is teh best nation on earth. Forget about the "40 virgins when you die" bollocks, as a citizen in Sweden you get 40 sluts while you live.
Sweden really is awesome.
A friend of mine is leaving for Stockholm tomorrow.
Damn bastard!


esquire said:
In the context of this thread shouldn't it actually be "Netherlands! Fuck Yeah!"? I mean, the thread is about the rationalisation of the casual racism of the Dutch.

It's really too bad I probably won't get to see Germany destroy the Netherlands in the World Cup. You guys suck for this (what the thread is about) and you will pay. I guess Cameroon or Japan (fuck, even Denmark) beating you guys would satiate my desire for retribution. I hope you lose all the same.

But how do you REALLY feel?
As a Dutch guy I've given up on defending Dutch culture. I'll just roleplay to be the weed smoking clog-wearing red light slave trader. Trust me, it makes conversations a lot easier :lol

Also hup Holland and good luck to Robben !


Prophet Steve said:
Oh shit, didn't see this interview. That beginning is great. :lol

Esquire, do I sense a little racism to Dutch people? What the hell did we ever do to you? :lol
He got ripped off by a hooker or something. Or he has taken Austin Powers seriously...


Arjen said:
I'll defend celebrating Sinterklaas to the death, but this is kinda fucked up.


Seriously, this is beyond fucked up. I swear back when they were writing the dictionary, and they got to "fucked up", they wondered if people would actually go this far, shook their heads and went "nah, surely we as a species aren't THAT retarded!"


neorej said:

Seriously, this is beyond fucked up. I swear back when they were writing the dictionary, and they got to "fucked up", they wondered if people would actually go this far, shook their heads and went "nah, surely we as a species aren't THAT retarded!"


We'll see how retarded we are after tthe elections today ;)


Arjen said:

We'll see how retarded we are after tthe elections today ;)
Out of curiosity who are ya guys voting for?
Fjolle said:
He got ripped off by a hooker or something. Or he has taken Austin Powers seriously...
Both legitimate reasons in my book.


Stridone said:
You're nearly there bro, 4 more years and you'll upgrade to D66. ;)

Hehe, i've been considering D'66 a lot to be honest.
We'll see, maybe i might even switch at the last moment


"The United States is economically superior and morally right while you are just a country of racist degenerates."

The irony here is fucking awesome.
esquire said:
Racist, ignorant bullshit
I have no idea which country is "better" since I have never lived in the USA, but I'm pretty happy marijuana is legal here and guns are not.
Other than that, there's plenty of assholes here and as you've proven, there as well.


Stridone said:
You're nearly there bro, 4 more years and you'll upgrade to D66. ;)
Voting D66 as well. :p
Arjen said:
Hehe, i've been considering D'66 a lot to be honest.
We'll see, maybe i might even switch at the last moment
It's not like it matters that much Groenlinks and D66 are pretty similar.
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