Unconfirmed Member
Disclaimer: If these resources have been made available to the public by error or if it works as intended I do not know. Floorplans documents have been obtained through legit means anyway.
Today, on February 26, 2017, I noticed when visiting https://www.e3expo.com a new section called Currently Exhibiting had been added. It includes items like Exhibitor FAQ, Promotional Opportunities, Exhibitor Registration and much more. Of greater interest are these following items:
Exhibitor Portal (links to the E3 2016 exhibitor section currently)
Exhibitor Manual
Exhibitor Order Forms
The Exhibitor Order Forms links to a page by GES, and this page features target floor plans:
South Hall
West Hall
Concourse Hall
2nd Level Meeting Rooms
The E3 2016 floorplans are available for comparison here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1226481&highlight=floor
Microsoft is in South Hall this year, usually they are in West Hall.
1601 (150 ft x 100 ft, 15000 sq ft)
Nintendo of America
In West Hall
4822 (100 ft x 200 ft, 20000 sq ft)
5244 (110 ft x 90 ft, 9900 sq ft)
5644 (30 ft x 70 ft, 2100 sq ft)
32000 sq ft total.
It's likely Nintendo has reserved the theatre as well.
Sony Interactive Entertainment America
In West Hall
4244 (30 ft x 90 ft, 2700 sq ft)
4322 (150 ft x 200 ft, 30000 sq ft)
4556 (80 ft x 60 ft, 4800 sq ft)
37500 sq ft total
Today, on February 26, 2017, I noticed when visiting https://www.e3expo.com a new section called Currently Exhibiting had been added. It includes items like Exhibitor FAQ, Promotional Opportunities, Exhibitor Registration and much more. Of greater interest are these following items:
Exhibitor Portal (links to the E3 2016 exhibitor section currently)
Exhibitor Manual
Exhibitor Order Forms
The Exhibitor Order Forms links to a page by GES, and this page features target floor plans:
South Hall
West Hall
Concourse Hall
2nd Level Meeting Rooms
The E3 2016 floorplans are available for comparison here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1226481&highlight=floor
Microsoft is in South Hall this year, usually they are in West Hall.
1601 (150 ft x 100 ft, 15000 sq ft)
Nintendo of America
In West Hall
4822 (100 ft x 200 ft, 20000 sq ft)
5244 (110 ft x 90 ft, 9900 sq ft)
5644 (30 ft x 70 ft, 2100 sq ft)
32000 sq ft total.
It's likely Nintendo has reserved the theatre as well.
Sony Interactive Entertainment America
In West Hall
4244 (30 ft x 90 ft, 2700 sq ft)
4322 (150 ft x 200 ft, 30000 sq ft)
4556 (80 ft x 60 ft, 4800 sq ft)
37500 sq ft total