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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PC Performance discussion

DennisK4 said:
Those textures looks MUCH better than the ones that shamefully shipped with the game.

I know, it's telling to see the difference, and that's just a beta texture as he's still working it out.

TheOctagon said:
That's really nice, actually. Too clean but an excellent base. Bang goes my theory that the art style would suffer at the modders' hands. Still worried that the ceiling for HD textures is a helluva lot lower this time, though.

I can understand your worry, and I'm still weary, but I think the ES modders especially (the incredibly talented ones) have a great respect for the series, and will adhere to the art style (which is downright lovely). The ceiling is definitely lower, as some of the textures look quite good, but I'm sure there will be some great improvements.

New normal maps specifically will really bring out the detail with some surfaces. I just can't believe how bad some of the interior wooden objects look. That vanilla table is quite bad.
If I was doing a texture overhaul I'd stick entirely to the interiors and only then move outside. For one thing, the indoor texture set is fucking revolting up close. I'd also imagine you can fully re-texture those environments without any real fear of the game falling over. Outside, though? It's volatile enough with even vanilla textures and minor tweaks.
TheOctagon said:
If I was doing a texture overhaul I'd stick entirely to the interiors and only then move outside. For one thing, the indoor texture set is fucking revolting up close. I'd also imagine you can fully re-texture those environments without any real fear of the game falling over. Outside, though? It's volatile enough with even vanilla textures and minor tweaks.

I agree, exterior textures are among the best in the game, especially (at least to me) the Birch trees, and some of the gravel/dirt/rocks near the roads. I'd be content with overhauls of interior objects, and items/weapons/armor.


IMO there is a lot of room to work with as so many textures are shockingly bad when you get close, especially the flora and fauna. By god is it bad.




More here.


One guy started re-doing all of the textures from scratch, and another guy in the forum joined him so it looks like we'll be getting a LOT of high-res textures very soon.


Can anyone who has the default FOV figured out give me a hand? It ALWAYS resets no matter what combinations from different sources I try. At this point I have the following:

Under [general] and [display] in both SkyrimPrefs.ini and Skyrim.ini in my My Docs\Skyrim folder and have tried every possible mix and match of settings in between.

No matter what it resets to 70-75 any time I fast travel or even just bring up my map and put it away again. Its killing me softly.
Ok, that's it..

What mods/tweaks are there to vastly improve the draw distance/lod distance?
I know there's the ugrids, but i'm stick of the damn pop in. It's shit!


Blizzard said:
What framerates are you getting? I use vsync + triple buffering with D3DOverrider, and as long as my framerates are 25-60 fps the mouse seems to work fine.
I enabled triple buffering through RadeonPro and that seem to do the trick - thanks :)

Now to up my FPS a bit, what's the best way to do this without sacrificing too much quality?


Pazuzu9 said:
That guy clearly has no idea what a birch tree looks like.
And lo and behold, the reason I avoid most community texture packs.

I just don't get why Bethesda can't just release their own texture pack. Surely they weren't drawn at such low resolutions.

Also I wish this game had SSAO. To this day I still have trouble explaining what it actually is. But it's seriously jarring these days playing a game without it.
I seriously cannot wait for a Realistic Archery mod.

- Positional damage
- Bleeding out if main artery or heart is hit
- Realistic Arrow flight model
- Arrow Crafting
- Refined Poison effects

It's bound to happen I believe there was a similar mod for Oblivion.
That Birch tree trunk doesn't look like a Birch tree at all...other stuff looks pretty nice, I'll have to look at more! Thanks for the link!

Oh wait, he addresses it...
I was just about to ask for an update on the SSAO situation. Has someone done a proper integration of it yet? I'm no fan at all of how it looks when forced through the drivers.


rumsey said:
Can anyone who has the default FOV figured out give me a hand? It ALWAYS resets no matter what combinations from different sources I try. At this point I have the following:

Under [general] and [display] in both SkyrimPrefs.ini and Skyrim.ini in my My Docs\Skyrim folder and have tried every possible mix and match of settings in between.

No matter what it resets to 70-75 any time I fast travel or even just bring up my map and put it away again. Its killing me softly.

Shameless bump since I've been covered by 20 posts of some guys texture pack.
gibon3z said:
I seriously cannot wait for a Realistic Archery mod.

- Positional damage
- Bleeding out if main artery or heart is hit
- Realistic Arrow flight model
- Arrow Crafting
- Refined Poison effects

It's bound to happen I believe there was a similar mod for Oblivion.

That would be Deadly Reflex sir, which Bethesda proceeded to try to "me too" and bootleg most of the functions (which missed all the archery stuff you mentioned) into Skyrim. Still not as good as Deadly Reflex, but better than Oblivion/Morrowind/Fallout melee, that's for sure.


Not too impressed with those texture packs now but they are unfinished. Oblivion looked so much better modded and Im sure Skyrim will end up the same.
I hope its easier to mod Skyrim but in the end, I probably wont care and will spend hours installing/fixing mods for it just like I did Oblivion.
stuminus3 said:
And lo and behold, the reason I avoid most community texture packs.

I just don't get why Bethesda can't just release their own texture pack. Surely they weren't drawn at such low resolutions.

Also I wish this game had SSAO. To this day I still have trouble explaining what it actually is. But it's seriously jarring these days playing a game without it.

It does, in a way. You can force trees/land to draw shadows on themselves.

Or you can force Nvidia's Ambient Occlusion setting with a performance hit.
gibon3z said:
I seriously cannot wait for a Realistic Archery mod.

- Positional damage
- Bleeding out if main artery or heart is hit
- Realistic Arrow flight model
- Arrow Crafting
- Refined Poison effects

It's bound to happen I believe there was a similar mod for Oblivion.

I would love that, as I use bows almost primarily. Positional damage, bleeding out would be an especially nice touch.

Some of the video from the texture pack looked good, but some of it just looks overly exaggerated detail. Those last, up-close detailed shots look god-awful. Most likely a rush job. As Octagon said, and I agreed, the focus should be on interiors (and I think the smaller stuff like items/weapons) and from there evaluate what can be done.


Baiano, i too am running this on a g74sx with nvidia drivers 285.62 a intel 320 120GB ssd and runs a well as the youtube vid. do u notice the clock throttling down?if so try running throttlestop
Ugh, some of these folks doing texture mods don't seem to have a clue of the necessary balance between technical skill and adherence to a vision.

What the fuck is this, this is ugly IMO...
(another from Skyrim Nexus "Wasteland Texture")

*used wrong image*

Resized it to save the eyes
Ugh, some of these folks doing texture mods don't seem to have a clue of the necessary balance between technical skill and adherence to a vision.

What the fuck is this, this is ugly IMO...
(another from Skyrim Nexus "Wasteland Texture")

Looks like
dragon jizz
to me.
Treemonkeys said:
Looks like
dragon jizz
to me.

Yea, seriously. Some of the other ones he's posted are clearly just hi-res photographs he's using as textures. Looks pretty bad...

Yet people are praising it on the Nexus?

One more to finish it off:

Yea, seriously. Some of the other ones he's posted are clearly just hi-res photographs he's using as textures. Looks pretty bad...

Yet people are praising it on the Nexus?

One more to finish it off:






I was just about to post the same complaint about these new texture packs that are coming out. There needs to be a direction in the creation of these textures.

It can't be super hi-res pics of real life counter parts, they just look extremely busy in a game like Skyrim, they need to be stylised to a degree. They just need to look good and with a good resolution.

Most of the default textures look good artistically but they fail at the resolution part so bad (dem wooden tables)...
Kyaw said:
I was just about to post the same complaint about these new texture packs that are coming out. There needs to be a direction in the creation of these textures.

It can't be super hi-res pics of real life counter parts, they just look extremely busy in a game like Skyrim, they need to be stylised to a degree. They just need to look good and with a good resolution.

Most of the default textures look good artistically but they fail at the resolution part so bad (dem wooden tables)...

It reminds me of a time when, in some computer games, textures were just photographs (to imply quality) and they had so semblance of detail or relevance. It looks so incredibly bad. I can't really think of any examples off the top of my head. The game doesn't need texture so hi-res it's laughable. It needs some needed improvements over the bad, and maybe some minor adjustments to others that will propel the visual style to what it should have been.
Low-res textures is pretty low down on the list of things that need improving for the visuals of this game anyway...

If someone could mod better shadows and motion blur, I'd be excited.
BoobPhysics101 said:
Always make uGrids an odd number.Change interiorcellbuffer to 3. Or just delete that setting. It does not need to be messed with.

Here's the formula for uGrids

(uGrids + 1)^2 = Exterior cell buffer

For example, default ugrids is 5... what is (5+1)^2? That's right, 36... which is the default exterior cell buffer setting. :)

SO if you want stable uGrids with similar performance to stock but a noticeable long distance image quality boost and the same stability as stock, here's what you set in Skyrim.ini


uExterior Cell Buffer=64

Enjoy. Exterior/interior cells do NOT work the way you expect them to, btw, so raising them without reason will harm performance and stability.

Why isn't this working for me? I changed it in the Skyrim.ini in mydocuments but it hasn't changed a thing?
Pazuzu9 said:
Well... let's not get crazy now... an example pic please?

I'll post some pics of my Morrowind install here in a few minutes, Skyrim looks better overall to be clear it's just not better across the board. Things like consistent high res textures, depth of field, and water motion and foam.
Is there a way to limit FPS without using the FPS limiter in the OP? That and FXAA shader plugin someone linked to use different d3d9.dll so they can't be used at the same time.
Confidence Man said:
Is there a way to limit FPS without using the FPS limiter in the OP? That and FXAA shader plugin someone linked to use different d3d9.dll so they can't be used at the same time.

I use dxtory for limiting frames. I would much rather play at 30fps than a wildly variable framerate.


rumsey said:
rumsey said:
Can anyone who has the default FOV figured out give me a hand? It ALWAYS resets no matter what combinations from different sources I try. At this point I have the following:

Under [general] and [display] in both SkyrimPrefs.ini and Skyrim.ini in my My Docs\Skyrim folder and have tried every possible mix and match of settings in between.

No matter what it resets to 70-75 any time I fast travel or even just bring up my map and put it away again. Its killing me softly.
Shameless bump since I've been covered by 20 posts of some guys texture pack.Shameless bump since I've been covered by 20 posts of some guys texture pack.

I would also like to know this.
spk said:
This is the "before" image.

not that it matters much but here's the retexture


HAHA, whoops, I must have missed it being labeled. I wondered why it stood out so bad to the others. Still, the image you linked is what I was trying to get at. This retexture specifically looks like someone is either using hi-res photos, or cgtextures (as someone else mentioned).

Also, I never meant to imply Bethesda's art direction is poor, personally, I think Skyrim is the best, most unique of the lot, and praise it for that. Technically (to some extent) it didn't live up to its full potential.


Neo Member
Pazuzu9 said:
Uh oh... did Indigo_Cyclops just use one of Bethesda's textures as an example of poor art direction?

He did.

His point stands though. Randomly jamming photographic textures into the game isn't going to look good or cohesive at all.

Most of the visual mods out right now are absolutely shite (the sharpening and antialiasing one is awful yet somehow popular) but the good ones will come eventually.
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