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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PC Performance discussion



I installed 11.11 and CAP1 and I get negative crossfire scaling. In the release notes it's as if they aren't even aware this game is out.
Lennington said:
He did.

His point stands though. Randomly jamming photographic textures into the game isn't going to look good or cohesive at all.

Most of the visual mods out right now are absolutely shite (the sharpening and antialiasing one is awful yet somehow popular) but the good ones will come eventually.

:lol So true, eventually the really good mods will surface. Now, it's a quick race to be first.

TheOctagon said:
Oh, you're in a deep, dark hole now, son. May as well be a grave.

HAH, that's what it feels like.

See, I was looking at the images using the arrows, so it didn't show the "before" or "after" labels. I was under the assumption that all those were the retextured surfaces. So I'm slightly relieved that the jarring first impression I had was an error on my part.
Lennington said:
Most of the visual mods out right now are absolutely shite (the sharpening and antialiasing one is awful yet somehow popular) but the good ones will come eventually.

No More Blocky Faces is a must and I also like Detailed Faces but otherwise there's not much out there yet, although that's only natural given how recently the game was released.

I wonder if Timeslip (I think) is still active. SSAO seems like the sort of thing he would do.

Edit: Good god, that mod'ed bridge is awful.


The FXAA Injector is pretty good to spice up the colours if you hated the cold, bleak and dull look.

My FXAA Injector shots:

Here is my FXAA injector settings if anyone wants to use them:

                             "USER" ADJUSTABLE SETTINGS

// TODO: Normalize values to be on a human range scale, whole numbers prefered, decimals usable for micro adjustments
// These values should have min/max limit checks included in their functions, so that the end user doesn't get crazy results

// Comment to deactivate an effect. 
// Example: To disable the tonemap effect, use // in front of #define USE_TONEMAP
//#define USE_BLOOM
//#define USE_SEPIA
//#define USE_VIGNETTE

// Set values to calculate the amount of Anti Aliasing applied
float fxaaQualitySubpix = 0;  // Default: 0.75 Raise to increase amount of blur
float fxaaQualityEdgeThreshold = 0; // Lower the value for more smoothing
float fxaaQualityEdgeThresholdMin = 0; // Lower the value for more smoothing

//For higher precision in the calculation of contour, requires slightly more processing power
bool highQualitySharpen = 0; //0 = Disable  | 1 = Enable

// Set values to calculate the amount of  AA produced blur to consider for the sharpening pass
#define Average 0.8
#define CoefBlur 2

// Set values of the sharpening amount
#define SharpenEdge 0.2
#define Sharpen_val0 1.4

// Number of samples per pixel taken for the Bloom effect. Don't set it to high!  4 = 25spp, 8 = 81spp, 16 = 289spp
#define NUM_SAMPLES2 4 // Must be set with a value dividable by 2
float BloomPreset = 5; // Disabled = 0 (Valid Preset Values = 1 to 9) Preset value 1 to 9 takes control over the next 3 settings.
float BloomThreshold = 1; // The min. level at which the effect starts (Valid Values = 1 to 9, use decimals for finetuning)
float BloomWidth = 1; // Sets the width of the effect (Valid Values = 1 to 9, use decimals for finetuning)
float BloomPower = 1; // The power of the effect (Valid Values = 1 to 9, use decimals for finetuning)

#define TechniAmount 0.30 // 1.00 = Max
#define TechniPower 4.5 // lower values = whitening

// lower values = stronger channel
#define redNegativeAmount 1.0 // 1.00 = Max
#define greenNegativeAmount 1.0 // 1.00 = Max
#define blueNegativeAmount 1.0 // 1.00 = Max

#define Gamma 1.00
#define Exposure 0.00
#define Saturation 1.00 // use negative values for less saturation. 
#define BlueShift 0.15 // Higher = more blue in image.
#define Bleach 0.00 // Bleach bypass, higher = stronger effect
#define Defog 0.10 // Strength of Lens Colors.
#define FogColor float4(0.05, 0.15, 0.0, 0.0) //Lens-style color filters for Blue, Red, Yellow, White.

#define Tan // Color Tone, available tones can be seen in ColorTones.PNG (Do not use spaces in the name!)
#define SepiaPower 0.5 // 1.00 = Max

// Vignette effect, process by which there is loss in clarity towards the corners and sides of the image, like a picture frame
#define VignetteCenter float2(0.500, 0.500) // Center of screen for effect.
#define VignetteRadius 1.00 // lower values = stronger radial effect from center
#define VignetteAmount -0.70 // Strength of black. -2.00 = Max Black, 1.00 = Max White.

// Controls additional sharpening applied after previous processing. Strength should be max 0.25!
float Sharpen = 0.05;

// Controls the strenght of the limiter. 1.000 for default setting
int LimiterStrenght = 1.000;


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Durante said:
I just played Skyrim in 3D. HOLY CRAP. Climbing mountains, the snowstorms, Dragons in the distance, wow. Pretty damn awesome. This is easily one of my favourite games in terms of 3D now.

I adjusted convergence so that when I have a spell readied my fingertips are at the screen plane. I find that gives me the best trade-off between pop-out and sanity, but I'd like to hear from other 3D users what they settled on.

The only problem is the framerate in some of the cities, since you really can't drop much below 60 (30 effective) for a smooth picture.

I play it in 3D on my projector and a 100 inch screen. Apart from some of the sky bits being at the wrong depth and something a bit strange going on with the water it's just about perfect.

It's a very immersive experience. I love trudging through the snow. Very realistic.
Kyaw said:
The FXAA Injector is pretty good to spice up the colours if you hated the cold, bleak and dull look.

Thanks, I've been waiting to use this but there weren't any settings available. Should I back up anything before I install this, and is it easy to turn on/off?

edit: I just don't want to risk messing up my saves!
Lennington said:
He did.

His point stands though. Randomly jamming photographic textures into the game isn't going to look good or cohesive at all.

Most of the visual mods out right now are absolutely shite (the sharpening and antialiasing one is awful yet somehow popular) but the good ones will come eventually.

The best ones are certainly in the OP. I have sunglare and better nighttime enabled, they are subtle but are a nice visual enhancement.


eastmen said:
I wouldn't blame AMD on this one , the engine is extremely old and really they should have added support for quad core and greater cpus and made it large address aware

If your refering to gamebyro, they aren't using gamebyro.


Permanent Junior Member
There is a lot of info in the OP so I'm sorry to ask this if it's been mentioned, but is there a way to set FOV permanently yet, rather than having it reset when pulling up the map, etc.?
Ilive1up said:
do you people, honestly, stop and look at the ground below you and notice the graphical fidelity?

I see what you're getting at, but YES, I do stop and admire the scenery in this game more than any other since the Witcher 2... and I wouldn't stop doing it for the world... It's 16 square miles of hand crafted, feasibly put-together greatness.... every rock has been put there by someone to add to the immersion...

So Yes...

And in my honest opinion, if you DON'T... you shouldn't have bought this game or don't know what it's about...

That being said, I'm playing vanilla until a well thought out complete overhaul that doesn't jepordize the art direction comes out...
Mutagenic said:
There is a lot of info in the OP so I'm sorry to ask this if it's been mentioned, but is there a way to set FOV permanently yet, rather than having it reset when pulling up the map, etc.?


Thanks to Aptos (tested/confirmed byPazuzu9)
Add the following to the MyDocuments Skyrim.ini under [Display]
fDefaultWorldFOV=XX (ex.fDefaultWorldFOV=85)
fDefault1stPersonFOV=XX.XXXX (ex.fDefault1stPersonFOV=85.0000)
Just took some quick screenshots with the FXAA Injector mod. I didn't realise it had the presets to choose from. Set at high saturation at the moment, but I'll end up changing some of the settings I think. I do like how it makes everything look hand-drawn at the moment though.




Permanent Junior Member
CabbageRed said:

Thanks to Aptos (tested/confirmed byPazuzu9)
Add the following to the MyDocuments Skyrim.ini under [Display]
fDefaultWorldFOV=XX (ex.fDefaultWorldFOV=85)
fDefault1stPersonFOV=XX.XXXX (ex.fDefault1stPersonFOV=85.0000)
It doesn't retain those settings after looking at the map.
Wow I really like those screens using the injector. I tried it but didn't notice a difference. Now that there are some setting out there ill mess with it.


Wow I really like those screens using the injector. I tried it but didn't notice a difference. Now that there are some setting out there ill mess with it.

I'm trying out the injector now. I disabled USE_TECHNICOLOR and USE_POST_SHARPEN and the results are pretty nice. Gives me about 10-15 frames less right outside of Windhelm, so I'm not sure if the tradeoff is quite worth it.
Another FXAA Injector comparison. It's not realistic by any means, but I don't think I can go back to playing without it now. Vanilla just looks really washed out to me.


Nekrono said:
Is there a mod or something to show how much damage you do to the enemy?
The enemy health appears at the top of the screen? Or do you want numbers or something...

CabbageRed said:

Thanks to Aptos (tested/confirmed byPazuzu9)
Add the following to the MyDocuments Skyrim.ini under [Display]
fDefaultWorldFOV=XX (ex.fDefaultWorldFOV=85)
fDefault1stPersonFOV=XX.XXXX (ex.fDefault1stPersonFOV=85.0000)
I'm not sure why LiquidMetal put that last fDefaultFOV=XX.XXXX line in the OP. I only have the first two lines in my skyrim.ini file...

It's not resetting when I check the map, but it seems it's still happening for some people...
Ilive1up said:
do you people, honestly, stop and look at the ground below you and notice the graphical fidelity?

I certainly do, hence my attestation that texture modders really don't need to heavily focus on the exterior landscapes. As it stands, most of looks really nice.


Theres this too

The Himmelsrand Custom Shader Suite was designed to build on Skyrim's natural atmosphere and lighting, adding a few touches to round off the image and boost contrast, crispness and colours to achieve an even more lifelike result.

Build on Timothy Lotte's popular FX Anti-Aliasing injection, it is not however meant to anti-alias the image. Skyrim comes with exactly that technique inbuild and the results leave nothing to improve.
The freeware injection does allow performance friendly inclusion of other post processing effects though - easy to use and customizable.

The following enhancements are included:

Pre-Sharpening - adjusted to balance the slight fuzzyness introduced by Skyrim's FXAA solution

Tonemapping - complete colour pass to increase contrast and dynamic range without
change in saturation. Changes in gamma and exposure are adjusted to give rich
lighting in both indoor and outdoor locations.

Vignetting - Probably familiar to most through movies vignetting introduces a slight
gradualy darkening band around the edges of the image, "forcing" the frame

Post-Sharpening - a final sharpening pass to increase the felt resolution of textures and smaller
object details

skyrimnexs has 3-4 of these
Sarcasm said:
If your refering to gamebyro, they aren't using gamebyro.

Username quote would be too easy.

This is Gamebryo, through and through. Anyone saying otherwise is ignorant and/or eating the BS disinformation that Bethesda has put out there.

It's like saying the Call of Duty games don't run on a heavily modified Quake 3 engine... Infinity Ward can say whatever the hell they want, but every COD has run on an engine with legacy Quake 3 code in it.

Bungieware said:
Another FXAA Injector comparison. It's not realistic by any means, but I don't think I can go back to playing without it now. Vanilla just looks really washed out to me.


Wow, that's some horrific black crush going on. You lose so much fidelity on the bow, for example.

Way too overdone. I'd love to see one of these done by someone who knows how to properly balance colors and contrast.
BoobPhysics101 said:
Wow, that's some horrific black crush going on. You lose so much fidelity on the bow, for example.

Way too overdone. I'd love to see one of these done by someone who knows how to properly balance colors and contrast.

You can tweak those settings yourself. Looking at both screens I'm not seeing this loss of fidelity on the bow.
Sutton Dagger said:
Why isn't this working for me? I changed it in the Skyrim.ini in mydocuments but it hasn't changed a thing?

Not sure, how do you know it's not working?

Bungieware said:
You can tweak those settings yourself. Looking at both screens I'm not seeing this loss of fidelity on the bow.

Yeah, but I don't have an artist's eye. There are some professionals out there that really know their shit and could use that FXAA to make some incredible color rendering changes. I am not one of those people.

Look up 'black crush'. That's what's going on in that scene.


Bungieware said:
Another FXAA Injector comparison. It's not realistic by any means, but I don't think I can go back to playing without it now. Vanilla just looks really washed out to me.

It looks far better with less saturation and sharpness. Try it.
BoobPhysics101 said:
Not sure, how do you know it's not working?

I think it's working now? I could see a blurry mess of hills/rocks in the distance and decided to change the ugrid to 7 as suggested. It now looks heaps better even at that same distance, so that's what it's meant to do, right?
BoobPhysics101 said:
Yeah, but I don't have an artist's eye. There are some professionals out there that really know their shit and could use that FXAA to make some incredible color rendering changes. I am not one of those people.

Look up 'black crush'. That's what's going on in that scene.

Ok, I see what you mean.


HooYaH said:
Just tried this one. It looks really nice and natural.

I agree. Sometimes Skyrim has scenes that look overly grey or flat. Hopefully, a mod like this will filter its way to the top after a while, that fixes those particular scenes while not ruining the others with oversaturation.


Confidence Man said:
I like this one. Night is actually dark and it doesn't jack up the colors.
Yeah I need to turn up my gamma it looks a bit too dark for me. I tried out the texture pack just to see and well...


ew it looks awful
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