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The Last of Us (Naughty Dog): Hold One Second

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I'll just post this again


The lead designer of that went on to design the train level in Uncharted 2.

It's not like the guy was the director of Enslaved. That was Tameem. He's was also the creative director on Heavenly Sword and he currently has the same role with DMC.
oh wow. I guess that either shows how much or how little influence a single designer has on a game. Not sure which it is.


It makes far more sense to test the waters of a new IP with a well-established user base.
Basically. Not much sense in throwing a bunch of resources into a launch window game for a console that won't have a deep market penetration (heh heh heh) for a fair amount of time.
If you can release a new AAA game on a platform with a large install base more than a year before you even release your next console iteration then that's exactly what you do as a publisher. Far more rewarding financially and as I stated before. Plenty of time to work on a new title now that they apparently have two teams. This team works on The Last of Us till Oktober, the Uncharted 3 team starts working on a PS4 launch title. There will probably be some overlap in between. Once The Last of Us is released a part of that team will assist the UC3 team with the PS4 launch title.

Larger install base does not translate into sales. Check Motorstorm franchise, Resistance franchise, Killzone franchise (i think 2 sold better than 3).

Personally i don´t think it´s good strategy at all. Instead of catering to 5 year old hardware, Sony should concentrate on making the PS4 very attractive console for consumers with good and varied games. But that´s just me.


People still going on about the ex-Ninja Theory employee? This is the most inane shit I've read on this forum lately.
There was a rumor that GOW4 is fall of 2012. And it makes sense for it to finally move to fall. March release is for unproven franchises, new IPs


Since rumor these days mean []FACT.[/] I won't be surprised. But they also have two teams now

what? since when? did Sony invent a cloning machine or something? I'm pretty damn surprised yesterday when I suddenly hear we got new AAA team out of nowhere when ND said they got 2 full team.


Thread is more negative than I would aassume.
I am also completely hyped for the writing; still loving the way ND does dialogue judging by what the trailer showed.
can we stop calling her Ellen Page? Otherwise ND might get twitchy and change her appearance, and she looks great now. Makes a refreshing change from the Big-Boobie Berthas we normally get.

is there a comparison photo of the 2 out yet? because i just can't see the resemblance =/


People still going on about the ex-Ninja Theory employee? This is the most inane shit I've read on this forum lately.

Agreed. Ridiculous, antagonistic hyperbole from people who think they're more intelligent than they are. Awful stuff.

Anyway, I see no reason not to get excited about this game. It looks awesome, and has a great team behind it.
Basically. Not much sense in throwing a bunch of resources into a launch window game for a console that won't have a deep market penetration (heh heh heh) for a fair amount of time.

eh, the other line of thought is new console excitement is prime time for new IP to be turned into franchises where there's less competition and people more likely buy your game.

I think one of Ubisoft rep said it that we need new console so they can make new IP (to be milked for the next decade)


is there a comparison photo of the 2 out yet? because i just can't see the resemblance =/

Is such a comparison even possible?

yes it is...



Larger install base does not translate into sales. Check Motorstorm franchise, Resistance franchise, Killzone franchise (i think 2 sold better than 3).

Personally i don´t think it´s good strategy at all. Instead of catering to 5 year old hardware, Sony should concentrate on making the PS4 very attractive console for consumers with good and varied games. But that´s just me.
Motorstorm never sold great. Resistance has also always been a B-tier franchise, another remnant of the PS3 launch and a lot of people were done with the franchise after Resistance 2. Killzone 3 sold fine, but it reviewed worse than 2 and quite frankly was a worse title. PS3 first party titles never really seem to do gigantic numbers, certainly not on the scale of say a Gears of War or a Halo on the 360. Either way you're still far more probable to sell 3-4 million copies (roughly what Uncharted 3 did) on a console with an established install base and especially on a console where the developer's previous games sold well and are held in high regard.


I thought Enslaved was a fantastic game that had a lot of things right. I'm happy to hear that the director is on TLOU because where Enslaved was flawed are areas where Naughty Dog shines.

The loud minority eventually becomes the majority on GAF as always, as memes spread and the same group of people continually make it a point to interrupt any discussion about a game in question for untethered shit-slinging. I don't step into arguments about it because there are enough people who make it their business to take a dump on particular games and will stop at nothing to find one more thing that makes it a horrendous pile of rubbish - I'll just shrug my shoulders and continue to enjoy the games that I enjoy (and I enjoyed Enslaved and Heavenly Sword both very much)

It's just a shame for those developers that if they browse NeoGAF they'll be overwhelmed by the negativity. But then again, people learn through criticism, not just through praise, so if taken in carefully they could learn a lot and make their next games better and better.
Thread is more negative than I would aassume.
I am also completely hyped for the writing; still loving the way ND does dialogue judging by what the trailer showed.

not many people comment about Joel voice actor, but I really like it from what little line we heard from the trailer, when he said they'll take care of the body and get out of there, you can sense his desperation, or the sense that he just got out of tough fight, he sound exhausted or something. whatever it is, it didn't felt like he's just reading lines.

or maybe it's just me. some people here seems to doubt the voice actor or something.


I thought Enslaved was a fantastic game that had a lot of things right. I'm happy to hear that the director is on TLOU because where Enslaved was flawed are areas where Naughty Dog shines.

The loud minority eventually becomes the majority on GAF as always, as memes spread and the same group of people continually make it a point to interrupt any discussion about a game in question for untethered shit-slinging. I don't step into arguments about it because there are enough people who make it their business to take a dump on particular games and will stop at nothing to find one more thing that makes it a horrendous pile of rubbish - I'll just shrug my shoulders and continue to enjoy the games that I enjoy (and I enjoyed Enslaved and Heavenly Sword both very much)

It's just a shame for those developers that if they browse NeoGAF they'll be overwhelmed by the negativity. But then again, people learn through criticism, not just through praise, so if taken in carefully they could learn a lot and make their next games better and better.

There is no connection between Enslaved and TLOU.
The Lead Designer of Enslaved is just "a" designer @Naughty Dog now.
Nothing more!


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
not many people comment about Joel voice actor, but I really like it from what little line we heard from the trailer, when he said they'll take care of the body and get out of there, you can sense his desperation, or the sense that he just got out of tough fight, he sound exhausted or something. whatever it is, it didn't felt like he's just reading lines.

or maybe it's just me. some people here seems to doubt the voice actor or something.

Yeah... the line "quit this place" would be really easy to make corny... but he sells it real well.

Favorite line from the scene...


not many people comment about Joel voice actor, but I really like it from what little line we heard from the trailer, when he said they'll take care of the body and get out of there, you can sense his desperation, or the sense that he just got out of tough fight, he sound exhausted or something. whatever it is, it didn't felt like he's just reading lines.

or maybe it's just me. some people here seems to doubt the voice actor or something.
I still wouldn't have minded to see Nolan North in the game. Just like you'd see Harrison Ford in a new movie.

Maybe he'll appear as some side character.

it sure is, can Ellen Page sue ND for using her digital likeness without approval? I thought sports dev need licenses to have digital likeness of athletes.
They got away with Helen Mirren so they'll probably get away with this one too. ( Or maybe they actually ask for permission :? )


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
My mistake - though doesn't that mean there is in fact a connection? Didn't the guy state on a twitter that he's been working on TLOU and has had to keep it a secret?

He's working on the game... but he's Naughty Dog now. They don't exactly hire a lot of scrubs.

People want to judge the guy on his resume? Well, working for ND is probably what folks should gravitate towards.

it sure is, can Ellen Page sue ND for using her digital likeness without approval? I thought sports dev need licenses to have digital likeness of athletes.

I'd guess it's dissimilar enough. The designers probably know what they can and can't do... It might not even be intentionally designed to resemble her. Just coincidence.


He's working on the game... but he's Naughty Dog now. They don't exactly hire a lot of scrubs.

People want to judge the guy on his resume? Well, working for ND is probably what folks should gravitate towards.

I'd guess it's dissimilar enough. The designers probably know what they can and can't do... It might not even be intentionally designed to resemble her. Just coincidence.

So then what's the problem? I was just pointing out that the only things I didn't like about Enslaved are all things that Naughty Dog does exceptionally well (performance and level design for example) so it follows his influence would have a positive effect on TLOU since he'd have talented people around to assist on designing things where he might be weaker.
They got away with Helen Mirren so they'll probably get away with this one too. ( Or maybe they actually ask for permission :? )

maybe Helen Mirren is not aware of Uncharted 3, or don't mind someone using her likeness on it. I'm just wondering is ND does it without Ellen Page permission, and then Ellen Page decide she does not want her likeness to be used in the game, can she sue ND?


Lots and lots of negativity (
) in this thread.

Surely that means Naughty Dog must be doing their jobs right?


maybe Helen Mirren is not aware of Uncharted 3, or don't mind someone using her likeness on it. I'm just wondering is ND does it without Ellen Page permission, and then Ellen Page decide she does not want her likeness to be used in the game, can she sue ND?
The character looks similar to Ellen Page, but it's nowhere close to being an actual digital likeness.
Mark Richard Davies @Ninjafr4me 4 hrs Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
Hmm reading the hate about yourself on NeoGaf is a tad depressing. Oh well - the game is going to be awesome :D

You guys are asses :(

Don't worry Mark. All that noise was pretty much just one poster with maybe one or two cohorts.

Now go make the haters and naysayers eat crow by pouring your heart and soul into this and producing the best game design (or whatever it is you are doing) that we have ever seen =)
Instead of being "depressed" get motivated to prove them wrong and give us some damn fucking good game design.
Motorstorm never sold great. Resistance has also always been a B-tier franchise, another remnant of the PS3 launch and a lot of people were done with the franchise after Resistance 2. Killzone 3 sold fine, but it reviewed worse than 2 and quite frankly was a worse title. PS3 first party titles never really seem to do gigantic numbers, certainly not on the scale of say a Gears of War or a Halo on the 360. Either way you're still far more probable to sell 3-4 million copies (roughly what Uncharted 3 did) on a console with an established install base and especially on a console where the developer's previous games sold well and are held in high regard.
Resistance sold over 4 million, Motorstorm sold over 3. Being a compelling early IP does a lot for franchises. Not being the best games meant those two lost a lot of potential return customers though.


Fafracer forever
Kinyou said:
oh wow. I guess that either shows how much or how little influence a single designer has on a game. Not sure which it is.
Depends on designer - some are more... "convincing" then others.
But with games of this size, individual contributions are less likely to stand out too.
It doesn't make any sense.
Mark Richard Davies was a former Lead Designer of Ninja Theory (Enslaved).
Now he is "a" Designer at Naughty Dog.
Naughty Dog (THE LAST OF US team) has its own Lead Designer.

The whole "Enslaved" and "Ninja Theory" stuff isn't even worth mentioning here.

Agree, posters need to back off for a bit and see/play the game before presenting vacuous opinions.


My mistake - though doesn't that mean there is in fact a connection? Didn't the guy state on a twitter that he's been working on TLOU and has had to keep it a secret?
Well, not really, because it won't look, feel etc. etc. like Enslaved.
He is working on TLOU but he is just one designer. They have a lot more.
Naughty Dog has its own Lead Designer ;)


Don't get your hopes up too high. I could see this going for a big e3 press conference reveal.

I agree. This has all the makings of wowing people like they did with the Uncharted 2 demo. By not showing any gameplay at all the hype will build itself up.
There are countless game characters that resemble celebrities, so this is nothing new. I don't think any lawsuits have happened over it even though there have been cases where the character or art looks exactly like a celebrity. Just look at Balrog's SF2 art or the character portraits from Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Those are blatant.
I agree. This has all the makings of wowing people like they did with the Uncharted 2 demo. By not showing any gameplay at all the hype will build itself up.

the next footage we see might be E3, but I don't think you'll hear nothing about the game from now till then. it'll be in magazine previews with screenshots and some more insight about the character/world/enemies and what the gameplay might look like.

btw, in a way, I'm glad this trailer don't have gameplay footage. in a trailer made to sell the characters and the world, what gameplay sequence you can put into a few seconds left of the trailer other than action scenes. if they include that, the Uncharted with zombies comment will go even more crazy than now.


the next footage we see might be E3, but I don't think you'll hear nothing about the game from now till then. it'll be in magazine previews with screenshots and some more insight about the character/world/enemies and what the gameplay might look like.

No doubt we'll hear about it in previews. We'll hear quotes like (just an example) "it's I Am Legend meets Resident Evil" or some shit and people will let their imaginations and expectations run wild. We'll have a basic understanding of how it plays and who the characters are by the time the first gameplay demo hits at E3.
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