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The Moment You Realized You Were Playing One of the Best Games Ever

When I chose Charmander.

When death match smoothly transitioned into capture the hold and then smoothly transitioned into assassination, all while looking glorious with incredible hit detection.

When I shot someone while swinging on a grappling hook and then landed on another enemy, knocking him out, taking his gun in one smooth motion and using that gun to kill a third enemy.

When I never stopped hunting animals and roaming around in the wild west just to absorb the atmosphere.

When my [characters] daughter died in my arms and cut to black.

When my sword turned into a Hammer.



This game....


seeing the torture scene in MGS 3
when Snake losses his eye
was the first time i felt like a game can be both a video game and a movie, one of the greatest games of all time

also in The witcher 3 when roaming Kaer Morhen while listening to that amazing soundtrack, i doubt i will enjoy any game like The witcher 3 in this generation
When Priscilla's beautiful voice made me forget about the monsters prowling the swamps and the corrupt politicians destroying Novigrad.
The Witcher 3 when the Witchers were all sitting down drinking together and it was just like drinking experiences I've had with old friends when we get together, they knocked the whole "old friends that haven't seen each other in a while getting too drunk together" thing. One of my favorite games ever.


The Last of Us - The opening.

God of War series - The first level of 1, 2 and 3.

Uncharted series - Finishing the first game in the series.

I hated the opening of TLoU. Made me roll my eyes at how predictable it was. Love me some GoW and Uncharted 2 though.

Most recently it's the demo of Horizon 3. Swinging the camera to look out over the ocean.

Zelda:OoT and going into the open field for the first time.

Lost Odyssey and that CG to gameplay transition.

Goldeneye and that Dam Level.

Hitting another car in Destruction Derby on PS1. Heck, the license tests in Gran Turismo.

Playing the first stage of Super Mario on the Nes (also loved this little nickel munching bar top version my local pizza place had).

....this could be a really, REALLY, long list!!!


Dark Souls: First step into Anor Londo

Shadow of the Colossus: 15th colossus (Argus)

Kingdom Hearts II: Roxas vs. Axel fight

Metal Gear Rising: Blade Wolf Fight after learning to parry


Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar, when you first encounter a blind merchant and are given the option to determine exactly how much money you want to pay.

Really changed the whole idea of what games could teach you, even about yourself.


While its early.
Forza Horizon 3. At about 33 hours straight I realized it was...33 hours straight of some of the most fun absolutely insane open world racing ever.
Its handling, the setup for races, the blueprints system, the hiring and firing of avatars and what they do the convoy. It flat out works.


It's difficult to say for EarthBound because it was more of a creeping sensation that was fully realized about 2/3 through.

For Mother 3, however, it was the scene in which Flint
finds out Hinawa has died and he rages out and strikes the people trying to calm him down.
So much believable, palpable emotion in those tiny little sprites.


1:1 swordfight with Ghirahim in Skyward.

This. The whole opening chapter had been a slow burn, and I wasn't too enamored by the first dungeon. Was cute but a little banal. Then they suddenly tell me I have to fight the Demon Lord with my rinky-dink sword skills and I'm like "Y'all must have the game fucked up. Really?"


In Bioshock, right at the beginning when that "BIOSHOCK" logo hits the screen with the water pouring out, something about that and the music (Ocean on his shoulders) a moment before really hit me.

And also Dark Souls, and I think this will be the case for many people, when you kick down the ladder below the Dragon bridge in the Undead Burg, and realize you just looped around back to the bonfire.


Neo Member
Assassin's Creed 1:
When I first rode the horse towards Damascus and saw the city from outside, knowing I had nothing but a hidden blade and a shitty sword. That's the moment the game had me.
When you hit that point in Silent Hill 2 and finally understand why all of this is happening to James.

Nier - B playthrough

Saints Row 4 - After an insane battle, when Keith David and
Rowdy Roddy Piper
are reunited to re-enact moments from
They Live
along with the Johnny Gat rescue mission.

Danganropa - The aftermath of

Vice City - Very beginning of the game: The neon lights, carjacking a Corvette, and then hearing Billie Jean playing over the radio. Perfection.


Star Wars Galaxies. My first and second incursions to Lok. Never experienced anything like it since.

MGS5, because of this game, I rebought a new ps3 and the MGS Legacy HD Collection. Newest addition to my list. Even though I picked Bloodborne at the time, for Goty on Gaf, I play this way more often.

Phantasy Star Online Dreamcast when I first got to Ragol with my CS101 Hunewearl. The music, the gameplay at the time. Ahh the feeling of magic. Still playable to this day.

Shenmue: While switching who played with, my nephew, he made a phone call to a number and the person on the phone told Ryo something really weird. Ryo said, Damn! We looked at each other and said, Did that exchange just happen? It was very strange and had never happened in a game ever. Shenmue was amazing.

Morrowind: Although I don't recall the lore, I remember people on gaming age forums or the recently new NeoGaf, talking how Morrowind had no lore as compared to Final Fantasy. After spending like 6 hours just reading books in game, realised many really didn't understand much about how much lore this particular ESO game had. Couple this with standing around in Seyda Neen for an hour or so taking in the large scope of the game when I first played it. I knew it was a best game ever with repeated playthroughs of the game.

City of Heroes: The first time me, as a comic fan since mid 70s to release of Coh, designed my own character which had been in my head since junior high school, got the power.........hover.


As soon as I took back the crappy third party pad I bought with my GameCube and Resident Evil 4, and started using the regular controller.
The moment Persona 4 ended and I realized that I actually felt like I missed my friends.

Really good one. Same with playing through MGS3 the second time, and the Boss's confession at the end just hurt.

Lots of moments in Uncharted 4 had me feeling this (not so much on the second playthrough)

Super Mario galaxy amazed me at the freeze flame galaxy too. Looked so good, and the freeze mushroom was really fun with skating around.


The Witcher 3: As soon as I hit Skelige, and the atmosphere got to me like no other game

Life is Strange: Episode 4

TLoU: Winter

Persona 4 Golden: Finishing it, and having the feeling that I'll never be able to recreate my first impression of the game. A feeling of missing the cast, almost like when a good show is well concluded
The moment you enter the Gaur Plains and the music kicks in, Xenoblade Chronicles.

Literally as soon as I stepped out of the miniature linear area where Elma finds you in Xenoblade Chronicles X, and then every single second of the game spent out of New L.A. after that. Also every single second I spend in overdrive or in a skell

Pretty much every single second of Xenoblade 3D and Xeno X (but especially Xeno 3D) because of the sheer impossibility of each game to exist and run perfectly on their respective systems despite the fact that they're running before my eyes.


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Many moments shine but when I realised I had spent the majority of my 100+ hour playthrough grinning like an idiot, there was no denying it was one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. Some highlights include arriving at Novigrad and Skellige, as well as the
Battle of Kaer Morhen
and entirety of Hearts of Stone.

Mass Effect - Arriving at the Citadel. You're greeted with a fabulous cinematic before being given your first opportunity in the series to explore and chat with its denizens. The time spent learning from the Avina terminals and the ambassadors of the various races before heading to the council meeting was arguably what sold me on the entire universe and I was hooked from there onwards. Virmire and the finale are also incredible and still excite me after dozens of playthroughs.

Fallout: New Vegas - Completing the 'Beyond the Beef' side-quest.

Half-Life 2: Episode Two - Holding off the Antlion assault. The moment when every tunnel lights up and Vortal Combat starts playing is bloody amazing.

Vortal Combat


CharAznable's second cousin
Super Mario Galaxy - Gusty Garden Zone

That stage while this is playing in the background.

Pure gaming bliss.

And recently, super late to the party but Journey. Spoilers to respect those who have not played it yet - (I HIGHLY encourage you to play it going blind)

Playing through it and meeting someone that looks exactly like you during the game. I honestly thought it was just part of the story, that perhaps you're finding others like you to reach the end - only to slowly realize on my own - that no AI could make moments and beeps like that. Its ANOTHER PERSON? Wha??? Then the joy of exploring and gliding through the sand together - going through hardship together - and then for me personally, my friend went ahead in the snow level - while I struggled against the winds. Never saw them again. Finally got through it myself - got eaten alive by the huge flying monsters - honestly thought I was going to die and start over again - but finally made it to the end. Flying through the mountains.... I honestly wish I could play through this game on a clean slate.


Reaching the campus battle in Gears of War, then becoming addicted to the multiplayer. Then, when my friends and I were on wave 50 of Horde in Gears of War 2, calling out our targets so we could concentrate all of our fire on single enemies at one time in order to be our most efficient. All of us, huddled behind the same piece of cover stacked on each other, with a smattering of boomshields out in the open space before us, trying like hell to defeat the final wave. We did it and it was amazing. Gears of War 3 would repeat this moment, but do it even better with our fortification building.

When I was watching the ending/credits for the first time in Marvel vs Capcom 2, having just taken down Abyss with my mighty team of Strider, Ryu, and Akuma. It felt epic.

Carrying Ellie out of the hospital in The Last of Us.

The first time I heard the guitars kick in on the Clock Tower area of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

The first time I head pulling off an insane combo on Maya's stage with the vocals reaching their climax in the background music of Killer Instinct.

The first time I drove the warthog to safety during the finale of Halo: Combat Evolved.

My first day of playing Quake III: Arena on Dreamcast. I was blown away by the visuals, the music, the frantic action, and it was the first game I ever played online.

My first time completing Soul Calibur I knew it was something special. Soul Calibur II cemented the series' legendary status for me.

Watching the intro to Tekken 3 on Playstation got me super hyped and from there the game just continued to impress. It was non-stop amazing.

Hearing the song in the background of 3-7 Speedway in Daytona USA while racing past the colorful track under a beautiful blue sky.

Running around in Hyrule Field for the first time in Zelda: OOT and just sort of marveling at the feeling of freedom.

The first hour or so of Metal Gear Solid. It was so cinematic and advanced it felt years ahead of every other game.

The first encounter with the T-Rex in Tomb Raider on the original PlayStation.

Watching Damned whistle for henchmen to come help him in Final Fight.

Impaling somebody with Scorpion's spear in Mortal Kombat and hearing him yell "Come here!" for the first time. It was the coolest thing I'd ever seen in a game. (I was about 12)

Reaching the speederbikes in Battletoads for the first time.

Seeing 4 players each in control of one of the turtles, all on the screen at the same time, whooping Foot Clan ass in TMNT: The Arcade Game.

Playing the first stage of Super Mario 64 and being floored by the fact that you could run anywhere at any time. It was pretty mind-blowing.

Fighting the first Barons of Hell in Doom. My first experience with this game was owning it on the Jaguar. It rocked my world as it was only the 2nd game I'd ever played in the first-person perspective (Wolf being the first).

Lots and lots of great memories there. That's not even the entire list, I'm sure. I could sit and think about this for hours.... Great thread!


Half-Life, when I realised the story was unfolding without cutscenes, it was me driving the story by my in game movements.

That and the period 2007-08, when my mind was continually blown by great games. COD4, Bioshock, Halo 3, The Orange Box, Assassin's Creed, Super Mario Galaxy, The Darkness, Portal, Fallout 3, GTA IV, Dead Space, Left 4 Dead, and so on.


Xenogears - as soon as you fight in Weltall.

Resident Evil 4 - the village.

Skies of Arcadia - the first time flying around in your airship, and then again in the first airship battle.


Reaching Arcadia in Bioshock. It was going great then I reached there and for whatever reason just got utterly and hopelessly lost in it's world.
Zelda Ocarina of Time - When you wake up 7 years later and see the world devastated.
Mario 64 - The very moment you put your eyes on it.
Diablo 2 - When you get your first Unique item!
The Last of Us - That giraffe moment!!!


Elden Member
While its early.
Forza Horizon 3. At about 33 hours straight I realized it was...33 hours straight of some of the most fun absolutely insane open world racing ever.
Its handling, the setup for races, the blueprints system, the hiring and firing of avatars and what they do the convoy. It flat out works.

What makes it fun? I'm very curious about Forza 3, I want to enjoy it, but I download the demo and was bored within 20 seconds of driving in the begining. Where is the fun in the game exactly, like where do you get your enjoyment out of it?

GT1, 2 and 3 stole hundreds of hours of my life simply because I love the close races with the underpower/normal everyday cars, and tuning them up to the extreme. I havnt seen that yet in Forza, does it come?
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