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The Offical "The Departed" Thread (Reviews/Anticipation/Reactions)!

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Stele said:
Just saw a showing. Way better than the Hong Kong version. Leo and Matt Damon are just better actors, period. I don't even have to bother mentioning Jack Nicholson and Mark Wahlberg. And the dialogue -- out of this world.

Sorry, but Jack was HORRIBLE. I think he's one of the most overrated actors and damn if he didn't try to hog every friggin' scene. A film like this needs less grandstanding and more nuances, damnit. IF they cut out about 50% of him then I think the movie would benefit tremendously.


Pellham said:
Yeah, I wasn't too happy with the ending, I totally prefer the original, however it didn't kill the movie for me. It was still pretty solid.
I would have been pissed if Damon's character was uncovered in the end, but it would appear that Dignam just killed him for revenge, not because he had found out, so it was just karma.

What really irks me is the China wouldn't show Infernal Affairs because the HK ending was "immoral" - so the directors had to shoot a new ending...which is exactly like the US ending. But I view the Chinese version as total censorship, and since this is the same ending as the US, I think it's a total cop-out by Scorsese. Hooray - China and the US have much more in common than thought! (ugh)


Im happy to be able to report that The Departed is the best film of 2006, and blows IA out of the water in every respect.

I know I'll take shit for it, but whatever. After a single viewing, this is possibly my favorite Scorsese, ever. I'm just re-posting my review from another place I post:

The Departed (Scorsese, 2006) - 10/10

Ladies and gentlemen, here is the latest masterpiece by legendary director Martin Scorsese, the best remake I have ever seen, and my favorite film of 2006 thusfar (and I'm not sure if it can be topped). The Departed features Scorsese once again doing the thing that no one does better than him - crafting a brilliant character study about isolation and the loss of identity and soul, set smack dab in the middle of an epic gangster film. This film is the best Marty has done in some time, easily the best of his three collaborations with DiCaprio, and totally blows the original Infernal Affairs out of the water. Yes, that's right. If that film is a nice T-bone steak, The Departed is a giant serving of juicy prime rib. What Scorsese and Monahan do so well is take the basic structure of the original, and then proceed to mold it into something new and fresh, while adding significant depth to all the characters, and that classic Scorsese touch. This is the work of a virtuoso filmmaker returning home after a long absence, and I fully welcome it.

The filmmaking here is immaculate. Scorsese handles the wealth of material, plots, characters and twists without breaking a sweat. The film really feels rather effortless and breezy, and while 150 minutes long, runs a lot shorter than many 100 minute films do, which says a lot. This is a tribute to Scorsese, who changes up his style a bit for this film. There are no long tracking shots to be found here, the musical choices are strangely stunted and repeated, and the camera is almost always moving. For a lesser director, this sudden change in style could ruin the film. Scorsese makes it work though, and I actually felt that the frantic pacing of the camera and the editing made this film even better; more intriguing and suspenseful. As usual, Marty's technical prowess is on full display. The man just knows exactly where to have his camera at all times, how to frame things, and when his camera moves, it's always in the right way. It will be a sad day when Scorsese retires, because there are few remaining directors that possess the knowledge, and then the skill to apply that knowledge, that Marty does.

Of course, the masterpiece Scorsese films comes from the pen of the great William Monahan. Holy hell is this ever an electric screenplay. This is the best writing I have seen in a Hollywood film in ages. I don't know where Monahan pulled the razor sharp dialogue (laced with more profanity, vulgarity, and racism than you'll likely see again in a major film) from, but I am extremely thankful for it. There is so much memorable dialogue and so many great scenes in his script to count. The other great thing Monahan did, which caught me totally off-guard, was write an absolutely hilarious screenplay. I was expecting the film to be serious in tone, and yet my sides were splitting from laughing at least a dozen times during the film. In fact, I think he should be proud of that, because, based on my audience, which erupted with laughter each time one such line or scene occurred, he completely nailed the humor. This is what makes the film work so great. Monahan wrote this serious screenplay filled with dark humour, and Scorsese, while taking it also very seriously, definately directed it with his tongue firmly in his cheek. In essence, as strange is it sounds, the film is a heavy, but a light-hearted one.

Scorsese directs from Monahan's vision, but it's the actors who are tasked with bringing the whole thing to life and making it believable. To say they all do this with flying colours would be the understatement of the year. Every single member of the cast, from top to bottom, brings their A-game. It's like they were all fully aware they were starring in a Scorsese crime classic, and no one wanted to be the weak link, so they all elevated their performances. Three actors in particular blew me away, and I will touch on them last. Before that, I will touch upon the rest of the cast. Matt Damon is very good here, probably the best I've seen him, and I could buy into his cocky Bostonian Colin persona, because it's probably the truest to life role he's had. Martin Sheen is excellent as Queenan, the leader of the spy unit, the mentor to Billy, and the "good" of the most hilariously awesome good cop/bad cop team I've ever seen. Alec Baldwin is full of Irish piss and vinegar as Ellerby, leader of the special unit. He's solid as always, and provides several laughs. Vera Farmiga has the huge task of playing the sole major female character in the film, and pulls it off wonderfully. Her role, as Colin's love interest, and Billy's shrink, has been greatly expanded for this remake, and Farmiga has the chops to believably pull off the very smart and conflicted Madolyn. Now, back to the three performances that really rivited me, from least to most. First up is Mark Wahlberg, in a smaller, supporting role as Queenan's right-hand man, Dignam, the "bad" portion of the previously mentioned good cop/bad cop team. Wahlberg doesn't have a lot of scenes, but boy is he ever memorable in the ones he has. He obviously had a lot of fun with his excessively vulgar dialogue, and acted like he was spitting fire. Next up is Jack Nicholson, who is a revelation as mob boss Frank Costello. This is the most impressed I have been with Jack since The Shining. He totally ownes this role, and turns in an unforgettable performance. Why it's taken this long for Nicholson and Scorsese to team, I'll never know, as it's a match made in bloody heaven. This is the sleaziest, most profane, digustingly enjoyable performance Jack has ever given, and he delivers at least two-thirds of the film's humor. He perfectly balances between going completely over-the-top, and keeping it grounded enough to make us scared shitless of someone like Costello. Last, but definately not least (in fact, most) is Leonardo DiCaprio's heartwrenching, seething, frightened and hopeless turn as the tortured Billy Costigan. I will fully agree with and endorse the claim that this is the best he has ever been. Hooking up with Scorsese is the best thing that could have ever happened to Leo, as his craft has improved tenfold since their first collaboration. He is absolutely on fire here, as the conflicted, aggressive and utterly lost undercover agent. DiCaprio totally sells the persona of a man trying his best to wrestle his inner demons, while falling deeper into Costello's world, and desperately seeking a way out. What is really great about his performance is that so much of it is internalized, and manifests itself not through dialogue, but through his body language and his eyes. And the eyes never lie. Brilliant acting from DiCaprio and the entire cast.

Well, it's definately time to wrap this up, as it's definately the longest review I have ever written here. It should also be said that compared to the original, The Departed has a few cards up it's sleeve, and takes its own direction at several key junctions. Also, for anyone who gets turned off by language, violence or general crudeness, this might not be for you. The Departed is the most graphic, excessively violent, profane, and vulgar film I've seen in some time. And I love Scorsese all the more for it. His unflinching and uncomprising style is always welcome. To sum it up, this is a total resurrection of a true auteur. And while it's a bit hard to gauge after a single viewing, with the insanity of excitement still surrounding me, this is possibly my favorite film Scorsese has ever done. I don't think theres a bigger compliment I could give The Departed. Welcome home, Martin Scorsese.


Grimmy said:
What really irks me is the China wouldn't show Infernal Affairs because the HK ending was "immoral" - so the directors had to shoot a new ending...which is exactly like the US ending. But I view the Chinese version as total censorship, and since this is the same ending as the US, I think it's a total cop-out by Scorsese. Hooray - China and the US have much more in common than thought! (ugh)

I guess I shouldn't feel spoiled, since I've watched IA and its alternate ending, but I still do anyway. :p TBH I didn't like either endings in IA, things turn out too well for that one character in the original ending.

Would've liked to see something completely new in Scorcese's remake, but ah wells.


92% after 130 reviews. Thats pretty much where it will stay Im guessing, there cant be that many reviews left to come in.


Grimmy said:
What really irks me is the China wouldn't show Infernal Affairs because the HK ending was "immoral" - so the directors had to shoot a new ending...which is exactly like the US ending. But I view the Chinese version as total censorship, and since this is the same ending as the US, I think it's a total cop-out by Scorsese. Hooray - China and the US have much more in common than thought! (ugh)

It could have been a lot worse. I see a lot of american viewers who haven't seen IA complaining about Scorsese's ending!

A lot of people seem to have wanted the "hollywood ending" where Damon gets uncovered and goes to Jail/gets killed and DiCaprio marries Vera and the baby turns out to be his, and they live happily ever after

Given that we DIDN'T get the hollywood ending, I can say that I like how things turned out a bit more. :)


I dont have an issue with the ending. It was in line with the film's dealings with karma and the whole nihilistic "whats the difference?" feel of the movie.

EDIT: For Bud- have no fear, Jack's character certainly is an evil bastard. But strangely charming....
yea when Leo gets shot you could hear everyone GASP! you could almost hear the hearts breaking of every girl in the theater....it was such a great brutal headshot, you dont see the hero go out like that in many movies....no death speach no nothing, just a quick head shot. To add even more insult the Elevator door kept hitting the body

:lol :lol


someone in casting must have owed anthony anderson a favor because i was really surprised to see him here

same thing happened in my theater. all the girls gasped, and you could hear a little "aww"s when DiCaprio got shot.
woodchuck said:
someone in casting must have owed anthony anderson a favor because i was really surprised to see him here

same thing happened in my theater. all the girls gasped, and you could hear a little "aww"s when DiCaprio got shot.

Anthony anderson was awesome in The Shield he can pull off serious roles pretty well.

yea the elevator doors were just so great for the added effect.


Kabuki Waq said:
yea when Leo gets shot you could hear everyone GASP! you could almost hear the hearts breaking of every girl in the theater....it was such a great brutal headshot, you dont see the hero go out like that in many movies....no death speach no nothing, just a quick head shot. To add even more insult the Elevator door kept hitting the body

:lol :lol

It took me by surprise too, and Ive seen IA :lol
Like, I knew his death was coming within minutes, but Scorsese still managed to get a shock out of me. I was just so damned sudden and so brutal. Loved it. My theatre was cracking up during the proceeding killfest though, which I dont think Scorsese intended.

EDIT: It made $8.5M on Friday, and will do about $26M for the weekend. Pretty good for Marty, who has never been a huge box office draw.


I'm tanking for Kabanov!
Good movie, I had just recently seen Infernal Affairs so it was still fresh in my mind. Anyway I prefer the ending of this movie than that of IA.


The physical form of blasphemy
Kabuki Waq said:
yea when Leo gets shot you could hear everyone GASP! you could almost hear the hearts breaking of every girl in the theater....it was such a great brutal headshot, you dont see the hero go out like that in many movies....no death speach no nothing, just a quick head shot. To add even more insult the Elevator door kept hitting the body

:lol :lol

Same here. :lol :lol


You wanna talk :lol , how about Jack's "cheese-eating rat bastard" face? I almost spit my drink out!

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I thought the reason Walberg killed Sullivsan was because of the envelope, Will left the chick. I'm assuming there was a letter in there telling her to contact Walberg and Sullivan killed will.


Doc Holliday said:
I thought the reason Walberg killed Sullivsan was because of the envelope, Will left the chick. I'm assuming there was a letter in there telling her to contact Walberg and Sullivan killed will.

I figured it was contact info for Dignam too. But Dignam did it not for Billy, but for Queenan.


The physical form of blasphemy
Solo said:
You wanna talk :lol , how about Jack's "cheese-eating rat bastard" face? I almost spit my drink out!

:lol :lol I was loling like crazy when, he snuck up behind him and started sniffing!


Just got back, the movie was ****ing awesome. Holy crap at the end!
Leo being shot in the head like that shocked EVERYONE in the theater. That whole scene was friggin brilliant with body after body being dropped.

Jack Nicholson was an awesome villain and everyone else did a great job with their parts as well. This movie must also have some kind of record for the number of F bombs dropped, every other word was either Fu** or cock.


And with the Boston accents, even "cop" sounded like "cock". :lol
I swear, when Martin Sheen was like "do you wanna be a cohhhp?", I was hearing cock, lol.


whytemyke said:
yeah, just got back. awesome movie. i've never seen IA though, so i could be full of shit.

what does it make a difference if you've never seen IA. even if IA is hundred times better(i think departed is better), it shouldn't diminish how you feel about The Departed


Honorary Canadian.
woodchuck said:
what does it make a difference if you've never seen IA. even if IA is hundred times better(i think departed is better), it shouldn't diminish how you feel about The Departed
it shouldn't, but this is gaf, so it will. :)
I was really good people should watch it. I'd recommend watching IA first to get the best of both worlds though. The acting and dialog was better in Departed along with making it more believable for Leo's character to get in.

Good remake but total cop-out ending, almost typical 'western' type ending.
As much as I liked seeing the bad guy punished. It seemed like the original and remake reflected different societal values. IA to me felt more about the antagonist having a shitty life but wanting to do what's right and the ending is bittersweet because he's given the chance at a new life. Departed was more about the individual.. "its all about me, me, me, me" I guess since it doesn't matter if a gun is pointed at you? Damon's character was only worried about himself, and didn't have much (if any) redeeming qualities.


Awesome movie. Best I have seen in a few years.

I think Al Pacino would have been the perfect Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson's role).

I loved all the fast edits, made the movie FLY by. Although, I wish they would have slowed down at the end of the movie, so you could digest what was going on (
Frank's involvement with the Feds

It was like Pulp Fiction meets L.A. Confidential on coke and steroids.


Goreomedy said:
Pacino? Perfect as a Boston Irish Mob Boss? What?

Well, maybe I didn't think it all the way through. But I thought Jack seemed a little disconnected at times, sometimes a little too goofy. He was missing a certain "menace" in his demeanor that Al Pacino has in spades.


rollin' in the gutter
Awesome awesome awesome movie. I wasn't going to see it, but tagged along with some friends. ****ing mind blown. I am buying this when it comes out on video and i don't buy movies. Amazing.

"Cranberry juice? Women drink cranberry juice when they're on their period...Are you on your period?"

*cue leo going ****ing nuts*
I just got back from seeing this film, MY GOD, best film I have seen all year and just an instant classic!!!! I never even heard of IA until after the film and honestly I don't care, this is an incredible movie regardless if its a remake.

It's a riveting film, its so full of energy from start to finish. The acting is some of the best I have seen in years, everyone in the cast was on their A game. But Leonardo deserves the most praise, he outstaged even the legend, if he doesn't win an Oscar for this film it will be a crime. This is one of Jack's best performances and the best movie he has done in years. Damon was superb as well, its been a long time since I wanted a character dead that badly. Wahlberg gets a special mention cause he was hilarious in the film, he delievers some classic lines.

The end of the film shocked the hell out of me. I think my mouth was open for a good minute after DiCapro died, I wasn't the only one. Damon had to die in this film, the crowd went nuts when he got killed.

Oscars for everyone, best picture of the year. For the love of god give Marty his, he deserves it for this and so much more.


Professional Schmuck
I just got back from seeing this tonight. Honestly, it's one of the best movies ever, and personally in my Top 5 (right now I'm calling it #2 behind Gladiator).

The movie is tightly wound from the first moment, and every character is perfectly played. You'd think an ensemble cast like this would be left wanting but every single one of 'em delivers, even a recent inflatable like Baldwin really hits his mark without cheesing it out like he usually does. Wahlburg also makes up for his almost-too-charming role in Invincible. Leo must gets an Oscar nod for this role, and I would not be shocked if Damon or Nicholson got best supporting nods as well.

Perfect dialogue, perfect script, fantastic editing, and well shot. I question the length a little (almost three hours?) but there is a sweet payoff at the end. Several, I should say.

Overall, the gripping suspense lasts with you for damn near the whole movie and honestly (one hour later) my heart is still pounding. I would ask anyone to recall "the cell phone scene" and tell me if they didn't ****ing nail that perfectly. Several jaw-drops, wtf's, and audible cheers occured in the theatre, and dead silence at the perfect parts.

I cannot explain how good this movie is and do it justice. Do yourself a favor and go see this film. It's going to be huge. .
why, arn't more people talking about this movie.. amazing.. it should be 20 pages long.. shit this has less pages then x3 which was isn't even comparable to this..

shit, watch this movie people!!


****in awesome. Went to see this with my girlfriend and some buds (Agent Dormer, Striker Obi, etc.) instead of seeing my Dodgers lose and boy was I glad I did. Instead of a depressing night, I saw one of the best movies in a long time and then went out for some drinks. Amazing.


Don't get me wrong this is a great movie by typical Hollywood standards, but people comparing this to Goodfellas are nuts.

Nicholoson is just not good in scenes. I mean at times he's really corny and I can't see people taking him seriously and following his orders when he acts like a clown. The stolen microchip plot of the movie is really weak. The ending is over the top.
They're carefully and covertly chasing after this mob leader trying to build a case against him and yet they seem more satisfied just killing him and his crew after all that hard work. If they wanted to just kill him and his crew they could have done that any time.

Like I said I like the movie a lot, but it falls short of a true classic like Goodfellas. The Departed has pretty good characters, intensity, great performances from almost everyone, and really good surprises, but it doesn't seem like the type of movie you could watch over and over and over again and enjoy just as much as the very first time you saw it. The end surprises which keep the film from being a formulaic Hollywood ending are what people are coming out of the theater hyped to the point where some say it's Scorsese's best film ever, but once you know the big shock the movie is never going to have the same sense of surprise or suspense ever again. Whether the ending is intentionally unfulfilling or not it's still unfulfilling. I can't help but feel that at some point the movie completely goes off the train tracks because the motivation for the cops actions is no longer there.

White Man

DreamMachine said:
why, arn't more people talking about this movie.. amazing.. it should be 20 pages long.. shit this has less pages then x3 which was isn't even comparable to this..

shit, watch this movie people!!

Oh, I was going to try to hold out until the DVD release, but word of mouth is just too good. I may see about viewing it tomorrow.


karasu said:
Holy **** is that stupid.
yep, considering IA is visually more stylish than the departed. thats the only thing i kept thinking throughout the remake (a good film in its own right).
IA was all neon, glass skycrapers, wide angle shots, reflections, fiberglass cars in slow mo...i mean as far as production values go...absolutely top notch. i went "huh" at the b-grade comment while reading that review.
understandably, the remake looks less stylish...boston is no hong kong, and scorcese surely had a different focus on visuals. it was more drab and gritty.

to this day, HK films have some of the best cinematography i have ever seen, mostly due to chris doyles godly vision. films by zhang yimou are also visually striking...so i completely disagree w/ the B-movie comments.

HK and bollywood have surpassed hollywood in the visuals department like years ago.

White Man

nitewulf said:
HK and bollywood have surpassed hollywood in the visuals department like years ago.

That has more to do with America being an ass-ugly country with little pleasing architecture than anything else.


Grimmy said:
What really irks me is the China wouldn't show Infernal Affairs because the HK ending was "immoral" - so the directors had to shoot a new ending...which is exactly like the US ending. But I view the Chinese version as total censorship, and since this is the same ending as the US, I think it's a total cop-out by Scorsese. Hooray - China and the US have much more in common than thought! (ugh)
who killed andy's character in the chinese re-edit?

also...andy's character is a lot more likable than damon's character. in IA, you actually feel sympathetic towards andy at the end. damon was way more cocky, arrogant and ruthless. so the ending was a setup that could be seen a mile away...


---- said:
They're carefully and covertly chasing after this mob leader trying to build a case against him and yet they seem more satisfied just killing him and his crew after all that hard work. If they wanted to just kill him and his crew they could have done that any time.

i'm not quite sure i get what you're saying. who said they wanted to kill costello? sullivan killed costello because he was an fbi informant. if the other guys had costello pinned down, i'm sure they would have arrested him. as for the crew, there was a shootout. people happen to die in shootouts.


---- said:
Don't get me wrong this is a great movie by typical Hollywood standards, but people comparing this to Goodfellas are nuts.


I agree completely. It's just that people haven't seen a great movie in so long, they get a little hyped up.


White Man said:
That has more to do with America being an ass-ugly country with little pleasing architecture than anything else.
in a way i would agree with you, but it's also the aesthetic sensibilitites of the cinematographers. i mean compare kojima's cutscenes to a big budget american game's...
and i picked kojima because his approach is a lot more western than the typical anime visuals in most games. the style/aesthetic sensibilitites of eastern cinematographers/directors are in a different league nowadays. before they couldnt cope because of the lagging technology, but nowadays even crap bollywood films look godly.


OK, straight up, this is the best movie of this year and probabaly my favorite Scorsce movie.

Now I have 2 problems with this movie, both revolve around two very fundamental differences between IA and TD.

1) "I'm a cop" - Tony Leung. This is one of the most important lines in the movie and shows the redemption of the character. They almost had this but they ruined it with "I just want my identity, I don't want to be a cop again". This doesn't redeem the character, it shows him as being self serving.

2) “The worst of the Eight Hells is called Continuous Hell. It has the meaning of Continuous Suffering. Thus the name.” - Nirvana Sutra – Verse 19. This profoud statement is completly lost in this movie. Andy Lau was someone you could understand and you felt for him but knew he couldn't redeem for his acts. He wasn't a cop. None of this was conveyed with Matt's character. Infact, Scorsce's take on Andy/Matt's character is what makes IA better than TD. It lacks a message.

Otherwise, very cool movie!
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