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The Official Conduit thread.

Eteric Rice

Amir0x said:
what...like...a worldwide shortage of ammunition?

Actually this sounds ridiculous, like a comedy game parodying FPSers or something. I'd be down with that.

Well... Not in a world being invaded by aliens. I'd imagine most people would have stolen all the ammo they could from stores and barracaded themselves in their homes.

I'm talking about in a case of a huge disaster. Sort of like Katrina and New Orleans.
dammitmattt said:
If you had read my original comment, you would have known that I was making a general statement about the response to the review, not anything specific about this game or this review. I even said that I'm sure The Conduit's defaults are fine.

I did read your original comment, which is why I said I awaited the "PC scores getting docked". I specifically said that because in every PC review i've ever read, single or multi, while it may be a complaint they mention they also mention that it can be changed. Default controls are only a hindrance when they can't be changed, no matter the game. In a review, the expected action would be to mention this. Hence the reaction.
Amir0x said:
but now you're getting all serious with the concept. They should make an awesome comedy FPS!

Eat Lead was pretty close. Except it was third person. And it wasn't awesome. And it wasn't funny. Close enough, though!
How about this:

A Serious Sam style game that has levels and increasing hordes of enemies, but a set amount of bullets. When you run out (which you will) melee attacks are the only thing keeping you from death.
DeaconKnowledge said:
How about this:

A Serious Sam style game that has levels and increasing hordes of enemies, but a set amount of bullets. When you run out (which you will) melee attacks are the only thing keeping you from death.

The Club had a few modes that were kinda sorta like this.


GitarooMan said:
So are we now into the detailed critical review analysis portion of the official thread? I'll head on out then to let this die down after a couple of days, although I will be tempted to pop in and read Scrubking's latest treatise on the media's mistreatment of the Wii.

So called "professional" review said:
...but damn, the N64 was two generations ago -- what does it say about the Wii that The Conduit doesn't blow Goldeneye's graphics out of the water

If shit like that doesn't deserve an exposition or ten then I don't know what does. And while I have yet to write one, let alone many, expositions on the ridiculous anti-Wii bias in the videogame industry you'll be the first to know when I do.
Scrubking said:
If shit like that doesn't deserve an exposition or ten then I don't know what does. And while I have yet to write one, let alone many, expositions on the ridiculous anti-Wii bias in the videogame industry you'll be the first to know when I do.

:lol :lol :lol

I look forward to it!


donny2112 said:
I think it just doesn't get in stock until the 25th. I don't think they got stock already and sold out.

It sold out of initial shipment but amazon is always pretty quick to list when next shipment goes. Of course initial shipment could have been 50 units so it just means it had some hype


donny2112 said:
I think it just doesn't get in stock until the 25th. I don't think they got stock already and sold out.

Was saying 23 june not so long ago, but I'm not that familiar with Amazon so I think you're right.


laserbeam said:
It sold out of initial shipment but amazon is always pretty quick to list when next shipment goes. Of course initial shipment could have been 50 units so it just means it had some hype
ksamedi said:
Was saying 23 june not so long ago, but I'm not that familiar with Amazon so I think you're right.

Maybe they got a flurry of preorders yesterday and had to allocate the first shipment to those orders instead.
ZealousD said:
Well, apparently, according to this sheet, this game is for me. I am a PS360 owner who sees the worth in Wii FPS control possibilities.

I see good Wii control in The Conduit, just not much else. You need more than snappy controls to hook me in, skipper.

Because the FPS genre is full of riveting original storylines and gameplay. If Halo was a movie, it would have won an Academy Award for best picture. Thank god there is no such thing as western cliches.

dyls said:
I do think this game will throw into sharp relief just how bad the piracy problem is on Wii. There seems to be almost an understanding in the hardcore community that you buy 360 games and steal Wii games. Both because of the incredible ease of piracy on the Wii as well as a sort of perceived lack of value of Wii games, a sort of "they're not next-gen, they're not really worth my money."

Something like this with a rather advanced online system could make it pretty clear if more people are playing online than actually bought the game. Who's going to follow the number of downloads on the torrent sites?

Because of the whole console wars bullshit that has taken on a new meaning this gen. Those idiots act like the Wii was behind 9/11, and if it isn't stopped somehow we'll all die.

poppabk said:
Honestly it sounds more like he didn't have time to try any customization. The review states pretty forthrightly that he raced through the game as fast as he could, skipping multiplayer entirely.

He also skipped through all the story parts...then bashed the story for not making sense.


Just got it also..let me get a few things most of you already know out of the way first...haven`t played my Wii in a while,besides some Wii Fit and the last game was Okami,i own a PS3 and 360 so graphically,the first time inside the small wagon of a train reminded me that this is on the Wii,haven`t seen jaggies like this in quite a while(50 inch HDTV) and the controls needed some getting used to but since they are fully customisable,this isn`t a complaint really

I only played 2 levels of the single player but I like it a lot so far...i`ll probably start over once I found some settings for the controls that i`ll be comfortable with,there`s so many things you can change,it`s almost overkill hehe...love throwing grenades with the nunchuck and all and using the eye is great.
Ricker said:
Just got it also..let me get a few things most of you already know out of the way first...haven`t played my Wii in a while,besides some Wii Fit and the last game was Okami,i own a PS3 and 360 so graphically,the first time inside the small wagon of a train reminded me that this is on the Wii,haven`t seen jaggies like this in quite a while(50 inch HDTV) and the controls needed some getting used to but since they are fully customisable,this isn`t a complaint really.I only played 2 levels of the single player but I like it a lot so far...i`ll probably start over once I found some settings for the controls that i`ll be comfortable with,there`s so many things you can change,it`s almost overkill hehe...love throwing grenades with the numchuck and all and using the eye is great.

I agree. I just got done playing a multiplayer free for all match and had like 2 kills and like 15 deaths :lol :lol :lol in halo 3 if I am playing tdm I usually lead my team with 20+ kills but not so much in this. The controls take some getting used to...again, that's not a knock, it's just that I've only played fps on 360/ps3. It is a lot of fun though. I've only played the first mission and you're right, using the nunchuck for grenades is pretty cool. The graphics obviously aren't going to be top notch but I think when compared to other wii games it looks pretty good.

I'm hoping some of you will want to trade friend codes at some point.


donny2112 said:
Maybe they got a flurry of preorders yesterday and had to allocate the first shipment to those orders instead.

Amazon has been a pretty good indicator for sales, normally its anecodatal at best but the last 3 months its been spot on with NPD (Punch Out, EA Active, Infamous, Professor Layton all in the Amazon Top 10 and NPD Top 20)

The fact its in the Top 20 of Amazon shows its got more appeal the MadWorld and HoTD Overkill ever did upon their release, thats probably welcome news if it does pan out for SEGA since this is their 3rd attempt at a mature Wii game of some kind


Batteries the CRISIS!
xS1TH L0RDx said:
I agree. I just got done playing a multiplayer free for all match and had like 2 kills and like 15 deaths :lol :lol :lol in halo 3 if I am playing tdm I usually lead my team with 20+ kills but not so much in this. The controls take some getting used to...again, that's not a knock, it's just that I've only played fps on 360/ps3. It is a lot of fun though. I've only played the first mission and you're right, using the nunchuck for grenades is pretty cool. The graphics obviously aren't going to be top notch but I think when compared to other wii games it looks pretty good.

I'm hoping some of you will want to trade friend codes at some point.

I'm hoping you'll find the thread for that =P
Fantastical said:
Can you hear Wii Speak talk even if you don't have Wii Speak? (You can only use Wii Speak with friends, correct?)

according to the instruction manual, yes, you can hear people even if you don't have wii speak.


xS1TH L0RDx said:
according to the instruction manual, yes, you can hear people even if you don't have wii speak.

can i turn it off?


Batteries the CRISIS!
Amir0x said:
Let me take some time away from Conduit to single out your post for a pet peeve of mine.

When people say "WELL THAT'S JUST LIKE THE WAY IT IS IN REAL LIFE", they kinda miss the point of games. In games, most things are not like real life at all. Even in the most fucking gritty, balls-to-the-wall reality simulation you can think of, most shit is never, ever going to be done precisely like it is in real life.

Can you imagine why that is, Danthrax?

Because a lot of regular shit in real life does not make for good gameplay. When people often talk up the benefits of 1:1 motion controls, the hope is that it transfers things in life which are fun. Not that it can accurately recreate terribly tedious every day activities, or the lame parts of gunplay.

This has nothing to do with the review. Gamepro sucks and they can suck my dick. I just thought I should point out that saying "THAT'S LIKE REAL LIFE" is a poor defense of anything in games in regards to quality gameplay.

P.S. My copy of Conduit shipped. yay!

I agree with you to an extent, Amirox. I overstepped with my bitching.

And while video games can't completely model real life because, well, they have to be games, they do have to reasonably meet people's expectations of what real life is like. You can't press forward on the control stick and have the character jump sideways — the in-game action has to resemble the player input.

With that in mind, it doesn't make much sense to be able to melee attack without losing one's aim for a moment. You're putting your gun down and hitting someone with it. Obviously, you can't keep something trained in your sights while doing that. It's never made sense to me why games let you keep aiming at something while a melee attack is executed.


Gamestop just called to tell me to come after 12 tomorrow :D

Thought that was great from the Gamesradar review


Batteries the CRISIS!
Games Radar review


GamesRadar said:
You'll love

* A Wii game with challenging difficulty
* Incredible roster of online options
* Customizable everything

You'll hate

* The bland environments online and off
* Talented voice cast squandered on ho-hum plot

My favorite part — this is actually in the review's text:

GamesRadar said:
Stuff that sucks about reviewing games #475: You jot down a poignantly hilarious aside, heroically skewering a game for a specific fault… then you check the menu and realize that it’s optional/adjustable and you look like an asshole for not being thorough. The book hasn’t been written on how Wii FPSs should work, so The Conduit leaves you free tailor the interface to your specific liking.

About online:

GamesRadar said:
To be fair, just about any multiplayer that actually works is going to look pretty damned good on a system consistently starved for it, but Conduit’s still a cut above. The matches we played a few weeks back were both lag free and quick to load - basically nowhere near as horrid just about any other online Wii game ever made. Jump in, jump out – no friend codes required.

And finally, they give readers the option to adjust their review score accordingly:

DevelopmentArrested said:
may be the shittiest review ive ever seen.

You know, despite GamesRadar's pretty low level of professionalism ("TOP TWELVE NIPPLES IN JRPGS"), that was actually a pretty honest and funny review. :lol


GamePro said:
What I couldn't stand, however, was the use of motion controls; for whatever reason, High Voltage mapped two critical functions -- grenade throwing and melee-to motion controls but even my grandmother knows that that was a dumb move.

GamesRadar said:
Stuff that sucks about reviewing games #475: You jot down a poignantly hilarious aside, heroically skewering a game for a specific fault… then you check the menu and realize that it’s optional/adjustable and you look like an asshole for not being thorough.



Batteries the CRISIS!
just noticed they forgot to list COD: World at War in their list of Wii FPSes. WaW, BTW, has an 83 on Metacritic.
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