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The official Mega Man 10 thread At least it's not Mega Man Universe.

Segata Sanshiro said:
Haaa okay I'm doing the Wily levels now and I gotta say this might be the worst installment in the classic series. It is definitely giving the Pastel Nightmare a run for its money.

Pastel Nightmare? Sorry but I don't get this reference.
Jack Scofield said:
The only other Megaman game I've played is MM9, but so far I've enjoyed that game MUCH more than MM10. I'm currently on Wily Stage 1, and so far none of the music has stood out for me. More importantly, it seems as though all the levels in this game feature some stupid gimmick that affects movement. The ice in Chill Man's stage, the water in Pump Man's stage, the goddamn sandstorms in Commando Man's stage, etc. Just give me some tricky platforming without resorting to cheap bullshit. Something like Concrete Man's stage from MM9 (even though that level is really easy).

Maybe I'm forgetting stages in MM9 that had the same problem, but so far, that's my biggest complaint with MM10. Or maybe I'm just a pussy or something.

Almost all MM games have at least a water or ice stage. Many also have some sort of "wind" stage too whether it a sandstorm in 10 or Toad Man's rain in 4 or those fat wind enemies from Air Man's stage in 2. It's pretty normal.


not licensed in your state
uh, it looks fantastic on my PS3/LCD TV. Toshiba 32RV525R 1080p. Borders suck, of course...but everything else is dyno-mite


Jack Scofield said:
More importantly, it seems as though all the levels in this game feature some stupid gimmick that affects movement. The ice in Chill Man's stage, the water in Pump Man's stage, the goddamn sandstorms in Commando Man's stage, etc. Just give me some tricky platforming without resorting to cheap bullshit. Something like Concrete Man's stage from MM9 (even though that level is really easy).

Maybe I'm forgetting stages in MM9 that had the same problem, but so far, that's my biggest complaint with MM10. Or maybe I'm just a pussy or something.
Well, Tornado Man's stage employed both ice-movement AND the jump-pushing rain. Jewel Man's stage included a few momentum-powered springs surrounded by spikes. There were Magma Man's insta-death laser things, the "upward floating gun momentum" section of Wily 3, and the laser barriers of Wily 4. A lot of this stuff could be considered "cheap bullshit" in the same way 10's stuff is.


I've only had very little time to play the game, but so far it's easilly as good as 9. Chill man and Pump man both have fantastic stages imo. The graphics for Chill Man's stage are great. :lol
Segata Sanshiro said:
"The Pastel Nightmare" is how I refer to that god-forsaken shitpile others call "Mega Man 8".

Oh...I was about to start that game but I got an ear-infection.
Maybe this is for the best.

Only thing that comes to mind at the moment is some section involving a jet-snowboard and Dr. Light being voiced by Elmer Fudd.


I think MM10 might be my favorite one in the series. It didn't really instantly grab me like 9 did, it took at least 3 play-throughs to do it, but now I think it's really superb. I went back to play 9 in order to compare it to 10 and, though still fun, 9's stages now feel so much emptier and easier. I feel like there's no wasted space nor screen in MM10. Level design is much tighter.

Similarly, the music at first seemed really 'meh' to me, but I completely love it now. 9's soundtrack is still stronger and catchier, but 10 is awesome anyway. Like others said, it feels much more experimental. Tracks like Blade Man's stage take a while to crawl under your skin, but once they do they're really, really great.

I do feel 9 and 10 are the best in the classic series. I didn't really grow up with the classic games, even though I do remember playing a few times at least MM2 and MM5 when I was a kid. But upon playing MM1-MM5 since before MM9 came out, I still think the two recent entries are better and more fun than the originals. I plan to check out MM6-MM8 soon to see how these stack up.
Well fuck me in the ass and call me Sally. I was dead wrong.

Self pownage time



Forgive me for being a stupid, retarded asshole.

God. Damn. I totally have to buy a Wii now. I really do.


Himuro said:
Why the fuck are people wah wah wah'ing about how it looks?

Shut the fuck up and talk about the game. PLEASE.

Can someone give me a tip on Nitro Man. I could beat him by gulping e-tanks like hooker downs cum, but that's cheap and dumb.

I have tried every single weapon on this guy and he's not budging. I use the pea shooter and it barely makes a dent. I've used all weapons in both forms (bike and robot form) and I have not found a weakness.

What the fuck?

Chill Spike. But you can't directly hit him with it. You have to shot it on the ground so he runs over it as a motorcycle.


when he gets on his bike jump over him and shoot him. he always throws his blades in the same spots so it shouldn't be too tough.
There's no feasible way MM10 is worse than 4, 5, or 6 and Especially 7 or ESPECIALLY 8. That's just mind-boggling.

Unless you absolutely have to have the slide or the charge buster(the latter of which just slows down the game). Otherwise, it's superior in every single way possible. The music, the level design, the robot designs, the weapons, the challenge...and to top if all off you get to play as different characters who change the style of the game depending on who you choose, the item shop, all the various challenge modes and the adjustable difficulty that is almost like playing a completely different game. There's just so much to it. And it's all done with care. It's one of the best games in the series. Top 3 or 4 easily.


I like the cut of your jibb.

I haven't tried a MegaMan play through yet, so maybe that will negatively effect my opinion, but so far Protoman has been an excellent experience; I do wonder how well Forte/Bass will integrate into the game, presuming he plays like he did in R&F.


SonicMegaDrive said:
There's no feasible way MM10 is worse than 4, 5, or 6 and Especially 7 or ESPECIALLY 8. That's just mind-boggling.

Unless you absolutely have to have the slide or the charge buster(the latter of which just slows down the game). Otherwise, it's superior in every single way possible. The music, the level design, the robot designs, the weapons, the challenge...and to top if all off you get to play as different characters who change the style of the game depending on who you choose, the item shop, all the various challenge modes and the adjustable difficulty that is almost like playing a completely different game. There's just so much to it. And it's all done with care. It's one of the best games in the series. Top 3 or 4 easily.

Hey now MM5 is awesome. :|
jett said:
Hey now MM5 is awesome. :|

I agree.

It is probably my least favorite among the NES Mega mans, however. It implements some nice new gameplay features - most notably the gravity switch - but on the whole it just feels like the series is going through the motions.

When the game first came out, I believed it was going to be the last in the series. Not because the NES was obviously dying, but because it just seemed like the creators were not putting a lot of effort into the games anymore.
SonicMegaDrive said:
There's no feasible way MM10 is worse than 4, 5, or 6 and Especially 7 or ESPECIALLY 8. That's just mind-boggling.

Unless you absolutely have to have the slide or the charge buster(the latter of which just slows down the game). Otherwise, it's superior in every single way possible. The music, the level design, the robot designs, the weapons, the challenge...and to top if all off you get to play as different characters who change the style of the game depending on who you choose, the item shop, all the various challenge modes and the adjustable difficulty that is almost like playing a completely different game. There's just so much to it. And it's all done with care. It's one of the best games in the series. Top 3 or 4 easily.
It is *definitely* worse than MM5 and MM6 in my opinion, and probably worse than 4 and 7 as well. I'm not a guy stuck on the charge buster or the slide, either. I liked MM9 *a lot*.

Here are the areas where I feel it's deficient: the music, the level design, the robot designs, the weapons, the challenge. Also, the visual design, which is outright repulsive at times. Here are the areas I feel it's good: Philipkdick Man's level. The game's a complete lame duck, just like MM4. It's not shitty like The Pastel Nightmare, so I guess there's that.


Segata Sanshiro said:
It is *definitely* worse than MM5 and MM6 in my opinion, and probably worse than 4 and 7 as well. I'm not a guy stuck on the charge buster or the slide, either. I liked MM9 *a lot*.

Here are the areas where I feel it's deficient: the music, the level design, the robot designs, the weapons, the challenge. Also, the visual design, which is outright repulsive at times. Here are the areas I feel it's good: Philipkdick Man's level. The game's a complete lame duck, just like MM4. It's not shitty like The Pastel Nightmare, so I guess there's that.
i have to agree for the most part. while i did enjoy my playthrough of mm10, after playing and beating mm9 hero mode again yesterday, mm10's shortcomings became glaringly apparent. yes, indeed: the music, the visual design, the robots, the weapons - all of them inferior to mm9... and to mm3, mm5 and mm6. however, i wouldn't say it's mm4 bad. i really hate mm4 and generally don't enjoy (re-)playing it, but i had fun with mm10. but it's obvious to me now that it's one of the lesser entries in the classic series. still much better than mm4 and a bit better than mm7 and infinitely better than mega girl 8.


°Temp. member
Just beat it for the first time, definitely as good as MM9, just easier. Currently doing the challenges. I think Strike Man is my favorite boss.


^ In my case, I hadn't played a classic Mega Man in ages when 9 came out, so it took me a looooong time to get my skills back in shape. I remember Jewel Man's stage in particular kicking my ass over and over again. :D

Now I can breeze through the game. I think the only part which still gives me trouble is in Wily 1 (I think), the part with the instant death rays which you have to solidify with Concrete Man's weapon. I forgot how I did that part the first time around.

I had a bit of a hard time with 10 at first, but it ended up being much easier than 9, since now I have my skills back. It was also much easier to find out the Robot Masters' weakness this time around, since they're much more logical than, for exemple, Trident Shot beats Concrete Man hehe.


I like this Wily Castle, though it still feels to me like Wily 2 is the hardest of the bunch. The tone of the first sequence of events in the first level is probably one of the coolest things in the series. My only knock on any of it is that the Wily Machine seems incredibly easy, especially the first half of the fight.

I could go on a rant about people claiming that these robot masters are worse or less creative than those in 9 and previously, but that's ultimately all opinion anyway.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Finished the game on Normal today. Willy's castle... good grief, took me almost 2 hours. Challenge Mode saved my life. I would play up to the stage boss, then go into practice... err I mean Challenge Mode and fight the bosses over and over again until I got it down. Seriously, without that Challenge Mode to sit there and learn the pattern I dunno how I would've beat the "devil" boss in Stage 3. I would've had to play up him over and over and over again. That would've been annoying as hell. I also thought that the game was made a little too easy by how many screws were available to me. Before I went into Willy's Castle I stocked up completely on W and E tanks and 9 lives from the shop. Granted, I did get a lot of screws because I freaking died A LOT on most robot masters stages, so I was able to rack them up. I just don't remember being able to amass that many in previous games. Either way, it worked out fine and helped me get through the game, which I needed the help!

Then I went through and mopped up for trophies on Easy mode, beat it under an hour, no deaths, no continues, all buster weapons, etc. Easy mode I thought was probably more fun than playing on Normal because you can just roll through the game and own the shit out of everything.

I REALLY enjoyed almost every stage music in the entire game. I don't think that I could say that about any other MM game. But I LOVED every music track in this game. I would purchase the OST, it's my favorite next to MM2.

BTW I finished the whole game with my SFIV Tournament Fightstick. It was a pretty fun way to play and now I don't want to go back to the controller! :D


:lol I just figured out that you can use L1 to cycle through your powers. Was this doable in MM9 as well? I guess I thought the game was EXACTLY like the others.

The only other Mega Man's I've played are 2, 3, and 9. I've got to say that 9 and 10 both seem ridiculously easy compared to 2 and 3 thanks to the fact you can buy "M"s, "W"s, and "E"s. I realize I could choose not to buy them, but given the option it's hard not to.


downloaded this game yesterday. My very first 8-bit mega man. God damn it i have a hard time with this game :D I have no problems with the graphics, sounds and stuff but this shit is hard as hell, could even go past the first half of the first levels. :lol :lol


rdelaney said:
:lol I just figured out that you can use L1 to cycle through your powers. Was this doable in MM9 as well? I guess I thought the game was EXACTLY like the others.

The only other Mega Man's I've played are 2, 3, and 9. I've got to say that 9 and 10 both seem ridiculously easy compared to 2 and 3 thanks to the fact you can buy "M"s, "W"s, and "E"s. I realize I could choose not to buy them, but given the option it's hard not to.

You couldn't cycle with the shoulder buttons in MM9. It's something they had in 7 and 8, and a lot of people complained about the lack of the feature in 9, so they brought it back for 10.

As for the shop, it can make the game easier if you abuse it, but it's completely optional. I like that it's there to abuse, though. You can use it to sort of power through the game on your first run or two, then on later runs you'll find that you don't need to use as many, or even any, items. You can kind of ease yourself into the game. And unlike MM10's easy mode, it doesn't baby you. You still have to make the same jumps and fight the same enemies. You can just dampen the punishment considerably.


I like to buy extra lives from the shop, just to cut down on the amount of time spent tracking through parts of levels that I've passed already. I look at that as more of a convenience thing rather than making it any easier to actually beat.

I gave Hard Mode a first shot yesterday, and never having played Hero or Superhero mode in MM9, I expected to get my ass handed to me. Actually it seems pretty manageable so far, I beat Blade Man and died in Sheep Man's level, and decided to break there since it was so late. I'm sure the game gets much tougher, but if these levels are any indication so far, it doesn't feel as insurmountable as I thought it might.


rdelaney said:
:lol I just figured out that you can use L1 to cycle through your powers. Was this doable in MM9 as well? I guess I thought the game was EXACTLY like the others.

The only other Mega Man's I've played are 2, 3, and 9. I've got to say that 9 and 10 both seem ridiculously easy compared to 2 and 3 thanks to the fact you can buy "M"s, "W"s, and "E"s. I realize I could choose not to buy them, but given the option it's hard not to.

I find MM2 the easiest of the first 5 ones. I first played it for real a bit after finishing MM9 and was surprised how much easier than 9 it was. The worst part might be Quick Man's stage, but once you memorize all the rooms and from where the instant death rays come from, it's a breeze. Wily's castle in 2 is really easy.

Now, MM1 and MM3 are hard as hell. 1 because of some bad design choices (like those flying platforms which most of the time don't go anywhere you need'em to go). 3 is just ruthless and not much fun to me.

MM5 has easier than Robot Master stages than even MM2, but the whole Proto Man / Wily castle stretch is hard and too long.

Overall, I think MM10 managed to have a better difficulty curve than all these.
Okay, so I'm all done with this.

My impressions below, but I'm going to spoiler the lot just in case.

- The music is really, really blah. This is probably the worst MM soundtrack since MM4.

- The weapons aren't very good. In MM9 there were all kinds of weapons and many of them were useful in stages for getting around obstacles. In this game you get your knife and your shield and you're good to go, except for tossing the occasional Crashmando Bomb.

- The robot master fights are serious letdowns. Their patterns are really really simple and most of them are fought in the ultra-dull flat room which makes them less interesting to fight the first time and makes the "warp room" fights really uninteresting since you're just facing the bosses in the same circumstances again.

- The Wily levels weren't very good, either. The boss fights were so boring and bereft of creativity. The levels themselves really failed to pick up the challenge from the original stages. The last fight against Wily was probably the easiest final battle of a Mega Man game since Top-Spinning Gamma. Which leads me to...

- The game really isn't very challenging. Oh, there's difficulty in it, to be sure, but a lot of it is just "GOTCHA" moments that will catch you once but never again. There's very little tension to the game at all. There wasn't a single good disappearing block segment. Vertical climbs seemed to rely on one or two tricks and never really pushed you past what the initial climbs lay out. The boss fights are pathetic. I'm still in awe over how easy Wily was.

- It feels too short. I know the game has the same number of levels as many other Megas, but this one feels shorter, maybe because the stages are actually shorter, maybe because of the easy challenge level, I don't know.

- The mid-bosses are just simple bullet sponges. Yawn. More's the pity that the two least interesting mid-bosses are the ones chosen for re-appearances in Wily's level. I'd much rather have seen that Strike Man mid-boss come back, at least he puts up a fight (if you don't use the knives lol).

- A lot of the visual designs just don't work at all. Solar Man's level is probably the ugliest level I've seen in a Mega Man game.

+ A couple of the levels were pretty fun and had some interesting ideas. Sheep Man and Commando Man's levels were pretty interesting, and I did like the visual design on Nitro Man and Strike Man's levels, even if I found the actual gameplay in those levels to be lacking (they could have done oh-so-much more with those soccer balls...hoped to see it in the Wily levels, didn't get my wish). Branching paths are cool and I loved the coloured blocks that disappeared when you step on them. Lots of potential there.

+ That knife certainly is handy.

+ There was an attempt to somehow make the boss weaknesses make sense, which I appreciate. Even if the element of the weapon didn't make sense, the actual application did, like with the Ice Spikes.

+ Hooray for L/R weapon switching, even if I forgot to use it half the time. :lol

+ Having another playable character (eventually two, I suppose) is pretty awesome. Didn't even have to pay for Proto this time, yay.

In summary, I didn't like the game very much. I really hope if they go to this well again that they really take their time and come up with some better ideas. The wimping out on the challenge this time was clearly a response to how fucking weaksauce people were with the "not really that hard" Mega Man 9, but they need to stay the course with regards to challenge. They're obviously not interested in making these as long as the latter NES installments, and that makes the challenge absolutely critical.

On my NES Mega list, this is definitely the worst, and for those that like scores, I give this a 16/31.
Himuro said:
Are you kidding me, Segata? Dude, worse than MM1 or even MM4? Whaaat?
Well, I don't have the dislike for MM1 that a lot of the fanbase do, so I'd easily say MM1 destroys this game. As for MM4, it was close, because they share most of their failings, but in the end, MM4 is a more challenging game than MM10, so I give it a very slight nod.

For all MM9's faults, it at least felt like the team were excited to be working in the format and had lots of ideas. MM10, like MM4, feels very much like the game was made because it had to be, not because they had enough good ideas to do so. Also, it seems like every time they came up with an interesting way to challenge the player, some asshole jumped in and said "hey guys, don't be mean!".

Take the cars/trucks in Nitro Man's level, for example. Use your imagination, Himu. Can you imagine the possibilities with those? Or the coloured disappearing blocks? Or the soccer balls? They had some ideas that could have led to those brilliant "I can't fucking believe I made it" moments which I feel define Mega Man as a series, but they never, ever used the ideas in that way. Instead we get a so-so forced scrolling upwards in a spikey chamber bit that was ever so interesting that they did it twice.


I played some MM9 yesterday. Compared 9 and 10, the platforming's a lot easier in MM10 (with a few exceptions, like one bit where you have to jump over three spikes, and a few parts with annoying low ceiling jumps), but I think the enemies are tougher. They tend to move faster and in much more erratic patterns and take more shots to kill. And when it comes to bosses and mini-bosses, they have more random patterns, tend to shoot multiple projectiles at a time, and the projectiles tend to move really fast.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Okay, so I'm all done with this.

My impressions below, but I'm going to spoiler the lot just in case.

- The music is really, really blah. This is probably the worst MM soundtrack since MM4.

- The weapons aren't very good. In MM9 there were all kinds of weapons and many of them were useful in stages for getting around obstacles. In this game you get your knife and your shield and you're good to go, except for tossing the occasional Crashmando Bomb.

- The robot master fights are serious letdowns. Their patterns are really really simple and most of them are fought in the ultra-dull flat room which makes them less interesting to fight the first time and makes the "warp room" fights really uninteresting since you're just facing the bosses in the same circumstances again.

- The Wily levels weren't very good, either. The boss fights were so boring and bereft of creativity. The levels themselves really failed to pick up the challenge from the original stages. The last fight against Wily was probably the easiest final battle of a Mega Man game since Top-Spinning Gamma. Which leads me to...

- The game really isn't very challenging. Oh, there's difficulty in it, to be sure, but a lot of it is just "GOTCHA" moments that will catch you once but never again. There's very little tension to the game at all. There wasn't a single good disappearing block segment. Vertical climbs seemed to rely on one or two tricks and never really pushed you past what the initial climbs lay out. The boss fights are pathetic. I'm still in awe over how easy Wily was.

- It feels too short. I know the game has the same number of levels as many other Megas, but this one feels shorter, maybe because the stages are actually shorter, maybe because of the easy challenge level, I don't know.

- The mid-bosses are just simple bullet sponges. Yawn. More's the pity that the two least interesting mid-bosses are the ones chosen for re-appearances in Wily's level. I'd much rather have seen that Strike Man mid-boss come back, at least he puts up a fight (if you don't use the knives lol).

- A lot of the visual designs just don't work at all. Solar Man's level is probably the ugliest level I've seen in a Mega Man game.

+ A couple of the levels were pretty fun and had some interesting ideas. Sheep Man and Commando Man's levels were pretty interesting, and I did like the visual design on Nitro Man and Strike Man's levels, even if I found the actual gameplay in those levels to be lacking (they could have done oh-so-much more with those soccer balls...hoped to see it in the Wily levels, didn't get my wish). Branching paths are cool and I loved the coloured blocks that disappeared when you step on them. Lots of potential there.

+ That knife certainly is handy.

+ There was an attempt to somehow make the boss weaknesses make sense, which I appreciate. Even if the element of the weapon didn't make sense, the actual application did, like with the Ice Spikes.

+ Hooray for L/R weapon switching, even if I forgot to use it half the time. :lol

+ Having another playable character (eventually two, I suppose) is pretty awesome. Didn't even have to pay for Proto this time, yay.

In summary, I didn't like the game very much. I really hope if they go to this well again that they really take their time and come up with some better ideas. The wimping out on the challenge this time was clearly a response to how fucking weaksauce people were with the "not really that hard" Mega Man 9, but they need to stay the course with regards to challenge. They're obviously not interested in making these as long as the latter NES installments, and that makes the challenge absolutely critical.

On my NES Mega list, this is definitely the worst, and for those that like scores, I give this a 16/31.
yes. i find myself agreeing with pretty much every point you made. i'm honestly kinda surprised to see that someone feels almost exactly the same way about mm10...

however, i still think mm4 is worse. while mm10's music was a huge disappointment, mm4's was a lot worse (i swear to god, this is all bun bun's fault). 10's tracks are mostly just dull and boring, 4's are downright offensive. and some of its robot masters were even less original than 10's and had even more boring patterns (toad man, bright man...). it also has all those technical problems, the insane slowdown, the sound glitches... AND it introduced the charge buster.

i'm also totally open for some changes to the formula at this point, even though i loooooooove classic mega man just the way it is. someone suggested a few pages ago to sort of keep the 8-bit style while still updating the visuals to something more contemporary, kinda like what namco did with pac-man c.e. or what some indie developers are doing with their platformers on xbla/xna. the possibilities for crazy obstacles and traps with a more modern engine are endless. animations, enemy movements could be more dynamic, wily bosses bigger, crazier, more varied, backgrounds less static etc. and give us a widescreen mega man! you can keep the 8-bit music and sound effects, even the sprites... but do something interesting with them!

on the other hand, if we get another old-school classic mega man as good as mm9, mm3 or mm5 i'll be more than happy too ;)

Mike M

Nick N
Segata Sanshiro said:
Okay, so I'm all done with this.

My impressions below, but I'm going to spoiler the lot just in case.

- The robot master fights are serious letdowns. Their patterns are really really simple and most of them are fought in the ultra-dull flat room which makes them less interesting to fight the first time and makes the "warp room" fights really uninteresting since you're just facing the bosses in the same circumstances again.

This describes practically every Mega Man game ever.

Mike M

Nick N
If I weren't on my iPhone, there's a whole shit load I could post.

Toad Man springs immediately to mind. Fucker doesn't even get a chance to *move.*

Hornet Man's "I shoot bees on one side of the room then run to the other and shoot more bees" pattern was a joke too.

Robot Masters with complex patterns are a small minority.


Mike M said:
If I weren't on my iPhone, there's a whole shit load I could post.

Toad Man springs immediately to mind. Fucker doesn't even get a chance to *move.*

Hornet Man's "I shoot bees on one side of the room then run to the other and shoot more bees" pattern was a joke too.

Robot Masters with complex patterns are a small minority.

8's bosses are probably the most complex in the series, but they don't deal enough damage and their weaknesses tend to stun them so they end up rather easy.

10's Hard versions are among the most complex, too. The NB/BH Golds are going to be really goddamn difficult for anyone trying to get 100%.
Himuro said:
I guess we're on the opposite spectrum here. I didn't think MM9 was the bee's knees, myself. Although it was good.




Himuro, do you really want to get in a sass fight with me? You know how this ends. If you want to discuss it, let's discuss it. If you want to make retarded all-caps posts in some attempt to look witty, then sir, raise your fisticuffs.

For your first trick, show me where I said Mega Man 10 was the only Mega Man game with that problem.

Mike M

Nick N
It just seems a little odd to call that out as a reason to dislike the game when it's a universal feature across all the games. It's like hating on 10 and calling it the worst MM game ever because he can't shoot up with the Mega Buster.

If easy boss patterns and flat boss rooms are a reason to dump on the game, what Mega Man games DO you like?
Mike M said:
It just seems a little odd to call that out as a reason to dislike the game when it's a universal feature across all the games. It's like hating on 10 and calling it the worst MM game ever because he can't shoot up with the Mega Buster.

If easy boss patterns and flat boss rooms are a reason to dump on the game, what Mega Man games DO you like?
Well, first, I want to point out that that particular point was by no means the only thing causing me to dislike MM10. I probably should have made a whole list or something. Anyway, it *is* a common element in the series, but I always prefer a boss room that's a bit different. Why? Because it makes the Boss Gauntlet fight later in the game feel fresh.

I'm not going to go off on talkies about other installments because I don't think it's terribly relevant to my assessment of this game, but if you must know, I prefer the first three as far as the classic series goes, and I'll think you'll find that particularly in the case of the first two, the boss room configurations are mostly different from the Boss Rush version of the room.
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