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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


any word on which version is better? Assuming I'm buying a stick anyway, and have Live.

edit: nm found answer on p.11
how limited is the limited edition, I'm wondering if I should plunk down the pre order or will it be available en mass like 99.9% of all CE games


Strap on your hooker ...
This hype is making me play 3S a lot, and playing 3S a lot is making me very sad that those characters are all ignored in IV.

I'm confident an SFIV Turbo revision will happen, though, so hope's not lost yet. Fingers crossed for Q and/or Hugo.
rocK` said:
new guys that are planning on playing sf4:

if you plan to play online

-do not pick ryu/ken/akuma, learn to diversify. you will get owned because you have no idea what the other characters can do.
-ryu/ken/akuma are great characters, don't get me wrong...most new people have a horrible idea on how to play them (ie. sweep and fireball and stupid ranges. oh yes, i'm going to punish your sweep, and yes, i will jump in on your poorly placed fireball)

I guess what I'm getting at is, if you want to play these characters, at least understand why they are in the game.

I usually advise new comers to main a shoto for a bit while dabbling in the rest of the cast. Picking Bison when you're just learning the game isn't going to make you any better than if you pick a shoto. Most people don't play fighting games seriously, so I say go with whichever character you find the most fun. Shoto or not.
Shig said:
This hype is making me play 3S a lot, and playing 3S a lot is making me very sad that those characters are all ignored in IV.

I'm confident an SFIV Turbo revision will happen, though, so hope's not lost yet. Fingers crossed for Q and/or Hugo.

Yeah :(

I've been doing the same.

I don't know if They'd bring back Q thanks to Boxer and SF4 already has a few grapplers diminishing Hugo's chances.

Realistically, if there was a revision were to happen, I could see Ibuki, Urien, and Makoto working. But then again Seth might = no Urien :(

Are you on 2DF?


GalacticAE said:
I usually advise new comers to main a shoto for a bit while dabbling in the rest of the cast. Picking Bison when you're just learning the game isn't going to make you any better than if you pick a shoto. Most people don't play fighting games seriously, so I say go with whichever character you find the most fun. Shoto or not.
True...most players are going to just mash buttons anyhow. I have a friend you only uses fierce buttons the entire time. the point of a game is to have fun...most people dont care about range/zoning or 'why the character is there' just that they like the character and have fun playing as him.
ShinAmano said:
True...most players are going to just mash buttons anyhow.

I don't think so. People who just mash are people who aren't really interested in the game but just play a pickup game at their friend's house or at an arcade. I played a lot of Tekken DR and some SC4 online and I never encountered a single button masher. People who play online take the game semi-seriously even if it just means having a moves list in front of them and trying to pull off moves here and there.
ShinAmano said:
True...most players are going to just mash buttons anyhow. I have a friend you only uses fierce buttons the entire time. the point of a game is to have fun...most people dont care about range/zoning or 'why the character is there' just that they like the character and have fun playing as him.

Most people will stick to shotos, I've been playing SF for years, and it wasn't until 3rd Strike that I seriously took up a non shoto or shoto clone.

But for SF4 I'll be sticking with the shotos until I learn the mechanics, then probably branch out to Chunners because her footsie game supposed to be crazy, and Fei Long.


The only thing I know is that I most definitely wont play a shoto in SF4, since everyone and their mother will play Ryu and Ken in the beginning.
_dementia said:
I don't know if They'd bring back Q thanks to Boxer and SF4 already has a few grapplers diminishing Hugo's chances.
They need to bring back Q. He's the coolest. But is his playstyle really similar to Boxer's? I'm sincerely asking, not trying to correct you. He's my favorite guy in 3S but I have no clue how to play him. Or how to play 3S. And I never really played as Balrog. I just assumed he was similar to Dudley cuz they're both boxers.


Strap on your hooker ...
_dementia said:
I don't know if They'd bring back Q thanks to Boxer and SF4 already has a few grapplers diminishing Hugo's chances.
Aside from the dashing punch, I see zero similarity between Q and Boxer. If anything, I'd say Honda is Q's closest relative; they share the basic properties of a screen-spanning dash move, an in-close grapple move, and a close-range multihit move. Boxer does, however, pretty much guarantee no Dudley. :(

Regarding Hugo, if there's room for 6 shotos, there's room for 4 grapple characters.
Realistically, if there was a revision were to happen, I could see Ibuki, Urien, and Makoto working. But then again Seth might = no Urien :(
Bleh, never really been a fan of Urien... Actually I'd say he's more analogous to Boxer than Q, as well, projectiles notwithstanding.
Are you on 2DF?
Nah, my computer is doodoo butts and I don't have a decent stick yet anyway. I'm just messing around with the Anniversary Collection version.


akachan ningen said:
I don't think so. People who just mash are people who aren't really interested in the game but just play a pickup game at their friend's house or at an arcade. I played a lot of Tekken DR and some SC4 online and I never encountered a single button masher. People who play online take the game semi-seriously even if it just means having a moves list in front of them and trying to pull off moves here and there.
I use the term lightly...mash = no real strategy (to me). And I have played every fighter online and seen great players average players and scrubs. Your great players know strategies and are familiar with all the characters and can execute. Average players know the moves for most players and can execute most of the time, but really dont have a strategy other then try and hit you with a 'special move'. Scrubs try to play like the average player but fail to execute most of the time. Obviously there are levels within the levels. I look forward to playing the high level great players and high level average players, but no desire to play scrubs.


_dementia said:
But then again Seth might = no Urien :(

Why?They are completely different other than their preference of wearing a lack of clothes and sharing a shoulder tackle :lol
Rummy Bunnz said:
They need to bring back Q. He's the coolest. But is his playstyle really similar to Boxer's? I'm sincerely asking, not trying to correct you. He's my favorite guy in 3S but I have no clue how to play him. Or how to play 3S. And I never really played as Balrog. I just assumed he was similar to Dudley cuz they're both boxers.
Oh, Dudley and Balrog are totally different.

Q is less similar to 'Rog than I let on. There is and extreme emphasis on Q's command grab and his taunt buff when playing him. The two only share the same dash punch command and similar looking super arts.

I like Q a lot but it wouldn't surprise me if he's Capcom's least popular SF character. I doubt he's make a comeback.
Caj814 said:
Why?They are completely different other than their preference of wearing a lack of clothes and sharing a shoulder tackle :lol
Story reasons; doesn't Seth link with the Illuminati Gill/Urien stuff?


Shig said:
Aside from the dashing punch, I see zero similarity between Q and Boxer. If anything, I'd say Honda is his closest relative; they share the basic properties of a screen-spanning dash move, an in-close grapple move, and a close-range multihit move. Boxer does, however, pretty much guarantee no Dudley. :(
Funny your first comparison and then saying no Dudley...becasue you know Boxer and Dudley play the same ;)

I want Dudley, Makoto, Ibuki and Elena but we know this wont happen :(


It looks like a few SF3 characters show up in the cutscenes, hopefully this means they will appear in sequels...

Seth has got to be related to Urien and Gill somehow, can't wait to see his story pan out.


Strap on your hooker ...
ShinAmano said:
Funny your first comparison and then saying no Dudley...becasue you know Boxer and Dudley play the same ;)
Nah, I know they're worlds apart moveset-wise. I'm just extremely skeptical that they'd put in 2 fighters that are so thematically similar. Shotos are the only ones that get that priveledge, unfortunately.


Strap on your hooker ...
KittenMaster said:
Dudley is a British Gentleman.

Boxer is an American Brawler.

You can't get more contrast than that.
Well, I know that, and you know that, but I don't think Capcom trusts the average person to not see them as redundant.

I hope I'm wrong, though.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I've been in the thread ever since I got linked here without realizing that it was stickied, then unstuck...

Good job with the thread guys - the hype is definitely going strong, and it makes the wait a killer one...

And the TE Stick's box looks hot - can't wait till I get it!

Takuan said:

I knew the arcade version had aliasing, but I had no idea that the 360 version actually improved above that, plus keeps it 720p at all times - good stuff!

And thanks for the 60fps HD vids! Finally I get to see it running at its proper framerate, I was thinking the whole time that I'd have to wait till I actually had the game before I'd get that privilege...
_dementia said:
I like Q a lot but it wouldn't surprise me if he's Capcom's least popular SF character. I doubt he's make a comeback.
They put Rose in! Did anyone really love her? So there's always hope! Plus he was in SF2! Now that they've run out of playable SF2 characters they can add background dudes. C'monnn Q and Crotchlump.


Strap on your hooker ...
Rummy Bunnz said:
They put Rose in! Did anyone really love her? So there's always hope! Plus he was in SF2! Now that they've run out of playable SF2 characters they can add background dudes. C'monnn Q and Crotchlump.
I'm calling it now, Chicken Choker will be top-tier.


Did not ask for this tag
Bam, updated! Only ones missing are Vega, Bison, Rose and Seth at the moment (i think), looking for the source for the original really really high res press pictures.
Rummy Bunnz said:
They put Rose in! Did anyone really love her? So there's always hope! Plus he was in SF2! Now that they've run out of playable SF2 characters they can add background dudes. C'monnn Q and Crotchlump.
Haha I love that. It's like Capcom went back and based Q and his story of traveling the world collecting fighter's data around a random creepy spectator in HF

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
all this talk about who would be in the potential sequel....

I feel like Capcom does a great job of listening to fans, so I'm sure 3S will see a little love. I'm more excited to see some Alpha characters in there (Rolentooooooo)


Bacon of Hope
rocK` said:
new guys that are planning on playing sf4:

if you plan to play online

-do not pick ryu/ken/akuma, learn to diversify. you will get owned because you have no idea what the other characters can do.
-ryu/ken/akuma are great characters, don't get me wrong...most new people have a horrible idea on how to play them (ie. sweep and fireball and stupid ranges. oh yes, i'm going to punish your sweep, and yes, i will jump in on your poorly placed fireball)

I guess what I'm getting at is, if you want to play these characters, at least understand why they are in the game.

Ryu and Ken play a lot differently in this game overall. Id say its a good idea to pick up Ryu at first because he can utilize every aspect of the gameplay system in a much more strait forward manner than the other two. Once people understand the gameplay system then they should move onto other characters I think.
jon bones said:
all this talk about who would be in the potential sequel....

I feel like Capcom does a great job of listening to fans, so I'm sure 3S will see a little love. I'm more excited to see some Alpha characters in there (Rolentooooooo)
Rolento would be badass

but if you want to get technical he's a Final Fight character

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
_dementia said:
Rolento would be badass

but if you want to get technical he's a Final Fight character

i wouldn't be opposed to seeing Guy and Cody in there, too :D

+throw Adon in the mix... now we're talkin


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Osaka said:
Bam, updated! Only ones missing are Vega, Bison, Rose and Seth at the moment (i think), looking for the source for the original really really high res press pictures.

Derp, ignore me, I didn't see the first batch :lol

Awesomethankyou :3


Strap on your hooker ...
jon bones said:
all this talk about who would be in the potential sequel....

I feel like Capcom does a great job of listening to fans, so I'm sure 3S will see a little love.
I dunno about that. From what I've heard, Dudley actually won the very first "Who should be in SFIV?" poll on Capcom's site... Capcom then deleted all record of this poll and pretended it never happened. There seems to be some sort of internal agenda against SFIII, it's baffling.
Shig said:
I dunno about that. From what I've heard, Dudley actually won the very first "Who should be in SFIV?" poll on Capcom's site... then Capcom then deleted all record of this poll and pretended it never happened. There seems to be some sort of internal agenda against SFIII, it's baffling.
wow, that's really depressing


Worships the porcelain goddess
Something I've wondered. Now, I haven't seen the anime feature, but does any one else think they should have tried telling the story through the in-game engine instead? I personally it would have been pretty damn cool.
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