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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

just figured out how to deal with good El Fuerte players using Honda.

Jump-up HP LOL, charge back Head Butt

HK Sumo Smash to escape Tosstada Presses cross up spams (you will not hit anything but its to GTFO the ground)

EX Sumo Smash for beating him high in the air

EX Heabutt up close when they go for the top wall Fajita Busters
Late night GAF!!! I'm gonna up late in about 20 min. to get some games going. Holler at me! late night ranked is impossible to do :(

PSN - FindMyFarms


I am Homie
FindMyFarms said:
Late night GAF!!! I'm gonna up late in about 20 min. to get some games going. Holler at me! late night ranked is impossible to do :(

PSN - FindMyFarms
I feel like I've lost my way with Vega, after trying to learn bison, so maybe a few high level games with you will help me get back on track.


Trucker Sexologist
drohne said:
avatar updated to reflect prevailing conditions
Are you saying that Guile is nerfed or he needs a nerf? Because it feels like you're always fighting an uphill battle when you pick Guile. He just doesn't have much of an arsenal. I've gotten a ton of wins with his Ultra though. It usually comes out of nowhere.


SapientWolf said:
Are you saying that Guile is nerfed or he needs a nerf? Because it feels like you're always fighting an uphill battle when you pick Guile. He just doesn't have much of an arsenal. I've gotten a ton of wins with his Ultra though. It usually comes out of nowhere.

I really have difficulty trying to pull off his ultra/super with the 360 controller. Other characters ultras aren't so difficult but not Guile's.

And before I can whined at for not using a stick bear in mind the 360 analog is generally pretty good in this game.


SapientWolf said:
Are you saying that Guile is nerfed or he needs a nerf? Because it feels like you're always fighting an uphill battle when you pick Guile. He just doesn't have much of an arsenal. I've gotten a ton of wins with his Ultra though. It usually comes out of nowhere.

I would say he's pretty bad in this game. Maybe I'm just not used to the timing but it just seems a lot harder to put any type of offensive pressure on anyone. The range of his normals seem to have been decreased a lot. His attacks also seem to do very little damage. Sonic boom charge time seems slightly longer and it takes more time for him to throw it.

For the life of me I've never been able to do his super consistently in ANY version of SF2 (outside of HD Remix)...sigh.


I am sick to death of fighting Akuma's. You work your arse off getting into a good position and then they just pull out their win button (aka raging demon) out of their arse.


good credit (by proxy)
akachan ningen said:
just. jump.
he's probably getting hit on a jump in. Maybe he should use forward dash to get closer position instead of an unsafe jump in when Akuma has meter. You should be able to escape raging demon after a dash right?


Ermac said:
Wow Gouken is a BEAST. I really hope he doesn't get banned; He's such a complex character, not really offensive or defensive. Though he doesn't have a solid wakeup. But his Demon Flip and srk slide rape shotos.

His counter is probably one of the hardest moves to time right. BUT, the EX version stops Akuma's Raging Demon (!) Not to mention his throw > ultra combo is freaking awesome. People always think you're going for a puny little throw when they have around 40% health left, then BAM. ULTRA COMBO FINISH!11111!

Whew, sorry I'm on a bit of a gaming high right now; I just got done a three hour play session. Got the I got next trophy too. :)

If anyone wants to add me : PSN: Armonix

I have a problem with him. Do you play him alot online? I thoght he was a beast too when played him offline. Went online with him and it's a mess. He's a glitchy motherfucker.
Every time the second hit of the ex srk (what was the shit called?) wiffed after the first hit was clear hit, I thoght I was going to throw the pad ot the window! He can even wiff his tatsmaki after the first kick hits if oponents it's just bit further. Fucking ridicilous. Also the added help in SFIV motions doesn't help Gouken, it fucks him up badly. All his moves have way too 'close' motions. I can't tell how many times I just wanted to combo to tatsumaki and the low counter came out. Or I wanted to ex srk and useless ex hadouken just eats my ex bar.

I got frustrated with him.


hyperbolically metafictive
SapientWolf said:
Are you saying that Guile is nerfed or he needs a nerf?

the former

i dunno -- it feels like my guile isn't improving anymore, and i'm having a hard time adapting to other characters. haven't had much time to play this week, but i've got to figure something out this weekend


good credit (by proxy)
drohne said:
the former

i dunno -- it feels like my guile isn't improving anymore, and i'm having a hard time adapting to other characters. haven't had much time to play this week, but i've got to figure something out this weekend
he seems to have good priority in air to air.
drohne said:
the former

i dunno -- it feels like my guile isn't improving anymore, and i'm having a hard time adapting to other characters. haven't had much time to play this week, but i've got to figure something out this weekend

He's about as strong as he's ever been. I think the only game where he was really great was CVS.


good credit (by proxy)
akachan ningen said:
He's about as strong as he's ever been. I think the only game where he was really great was CVS.

If you discount that versus crap, he's been arguably the best in the game in about half of the normal street fighter editions he's been in. I'd take SFII CE guile over SFIV guile any day of the week, even without all the added ultras and supers and what not.


Man, I just LOVE how I try to spam forward dash to dash under bison's devil's reverse, and about half the time ryu will dash IN THE OPPOSITE OF THE DIRECTION I'M PRESSING THE D PAD when i get underneath him, running right into bison's fist! The crossup shit in this game is crap. I don't need the damn cpu to glitchily auto-redirect my movements for me.

Ploid 3.0

I don't mind the ken and ryu's. I played a lot of them but it wasn't crazy amounts of them. People seem to mix it up for me.


fuck that. this game was 60 bucks so KenKenKenKenKen!!!!!!!!!!!!! sure, i switch it up but i can't feel bad for picking him. especially when people call me a scrubby shoto when i do. get over yourselves, i've been playing him forever and i'll always do so. playing as someone else is fun for some folks. playing as ken is fun for me and i'm damn sure not about to cut down my fun to increase yours :lol

seriously, i understand that it's probably annoying (i personally don't care) but it's part of the game. there's not a lot that you can do about it. well i guess you could only play against certain people who you know wont pick ken but that seems like a lot of trouble. just beat them and go on about your business.
You guys just need to train these dips to stop playing like such retards. Just keep sweeping every time they DP and then block their wakeup DP and sweep again. They'll figure out eventually that random DPs will get them nowhere.

Scrubby Sagats are more mental because they think endlessly spamming tiger shots is the only thing they can do, so they actually run away when you start closing in instead of TKing or TUing. Dumb shits.


Mrs. Harvey
This guy has way more BP than me. But just when I was about to beat him, he disconnects. One example of many. And that's why I don't play ranked anymore, along with the once 39 straight turtling kens I faced.

Oh a happier note. I finally did all normal trials. Took forever because of the crappy in-game direction. Many of them were vague.



akachan ningen said:
You guys just need to train these dips to stop playing like such retards. Just keep sweeping every time they DP and then block their wakeup DP and sweep again. They'll figure out eventually that random DPs will get them nowhere.

Scrubby Sagats are more mental because they think endlessly spamming tiger shots is the only thing they can do, so they actually run away when you start closing in instead of TKing or TUing. Dumb shits.

it's also pretty easy to just throw them. sometimes i'll try to win both rounds by throws only. that's been a little meta game for a friend and i since WW. we call it "dancing".


Kadey said:
This guy has way more BP than me. But just when I was about to beat him, he disconnects. One example of many. And that's why I don't play ranked anymore, along with the once 39 straight turtling kens I faced.

Oh a happier note. I finally did all normal trials. Took forever because of the crappy in-game direction. Many of them were vague.


That has happened to me as well against the same screen name. :(


Man, Survival mode is so much easier with Sagat than with Abel. :lol

How are the new costumes from the Shoto pack? Who got them? Are they worth it? And how come the CPU never wears the ones I already bought?
Kadey said:
This guy has way more BP than me. But just when I was about to beat him, he disconnects. One example of many. And that's why I don't play ranked anymore, along with the once 39 straight turtling kens I faced.

Oh a happier note. I finally did all normal trials. Took forever because of the crappy in-game direction. Many of them were vague.

Stop. Playing. Ranked.

Seriously. It'll do wonders for your real-life BP.
blood pressure
I love playing ranked. I've only had two ragequitters since I started and playing unranked doesn't give you the dizzying highs and lows of winning and losing meaningless points.


Wasn't there some feature in which you could record matches and watch other players matches as well? What happened with this?
xabre said:
Wasn't there some feature in which you could record matches and watch other players matches as well? What happened with this?
it's supposed to be in the patch, along with tournament baloney. they probably delayed it so they could patch some of the other stuff people are whining about at the same time.


I like playing ranked because the challenge is generally better. In player matches I can go random and beat most people, but in ranked I struggle to win more than 50% of my games. While I hate the matchmaking (and the dropping) sometimes, I've got to admit that BP is fairly effective at matching people of similar skill.

I've probably faced Ryu twice as much as any other character though. :(
drohne said:
the former

i dunno -- it feels like my guile isn't improving anymore, and i'm having a hard time adapting to other characters. haven't had much time to play this week, but i've got to figure something out this weekend

Really? I'm no expert but I'm loving Guile in this. Unbeaten with him against friends, got my 10wins-in-a-row achievement with him and have only lost once in my last 21 ranked matches with him. Might just be because of the excessive amount of Ryu/Ken players out there though, his EX Flashkick and Ultra are perfect for Dragon Punch n00bs...


Worships the porcelain goddess
Holy Order Sol said:
WTF @ Rufus's win quotes.
This is like getting Bel-Air'd by Capcom.

So like, I'm dating this girl right? Her name is Candy. Sweet as she can be man. The name fits perfectly. So one day, she's all "Hey Rufus, lets get some food!" and I'm all "Okay babe!" But then I spot something on the side of the road and I stop. I think it was an alien, but then it couldn't be. Alien's don't exist. But this one time I saw this guy floating in the air chanting "Yogaaaaaaaaa" and I thought "What does Yoga have to do with floating at all?" So then...


I think I played against Dave Sirlin last night (Sirlin Prime)! I barely scraped by with my blanka over his Zangeif. Awesome match. Had about 2,000 BP so I'm betting he mostly plays Player Match.

And I love Rufus' win quotes!:lol


Going from the EX2 to the TE arcade stick is something. Huge improvement but it has that new feel where you don't want to play so rough on it. :lol


Just got the game for Playstation 3 :)

I'm going to be using Balrog as my main, I'm pretty decent for a days worth of practice. Can anyone give me any pointers or point me to a source that's helpful? Also, how do you do a headbutt into his ultra? I'm guessing it involves canceling but I don't know how to do that either :lol


shooting blanks
akachan ningen said:
I love playing ranked. I've only had two ragequitters since I started and playing unranked doesn't give you the dizzying highs and lows of winning and losing meaningless points.

Yeah ranked is so intense. Does it show your win/loss stats or just battle points?

I was on last night as Gief won 2 matches in a row!


But Zangief's ex grabs are brutal, awesome range

It's usually easy beatin' up on Blankas too


Question about arcade sticks? I've never used one before, it is worth buying? I'm trying to do Chun Li's HK into EX Lightning Kick in her challenge mode but it's so hard - the EX Lightning Kick always comes late; I really can't tap the PS3 pad any faster :lol will it be easier on an arcade stick?


harSon said:
Just got the game for Playstation 3 :)

I'm going to be using Balrog as my main, I'm pretty decent for a days worth of practice. Can anyone give me any pointers or point me to a source that's helpful? Also, how do you do a headbutt into his ultra? I'm guessing it involves canceling but I don't know how to do that either :lol

Nothing fancy like that. Instead of headbutting with DB >UF like the move list says, do DB > UB and then go back to down, it keeps the charge. When the falling character's crotch is about to Balrog's head level, unleash the Ultra and it should connect!


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I love Ranked matches in any game I play, including this one, but I HATE when you go up against pussies that will even put up a damn good fight, but quit out when they're about to lose - it's so sad really...

What keeps me from playing Ranked SFIV isn't the quitters though, it's the time it takes in comparison to the last online Street Fighters - I'll fight anyone, weak or strong as long as the connection is excellent, which is why I only search for best connection - when I search for opponents who are better than me, after all the waiting, I get only ONE opponent, and he's got a red bar...

"Quick Match" isn't quick whatsoever, as you still have to choose to play or not after the list comes up...

HDRemix does it better and so much faster too - the only problem with that system was that it would show matches that were already full, and you wouldn't know till you already selected it - and you'd have to search all over again - but I read lately that they patched that so it's all good now...

I got all of the Ranked Achievements on the first day, so really, I play Ranked only for the pure competition since I love a challenge, but my Player Matches probably more than triple the amount of Ranked Matches I've played, due to how much easier it is to get a Player Match than a Ranked - and if a loser DOES quit, it's only after the match is over...

If they update the ease of finding Ranked matches, and punish the bastards that quit more strictly, I'll play more Ranked in a heartbeat...

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Avatar1 said:
I think I played against Dave Sirlin last night (Sirlin Prime)! I barely scraped by with my blanka over his Zangeif. Awesome match. Had about 2,000 BP so I'm betting he mostly plays Player Match.

And I love Rufus' win quotes!:lol

By beating him you probably proved his point that the game should be exactly like HDR.
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