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The Oily, Gentlemanly Super Spin Fighter 4 Reveal Thread of Kunoichis and Karatekas

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Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Kintaro said:
Did you see how well SF4 sold on consoles in Japan? The answer is, not very. Super SF4 will sell even less.

They don't play these games at home as much as they do in the arcades. What is so hard to understand about this? If the arcade scene was alive and well anywhere near me, I wouldn't have bought SF4 either.
Seriously?! I'm the total opposite. When I lived in japan, I stopped going to arcades for SFIV completely once I got the home version. I'd much rather sit on my comfortable couch and play than go and play on a stool in a stinky arcade.


Snapshot King said:
Because he doesn't believe that the top level guys are the only ones keeping the genre alive SF4s a flavour of the month to him? We're all friends here, how bout we hop off the discredit train and STOP CRYING.
We all pretty much stopped whining about the lack of arcade release, and are trying to make people understand how silly they sound for screaming how little they care about something that doesn't affect them and having no argument other than "neener-neener you don't have something that you like anymore".

Edit: I'm sure tommorrow when they release Deejay and Hakan's information or whatever, this will stop because generally most threads on the internet degenerate into a festering shitheap when there's nothing to actually discuss.


Snapshot King said:
Because he doesn't believe that the top level guys are the only ones keeping the genre alive SF4s a flavour of the month to him? We're all friends here, how bout we hop off the discredit train and STOP CRYING.
I ain't crying, man - I'm just showing him the pov that he doesn't even care to acknowledge, much like what you're doing.

It doesn't really matter to me since I play the game casually as well.
I do like to follow the scene and see the high level of skill from any player regardless of nationality.

Hence my dissapointment that there's a chance Japanese will ditch the game since the highest level of play usually comes from the Japanese scene.
myDingling said:
Fucking god.

Private console get togethers != public arcade competition

They're harder to put together.

You can't get as many people.

Individuals need to put in work as opposed to business operating for profit.

You tend to play the same people over and over and don't learn much beyond that.

We get about 30-40 people every week, rotates pretty frequently, with all the good players from the arcade showing because theres more competition at the meetup than at the arcade. Plus the weekly tourney. Harder to put together? Seems like it was real easy for my buddy to get that started, and its certainly easier to get something like that started than shipping arcade units at 20k a pop into the middle of nowhere alabama.

Also, as to playing the same people over and over? We have an arcade over here with SF4. Guess who shows up? Pretty much the same people over and over! There's more variation at the meetup.

Just because YOU can't run a good console meetup scene doesn't mean it can't happen.


kensk said:
"neener-neener you don't have something that you like anymore".

I'm thinking of making a Greasemonkey script to replace all of LosDaddie and Snapshot King's posts with this and screenshotting it :D
fubarduck said:
I'm thinking of making a Greasemonkey script to replace all of LosDaddie and Snapshot King's posts with this and screenshotting it :D

I wish I could make a Marcus Fenix tag and attach it to AWWW CMOOOON.

I'll admit, it sucks for arcade rats. But when said arcade rats start preaching the death of the community and come off like entitled whiners, sure, I get a little kick out of it.


kensk said:
Everyone is competing bro.

Even scrubs play in arcades in Japan.

And your point is? Are the Japan arcade players the reason why SUPER is being made?

Arde5643 said:
I'd say the MvC and SF3 scene (small as they are) are still alive thanks to those competition level players.

If by "alive" you mean being played only by competition-level players, then yes, I guess SF3 is still "alive". MvC2 just got a nice little boost with being re-released on XBL & PSN though

Arde5643 said:
But again, it doesn't really matter to you since for you SF4 is just the flavor of the month.

I bought SFIV in May and still play it a few times a week.
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
Anyone else here more excited about T Hawk and Dee Jay more so than the SF3 characters?


haha just kidding dude. you just did a combo breaker on our bitch fest.


Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
Anyone else here more excited about T Hawk and Dee Jay more so than the SF3 characters?
Only if they don't include Urien!

RIP Best FG character ever. Mexican with a superiority complex in a banana-hammock.
ShinobiFist said:
As long the game is coming out, that's all that matters. Fucking casuals are the new Republicans now.
Now don't you sound silly.


Snapshot King said:
I'll admit, it sucks for arcade rats. But when said arcade rats start preaching the death of the community and come off like entitled whiners, sure, I get a little kick out of it.

That's the basic sentiment of "my" side here.

We just don't buy the "No Arcade Release = Death of SSIV! Without the Japanese arcade rats, there wouldn't even be SFIV!!" argument some are screaming about here.


Arde5643 said:
Has there been any exclusive console-release only fighting game that ended up being both balanced and supported for a long time (even if it's just by niche fans)?

Or if not, any exclusive console-release fighting game that satisfies one of those conditions?
Smash Bros. Melee. Of course you can contest "balanced", but balance is relative. IMO it's balanced pretty well. No worse than 3s.

You can also contest "fighting game" but then you'd be a moron.

(also, PLEASE have makoto or elena)


Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
Anyone else here more excited about T Hawk and Dee Jay more so than the SF3 characters?

I like messing around with DEeJay back in the day. I'll probably try him out for a few weeks in SSFIV


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
What the hell is going on ?
We should be happy about the new awesome sequel of an awesome game, that has lots of awesome characters.

Dont kill the awesome GAF!
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
Anyone else here more excited about T Hawk and Dee Jay more so than the SF3 characters?
I welcome all new (and returning) characters with open arms. Dee Jay looks like a high combo and stun character.

Question about the trials, do you think Capcom will make new Hard trials for all characters? That would be awesome, hard trials are on of my most satisfying moments in the original SFIV.
Really excited by Dee Jay who looks really fun. Hawk is cool but I just hope he's bad so there's not another grappler I have to worry about, much less one with a DP.


This whole argument is getting crazy...

Damn I have been playing SF since day one in the arcade...the last arcade that had a SF in it was back when Third Strike first came out...now there is not an arcade within 100+ miles of my location.

I am as diehard of a street fighter fan as you will find. Am I tournament level good? Probably not, but I play pretty much religiously every friday night or whenever friends or family come over.

I love watching combo videos and trying to get better myself.

So does the announcement that it will not be coming out in the arcade hurt me in any way?

Directly: no...like I said arcades have been extinct in virginia for a long time so I would never get the chance to play it there anyway.

Indirectly: very minor...while I do love watching the elite combo videos missing out on them will not hurt my enjoyment of the game...hell I never thought we would see a part 4 as is.

Anyhow with that said I would like there to be an arcade release, but more so I just wish people would start talking about the game and not if/when/fuck capcom/arcade etc...remember games are meant to be fun.


Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
Anyone else here more excited about T Hawk and Dee Jay more so than the SF3 characters?
More? No.

As much as? Absolutely.

but it is illegal to not bitch about any recurring chars so just keep your opinion on the down low. Every character added to this game sucks except the ones with the best combo videos from other games that most can't even dream of emulating.


Didn't read the whole thread, but any signs of a PC version of SSFIV?

I want to play with the SF3 characters... Makoto rules so much.


It's all according to keikaku:

1) Announce no arcade release. Community goes into an uproar.
2) Release the console versions. Community complains about balance.
3) Pay an intern for 2 months to "port" the PC version to a Taito Type-X2 board (which *is* a PC).
4) Announce an arcade version "after listening to the fans" and location test the shit out of it.
5) Release the balanced arcade version.
6) Bring the console/PC versions up-to-date to the arcade version balance tweaks via a patch.

See? Just because console version is coming first, it doesn't means Capcom will never release an arcade version. They already have PC code, and nowadays most arcades are PCs.

qcf x2

Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
Anyone else here more excited about T Hawk and Dee Jay more so than the SF3 characters?

Nah, imo those were the two worst Street Fighter characters of all time. Dudley ftw. Not sure how my girls Ibuki and Makoto will carry over...
I'm definitely getting back to SF4 if Makoto's added in :D

This arcade vs. home console debate is getting out of hand.

I really doubt Capcom's not gonna release an arcade in Japan... Maybe not in the US. That's basically telling the US, "hey, we got a new SF4, but you'll only get it in arcade, but not in consoles"

Arcade scene is *almost* dead in the US, makes no sense to NOT release it on consoles. Conversely, arcade scene is HUGE in Jap, but not so much on consoles.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
myDingling said:
Fucking god.

Private console get togethers != public arcade competition

They're harder to put together.

You can't get as many people.

Individuals need to put in work as opposed to business operating for profit.

You tend to play the same people over and over and don't learn much beyond that.

Vastly different from my experiences with both.

As for Hawk- I'm glad he's in SFIV- he might be something more then a 1 gimmick character unlike ST. (even HDR hawk is gimmicky more then solid , though Sirlin gave him a bit more depth)


n3ss said:
People are aware that japan gave up on marvel years ago right? Guess what? The game lived on. Morons.
Console or arcade? :lol

J/K - let's not bring back this stupid arcade vs console discussion since at this point it's not worth wringing our hands on.
In any case, I think Ono is just fucking with the SF4 fans at this point with that no-arcade announcement.

It's very much like how that time he said there wasn't going to be any SF4-Dash.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
Anyone else here more excited about T Hawk and Dee Jay more so than the SF3 characters?

No. You're crazy.
It's pretty obvious Ono is hyping up the console release so you guys can focus on it and GET HYPED. Watch like a month before release you're gonna see reports of SSFIV in arcades. Let's just talk about how awesome this game will be as we wait for new info, mmkay?


n3ss said:
People are aware that japan gave up on marvel years ago right? Guess what? The game lived on. Morons.

fubarduck from one page ago said:
The reason the Marvel scene exploded in the US was due to the arcade version. If MVC2 had never seen an arcade release, a scene literally wouldn't exist today.

For a person who works at Capcom, could it possibly be that you're worried about the backlash this title will get if there's no arcade version? Or are you more worried that you'll lose your job if they found out you posted here?

It takes a lot of balls to admit that you're part of the problem, and I don't expect you to do that. But do understand that you are in the minority in this argument; furthermore you're not even bringing a valid point to the table.

Everyone accepts that an arcade version is necessary for the best possible scene.


Junior Member
Arde5643 said:
Console or arcade? :lol

J/K - let's not bring back this stupid arcade vs console discussion since at this point it's not worth wringing our hands on.
In any case, I think Ono is just fucking with the SF4 fans at this point with that no-arcade announcement.

It's very much like how that time he said there wasn't going to be any SF4-Dash.
There is no SF4 Dash.

it's Super, baby.
Ignoring the jp community argument. Without an arcade version there isn't a focus testing period so the drawback is the game released directly to the consumer; probability of bugs and balance are greater. Feilong -Abel/Seth infinites, console charcters all pretty underpowered, Seth odd animation glitches with his kick move.
DeeJay in that trailer posted a day or so ago..

Was that his ultra they showed since they kinda zoomed into on his face.. I would guess so.

Seemed kinda of bleh looking (In terms of flashiness) :((((
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
Anyone else here more excited about T Hawk and Dee Jay more so than the SF3 characters?

*raises hand*

The only reason I don't mind Hawk and Dee Jay being added is because they were in the code already.

Otherwise I was hoping for a bunch of new characters as opposed to a bunch of old ones. Already thought sf4 had too many repeats.


TurtleSnatcher said:
DeeJay in that trailer posted a day or so ago..

Was that his ultra they showed since they kinda zoomed into on his face.. I would guess so.

Seemed kinda of bleh looking (In terms of flashiness) :((((
Is it the one that ended with him doing a very flashy sonic-boom like uppercut?

But yeah, agreed - they should've done more than that.
TurtleSnatcher said:
DeeJay in that trailer posted a day or so ago..

Was that his ultra they showed since they kinda zoomed into on his face.. I would guess so.

Seemed kinda of bleh looking (In terms of flashiness) :((((
I thought it looked cool


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
fubarduck said:
For a person who works at Capcom, could it possibly be that you're worried about the backlash this title will get if there's no arcade version? Or are you more worried that you'll lose your job if they found out you posted here?

It takes a lot of balls to admit that you're part of the problem, and I don't expect you to do that. But do understand that you are in the minority in this argument; furthermore you're not even bringing a valid point to the table.

Everyone accepts that an arcade version is necessary for the best possible scene.

I do believe that there is going to be an arcade version, Ono will say: 'We are doing it for 'teh' fans'.


FindMyFarms said:
*raises hand*

The only reason I don't mind Hawk and Dee Jay being added is because they were in the code already.

Otherwise I was hoping for a bunch of new characters as opposed to a bunch of old ones. Already thought sf4 had too many repeats.
SSFIV is the Mortal Kombat Trilogy of Street Fighter.


TurtleSnatcher said:
DeeJay in that trailer posted a day or so ago..

Was that his ultra they showed since they kinda zoomed into on his face.. I would guess so.

Seemed kinda of bleh looking (In terms of flashiness) :((((
It looked ok to me, but at least it's not another "launch opponent into the air then SLAM HIM BACK DOWN WITH POSE".


myDingling said:
This whole argument isn't really about the arcades. It's about hardcore players being drama queens and elitist, and casual players being insecure and selfish. Everyone has a valid argument and I bet most of us understand each other's point, but we're just being dicks about it because we perceive the other side of the argument to be acting like dicks.

PROTIP: You're ALL dicks.
Goddamn right we are. Now let us get back to wondering where in the fuck is Makoto. >:-(
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