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The scariest picture you will ever see (not safe for arachnophobes)

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Duck of Death said:
Seriously, the massive mob of spiders is bad enough.

Was it really necessary to bring back clock spider!?!? :mad:

Let's bring it to page 2!




Er, harvesters aren't spiders. Spiders are in the Order Araneae, harvesters in Opiliones. Also, harvesters are scavengers and have neither venom nor a way to inject it.

Spiders make great pets :)
You must eat Pholcidae (Daddy Long Legs) for them to be fatally poisonous.



biodiversity explorer
Family: Pholcidae (daddy long legs spiders)

(Phylum: Arthropoda, subphylum Chelicerata, class Arachnida, order Araneae, suborder Araneomorpha)

The Pholcidae, or daddy long legs spiders, is a large family with a worldwide distribution. In South Africa there are 3 genera; Pholcus, Smeringopus and Spermaphora. These spiders are harmless to man as their jaws are unable to penetrate human skin and the venom dose is also too minute. Spider specialists are often asked if it is true that, of all the spiders, the pholcids have the deadliest venom and the only reason there are no human fatalities is because of the small size of the jaws. There is no documentation on this. The venom is neurotoxic and is deadly to the prey. The pholcids, as well as other spiders, should be encouraged in the home as they control various insect pests such as mosquitoes, flies, fishmoths, ants and moths.

(Another group of arachnids, the Opiliones, are also referred to as daddy long legs).

Smeringopus sp.

The spider hangs inverted in a messy, irregular, tangled web. These webs are constructed in dark recesses, in caves, under rocks and loose bark, abandoned mammal burrows and undisturbed areas in buildings and cellars, hence the other common name, cellar spiders. The web has no adhesive properties but the irregular structure traps insects, making escape difficult. The spider quickly envelops its prey with silk and then inflicts the fatal bite. The prey may be eaten immediately or stored for later. When the spider is threatened by a touch to the web or when too large a prey hits the web, the spider becomes invisible by vibrating rapidly and becoming blurred. When off their webs, pholcids walk with an unsteady, bobbing action.

Certain species of these seemingly benign spiders invade webs of other spiders and eat the host, the eggs or the prey. In some cases the spider vibrates the web of other spiders, mimicking the prey to lure the host of the web closer.

Pholcids are fragile spiders, the body being 2 to 10 mm in length and the legs are up to 30 mm long. Pholcus and Smeringopus have cylindrical abdomens and the eyes are arranged in 2 lateral groups of 3 and 2 smaller median contiguous (together) eyes. Spermaphora has a small globose (round) abdomen and its eyes are arranged in 2 groups of 3 and no median eyes. Pholcids are grey to brown with banding or chevron markings.

Pholcids are often confused with the violin spider (Loxosceles, family Sicariidae) but the latter does not occur in a web, is much more robust and is very agile on all surfaces. The false violin spider or leaf-litter spider (family Drymusidae) does occur in a web similar to that of the pholcids and in fact closely resembles them but are not often encountered.

The eggs of the pholcids have no protective sac but are held together as an agglutinated (glued together) mass and, as with the Scytodidae, are carried by the female in the chelicerae and are attached to the web while she feeds. The eggs hatch after 2 to 3 weeks and the spiderlings mature after 5 moults.

Copyright 2004, Iziko Museums of Cape Town

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Anyone care for a garden salad?





Junior Member
Spiders are so not scary. It's all about having a phobia for snakes (which I have). I can't even touch the little shits in a book, I'm such a pussy. And don't even think about showing me a picture of a King Cobra. I freak out.


One time I was just watching telly late at night and I leaned back on the couch and looked up and thought I saw lots of little black dots on the ceiling, I turned on the main lights and there was probably about 200 tiny harmless little spiders spread right across my ceiling and even going upstairs a bit - it looked FREAKY but it wasn't so bad until I went around and started flyspraying them coz as they died they all started slowly falling down on strands of web and I got dead ones all over me.

It was gross to start off with but I didnt care after a while once I started the big spray, dust and vac task.

I still never figured out where they all came from, there was no real highly-concentrated center-area to the pattern and I swear they weren't there when I had come home a few hours earlier. > <


BlindN-Fan said:
Hell yes. I am too.


Just posting that pic..I need my inhaler now :\


holy jdkfjd..

those pics gave me the ****in chills...the only pics in this thread to dot hat.

Spiders<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Roaches in tersm of fear factor.


BlindN-Fan said:
Hell yes. I am too.


Just posting that pic..I need my inhaler now :\


Yuuuuuccckkkkkkk! Those are the ones! Ehhhhhhhh......why did you post that? Did you have to? Ehhhh....like Nameless, those were the only pics in the thread to give me the chills. Yuck
damnit every time I look through threads like these I get itches all over my body as if an insect is crawling on my body :lol
jesus christ... that ****ing clock spider!~!!!~!!~!

where do they generally live?

I would rub my own shit all over me if I saw one of those in person!!! gah!


Because certain people need something to talk about.
TheJollyCorner said:
jesus christ... that ****ing clock spider!~!!!~!!~!

where do they generally live?

I would rub my own shit all over me if I saw one of those in person!!! gah!

They live in your apartment and listen to Phil Collins with you.


Jason said:
House centipedes are the worst.
creepy images

They are for two reasons:

1.) They're sort of common.

2.) I've actually found a couple of them in my apartment.

And I guess they CAN bite you, but that they can hardly penetrate human flesh. And if they do it's like a bee sting.


EDIT: on another note, they kill roaches. So they at least serve a purpose other than for making you check your shoes before putting them on.
is it another month already? a thread about "HALP! i'm too pussy and hate spiders! why did i clicked here?!#%?!#%?" pops-up every month


One time in school I grabbed a handful of those daddy long legs spiders(from a pile bigger than that one) and proceeded to stuff them in a classmates little bag where he kept his pens, pencils and stuff. We were going to take a quiz so everyone was sitting down and quiet when the guy opened the bag and dozens of them started crawling out and the guy jumped and screamed like a little girl. :lol


This is a sort of GAF tradition that shall never be quelled. That every once in a while a "things that creep" thread is made only for people to say "Why did I click :( :("



I don't mind any insects...except roaches. I mean you won't get me to touch a huge ass centipede because I know what some of them can do, but they don't make me freak out. Roaches do. Maybe it's because I once stepped on a roach as a kid, and then watched in horror as it managed to flip itself back up and stumble away. Then I heard all the stories about how roaches remain alive for weeks after you cut off their head, until they finally die of dehydration. How they can survive nuclear explosions. How some of them can fly and spit poison. Yes, roaches creep me the **** out, even though I rationally know that their chances of directly harming me are slim.


Lol at the dude who still thinks daddy long-legs are poisonous and lol at Americans being such spider-phobes, coz in Australia I ride my pet spider to school and then when I get there we all fight our spiders against each other for fun and then I go home and feed little spiders to my monster spider colony.

Seriously though, there's big spiders everywhere where I live but if they aren't redbacks or funnel-webs I couldnt care less about them. (Oh and white tails, I havent worked out if Im allergic to them and I don t want to find out the hard scarred way) but it doesnt matter if its huntsmen, money-spiders, wolf spiders or long-legs I usually just try and flick/brush/carry them back outside where they belong.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
JadedOne said:
Hey its not funny. Roaches are damn nasty! The only ones that creep me out though are the "waterbugs", you know...the ones that are pure black and shiny.....yuuuckkk. Nasty...don't they carry diseases too? And do they bite? Ehhhh.....
Dude, those are the best kind of roach, if there is such a thing. I live in a hella old house near the wilderness, so sometimes we'll have to fight off a roach invasion.

Waterbugs (oriental cockroach):
-Can't fly
-Can't climb surfaces unless they are well textured
-In general prefer smooth surfaces to something like carpet
-Don't travel too far from the main water source or too far off the ground, so they'll stay in the basement (maybe occasionally find their way onto the kitchen floor)
-Stay in low numbers
-Are not responsive to light
-Slow as hell, and dumb
-Eliminate other roach presence (I think they eat their babies or something)
-Can be scared off by putting a little bleach down the drain every night


I present to GAF the Goliath bird eating spider!!


jumping spider


Never forget!!!!!!!!!!!


Do an image search for maggots please.

if you want to be scarred for life

Mr Toast

I love spiders. Theyre nothing short of fascinating to watch. Though I dont handle them because I'm not sure how to (I dont handle cats either :D )

I picked up a fist-sized rock once, turned it over and there was a redback spider sitting on a nest of how ever many eggs can fit in a 1cm diameter sack. Standoff ensued, and I decided putting the rock back down was the smart choice to make.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Where I used to live we had earwig infestations and the entire basement would be littered with hundreds of these. I remember having one of these n my sock after moving 1000 miles from that shit hole. Not scary just disgusting and thank god that myth isn't true because i've woken up with some of these ****ers on my pillow.

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