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The state of NeoGAF

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marked forever
Your continued use of that other forum will be the demise of GAF. That's what you guys don't understand.

I've used other sites the entire time. I'm still here. I don't like how Evilore handled anything, and if he actually did this shit then I really don't like him at all.

I'll still be here. I'll still sit in this community. Maybe you should check out GAF's history regarding Opa-Ages so you can understand why GAF is even here.
Well, guess I just won't be able to register for ERA for quite a while then since I don't have a paid email anymore.

The only reason I even posted here still was to look out for news about it so I'm done here as well.

Guess I'll see how Giantbomb is doing for some time.

Cheers everyone who already did get in, I hope I can follow soon!


Well, guess I just won't be able to register for ERA for quite a while then since I don't have a paid email anymore.

The only reason I even posted here still was to look out for news about it so I'm done here as well.

Guess I'll see how Giantbomb is doing for some time.

Cheers everyone who already did get in, I hope I can follow soon!

You can check out S l a e n t. A decent amount of gaffers move there and a lot of people are splitting time between it and reset. It's a pretty cool forum with chill mods and I was hanging around there till I got the opportunity to get to Reset.


The insiders, developers, industry analyst, pr, marketing, etc are very unlikely to be attracted to this place anymore.

tbqh, this is what worries me the most.
i guess we'll see which forum has the better A-Team once the nextgen./rumor season starts.

by that time i'll know if GAF is still the same place i discovered back in 2005... or regressed into just merely another forum/mere shadow of its former self.
Can someone ppm this new site we are gravitating towards? GAF is a sinking ship and all I want
Is to discuss games with gamings elite. Much appreciated!
Exactly. It's sad I'm the only one who gives a shit anymore.

If you gave a shit about the community that built this forum, you'd be supporting those that left and focusing your anger towards Malaka. Instead, like a belligerent child, you choose to declare war on the people that are trying to make a positive difference.

You're aiming at the wrong people, fix your shit or take a break for a while.

Joe T.

It's not nicely written at all. Telling minorites they "abadoned ship" when they were basically told to piss off indirectly is really rude.

Why didn't you just tell me this directly?

You're demonstrating one of the problems present with online discussion right now, not only in your inability to engage in good faith, but also that you freely throw generalities/blanket statements around, unaware of the harm it does. I was quite clear in my wording to avoid the misunderstanding you just made (re: some of them rather than all of them). One member in particular who is now on the other site's staff, for example, couldn't help himself from interjecting social issues/politics wherever he posted here, almost every thread he entered became about racism to him. He spent all his time talking down to anyone that wasn't also a minority, as if my being born into a white family was by choice and I'm responsible for all the suffering he endures. I fight for the same civil liberties he and others like him want, for people of all backgrounds to be on an equal playing field, but he and those like him were quick to shut down discussions. "Both sides" this "blue lives matter" that. There is a point where the fight for equal rights, ironically, turns into an angry mob wishing harm on anyone that isn't exactly like them. When you cross that threshold you lose the moral high ground and have become your own worst enemy, civil discourse becomes very difficult at that point.

It's like a sizable portion of the vocal members here thought they had joined a group of Antifa protestors thinking they were doing good and soon found themselves smashing cars, breaking windows and beating people up without any real reason except that someone else started it and they got swept up in the moment. Except anarchists usually grow up, get jobs, start families and become a part of the society they once rebelled against, realizing the error of their ways. Do you think the people that left here in protest will realize the error of their ways? I'm sure they will, eventually. In the meantime I'll do my part here, as insignificant as it is.
This place is like a ghost town. The other site is already better for gaming content and it's not patronisingly telling me to read a newspaper. What a massive fuckup.
The community owes nothing to the site. The community can go where it will.
The community waited long enough to leave. The shock of the site being offline and mods leaving is the main reason people left. Would the mods have stayed, most members would have too; swallowing another mini uproar. The community that is making a stink, and maybe even more so, the mods stayed for too long to leave. The silent majority leaving just feel left behind and want a fun community to be paet of.


This place is like a ghost town. The other site is already better for gaming content and it's not patronisingly telling me to read a newspaper. What a massive fuckup.

Pretty much...it's going to be a bloodbath when they open the registration for everyone. Pretty impressive what they have done in such a short time.


All that....everything is gone!

NeoGAF Total Posts at 8:14pm - 119,688,607
NeoGAF Total Posts at 8:24pm - 119,688,646 (difference = 39)
NeoGAF Total Posts at 8:34pm - 119,688,714 (difference = 107)
NeoGAF Total Posts at 8:54pm - 119,688,851 (difference = 244)
NeoGAF Total Posts at 9:14pm - 119,689,002 (difference = 395)
NeoGAF Total Posts at 10:14pm - 119,689,433 (difference = 826)

ResetEra Total Posts at 8:14pm - 22,655
ResetEra Total Posts at 8:24pm - 24,019 (difference = 1364)
ResetEra Total Posts at 8:34pm - 25,296 (difference = 2641)
ResetEra Total Posts at 8:54pm - 26,613 (difference = 3958)
ResetEra Total Posts at 10:14pm - 34,511 (difference = 11856)




I’ll take a permaban please, and if you could scrub my posts and data from your servers that would be appreciated.

Evilore, excellent job scapegoating your community & OT for your own fuckups and disgusting behavior.

Enjoy the Gamergate community you attracted and are left with.
Looking for that permaban.

Community is pretty much dead over here, and a lot of what's left is nothing I want part of.

Evilore trying to shut down "political" discourse meant just stupidly trying to silence the part of the community that wouldn't take your bullshit, and a way to somehow deflect away from you.

It's not surprising that certain people are coming out of the woodwork to praise the move. Have fun with the "both sides" crowd, I guess.

See ya, time to reset.
Some nice features I've seen on the new place:

Alerts to tell you when there's new content in a thread you're subscribed to
Alerts when someone quotes your post
You can @ mention someone's name in your post to draw their attention to that post
You can go straight into editing a post in topic view by simply double clicking on the post
Spoiler tags can display a note describing the nature of the spoiler
Drag and drop images into your post from anywhere
There's also highlight quoting for quickly quoting a specific part of a post and a report button

wow... neogaf seems so antiquated by comparison. In a charming way.
Why didn't you just tell me this directly?

You're demonstrating one of the problems present with online discussion right now, not only in your inability to engage in good faith, but also that you freely throw generalities/blanket statements around, unaware of the harm it does. I was quite clear in my wording to avoid the misunderstanding you just made (re: some of them rather than all of them). One member in particular who is now on the other site's staff, for example, couldn't help himself from interjecting social issues/politics wherever he posted here, almost every thread he entered became about racism to him. He spent all his time talking down to anyone that wasn't also a minority, as if my being born into a white family was by choice and I'm responsible for all the suffering he endures. I fight for the same civil liberties he and others like him want, for people of all backgrounds to be on an equal playing field, but he and those like him were quick to shut down discussions. "Both sides" this "blue lives matter" that. There is a point where the fight for equal rights, ironically, turns into an angry mob wishing harm on anyone that isn't exactly like them. When you cross that threshold you lose the moral high ground and have become your own worst enemy, civil discourse becomes very difficult at that point.

It's like a sizable portion of the vocal members here thought they had joined a group of Antifa protestors thinking they were doing good and soon found themselves smashing cars, breaking windows and beating people up without any real reason except that someone else started it and they got swept up in the moment. Except anarchists usually grow up, get jobs, start families and become a part of the society they once rebelled against, realizing the error of their ways. Do you think the people that left here in protest will realize the error of their ways? I'm sure they will, eventually. In the meantime I'll do my part here, as insignificant as it is.


I feel your pain man. Folks always gotta talk about their daily experiences, why can't they just like ignore it!


I’ll take a permaban please, and if you could scrub my posts and data from your servers that would be appreciated.

Evilore, excellent job scapegoating your community & OT for your own fuckups and disgusting behavior.

Enjoy the Gamergate community you attracted and are left with.

The hilarious part is the gaters don't give a shit about this forum except that it's now in ruins. They weren't going to stay and make it their home after years of being called out by Gaf.

Evilore seriously fucked up in the pr aftermath. The pr company he hired should be blacklisted in future, if there's a future.
I’ll take a permaban please, and if you could scrub my posts and data from your servers that would be appreciated.

Evilore, excellent job scapegoating your community & OT for your own fuckups and disgusting behavior.

Enjoy the Gamergate community you attracted and are left with.

Same. Ditto to what Rokal said.


Unconfirmed Member
How do I step by step join ResetEra right now with my GAF name? Thanks!
My guess is it'll be public within a week, but that's just my guess. Shouldn't be too long.

Sounds like they're done with private invites for now, outside of maybe doing one more for a more EU friendly time. You would need to be connected enough to the community in some way for the password to viral its way to you in the 10 minute window they allow, mostly through discord.

But don't worry about it too much. I'm sure you'll get in the easy way soon enough.


Neo Member
Okay, people I hardly ever posted on GAF (lurked for years and hardly commented even when I had an account), but I was fortunate enough to make it into that timeframe where you could register for RE.

Forget Discord invites. The ONLY way to get on now is to wait for the site to re-open and to sign-up. The site had issues making an account with paid email, but it did allow me to use a gmail account earlier. That will NOT be the case going forward, but the mods are cool, so if you don't have access to a paid email, maybe ERA's support email address can help (if your begging with an email, maybe post a link to your gaf account/twitter account so they at least know who you are). Because gmail does technically work, I just don't know if they can make it a case-by-case thing, or if they'd need to alter the whole site's setting to allow one individual to use a freebie email account.

Either way, I think I'm pretty much done lurking here. RE is fantastic. New content popping up every second. And no gamergate/Alt right bullshit to deal with either. It's pretty great. Feels like home.


Seek victory, not fairness
Get off the fence and choose a side. You've been drafted into a war son and you better be ready to kill these traitor ERA sonbitches.

General heads up for those over-the-top "war" type posts - third parties are trying to create a rivalry.
You can also edit and have mods edit your post without your knowledge.

(This is one of the worst changes. I don't know why.)

Waiting for an explanation.

There are sites out there that are reporting staff are reading their PM's and banning them for things they sent/received etc. vBulletin does NOT let any user read another users PM. You'd have to either login as that user, or have direct access to the database.
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