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The state of NeoGAF

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Just sad what kind of language is used to insult the people who took the first step and built a new site from the ground up. One that you now want to join.

"All those militant SJWs throwing around heavy insults while begging for bans: get lost, no one will miss you here."

"All you self-righteous, self-proclaimed saints fuck off and start cleaning beginning at your own houses doormat. Just think a moment about some girl / guy accuses you more or less out of nowhere publicly and people start crucify you for just that. You guys are bonkers, that's anarchy."

"If a trial decides Tyler is guilty I'll be one of the first to jump this ship, but unless this won't happen I just laugh about you guys and I'm happy the GAF community is cleaning itself."

Why even bother joining when you hate the community that much?

Edit: And that isn't even mentioning the reason why everyone jumped ship.

Just checking, but is the position that if you don't go all out attacking EL over this, then you're scum? I mean saying "innocent until proven guilty" is kinda civilised society 101.

Because I'm a moderate, rule of law kinda guy generally, and really not a fan of Internet hate mobs for any reason (if you're interested as to why, have a watch of this TED talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/jon_ronson_what_happens_when_online_shaming_spirals_out_of_control )

I'm happy to say that NeoGAF is dead, for better or worse, and that I don't think the previous moderation was too much of an issue (though I never really strayed into OT that much). But it seems there's this expectation to join the dogpile or be branded, well, any insult that comes to mind.

I've seen numerous posters on here expressing nothing more than reservation treated in a disgraceful manner the last few days. It should be OK to respectfully pose dissenting views, surely?

Like I say, the guy you are responding to wasn't particularly polite or reasonable, and I just used your post as a jumping off point. Genuine question though, because what I see of ResetEra looks great and like it's keeping the best bits of GAF, but I'm not sure I can support that kind of behaviour.

Edit: on rereading your reply it was more the way he spoke about the community that was the issue and I've kinda gone off half cocked. Sorry about that. General question still stands though.


Just checking, but is the position that if you don't go all out attacking EL over this, then you're scum? I mean saying "innocent until proven guilty" is kinda civilised society 101.

You have to take into account this is not the first time this kind of event happened with this person. According to the Vice article, it is the 3rd incident.

If I had read about the 2012 incident, which was never denied by the main suspect (to the contrary), I would have had a different position during all these years and might have quit before.

Maybe it is because I'm from Europe, maybe it is because English is not my mother tongue, but I don't like it when people sexually assault "a girl who didn't speak any English" for a 2 € Coca-Cola, because hey, "it is Spain".


You have to take into account this is not the first time this kind of event happened with this person. According to the Vice article, it is the 3rd incident.

If I had read about the 2012 incident, which was never denied by the main suspect (to the contrary), I would have had a different position during all these years and might have quit before.

Maybe it is because I'm from Europe, maybe it is because English is not my mother tongue, but I don't like it when people sexually assault "a girl who didn't speak any English" for a 2 € Coca-Cola, because hey, "it is Spain".

...and? This guilt by association makes zero sense.


I'll come clean, I'm still "staying" to communicate/help with some old gaffers that decided to stay that don't know where to go, although I'm not sure if I could offer much, I just like the community honestly, so probably might not post much since I'm on reset. I'll help out/contribute wherever I can, it wasn't like I'm a huge contributer to begin with.

I could easily see why people have a distaste about Tyler, but I don't feel that strongly against him and the allegations, I just feel like at this point judging from his history, behavior and his statement, his character is incredibly questionable and there's no reason to choose him over the community I love so much, and I'm confused of why people want to support him.

I don't have any ill opinions against members who will decide to stay, just... feels weird and disappointed, yeah sure the whole "Just want to talk about games" stuff, but you can talk about games with the rest of us everywhere else.

At last I'm glad this thread is left opened by the mod team to allow us to discuss this, and not getting shut down like the Amir0x stuff, so thanks. And I'm not committing account suicide but after this post I might be on some shitlist :lol

also we love you jshackles man, come join us >_>


Jesus lol. Every bit of that is hilariously ironic.

What are you even on about? Nobody cares about legality. All of these courtroom analogies and You're No Angel™ defenses clogging up this thread are dumb as fuck. Horribly misguided at best, if not intentionally obfuscating the point. For the 169th time in 169 pages, the problem isn't the allegation itself. It's his piss-poor response to it, his heinous comments in the Klepek interview, the addled, delusional statement he gave his mod team, shutting down discussion, complete failure to apologize, and a documented pattern of shitty behavior going back a decade. Dude posted revenge porn and you're caping for him.

People just got sick of his shit attitude and left. Decided they'd rather discuss games on a platform not affiliated with him. You might even call that an example of the free market speaking, if you wanted to give it an analogy that actually makes sense. He's cold product.

I've also pointed out while I think a lot of Evilores stuff from the past is a no-go and that I don't like the guy and his behavior in general I'm just baffled how the community reacted to the current case.


Anyway I don't want to discuss any of this shit any further.



I'll come clean, I'm still "staying" to communicate/help with some old gaffers that decided to stay that don't know where to go, although I'm not sure if I could offer much, I just like the community honestly, so probably might not post much since I'm on reset. I'll help out/contribute wherever I can, it wasn't like I'm a huge contributer to begin with.

I could easily see why people have a distaste about Tyler, but I don't feel that strongly against him and the allegations, I just feel like at this point judging from his history, behavior and his statement, his character is incredibly questionable and there's no reason to choose him over the community I love so much, and I'm confused of why people want to support him.

I don't have any ill opinions against members who will decide to stay, just... feels weird and disappointed, yeah sure the whole "Just want to talk about games" stuff, but you can talk about games with the rest of us everywhere else.

At last I'm glad this thread is left opened by the mod team to allow us to discuss this, and not getting shut down like the Amir0x stuff, so thanks. And I'm not committing account suicide but after this post I might be on some shitlist :lol

also we love you jshackles man, come join us >_>

The way I see it, is that there no reason to completely shut this place out. At least not yet. For example, what if awesome new ownership takes over and this place gets turned around? GAF is a brandname that isn't going to completely die over this scandal.


I just don't know anymore. I might take a step back and check this place out in a few weeks.

I hope that the conversation moves past what happened, but you know, I don't think it ever will. I'm not in the loop re: ResetEra/Discord, maybe I'll check them out. But ya know, part of me thinks that this is all just downhill for everyone and I'm out full stop.


The way I see it, is that there no reason to completely shut this place out. At least not yet. For example, what if awesome new ownership takes over and this place gets turned around? GAF is a brandname that isn't going to completely die over this scandal.

I'm completly open to that possibility, but like i said if the entire community is already elsewhere it's easier to go there instead, i mean


that's the community we loved with passionate people


I just don't know anymore. I might take a step back and check this place out in a few weeks.

I hope that the conversation moves past what happened, but you know, I don't think it ever will. I'm not in the loop re: ResetEra/Discord, maybe I'll check them out. But ya know, part of me thinks that this is all just downhill for everyone and I'm out full stop.

Reset is great man embed youtube videos, alert when someone quotes you, highlighting text for quick quoting, ect.


I'd like a link to resetera if possible...

I am not leaving NEOGAF or anything. I have been here since the "Gaming-Age" days...I will continue viewing neogaf everyday...no reason I can't be a member of both forums.


I’ve been here since before it was “neo” GAF, sucks to see the community go down. I don’t have a paid/private email anymore, so RE is a no go for me.
I'm completly open to that possibility, but like i said if the entire community is already elsewhere it's easier to go there instead, i mean


that's the community we loved with passionate people
Yeah it's sad to see people like Aeana go. Aeana's posts were always quality posts imho. One part of me was always like "WTF?! How much time has this person to play one of the most time consuming game genres like all the time?? lmao" while on the other hand I really appreciated the insightful posts filled with knowledge.


id like a discord invite as well please!

I don't think they're doing Discord invites anymore, they did 2 limited 10 -15 minute time frames where if you were verified GAF member on a Discord you could sign up but from what I've read they're going to just move over to regular registration in the next few days.


I don't think they're doing Discord invites anymore, they did 2 limited 10 -15 minute time frames where if you were verified GAF member on a Discord you could sign up but from what I've ready they're going to just move over to regular registration in the next few days.

allright, thanks, i'll keep looking


I'm completly open to that possibility, but like i said if the entire community is already elsewhere it's easier to go there instead, i mean


that's the community we loved with passionate people

Warms my heart. I'm there too, and its awesome to see people are using the same usernames and avatars.


bootlicking, quisling pos

His method is wrong but I understand the sentiment behind it.

There are certain members who are on the new site, they’ve found their “happiness”. They claim they were waiting to get in before leaving Gaf, they’re in now, so why are they still here for?

Asking for invites is also pointless. You either get on the discord or get in touch with the right people.

“Please invite me” isn’t going to do anything.

Also there are some people, believe it or not that just want to browse the forums normally and it’s frustrating to have most threads ruined or new threads with click bait titles full of explicit content.

Yes it’s Admins fault that the site is now like this, but the site is unbearable at the moment.

Why am I here then if it’s that unbearable? Good question and its likely that I’m gonna get bored of it soon enough....


"Please invite me" is how I wound up signing up for Era. I got an invite to the discord, and then the secret capcha. Because I asked. Here. And said "please".

Why are you still here then?

I don’t meant that in an aggressive way, I’m genuinely curious.

I don’t know about you personally but some people stated they were on this site until being accepted, yet they’re still here shitting up the threads. I don’t understand it.

Then again I don’t understand the posters that apparently can’t stop posting until their account is banned. They’re not obligated to remain logged in...
It's really strange to refresh the front page after 10 mins and there being about 3 posts.

I'm used to trying to find threads that I passed up that have hit page 2 or 3.


I've lurked on this site for a very long time but never posted very much really. I have enjoyed the in-depth video game discussion here over the years and particular enjoyed the many extremely well put together gaming 'Official Threads'.

Having said that, it doesn't look like NeoGaf will ever be quite what it once was but hopefully Resetera will fill that void.

If anyone could provide me a link to joining there I would be very grateful. Thanks!


I've lurked on this site for a very long time but never posted very much really. I have enjoyed the in-depth video game discussion here over the years and particular enjoyed the many extremely well put together gaming 'Official Threads'.

Having said that, it doesn't look like NeoGaf will ever be quite what it once was but hopefully Resetera will fill that void.

If anyone could provide me a link to joining there I would be very grateful. Thanks!

No links believe everyone can register tomorrow, stopped people registering to fix a bug get the communities on first and make sure the website doesn't explode.


Huh. Seems like every time I open this thread people who were bound for Pleasantville keep coming back. Wtf.

Seems to be a theme. They say they're going somewhere else but feel the need to keep coming back and telling us how great the new place is
I've lurked on this site for a very long time but never posted very much really. I have enjoyed the in-depth video game discussion here over the years and particular enjoyed the many extremely well put together gaming 'Official Threads'.

Having said that, it doesn't look like NeoGaf will ever be quite what it once was but hopefully Resetera will fill that void.

If anyone could provide me a link to joining there I would be very grateful. Thanks!

Can anyone invite me to discord please? Would like to jump ship to Reset. Thanks.
The discord isn't taking anymore invites. You'll have to wait and register on the actual site when open registration starts.


The discord isn't taking anymore invites. You'll have to wait and register on the actual site when open registration starts.

Ah okay, thanks. This whole thing has been a little confusing, I don't use Discord much either so finding it hard to nav the SteamGAF invite I got yesterday.


Huh. Seems like every time I open this thread people who were bound for Pleasantville keep coming back. Wtf.
They're showing their true colors.

I like my comparison to coworkers who secretly sabotage to be very apt.

You can leave your job, but you don't leave in disgrace and burn bridges.

I've been to jobs where I was treated like shit, but when I left them, I still kept my integrity in check.

Now when I apply for any job, I still have references. A clean record. Because self constraint and professional conduct is the only way society can function properly.

If its ever discovered some of these leavers posted their grotesque images and shilled for another site/company what will be their response? Will they deny it, deflect from it or even delete it? Because if they do, then they become even bigger hypocrites and lose all moral ground they claimed to have.

Even still coming back here and defending their shilling again, shows they're out to sabotage and have no respect for anyone but themselves. I can't ever agree with that.
What was up with that 10 minute open registration window yesterday? Accident or maintenance?
I dunno the in and out of what was going behind the scenes but I'm sure it had something to do with not allowing the codes to get out too much for just anyone to join. The second time codes went out they leaked. And since there was only ten minutes from when they went out, it prevented a massive influx of random people from joining. It was done that way on purpose. No accident.

Ahhh. Open registration. Yeah I dunno about that one
Seems to be a theme. They say they're going somewhere else but feel the need to keep coming back and telling us how great the new place is

I have an ERA account and still come here, although in my defense I never said I was leaving GAF, even if I’ve expressed some issues with previous modding habits. Those issues resulted in me making a change to how I post here and then I moved on by no longer partaking in OT discussion.

The reason I registered was really because some communities like EXVIUS GAF are fractured right now, with some leaving and others staying. I love the Exvius community that I’ve been a part of since June 2016, so I’ll hop between the two until the dust settles.

For those who requested a ban from GAF and are returning to speak about ERA have no agenda other than trying to pry people away.

To me, if you made a big post about leaving and asking to be banned and what not, don’t keep returning. Those people give off the appearance that they lack conviction and in fact if ERA falls on its face I would believe those people to crawl back to GAF.
What was up with that 10 minute open registration window yesterday? Accident or maintenance?

I’m hearing it was an accident. I saw someone in the EXVIUS Discord mention registration was open, so I went ahead and made my account. I was surprised it worked with my gmail account too.


Why are you still here then?

I don’t meant that in an aggressive way, I’m genuinely curious.

I don’t know about you personally but some people stated they were on this site until being accepted, yet they’re still here shitting up the threads. I don’t understand it.

Then again I don’t understand the posters that apparently can’t stop posting until their account is banned. They’re not obligated to remain logged in...
a lot of people are trying to help users get back to their communities.
Its really not that hard to understand.
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