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The Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Official Thread

KittenMaster said:
Competitive games become fun again when you learn to avoid and counter cheap techniques and take control of the match for yourself.

That is true. I think I might go back to the drawing boards and come up with some new, dirty tactics and more counters. Then again, I haven't played this game in a while, so I was probably a little rusty and careless at some points. :lol
n3ss said:
You shouldn't play competitively and you shouldn't play me.. My Blanka will bite the shiet out of you. Seriously. When I'm online and people start to bitch about my tactics I straight up tell them, learn to counter and get better. Against skilled players I use different tactic, cause using the same thing over and over again doesn't work.. Why? Because they know how to stop it! Throws are hella good in this game, so yes, they'll be used a lot. And if you disabled throwing it would completly change that game, tactics would change and a new cheap way of winning would emerge..

SCRUB... sorry, but this bitching is grown tired on me and especially on these forums.

EDIT: Just really frustrated with people that play a competitive game and then bitch about tactics that haven been in the game for years. Your lucky you didn't play the original ST many throws were way worse...

Er...as I mentioned, I played all of the Street Fighters including the very first one and even 2010 and this was never an issue for me. When I played this game in the arcade, throws were basically forbidden. Personally, I didn't care, but most people did so I learned to play without them. Admittedly, I still use my old arcade tactics and I suppose I have to adapt. As I mentioned, I don't give a flying crap if you throw me several times or resort to cheap tactics, but it seems to be the only technique quite a few gamers use and it can make matches tedious, especially when the game is lagging. I can still beat most of them, but not in ways I am proud of. Btw, my Ken will neck kick, uppercut and triple flaming dragon punch your Blanka into submission.


Rhazer Fusion said:
Er...as I mentioned, I played all of the Street Fighters including the very first one and even 2010 and this was never an issue for me. When I played this game in the arcade, throws were basically forbidden. Personally, I didn't care, but most people did so I learned to play without them. Admittedly, I still use my old arcade tactics and I suppose I have to adapt. As I mentioned, I don't give a flying crap if you throw me several times or resort to cheap tactics, but it seems to be the only technique quite a few gamers use and it can make matches tedious, especially when the game is lagging. I can still beat most of them, but not in ways I am proud of. Btw, my Ken will neck kick, uppercut and triple flaming dragon punch your Blanka into submission.

You should watch some match videos from top players and get a sense of what they're doing. Even though they can do flashy combos, they only attempt them when it's safe. You have to constantly evaluate risk/reward, and it isn't worth it to try and impress people with skillful moves when it's far more effective to have good fundamentals. This is a massive part of the game. If you're up close and not using the highest priority moves at that range then you're doing it wrong. There's a time for flashy combos, it's not every given moment.
n3ss said:
You played scrubs....

Heh, those scrubs were pretty good and did things even to this day I still haven't figured out. For example, every time you would try to throw a fireball, they would land a fierce punch on you before the animation even came out. Also, they never had to jump over their opponent to defeat them. Trust me, their timing was impeccable and their technique was unprecedented. I am not as good as I used to be, but I am trying to get back into this game. I must admit, I typically don't play games online, especially FPS's.


aka acr0nym
UC1 said:
You should watch some match videos from top players and get a sense of what they're doing. Even though they can do flashy combos, they only attempt them when it's safe. You have to constantly evaluate risk/reward, and it isn't worth it to try and impress people with skillful moves when it's far more effective to have good fundamentals. This is a massive part of the game. If you're up close and not using the highest priority moves at that range then you're doing it wrong. There's a time for flashy combos, it's not every given moment.



Rhazer Fusion said:
Heh, those scrubs were pretty good and did things even to this day I still haven't figured out. For example, every time you would try to throw a fireball, they would land a fierce punch on you before the animation even came out. Also, they never had to jump over their opponent to defeat them. Trust me, their timing was impeccable and their technique was unprecedented. I am not as good as I used to be, but I am trying to get back into this game. I must admit, I typically don't play games online, especially FPS's.

Dude a hadouken has 12 startup frames, pretty much anything beats it at close range. Have you heard of a 2in1? :lol
UC1 said:
You should watch some match videos from top players and get a sense of what they're doing. Even though they can do flashy combos, they only attempt them when it's safe. You have to constantly evaluate risk/reward, and it isn't worth it to try and impress people with skillful moves when it's far more effective to have good fundamentals. This is a massive part of the game. If you're up close and not using the highest priority moves at that range then you're doing it wrong. There's a time for flashy combos, it's not every given moment.

I see. Thanks for the advice. I think that is one of my problems. I do flashy combos more often then I should. I need to spend some quality time back on this game. Any advice for E Honda? I can normally beat him fairly easily with Chun Li, Guile and a few others, but I REALLY struggle to defeat him with Ken or Ryu. :lol


Basically you've just got to keep him away so that he doesn't keep doing ochio throws. He can jab headbutt thru projectiles, so you need to vary the timing and make it so that he can't predict when to block and when to headbutt. Ryu's long range game is much better than Honda's, so try to keep him out.

When he gets closer he'll wait for you to fireball, then he'll flying butt. You can stop this with say a fake FB>dragon punch. He's also going to try and jump at you to set up throws, which need to be dragon punched on reaction.

If he knocks you down, chances are he'll try to tick into ochio or hundred hand slap. If its repeated ochios causing trouble, the only way out is a reversal dragon punch. You can also reversal out of hundred hand slap but it's easier just to block it.

Also note that his headbutt and super work as good anti-airs, so jumping at him isn't too safe, unless you can tell if he hasn't charged one up. He has other anti-air options but they're trickier.

That's about all I can say for that matchup, not too familiar with Honda. Basically just try not to make too many mistakes because he can punish very easily with the headbutt at long range and ochio at close range.
UC1 said:
Basically you've just got to keep him away so that he doesn't keep doing ochio throws. He can jab headbutt thru projectiles, so you need to vary the timing and make it so that he can't predict when to block and when to headbutt. Ryu's long range game is much better than Honda's, so try to keep him out.

When he gets closer he'll wait for you to fireball, then he'll flying butt. You can stop this with say a fake FB>dragon punch. He's also going to try and jump at you to set up throws, which need to be dragon punched on reaction.

If he knocks you down, chances are he'll try to tick into ochio or hundred hand slap. If its repeated ochios causing trouble, the only way out is a reversal dragon punch. You can also reversal out of hundred hand slap but it's easier just to block it.

Also note that his headbutt and super work as good anti-airs, so jumping at him isn't too safe, unless you can tell if he hasn't charged one up. He has other anti-air options but they're trickier.

That's about all I can say for that matchup, not too familiar with Honda. Basically just try not to make too many mistakes because he can punish very easily with the headbutt at long range and ochio at close range.

Thanks. I appreciate the advice and that does help out. I think I try to rush in and combo Honda to death a little too much, especially with Ken. Patience is a virtue against him and I need to avoid that nasty headbutt.


I've been having more fun in Ranked games lately on XBL thank Player matches. It seems, at least what I've experienced, is that most of the scrubs go to Player matches rather than Ranked, seems to be a little more 'honor' in the Ranked games I've played.

The folks in the XBL Player matches hate when you beat through their barrage of non-stop spamming too. Once you've figured that all they rely on is tick throws or some other spammed move, and you counter it - whoah boy, those messages you get after the match are full of SPITE! :lol


I play ranked the majority of the time(mostly because I hate waiting). From what I've experienced though the better players hang out in player matches. There are a lot of scrubs in ranked matches.
I'm sure this has been asked a million times but is there any hint on when this might see a Euro PSN release?

Could do with some practice before SF4 comes out...


n3ss said:
You shouldn't play competitively and you shouldn't play me.. My Blanka will bite the shiet out of you. Seriously. When I'm online and people start to bitch about my tactics I straight up tell them, learn to counter and get better. Against skilled players I use different tactic, cause using the same thing over and over again doesn't work.. Why? Because they know how to stop it! Throws are hella good in this game, so yes, they'll be used a lot. And if you disabled throwing it would completly change that game, tactics would change and a new cheap way of winning would emerge..

SCRUB... sorry, but this bitching is grown tired on me and especially on these forums.

EDIT: Just really frustrated with people that play a competitive game and then bitch about tactics that haven been in the game for years. Your lucky you didn't play the original ST many throws were way worse...

I remember playing you a few weeks ago. It was very frustrating trying to get near you when you were playing your blanka and I do remember the bite as well...............:lol. Your cammy was pretty good too.

Anyhow, I was using the 360 dpad so I couldn't bust out the shoryukens at all and doing supers weren't easy. When i get the TE stick and SF4, hopefully I can be more competitive


BitchTits said:
I've been having more fun in Ranked games lately on XBL thank Player matches. It seems, at least what I've experienced, is that most of the scrubs go to Player matches rather than Ranked, seems to be a little more 'honor' in the Ranked games I've played.

The folks in the XBL Player matches hate when you beat through their barrage of non-stop spamming too. Once you've figured that all they rely on is tick throws or some other spammed move, and you counter it - whoah boy, those messages you get after the match are full of SPITE! :lol



Rhazer Fusion said:
Heh, those scrubs were pretty good and did things even to this day I still haven't figured out. For example, every time you would try to throw a fireball, they would land a fierce punch on you before the animation even came out. Also, they never had to jump over their opponent to defeat them. Trust me, their timing was impeccable and their technique was unprecedented. I am not as good as I used to be, but I am trying to get back into this game. I must admit, I typically don't play games online, especially FPS's.

Ouch my head.


Gold Member
Model 500 said:


Isn't the game stuck in certification hell? Probably whenever Capcom releases their patch for it, but who knows when that will be, and who knows how many people will be on after SF4 (I hope it doesn't empty out).

Rhazer Fusion said:
Heh, those scrubs were pretty good and did things even to this day I still haven't figured out. For example, every time you would try to throw a fireball, they would land a fierce punch on you before the animation even came out. Also, they never had to jump over their opponent to defeat them. Trust me, their timing was impeccable and their technique was unprecedented. I am not as good as I used to be, but I am trying to get back into this game. I must admit, I typically don't play games online, especially FPS's.

So these guys had single frame type of timing but they couldn't wrap their heads around the single frame type of timing that it takes to counter throws? Sounds to me like they were capable of doing it but chose not to because they were ignoramuses. Sad, they are the ones that lost out.


Rhazer Fusion said:
When I played this game in the arcade, throws were basically forbidden.
Back in the day if you hit and threw in an NYC arcade, you would get your ass kicked :D...
I understand his complaint in that its some people's only move.
I just counter them or play their own game but its not as fun.


BitchTits said:
The folks in the XBL Player matches hate when you beat through their barrage of non-stop spamming too. Once you've figured that all they rely on is tick throws or some other spammed move, and you counter it - whoah boy, those messages you get after the match are full of SPITE! :lol

This is why I'm glad I play on PS3, no "OMG U SUCK GAYBO" messages after matches.


MoxManiac said:
Honour. I dunno, whatever you want to call it when a player doesn't just spam the same one or two trick over and over through 2 or 3 rounds. They actually want to play the game not just spam to get to the next win as quick as possible.

I think some of the tick throw annoyance is down to net lag or code (whichever), I've seen situations where my character has left the ground (jumping back), but then goes into a throw animation. This lag or code issue makes me a lot more weary about, say, following up an opponents missed dragon punch with a throw when they come down as they're just as likely to throw me instead, even if I know in the arcade the timing would be right.


If you cant beat the same move why should I change my strat? Granted there are bad matchups that can be extremely frustrating in some cases (coughFeivsHondacough) but you cant blame the other player for wanting to win...


you guys need some sf honor, like we had back in nyc. if you throw, it better be an accident and you let them throw you back (watch ya ass!). throws weren't meant to confuse blocking. if your 1 move is winning, show some variety, you know, like in a real fight.

basically, treat people the way you'd want to be treated while video fighting.


Grifter said:
you guys need some sf honor, like we had back in nyc. if you throw, it better be an accident and you let them throw you back (watch ya ass!). throws weren't meant to confuse blocking. if your 1 move is winning, show some variety, you know, like in a real fight.

basically, treat people the way you'd want to be treated while video fighting.

Agree, but I throw when I can, not because I'm looking for the throw. I do hate chip throwers, if somebody do that to me, I will be trying to do the same thing all match.


Grifter said:
you guys need some sf honor, like we had back in nyc. if you throw, it better be an accident and you let them throw you back (watch ya ass!). throws weren't meant to confuse blocking. if your 1 move is winning, show some variety, you know, like in a real fight.

basically, treat people the way you'd want to be treated while video fighting.
Thats what i'm talking about.
Beardz said:
Agree, but I throw when I can, not because I'm looking for the throw. I do hate chip throwers, if somebody do that to me, I will be trying to do the same thing all match.
Yeah, i don't mind normal throws so much...the "chip throws" are annoying and cheap though.
Afterwards, I spend the rest of the match trying to do the same thing or countering too lol. Takes the fun out of it.


he's Virgin Tight™
I have encountered a cool phonomena today....

1) Shoto characters are everywhere
2) Chun Li players

I main Chun Li, but these days everyone is using her and they just jump, kick, fall and lightning kick you. Guys, really? Most Chun li I face just do that and are easy to beat. Learn to use her, she's godly.

Sh-SHORYUKEN-to players are annoying to hell too =P.

Also, don't complain about grabs, its part of the competitive nature of the game. Its in the game, and if you execute them then good. Just learn to play the damn game. Oh and repeating players who do the same move over and over should be shot in the ass.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I get that Grifter is being sarcastic... but the people *agreeing* with him? God I hope my meter is broken.


Rhazer Fusion said:
It's a shame that literally every good competitive match I have always have to turn into throw-fests when I play against people online. I don't care if you throw me, spit on me, bite me or dragon punch me, whatever, but why do so many people just concentrate on throwing at every available opportunity? I try to use skill to beat them, but when they constantly abuse moves and throw me every chance they get(M Bison, E Honda)), it takes the fun out of the matches. Sometimes, I really wish you can disable throwing in this game. No, I don't suck, I have been playing Street fighter since Street Fighter 1 and owned most, if not all of the home versions. I just thinks it annoying when people attempt to play so cheap ot the point where it ruins the fun.

heh I get most annoyed with back-peddling turtlers--the moon-walking type soon as the announcer yells "Fight!", too scared to press the issue and go for theirs, only living to let you attack and then counter. 'Course, what else are they gonna do against T. Hawk but cringe in terror? :)

n3ss said:
You shouldn't play competitively and you shouldn't play me.. My Blanka will bite the shiet out of you. Seriously. When I'm online and people start to bitch about my tactics I straight up tell them, learn to counter and get better. Against skilled players I use different tactic, cause using the same thing over and over again doesn't work.. Why? Because they know how to stop it!

I think that's part of his point actually--why in the fuck would you want to do the same shit over and over? Seems boring for both parties involved. *shrug*
The only people who complain about throwing are the people who block all day or spam projectiles non-stop. The only thing that sucks about throwing in this game is how random the throw inputs are. A lot of accidental throws in the game that save the player (including me)... 2 button throws ftw

vag 2.0

Throws are part of the game, they are not cheap - this is like the eighth iteration of this game and they haven't been taken out yet. They are part of the rock-paper-scissors. Why not take it as a challenge to learn how to deal with them?

Or, you know, there's always Mario Galaxy if you want a more suitable challenge.


vag 2.0 said:
Throws are part of the game, they are not cheap - this is like the eighth iteration of this game and they haven't been taken out yet. They are part of the rock-paper-scissors. Why not take it as a challenge to learn how to deal with them?

Or, you know, there's always Mario Galaxy if you want a more suitable challenge.

hey look, a condescending comment! Like throws in SF are part of the game, so is this part of the internet! Point well illustrated.
yes throws are part of the game and I use them when the situation is right and when it is is set-up. I even stepped up my throwing ass-holeness by incorporating it into Bison's Headstomp follow-up faint..

But there is a class of players online who always go for the tick-throw always, even if they eat jumping LPs or MPs to snuff their early jump-in attempts or get thrown themselves... they keep coming back.


But it is satisfying reversing their attempts and shutting them down for continuously trying their attempts.

Guile's Sonic Boom tick-throw attempt against Honda is an extremely stupid thing to try with the Oicho in storage,

But you guys must admit, that mash throws cause too much damage. Funny Blanka doing 70% of their damage done by the bite it a tad ridiculous, but is avoidable with the right quick escape or reversal.


vag 2.0 said:
Throws are part of the game, they are not cheap - this is like the eighth iteration of this game and they haven't been taken out yet. They are part of the rock-paper-scissors. Why not take it as a challenge to learn how to deal with them?

Or, you know, there's always Mario Galaxy if you want a more suitable challenge.

Throws are fine, of course. But your comment beats anyone in idiocy. Why Galaxy?


Gold Member
jam86 said:
The only people who complain about throwing are the people who block all day or spam projectiles non-stop. The only thing that sucks about throwing in this game is how random the throw inputs are. A lot of accidental throws in the game that save the player (including me)... 2 button throws ftw

I was playing last night against someone and it was the first time I consistently found any success in the game (which is kind of a milestone). I destroyed his Ryu and his Blanka and he switched to Guile. In the first two games I was jumping and trying to do little 2-3 hit combos into him but he was able to do that kick and beat me in round 1. I stuck to the ground in round 2 and beat him easily. So in round 3 we fought back and forth and were each down to a sliver of health, and both jumped up at the same time, like the scenes that go slow motion in a movie... and I air throwed him for the win. I wasn't trying to do that. I don't know what I was trying to do. I don't think I ever managed to do an air throw. But I won, so it was awesome.


bob_arctor said:
I think that's part of his point actually--why in the fuck would you want to do the same shit over and over? Seems boring for both parties involved. *shrug*

You do what's necessary to win. Not to say spamming a given move is necessarily the best path to victory, but if an opponent is struggling to counter it, it makes sense to use it until it stops working (i.e the opponent learns to deal with it). Capitalizing on an opponent's weakness after discovering it is basic strategy 101.
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