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The Trial Of Peter Molyneux by RockPaperShotgun


This interview reminds me of when you grab a dog by the collar when they shit on the rug, and you make them look at this mess they made. Except instead of just making them look at it, you force their face in the shit mound for an hour and ask them how the shit on their face feels and make them feel like they don't want to be a dog anymore.

Well if the dog vocalized a good reason for their nonsense they wouldn't have shit on their nose, now would they?


Again, you're missing the point. It's not the questions but the way they were asked. I have no problems with reasons for these questions. PM should be asked questions about his games, his recurring exaggerations, and about what happened with Godus. These should be serious, raw questions.
Yet PM and no other dev should ever have to sit through the way this interview was conducted. The fact that Peter stuck through this at all is incredible.

Let's ask any journalist, or any dev in the thread what they think. They might like that Peter is being held to task, but no professional should be treated this way by the press. If you support this, you're not thinking it through.

I don't think I missed the point at all.

You were suggesting that an interview like this is good but not in the games industry because it's the games industry and it's only entertainment critique.

This first question attack method is a Mike Wallace thing. He would start interviews with "Are you a lair" or "Are you a terrorist?". It's great journalism. Then again, he was talking to MAYORS and DICTATORS at the time.

Peter makes games. Let that fact sink in for your 'real journalism' craving.

By this paragraph you were suggesting it is actually great journalism, just not here "because games".


\ Molyneux created things more meaningful and important to the industry than anything John Walker has ever done.

Such as? What meaningful thing has molyneux done for the industry at all? Besides lying and not getting called out by it by journalists ever in his career.
Ineffective? I disagree. Walker/Molyneaux obviously have a longer relationship and know each other. Walker, being a journalist, prepared for the interview and knew how to rile Molyneaux up to get him emotional. This in turn leads into a slightly heated interview with some brutal honesty on both sides, with is pretty refreshing in an indstury full of PR-fluff.

The one really making Molyneaux look bad in that interview is Molyneux himself. He is not prepared for the interview, seemingly has no clue about the responsibilties he caries as head of his projects and seems unfit to be at the front of anything involving time management, finance as well as the organisation and structuring of his personal. I think some people are more irritated at Peter but project that onto John, because he is seen as the aggressor in this context, the one initiating the uncomfortable situation, when he is in truth only using very basic concepts of interview technique, that every public figurehead of bigger companies in the world should be trained to cope with, to get to the points he wants to present.

I don't really like the interview style myself either. The pathological liar question, while not really disrespectful, is a pretty tricky opening for one. A liar wouldn't say yes, a normal person would also say no, but someone in the position of Molyneux should at least not get defensive and somehow cool down the situation at the beginning. He totally let Walker take over and drove himself into a corner with his reactions and constant victimisation, which, with a bit of self reflection, should be obvious to rile up people who have gotten burned by his overpromising in the past.

This. Particularly the part about Walker and Molyneux having been around, and been around each other, a long time - both are veterans of the UK games industry, and the interview is perhaps the way it is at least in part because of that.


the interview does come off as confrontational, but only as much as the average Newsnight interview would with a politician.

And I think Molyneux has partly brought this on himself. He has had so much benefit of the doubt from everyone - gaming press included - that this just feels like things coming to a head, a natural negative response that has been quietly building up for years.
This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion but I think the interview was needlessly confrontational. There is a way to ask the hard questions without coming across like that.

Totally agree. John Walker trying to be a hard ass journo by roasting an easy target, someone who is obviously on the ropes.

Personally, I think no matter what Molyneaux has done, Walker is basically being a bully and a bit of a blowhard here.


I really want to read the interview but RPS is down for me.
The snipets are already pretty damning.
Man do I feel bad for anyone who fell for PM's lies.

Molyneux escuse is that it's a new project AKA a "new experience" and that since nobody done this before , you can't plan properly..

But i still call bullshit on this one , since he shoudl be the one knowing the boundaries of his idea and any sane person would have at least one failsafe ready ( for him it was a publisher deal but IT STILL WASN'T enough ).

I guess i'm not a genius to understand this like peter !

The only way that could even be remotely close to true would be that by the time they start coding they still haven't finished making rough specifications and have no idea what they're doing.
In short, he's either a hack or a liar.
I know that in this case it would be better if he was a liar.


Except as a matter of practicality in getting future interviews, why does this matter? RPS are not a PR wing of the games development industry. They're games journalists. Their job isn't to cultivate relationships with developers; it's to report on them, including when they (repeatedly) screw up and dissemble.

Ask any 'real journalist' how far they get by attacking their interviewees.


You have to know where to look, and pick and choose. Recently I have played and loved Dragons Age Inquisition (EA), Call of Duty Advanced Warfare (Activision), and Far Cry 4 (Ubisoft).

But that is not what the quoted part was about, was it?

Weird comment. I would argue that there's more developer hate going around these days than love, which is far less healthy.

Because for as much bullshit as there can be surrounding video games, there's way more awesomeness (depending on the game I suppose).
so many people seems to think that screaming the truth at people's faces like an angry manchild is good journalism as long as its the truth.
Holy Shit at that RPS interview! I'd like to say it was too brutal, but honestly Peter had it coming.

I'm sure it's that brutal because he's had this coming for a while, but nobody could be bothered to ask him the questions over the years. Now it spills out with all the brutality and confrontation that probably could have been done in small doses over time and it'd look a lot more acceptable.


I remember his interviews for Fable years ago. He was selling us a game that was more like Elder Scrolls rather than the linear action RPG Fable ended up being.

Yeah. Even though I enjoyed what Fable ended up as, he was completely and utterly misleading.


This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion but I think the interview was needlessly confrontational. There is a way to ask the hard questions without coming across like that.

Agreed. It's a shame that there's no balance between this and PR-fluffy interviews, though.

Still reading through it, but I feel like RPS would have evinced better answers to by not being immediately standoffish.

Yeah. Even though I enjoyed what Fable ended up as, he was completely and utterly misleading.

Yeah I've enjoyed all of Molyneux's games, but their quality is utterly divorced and separate from anything he actually said about the game. Fable and its sequels are good, fairly linear, light-hearted RPGs with a morality element. They aren't the second coming of Christ.


Such as? What meaningful thing has molyneux done for the industry at all? Besides lying and not getting called out by it by journalists ever in his career.

He made games that people liked and played?

John Walker called him a liar and treated him like a scam artist.

Somehow I'm supposed to respect the second and not the first? Sure.


Opening questions were definitely justified. Anyone who thinks differently is the reason why most gaming press is pseudo-PR.

About two thirds of the way through it does go off the rails as they argue over minutiae and get frustrated with each other.

I do give the interviewer credit for leaving it all in though--the interviewer could have selectively cut certain questions to maybe make himself look better but he really just let the raw transcript sit as-is.

Fascinating read. It was harsh, but PM has burned through his goodwill time and time again. I maybe wouldn't grill a first time developer that was in PM's position in this manner, but given how many times this cycle of over promising/under delivering has taken place, PM can and should be held accountable.

PM is definitely human and I don't think he's a bad person. However, he's been making the same mistakes in his job roles for a long time, and he can't do a job that magnitude effectively, maybe he should look to take on different role within game studios. One as far away from a microphone as possible.


I can't believe that people respect someone that calls a developer a liar and a scam artist for under-delivering on games he made and treats him like the scum of the earth because of it.

The Fable series? Yeah, that stuff happens... People get upset that you can't have a pet dragon or whatever... /yawn.

Godus? I'm sorry, but I'm leaning far more towards 'liar and scam artist'.

And honestly Godus has me questioning whether his previous mistakes were quite as innocent as they appeared.


Ask any 'real journalist' how far they get by attacking their interviewees.

This wasn't an attack. LOL.

I feel there has been something lost in translation here.

This style of interview is not uncommon or unexpected in British journalism and it's certainly not unexpected from John Walker, who Peter will be more than familiar with.

I've enjoyed every PM game I've ever played. Certainly can't say the same for most John Walker articles I've read.

I can only assume you haven't played a Peter Molyneux game in the last 10 years.


lets not forget the genius that was that first mobile game they made.. was it called 22 Cans? or the secret or something.. w t f.


This will probably hurt RPS in the long run. PR people will just avoid them when setting up interviews. If they were #1 gaming site it would be different but unfortunately not the case.
The truth is that, even with all the promises, Molyneux created things more meaningful and important to the industry than anything John Walker has ever done.
Okay? That somehow gives him a free pass for the last decade+ of lies, over promising, and terrible management of time?

He made games that people liked and played?

John Walker called him a liar and treated him like a scam artist.

Somehow I'm supposed to respect the second and not the first? Sure.
He called him one? I only see here that he asked him if he was one.
I found the interview a bit harsh alright. For as much as Molyneux over promised, his heart seemed in the right place. I always thought he came off more as an excited child than a vaudevillian snake oil salesman.
I'm surprised that there are so many people who are saying that the interview was too brutal or PM didn't deserve it. Considering how often developers get softball questions in interviews, occasionally an interview like this is needed. On top of that, the "it's just games" excuse is kind of ludicrous. It doesn't matter if you're a game developer, an oil baron, a politician, or the asst. manager at a McDonald's: if you have responsibility you need to be held accountable for your actions.

I'm wondering how many people would disagree with this style interview if it was with, say, the CEO of Ubisoft about releasing their janky, unpolished games. Or with EA about shitty micro transactions and awful cash-ins.


Think about what you are asking for a second. You think that as a customer, you should care about what developers prefer when it comes to interviews?
You gotta love how after so many years of complaining about corporate ass-kissing in journalism, it turns out we like it that way.


Neo Member
Well, after reading it, I am inclined to agree with those who think the interview was way over the line. I can't help but believe that some questions were very unprofessional and went for the cheap shot. There is a difference between being assertive, asking the hard questions and pushing for a answer and be disrespectful or sensationalist.

I can't applaud a interview that starts with a "do you think that you’re a pathological liar" and have a "you tweeted the other day about how much you were enjoying luxuries of the Mayfair Hotel" on the middle just for the sake of saying he wasn't working all the time and therefore is a liar. That tone was also very unproductive, failing to produce new information about the whole situation - ok, Godus was mismanaged, he did overpromise again, the curiosity guy was deceived. To be fair, the intention of the interview was to shame Peter, and it achieved it. But it was not good journalism in my book, far from it.
There is something about this interview that just makes me so very sad. I can't help but feel bad for the guy. As much as he has fell victim to his own hype he's also exhibited a clear passion for designing and creating games that have had a profound impact on the industry. He's a man who would rather shoot for the stars and risk plummeting crestfallen back to earth than to play it safe in the bounds of the forces that be. Honestly I think we need more people like that in the industry not less. He gives us a chance to see something wholly unique and if that means the man has to fail spectacularly along the way so be it. I know that gamers like to give him a hard time about his statements and promises but I sincerely hope he continues dreaming big in the hopes that some day he can take all of us with him.

This is how I feel. I mean the questions needed to be asked and I don't fault John Walker for being blunt. But it makes me sad too because I do like Peter Molyneux (I even enjoyed Fable III) and I appreciate that he's a person who wears his passion and ambition on his sleeve and puts himself out there, rather than playing it 100% safe all the time. I wish the industry had more of that, not less.
Peter Molyneux: I literally work sixteen hours a day. I literally work sixteen hours a day. I don’t do that just to lie to people, I do it because I believe I’m doing. I totally believe in what I’m trying to make. Yeah, and you can rile the backers up and get them to ask for their money back and you can say, ‘Oh, you’ve broken your promises,’ but I’m still doing it. I’m still working on it. I’m still putting every ounce of my energy. I’m still not going to my son’s play because I had to work on Godus. I’m still getting shouted at by my wife because I’m not home. Do you know what time I got home last night? Two-thirty in the morning.

RPS: I don’t–

Peter Molyneux: Do you know what I was doing? I was dealing with the shit that all of this has come up, rather than working on Godus.

RPS: But–

Peter Molyneux: I’m someone, I’m defined by what I do in this industry and I love it so much. And, you know, it emotionally hurts me to have someone like yourself be so angry with me and really all I want to do is make a great game. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.

I think this industry can hit hard on someone.


He made games that people liked and played?

John Walker called him a liar and treated him like a scam artist.

Somehow I'm supposed to respect the second and not the first? Sure.

I'll agree with that the interview was overly harsh, but Peter molyneux to my eyes (aka my opinion) is a scam artist, imagine reading an article where he talks about fable 1, then never getting another game magazine and not having access to internet and bam you play it and its not what he promised. The dude should have been called out for constant lieing/falsely over promising stuff in his games since day one. To put it in perspective, the kind of promises he made would be like the exact scenario Aliens: colonial marines had aka Great promises but in the end, A huge LIE or a lousy game developer who should talk the talk if he cant walk the walk, and yes I as a customer can say you're lousy if you cant deliver what you promise (this isnt targeted towards anyone except those who say "since i dont know game development i shouldn't talk" excuse)


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Honestly, if I were in Moly's shoes that interview with Walker wouldn't have got past the "pathological liar" line.

Devs need to stand up for themselves more. I'm so tired of the endless sanctimony and judgementalism of the internet.
Just finished the entire interview. So brutal and so worth the read! I am glad someone stepped up and asked him everything we wanted to know.

I feel bad for Peter but it's better this way.


Just read the whole interview and what a read. I think the questions were fair given PM's "reputation."
so many people seems to think that screaming the truth at people's faces like an angry manchild is good journalism as long as its the truth.

I'm not sure we've read the same full interview.

He asked a clear question about why some stuff wasn't ready . molyneux answered and then he said ... but that's a contradiction ! ( because fact 1 , 2 ) and then pressed molyneux for answers ..

Now that's journalism..
Twice during the interview ( at least ) this happens ..i'm sorry but that's the basic minimum a journalist should do.

After the second time , after molyneux was forced to correct himself , That's when it get animated.. And i don't think it's the journalism fault here ... molyneux saying " i'm a flawed human being" is not a suitable answer here..


This wasn't an attack. LOL.

I feel there has been something lost in translation here.

This style of interview is not uncommon or unexpected in British journalism and it's certainly not unexpected from John Walker, who Peter will be more than familiar with.


(2:18 into the video)


The Fable series? Yeah, that stuff happens... People get upset that you can't have a pet dragon or whatever... /yawn.

Godus? I'm sorry, but I'm leaning far more towards 'liar and scam artist'.

And honestly Godus has me questioning whether his previous mistakes were quite as innocent as they appeared.

The inteviewer was talking about his entire career not just Godus. But even Godus I don't think it's "scam artist" material

Okay? That somehow gives him a free pass for the last decade+ of lies, over promising, and terrible management of time?

I was referring to "respecting" John Walker instead of Molyneux. It was in that context not in a "he can do whatever" meaning.


This interview is long overdue.

I'm glad RPS didn't let him squirm out of the truth no matter how hard he tried to.

It won't change anything, but I'm glad it was done.


I don't think people are giving Molyneux enough credit for doing this interview in the first place. He knew it was going to be a tough one after the previous article from Walker, but did it anyway.


Jesus man.

This industry, if you don't sell yourself before you make a product, you will never make it in the first place. It's called a pitch. It happens with movies as well. A lot of bad movies have been made. No body wants to make bad movies.

For kickstarted projects, he might owe some folks who got promised a certain amount of things a few things.

But shit happens.

Fucking deal with it. He's doing this for consumers. For you. Sometimes shit doesn't work out.


Drunky McMurder
I don't think people are giving Molyneux enough credit for doing this interview in the first place. He knew it was going to be a tough one after the previous article from Walker, but did it anyway.

He couldn't not do the interview. First of all, it's a platform to lie and spin things his way, which he simply can't refuse. Second, it's part of his "Last Interview Ever" world tour where he goes on multiple interviews telling them all it's the last one he's going to do in an effort to gain sympathy from people who refuse to see a liar for what he is because he sounds polite while lying.


Okay? That somehow gives him a free pass for the last decade+ of lies, over promising, and terrible management of time?

He called him one? I only see here that he asked him if he was one.

Of course a question like that is implying he is one. Are we taking everything literal now?

You don't ask someone if they are a pathological liar just out of curiosity. It's more of an accusation than a question.
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