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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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I wish the Pro-Brexit politicians a lot of fun explaining their followrs why not only there are unable to spend 50mn bucks per day (!) for the healthcare system now, but why they have to raise VAT at the same time. It's gonna be a slaughter.

Considering a lot of leavers say they voted against "neoliberalism and austerity" they're gonna love this.


In this age of social media and the internet, all of these disgraceful incidents will circulating around the world. I can't imagine what foreigners outside of the UK think of this nation now.
It's going to deter a lot of people from coming here imo.

Not white nor British.

I'll let my families and friends who were interested in holidaying in UK because of the drop in sterling know about these incidents. Then again, there aren't a lot who are interested in London despite getting a better value atm.
I think they'll jump on it if it's their only way to keep the financial passports. UK's position in negotiation is weak because they absolutely need these passports or won't survive.

I think you are gravely overestimating the politicians on the Leave side of this debate.


It just clicked with me the horrible near future we're about to experience.

Cameron fully resigns in October.
Boris takes over as Tory Leader.
Article 50 formally invoked, because pissing off that many voters is a no-no.
Corbyn replaced in September.
Snap Election
Both parties campaign based on what they hope to get from an EU deal but really it's all bullshit and even more up in the air than usual campaign promises.


- the EU specifically needs to remind the UK that the process can't start until article 50 is triggered by the UK. This is very important as these were the terms agreed on beforehand and as this is done because UK voters have decided so, the EU should play absolutely no part in triggering the exit.

As far as I have understood it, the EU cannot trigger the exit, only the UK can and there is nothing forcing them to do so and according to the Reuters article, some people think we may never trigger it.


not tag worthy
I agree, a Norway style deal will happen, and free movement will continue with a caveat that EU citizens will not be able to claim benefits until after 6 months or working here or something like that which will appease the Leavers.

But in such a way we are the fools and look deluded, we won't tank

Still eu gets no farage euv looks like reasonable adults uk as siblings who fell out . Scotland NI parts of Wales ad info have eu measures in place to keep them going but banking wise London and Scotland report to eu


Not white nor British.

I'll let my families and friends who were interested in holidaying in UK because of the drop in sterling know about these incidents. Then again, there aren't a lot who are interested in London despite getting a better value atm.

Yeah, seems like anyone who looks "foreign" (even if they're white skinned) is fair game for racial abuse.


I can't believe the talk of the EEA as a positive outcome. I know remainers got a lot of comments about the stages of grief after the result, but if this isn't the very definition of bargaining, I don't know what is. The EEA outcome assures both leavers and remainers are mutually disappointed and the country limps on a bit worse off than it was before. Great job UK.
President Obama's shrug at Brexit is a fucking betrayal. He's objectively the worst US President Europe has ever had. Implying nothing will change for 'average people' and that the UK will adopt the Norwegian EU associate model just shows how completely ignorant/disinterested in Europe. Obama is happiest talking to young entrepreneurs in a restaurant in Hanoi, sounding cool and achieving nothing.


He's objectively the worst president because of a comment he made about a foreign country telling themselves not to panic after they shot themselves in the foot (which he advised them not to do)? I understand tensions are high and people are mad but let's not blame others for the UK's problems, that's how you guys got yourselves into this mess in the first place.


I think you are gravely overestimating the politicians on the Leave side of this debate.

Farage would maybe keep his stance, which is why I said earlier I'd like to see how long he survives if he's ever put in charge.

The others? They didn't even want to leave. They'll spin it so their base sees it as a victory (good luck with that), but they'd absolutely take it.
See all the backtracking already made.
Associate membership won't happen. This entire referendum has been about 1 singular issue: immigration. Believing that the Brexit government will opt to abandon our influence within the EU government but retain freedom of movement (like Norway) is believing in a fantasy. Obama is seemingly ignorant of this.

Isn't his point that it isn't a huge deal from the US's perspective? I don't think he's claiming that it isn't cataclysmic for the UK, and when he refers to Norway he's talking their participation in the global 'Western' political agenda, not their participation in the EU.

He's saying "it's not a big deal for us because it doesn't impact NATO, and whether or not the UK is part of the EU doesn't affect us on the issues we care about like cooperation in the Middle East and limiting Russia's sphere of influence. For example, Norway isn't a part of the EU but it follows our lead on those issues".


Domestic policy that can threaten to destabilise a region concerns the US.
Its not that anarcy and civil wars are about to break out.
The US can offer some help but should stay the fuck away. Its a european problem, its not like they had helped in other problems in europe.


Has this been posted? Sorry if it's a bit big...




Define "act foolishly", particularly in light of the colossal fuck up we're currently discussing.

Well the UK has already acted a fool, but they will be advising the EU to act in a reasonably level headed way to ensure the region remains stable economically. And not as some have suggested to bring down the UK economy to spite the leave voters.


I don't care about what public opinion prefers; given a referendum in 1939 I'm sure the UK would've voted again for NOT going to war with Nazi Germany. The job of the president isn't to be liked, it's to do the right thing, and Obama has absolutely failed at doing that.

The job of the president is to do what is best for the American people. Don't get that shit twisted. Don't ever forget that. He/she should always be doing what is best for the American people. If you haven't noticed there is an important election this November, and the party Obama belongs to is going against a man who has already advocated on doing war crimes, who is a racist, who has called for the banning of all muslims from the U.S, and who is running on a platform of hate. This coming election means more for the future of the U.S. then what is currently happening in the U.K. Obama is not going to say or do anything that is going to hurt his parties chances this November. That's the reality of the situation. It's not Obamas fault the U.K. decided to do something that is incredibly stupid, and have allowed racists to have an open platform. The U.K has only themselves to blame for this situation, and the U.S. should allow this to play out while watching from the sidelines.


Gold Member
The US acts as Europe's guarantor against Russia, and what I'm saying is that Europe does not want to piss off America and act foolishly.

Yes, but this is a little (a little) less about the EU and more about NATO. NATO is still rocking and rolling. The U.K. along with the other major European players are still members, so while relations may be strained in the upcoming months...NATO is still alive and well, article 5 is still a thing.

Though...what is scary about all of this is whether Russia (or terrorist) wants to take advantage of the situation in one capacity or another while everyone in Europe is looking at other things.

Im no foreign policy expert, but the U.S. needs to take the position of (colloquially stated) "We like all of you guys and we are sorry there is some shit going down in yalls neighborhood....Lets us know if we can do anything to help because you guys stronger makes the world a safer/ better place, but in the meantime we, we are going to make sure the bully from across the tracks doesn't eff something up." (Send a fruit basket to everyone).


Nonsense. Obama is staying reasonable and rational as too many in Europe fall over themselves to overreact in the most hyperbolic way possible.

But that defeats everything Leavers and Remainers wanted. We pay into the EU, but don't get a say on any rules.

What a shambolic state of affairs.
Well, even if he shat all over Britain for their stupid decision and went all doom and gloom about the European project, what would have been the results?

I don't see any. He isn't going to change anything with speeches and interviews. All he is going to do is if he goes all doom and gloom is piss half of Britain off and perhaps make the markets worse. That isn't in the benefit of America or Britain.

And hell, he told Britain that there will be fallout before the vote. What else do you expect him to do? How is he supposed to help fix this? The US President does not have some singular credibility. Other people, other experts, other respected people who are not the leaders of a foreign government can give the hard truth. Diplomacy has never been about that because telling a nation that they are a bunch of doomed fucking idiots is a good way to ruin a relationship

I don't want Obama to shit all over the UK for this stupid decision, I just want him to STOP acting as though the unity of Europe means nothing and the European Union as a concept is a busted flush.


Domestic policy that can threaten to destabilise a region concerns the US.

The US could not give a shit about the UK. We were only useful when inside the EU. Obama's pivot was already to Berlin. Which was the correct policy choice. UK is joke tier now. We fucked it.

US is only going to ask the EU to not brutally fuck us in the negotiation which quite frankly a child could now handle for them given how utterly piss poor the UK position is.


WTO deal, German car industry destroyed?

Fuck me.

Quite. I know the BBC is obliged to be neutral, but there comes a point where moral responsibility comes into this. They wouldn't invite Abu Hamza for a sit down on the Breakfast sofa and share his views, so why does a racist bigot like Farage repeatedly get a platform? He's been in the spotlight for YEARS now, even after he lost his seat and supposedly resigned. I'd wager a fair portion of his ignorant masses would soon forget about UKIP if the mainstream media didn't obsess about talking about him.


It fucking amazes me, even after all these years, the disconnect between how ridiculously neutral the BBC has to be and yet the tabloids can spin any shite they want.


Quite. I know the BBC is obliged to be neutral, but there comes a point where moral responsibility comes into this. They wouldn't invite Abu Hamza for a sit down on the Breakfast sofa and give his views, so why does a racist bigot like Farage repeatedly get a platform for his views? I'd wager a fair portion of his ignorant masses would soon forget about UKIP if the mainstream media didn't delight in rubbing them in our faces.

The reporter laughing about Farage being abusive is how low the BBC has sunk.


There is a line of thinking that if the US had taken a more hardline approach to Syria that none of this would have ever happened.

Chaos effect and all that.


I don't want Obama to shit all over the UK for this stupid decision, I just want him to STOP acting as though the unity of Europe means nothing and the European Union as a concept is a busted flush.

He never said that though. He said that we can see this Brexit vote as a pause on the unity of Europe push. That seems plainly obvious. He didn't say it was over or say it wasn't desired. A pause means a pause. It implies that Europe, once they get over the pause and deal with these issues will continue with the integration process.

He also said that IF Britain gets a deal like Norway, then things won't change much for the average Britain. He is likely right in that. Will they get that? Probably not, but you can likely infer that the US will be using back channels to try to convince the EU to give Britain such a deal. The US can't say that openly because it will likely irritate other EU members and the EU does not want to be seen as bending to US 'Demands', even if that is not what happened.


Its not that anarcy and civil wars are about to break out.
The US can offer some help but should stay the fuck away. Its a european problem, its not like they had helped in other problems in europe.

Do you remember the rioting and civil unrest that happened in Greece? I'm not saying all out civil war will happen, but a major downturn in the economy can have a massive impact on its politics.


It fucking mazes me, even after all thee years, the disconnect between how ridiculously neutral the BBC has to be and yet the tabloids can spin any shite they want.
The BBC is the public broadcast service, so I see why they have to be neutral... Here in germany, the public broadcasting stations are currently called out by a lot of right-wingers to be leftist and anti-german, becauee they are critic when they report on racism in the currently succesful right-wing party...

Do you remember the rioting and civil unrest that happened in Greece? I'm not saying all out civil war will happen, but a major downturn in the economy can have a massive impact on its politics.
Still no reason for the US to intervene.


The BBC is the public broadcast service, so I see why they have to be neutral... Here in germany, the public broadcasting stations are currently called out by a lot of right-wingers to be leftist and anti-german, becauee they are critic when they report on racism in the currently succesful right-wing party...

Still no reason for the US to intervene.

There's being neutral and allowing someone to outright lie on your network.
I'm wondering what would be worse.

PM Boris, who would fuck up everything but hopefully be ousted in a coup/vote of no confidence within a year.

PM May, less likely to fuck things up, but creating a stable hard-right Tory government.

Scottish Independence, likely to be very painful, dooms Britain to Tories forever, but maybe lets me move north at some point to get back my European rights.

Snap election that leads to the election of sane people on a pro-EU platform - but who is sane and competent right now (Farron-Harman alliance?), plus downside that leave voters get very angry and never accept why a Brexit would fuck them over

EU Council dropkicks us into the Atlantic, WTO rules, utter devastation of the economy, mass migration to Ireland, dogs and cats living together, but at least it'd reveal the empty promises of the right-wing fascists that think isolationist white Britain can survive in the world.

Oh, I just had the company briefing too. Short-term we've just lost a much-needed potential staff member, who was going to relocate to Britain but won't now. Long-term, the company should be okay, but primary operations are likely to move to one of the EU offices unless very a favourable Norway/Swiss deal is made.
Our UKgov contacts are shitting themselves over how the fuck they can devise a workable regulatory system in 2 years. It takes that long to review a single product application, and they share the workload with half a dozen other EU states.
Our academic contacts are also shitting themselves since the grant money is drying up. Meanwhile there is a massive brain-drain as people emmigrate/return to Europe. Academics are young, ambitious, internationalist and probably the most mobile people you'll ever meet. They usually rotate around Europe quite a bit, and the UK is just going to drop off the radar. The stories of racism are really scary to young 20-something geeks who spend a lot of their income on going out.


British minority GAF, have any of you been faced with any racist/xenophobia post Brexit? I haven't myself, but I believe that's mostly down to living in a relatively middle-class town.

I get the feeling that most of these attacks are occurring in bigger cities in the poorer communities?


It just clicked with me the horrible near future we're about to experience.

Cameron fully resigns in October.
Boris takes over as Tory Leader.
Article 50 formally invoked, because pissing off that many voters is a no-no.
Corbyn replaced in September.
Snap Election
Both parties campaign based on what they hope to get from an EU deal but really it's all bullshit and even more up in the air than usual campaign promises.

And the Leave vote is split so Lib Dems win
Well the UK has already acted a fool, but they will be advising the EU to act in a reasonably level headed way to ensure the region remains stable economically. And not as some have suggested to bring down the UK economy to spite the leave voters.
It's to no one's benefit to bring down the UK's economy out of spite. What may happen is that the UK won't be able to get a good deal, but that would be a mix of the EU putting the economies of its members first, and the U.K. being caught with its pants down while trying to figure out what the best deal they can get is. Typically, assumptions on the deal like Johnson's yesterday aren't playing hardball, they just show the situation hasn't entirely sunk in for him. If it ever does.

Right now, the punishment narrative seems to be more cognitive dissonance from the Leave camp as they try to blame the rest of the world for the shit they're in.


The US could not give a shit about the UK. We were only useful when inside the EU. Obama's pivot was already to Berlin. Which was the correct policy choice. UK is joke tier now. We fucked it.

US is only going to ask the EU to not brutally fuck us in the negotiation which quite frankly a child could now handle for them given how utterly piss poor the UK position is.

I agree, the US doesn't give a shit about any of us, but it cares about its own interests and its interest lie in a peaceful and prosperous Europe including the UK.
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