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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Is democracy inherently flawed in that the ignorant majority can dictate the future of a country and go against half of the population?

Less then half the population. This proves that democracy works as more then half of the population (including over a third of scots and almost half of the nothern Irish) have got their way.

Now whether democracy is always a good thing is an entirely different debate...


The problem is the people pushing this do not consider them British. So even if they have been here 30-40 years they are still outsiders not true Brits

I hate to say this, but large swathes of immgrant communities voted to leave. I saw this in my borough today - the afro carribean immigrant community was *very* pro-leave.


sorry uk... i hope this is not next.

Well, 52% just endorsed UKIP. They got their "independence," what next?


Look on the bright side. The NHS will be in amazing shape now that it's £350million per week better off.

The EU would probably welcome them back, but of course the UK would lose its rebate, would have to adopt the Euro and so on.
Where do we sign up? Seriously, I want to know. ;-(


DerZuhälter;208194474 said:
The problem with direct democracy right here guys. An idiotic decision to even agree to a referendum in the first place.

I can't believe they put it to a vote.


I think the phrase rhymes with "clucking bell".

Working in accountancy, I can only foresee bad things in the economy moving forwards.


Well, the Leave side has a plan to strengthen the UK economy and labour markets, let's at least give them a chance to enact their vision.

If this were an obviously bad idea then it would have never been proposed, right?



I think in about 5 years EU will be no more. Its slowly falling apart already.
It feels like the OG Confederacy to me. Trying to do the one nation thing without giving the national body enough powers to work.

The Euro's a disaster because you can't have sovereign nations w/ radically disparate needs under a unified monetary policy. Either everyone's together, or you're going to get what's been happening: countries getting f'd cause their economic needs aren't being met.


I'm so very sad this morning.

Scotland are off.
Border controls will appear between north and southern Ireland
The economy will crash
Inflation will rise
Interest rates will rise
Public services will be cut

Oh my :(
Lol why on earth would inflation and rates rise in such a situation. The BoE would ensure the opposite.


The pound is crashing ahead of my visit to the UK. I'm gonna spend less dollars. On the other hand, the oil market is plunging (not as bad as the pound), and I have investments that are correlated to the oil price.


I feel bad for the EU but I'm heavily invested in gold so there is always that. The stock markets at round the world could possibly crash tomorrow.


Unconfirmed Member
Perhaps the most interesting consequence of this result is if it galvanises anti-EU sentiment on the continent. French elections will be very interesting to f follow.
In order to not get drawn in with the UK stabbing itself in the knee, the EU has to be quick and confident now. If they let their departure take too long or make many concessions that allows the UK to be sort of a member of the EU with all the rights but none of the responsibilities, it will fall like a house of cards.
Furthermore, they need to signal to Scotland, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar that they will welcome them back into the EU should they decide to go for independence or, in NI's case, try to go for unification with Ireland.

Either way, this is a big blow to the unification of Europe as an entity. As mentioned in the earlier thread, this will result in a big boost for the secessionist movements all across Europe (Belgium, Italy and Spain mostly).

Everybody also will watch with keen eyes at what exactly will happen to the UK's economy. If it fails - and this is the likely outcome - it will hopefully cause the anti-EU sentiment in Europe to die down a bit. If the UK does make it through with just a few bruises, I expect the EU to fall apart very soon after.

Whatever the case, the UK is fucked. Stay strong, BritGAF.


Try to remember the EU is is turmoil allready, France has elections coming up and they are more anti EU than we are, Germany elections next year, after the Syria issue they could be anti EU

The EU economy is hardly growing

We may have left a sinking ship first


I can't say I'm unhappy about this.
The UK never felt like part of the EU anyway, not in terms of traveling there, and not in terms of currency.
And I never understood why researchers in the UK get almost twice as much money per person from EU-funded projects than most mainland countries :p

EU being inneficient in some aspects means little compared to the economic and social impacts of Brexit.
it's like a car crash where everyone is bleeding to death, and you're in the car.. and half the passengers are cheering

I almost woke my girlfriend up laughing to this. Exactly it. For fucks sake.

Scotland will hopefully leave this madness. But as a Londoner it is wildly frustrating to be dragged into this.


Has Cameron said whether he's going to honor the referendum? It would be political suicide, but he does have the ability to ignore the results.
What will most likely happen is a very slow Brexit combined with treaties a la Norway that will essentially replicate much of the Eu cooperation.
Would numb the pain a little. As long as we still get independence :)
No one cares what those terrorists say.

(I can't imagine a more fitting avatar quote)
Looking forward to the first 100'000 pound note.

Next week.
My £1 note is worthless!

* * *

<you didn't actually say this gamechanger but I'm quoting so you have a green box to stand out as the other thread closed as I was trying to reply to you! - gfp>.

gamechanger, I tried to grab your quote RE: economic base but the other thread got closed.

I replied elsewhere in more detail in the other thread (I think you saw it, looking back!), but essentially our energy requirements can be entirely renewable. It's already overtaken nuclear in our energy generation needs and a small amount of imports or shale gas can serve as reserves.

The IFS study is centred around the drop in oil - which is fair enough because that was a heavy emphasis by the SNP (too much in my view). What it doesn't fully account for are the infrastructure savings that we can make by excising functions that we currently serve for the UK as a whole, in particular defence.

To be honest, if England really want their sovereignty...then they don't need us. We certainly don't require subsidy via Barnett when we retain all of our own outputs.
As an American, with the chance of a Trump presidency on my horizon, seeing the UK try to leave and potentially encouraging other European countries from leaving the EU feels like the beginning of the end. Like seeing the world descend back into savagery and stupidity.

Like, why can't people just fucking realize that being united is being better than apart? Do you want the world to still be arbitrarily split up 100, 200, 300 years from now in the name of patriotism and nationalism?


listen to the mad man
Well, the Leave side has a plan to strengthen the UK economy and labour markets, let's at least give them a chance to enact their vision.

Yes, that plan is for other nations to unilaterally offer concessions on every economic issue while also demanding nothing in return from England. Belgium is literally going to pay for the wall that keeps all the migrants out, and if they complain the wall will get 50 feet taller.


This honestly feels like an inflection point in England's already downward momentum, symbolically it's the twilight of the once great British empire, now literally smaller than the tiniest EU countries who are strong together. Has anyone other country dropped in prestige/power/wolds position this much (over past 150 years or so) Honest question
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