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The Weekend Confirmed 2014 Thread


Almost gave up on the show because of Andrea honestly. MMO talk is lame because the times have changed. No more sandbox stuff like Everquest and SWG. The whole genre has been a joke since WOW.

Hope the weekend confirmed crew has a great year.
I'm at the half way mark, good show so far! I feel like everyone is having fun with the crazy future tech talk. Looking forward to the 2nd half, I'm saving it for the gym tomorrow.
Good start to 2013.

As for replaying games even though you "know where everything is" or "how to do everything".

I do that with games, movies, books...

Games I've done this with...FF III (VI) Dead Space and Dead Space 2. Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2.

There's something nice about the familiarity of it and even though I know exactly how it's going to go, it doesn't go exactly as I expected. It's satisfying...soothing even.


mik is unbeatable
I don't get the problem with Tomb Raider having multiplayer, unless it's bad--which no one on the show or in this forum knows.

Similarly, I don't get Jeff's assertion that "only 20% of games need multiplayer." Where in the christ does that come from?

It would be one thing if you could point to a precedent of AAA singleplayer games getting terrible multiplayer--that somehow adversely impacted the singleplayer, but in the most high-profile and most-bemoaned instances, the opposite was true.

Uncharted doesn't need multiplayer! (Uncharted multpilayer is awesome)

Bioshock doesn't need multiplayer! (Bioshock 2 multiplayer is interesting and fun)

Assassin's Creed doesn't need multiplayer! (Assassin's Creed multiplayer is a bona fide innovation in multiplayer)

Mass Effect doesn't need multiplayer! (the multiplayer is terrific--better than the campaign :p )

(secretly hoping that no one mentions Dead Space...)
Why is it that I have yet to hear a single confession from a game journalist, on a podcast, that plays/enjoys/understands Dark Souls and/or Monster Hunter.
Every single time it is brought up, it is immediately dismissed and they move on with the discussion.
Worst offenders are Giant Bomb and Weekend Confirmed.

Is it because they don't have the time to invest, and have a habit to just 'finish' a game so they can write their article/review?


Subete no aware
Why is it that I have yet to hear a single confession from a game journalist, on a podcast, that plays/enjoys/understands Dark Souls and/or Monster Hunter.

Every single time it is brought up, it is immediately dismissed and they move on with the discussion.

Worst offenders are Giant Bomb and Weekend Confirmed.
You obviously don't listen to GB because it was on Vinny's top ten last year.


Subete no aware
Dark Souls? Maybe Vinny, certainly not the others.. they just move on everytime I hear it brought up.
Well, it's weird because that was when Matt Rorie was part of WM so they just had him review it and talk about it. Jeff doesn't like it because of the purposeful obfuscation, and I don't think the others really have any opinion about it either way.

I seem to remember Cannata being annoyed at the beginning of the game on a podcast from ages ago... where he kept trying to go down past the graves and kept dying at the skeletons. lol


Yeah, but is Vinny a journalist/critic/editor?

I think it's because he's none of those he was open to both Demon's and Dark Souls.

There are critics who love DS, there are just a lot more who don't and it sets people off. It's weird.

I love Final Fantasy X. Not terribly bothered other people don't nor do I think they're idiots/unprofessional/not worth listening to or whatever.
There are critics who love DS, there are just a lot more who don't and it sets people off. It's weird.

I love Final Fantasy X. Not terribly bothered other people don't nor do I think they're idiots/unprofessional/not worth listening to or whatever.

I did not call anyone names, just saying that especially on Weekend Confirmed they usually try to have a meaningful discussion about game systems, and Dark Souls is just daring gamers to discuss its design philosophies. It's fine to not like it, but at least try to have an objective discussion attempting to understand it.

All they basically say regarding Monster Hunter: "make it easier lol"


I did not call anyone names, just saying that especially on Weekend Confirmed they usually try to have a meaningful discussion about game systems, and Dark Souls is just daring gamers to discuss its design philosophies. It's fine to not like it, but at least try to have an objective discussion attempting to understand it.

All they basically say regarding Monster Hunter: "make it easier lol"

Wanting a game to be easier is a legitimate desire. There's a point where something is so hard, it's not fun; it's just frustrating.

I think they're not interested in DS. They've shown that. And maybe that'll change since the franchise is clearly cemented in general discussion about games. People shouldn't be so bothered either way. If you're bent on hearing DS discussion, find a DS Podcast. Go listen to 8-4!


There are critics who love DS, there are just a lot more who don't and it sets people off. It's weird.

I love Final Fantasy X. Not terribly bothered other people don't nor do I think they're idiots/unprofessional/not worth listening to or whatever.

Interestingly Dark Souls reieved almost universal acclaim from critics who reviewed it. But I rarely here one who didnt review it talk positively about it. It is largely because the atmosphere in which they play games is not conducive to this kind of game. They would have you believe it is because of personal taste, but I don't believe it because I personally was never interested in playing games in hard mode and hard games like Ninja Gaiden scared me away. And I ended up loving the game. It changed my perspective o what I considered rewarding in games and way.

The constant cult of the new is a part of their critical livelihood. Dark Souls doesnt jibe with that culture. Videogame journalist for the most part seem to have profound cases of ADD. They have access to basically all games and as a result, they don't play games like the rest of us where we buy that one new game and play it for a month or more.


For the record, I like the MMO talk.

This is just what I was going to say too. I do enjoy the MMO talk. I like topics such as how the MMO genre could improve, different ideas etc.

Most of the time, when a new MMO or WoW expansion comes out, Jeff usually wants to talk about it, what he likes about it etc. Most of the time initially, Garnett starts off dismissing them as another boring grindfest and asks Cannata... "(sigh)...OK, why do you like it?"

The topic usually gets derailed and they move on to another game. I'm usually left wanting to hear more of Cannata's experience with the MMO he's talking about.

So I'm one that wants more of the MMO talk. I was glad when I read in the description this week that there was more MMO talk incoming.
Wanting a game to be easier is a legitimate desire. There's a point where something is so hard, it's not fun; it's just frustrating.

I think they're not interested in DS. They've shown that. And maybe that'll change since the franchise is clearly cemented in general discussion about games. People shouldn't be so bothered either way. If you're bent on hearing DS discussion, find a DS Podcast. Go listen to 8-4!

Well that's my point, there is a difference between a 'hard' game and an 'unforgiving' game. The fact that DS is difficult is mostly noise coming from those that 1) haven't sat down with it 2) run through the game without thinking until they die, and shut it off in a fit of rage.

Thanks for telling me what to listen to! Next time I have any criticism for something I enjoy, I'll make sure to keep it to myself. Lord knows nobody wants any sort of feedback.

Interestingly Dark Souls reieved almost universal acclaim from critics who reviewed it. But I rarely here one who didnt review it talk positively about it. It is largely because the atmosphere in which they play games is not conducive to this kind of game. They would have you believe it is because of personal taste, but I don't believe it because I personally was never interested in playing games in hard mode and hard games like Ninja Gaiden scared me away. And I ended up loving the game. It changed my perspective o what I considered rewarding in games and way.

The constant cult of the new is a part of their critical livelihood. Dark Souls doesnt jibe with that culture. Videogame journalist for the most part seem to have profound cases of ADD. They have access to basically all games and as a result, they don't play games like the rest of us where we buy that one new game and play it for a month or more.

Great point.

They have a profound case of ADD? Please, playing games is doing their jobs. Just because your favorite game didn't resonate enough with these 3 people doesn't mean shit. Just this episode Garnett is calling a 90+ hour game his GOTY.

He isn't wrong... this is me paraphrasing from last Giant Bomb episode, or maybe the one before that..
"So what have you been doing during the holidays?"
"I've been working on finally finishing game x, and then I started to get game y over with so I can move to game z and finally clear that"

It sounds depressing, but I know the feeling... I get the same feeling about certain TV shows at a certain point, I don't necessarily enjoy it anymore but I cannot stop watching it and have to 'finish' the season. It's this false sense of completion that comes from reaching the end, rather than being challenged by something or simply enjoying the moment-to-moment gameplay that might make a 3 hour gaming session still memorable even if you didn't really make much progress. (See FTL, Dark Souls, Day-Z)


Interestingly Dark Souls reieved almost universal acclaim from critics who reviewed it. But I rarely here one who didnt review it talk positively about it. It is largely because the atmosphere in which they play games is not conducive to this kind of game. They would have you believe it is because of personal taste, but I don't believe it because I personally was never interested in playing games in hard mode and hard games like Ninja Gaiden scared me away. And I ended up loving the game. It changed my perspective o what I considered rewarding in games and way.

The constant cult of the new is a part of their critical livelihood. Dark Souls doesnt jibe with that culture. Videogame journalist for the most part seem to have profound cases of ADD. They have access to basically all games and as a result, they don't play games like the rest of us where we buy that one new game and play it for a month or more.

They have a profound case of ADD? Please, playing games is doing their jobs. Just because your favorite game didn't resonate enough with these 3 people doesn't mean anything. Just this episode Garnett is calling a 90+ hour game his GOTY.

Demon's Souls might be my game of the generation and Dark Souls was easily me GOTY last year, but these games are clearly not for everyone, so don't be shocked to find out that not everyone loves them.

For the record, I like the MMO talk.

It's one thing to talk about whatever MMO is out and they're playing that week. Jeff does that and it's fine. What gets a little tiring is hearing what has to happen to save this dying genre for the tenth time.


I think people have different tastes, some don't like DS, and there doesn't need to be this big questioning of their surroundings or why; they don't like it. For whatever reason.

And I don't mean to attack you, but it seems like there's this "holier than thou" rhetoric with MonHun and DS fans in particular from the fans that says if you don't like those games your dumb, or you have bad taste, or you have a mental difiency. I mean, ADD? Are you kidding me?

EDIT: Thank you, Massa.
And I don't mean to attack you, but it seems like there's this "holier than thou" rhetoric with MonHun and DS fans in particular from the fans that says if you don't like those games your dumb, or you have bad taste, or you have a mental difiency. I mean, ADD? Are you kidding me?

I think that statement is a bit misplaced here, just relax dude. I didn't say or imply any of those things, I'm just throwing my perspective out there.


They have a profound case of ADD? Please, playing games is doing their jobs. Just because your favorite game didn't resonate enough with these 3 people doesn't mean shit. Just this episode Garnett is calling a 90+ hour game his GOTY.

Demon's Souls might be my game of the generation and Dark Souls was easily me GOTY last year, but these games are clearly not for everyone, so don't be shocked to find out that not everyone loves

It was a hypothesis. I am open to other reasons why Dark Spils is lauded by critics forced to play it for review and dislked by most critics who didnt review it. For the record, I think most of them have similar disconnects in reviewing the multiplayer aspects of FPS games and deep strategy games. Over and over you here that game critics don't play these games competitively.

I don't know what Garnet's GOTY was since I havent listened to this episode but I. Was just noting that living in an environment where they constantly have access to the newest thing and where they believe (falsely in my view) that their audience is only interested in the flavor of the week are factors that are probably detrimental to a focused appreiciation of more demanding experiences.

I listen to a lot of podcasts a week (around a dozen) and I constantly here critics talk about what they are playing. I am fairly certain that (a) they play way more games than me and (b) I finish more games than most of them. They aren't enjoying the meal, they are either taking a sample or gorging themsleves in a timed fast food eating competition.


I think that statement is a bit misplaced here, just relax dude. I didn't say or imply any of those things, I'm just throwing my perspective out there.

I disagree, I am relaxed, and I actually wasn't talking to you. Not that I won't engage with you, I just didn't see your reply to me before I posted again.

I'm speaking from my personal experience; the community seems a little stuck up. Sorry to generalize. I'm sure not everyone is like that, but it seems fairly common.

It was a hypothesis. I am open to other reasons why Dark Spils is lauded by critics forced to play it for review and dislked by most crotocs who didnt review it.

I don't know what Garnet's GOTY was since I havent listened to this episode but I. Was just noting that living in an environment where they constantly have access to the newest thing and where they believe (falsely in my view) that their audience is only interested in the flavor of the week are factors that are probably detrimental to a focused appreiciation of more demanding experiences.

I listen to a lot of podcasts a week (around a dozen) and I constantly here critics talk about what they are playing. I am fairly certain that (a) they play way more games than me and (b) I finish more games than most of them. They aren't enjoying the meal, they are either taking a sample or gorging themsleves in a timed eating competition.

I see you just make a lot of assumptions in general.


I disagree, I am relaxed, and I actually wasn't talking to you. Not that I won't engage with you, I just didn't see your reply to me before I posted again.

I'm speaking from my personal experience; the community seems a little stuck up. Sorry to generalize. I'm sure not everyone is like that, but it seems fairly common.

I see you just make a lot of assumptions in general.

I see you make one sentence dismissals without providing any arguments or evidence for why my assumptions are wrong.


I see you make one sentence dismissals without providing any arguments or evidence for why my assumptions are wrong.

It's not that they're wrong, they're assumptions. You don't know that they're right, but you're sure throwing them out there. If anybody's gonna back anything up, it should be you.
It's not that they're wrong, they're assumptions. You don't know that they're right, but you're sure throwing them out there. If anybody's gonna back anything up, it should be you.

He isn't really wrong, but I don't think it is limited to game journalists, quoting myself here:

He isn't wrong... this is me paraphrasing from last Giant Bomb episode, or maybe the one before that..
"So what have you been doing during the holidays?"
"I've been working on finally finishing game x, and then I started to get game y over with so I can move to game z and finally clear that"

It sounds depressing, but I know the feeling... I get the same feeling about certain TV shows at a certain point, I don't necessarily enjoy it anymore but I cannot stop watching it and have to 'finish' the season. It's this false sense of completion that comes from reaching the end, rather than being challenged by something or simply enjoying the moment-to-moment gameplay that might make a 3 hour gaming session still memorable even if you didn't really make much progress. (See FTL, Dark Souls, Day-Z)

Understandable, when developers spend hundreds of million dollars on cutscenes, level design, modeling, they would of course want anyone buying the game to be able to reach the end. Quicktravel, quick-save, instant checkpoints, scripted sequences, QTE'S...


benevolent sexism
It's one thing to talk about whatever MMO is out and they're playing that week. Jeff does that and it's fine. What gets a little tiring is hearing what has to happen to save this dying genre for the tenth time.

This is crucial.

I can totally enjoy hearing about games I haven't played and may never play if the conversation itself is interesting. So much of the time when they talk about MMOs it's at such a surface level that I don't get any sense of what's it's like to actually play the games. And if I can't do that, there's nothing of value in listening to that conversation.

And then why would I give a fuck about the future of MMOs if after hearing a dozen MMO conversations on Weekend Confirmed I'm still not convinced they are worthwhile gaming experiences.


Jeff(2N's variety) I'm about to blow your mind.

Your idea "What if getting a discount was the preorder incentive" or whatever exists already. Well here in Canada anyway.

Up here we have an amazing website called Tsilon that does just that:


The site is somehow affiliated with Electric Playground, Futureshop(Basically the Canadian Bestbuy) and publishers/platform holders because they are constantly offering awesome "perks"

Here's how the site works:

Every day there is a different challenge and completing the challenge gains you XP, the more XP you have the more you level up, the higher level you are the better perks you get.

So not only are they hitting the "Getting a discount is the preorder bonus" mark, they are also hitting the "What if my gaming achievements actually got me something" mark.

I've actually bought Downloadable games in order to do the challenge and get the XP for the site before.

Most Perks are $20 off preorders but other past perks have included:

-$30 off preorders
-$100 of Vita First Edition Bundle
-$50 off WiiU Preorder
-$70 off 3DS
-$95 for that 24" Playstation 3D TV(not a deal anymore, but it was when they offered it)
-Free invite to Assassins Creed 3 Launch Party
-Just after E3 last year, they gave pretty much ever member 10 codes to get $20 off pretty much any preorder they wanted.

So umm...Canada wins?
This is crucial.

I can totally enjoy hearing about games I haven't played and may never play if the conversation itself is interesting. So much of the time when they talk about MMOs it's at such a surface level that I don't get any sense of what's it's like to actually play the games. And if I can't do that, there's nothing of value in listening to that conversation.

And then why would I give a fuck about the future of MMOs if after hearing a dozen MMO conversations on Weekend Confirmed I'm still not convinced they are worthwhile gaming experiences.
My thoughts as well.


Jeff(2N's variety) I'm about to blow your mind.

Your idea "What if getting a discount was the preorder incentive" or whatever exists already. Well here in Canada anyway.

Up here we have an amazing website called Tsilon that does just that:

So umm...Canada wins?

Steam, GMG and other digital storefronts do the same thing for PC games. Still tsilon is pretty awesome. I squandered my free game coupon on Diablo 3, but there have been other great deals. I wish they had more PC stuff though.


For the record, we did talk a lot about Dark Souls. We all appreciated its appeal. Jeff didn't like it for the punishing nature of its mechanic. I got into the combat but ultimately grew weary of the almost platform game-like mechanic of mastering steps through areas to progress. But I totally get how if you vibe to that it would be pretty much the ultimate expression of the style.

The addition of campfires made it way more approachable. And its online connected elements with leaving notes and invading games stands out and offers a great creative fuel for what can be done with connected games.


For the record, we did talk a lot about Dark Souls. We all appreciated its appeal. Jeff didn't like it for the punishing nature of its mechanic. I got into the combat but ultimately grew weary of the almost platform game-like mechanic of mastering steps through areas to progress. But I totally get how if you vibe to that it would be pretty much the ultimate expression of the style.

The addition of campfires made it way more approachable. And its online connected elements with leaving notes and invading games stands out and offers a great creative fuel for what can be done with connected games.
You guys aren't really survival horror fans either right? I can't remember. Because Dark Souls and Demon's Souls make me feel uncomfortable in the same way survival horror games do. That said I like that kinda tension so I liked the Souls games haha
The biggest problem with Dark Souls is that the framerate is so bad and so often that it can cause you to die, which sorta negates the whole "When you die it's your fault." aspect that made Demon's Souls so good. Hopefully they get that under control in the sequel.


Jeff(2N's variety) I'm about to blow your mind.

Your idea "What if getting a discount was the preorder incentive" or whatever exists already. Well here in Canada anyway.

Up here we have an amazing website called Tsilon that does just that:

The site is somehow affiliated with Electric Playground, Futureshop(Basically the Canadian Bestbuy) and publishers/platform holders because they are constantly offering awesome "perks"

Here's how the site works:

Every day there is a different challenge and completing the challenge gains you XP, the more XP you have the more you level up, the higher level you are the better perks you get.

So not only are they hitting the "Getting a discount is the preorder bonus" mark, they are also hitting the "What if my gaming achievements actually got me something" mark.

I've actually bought Downloadable games in order to do the challenge and get the XP for the site before.

Most Perks are $20 off preorders but other past perks have included:

-$30 off preorders
-$100 of Vita First Edition Bundle
-$50 off WiiU Preorder
-$70 off 3DS
-$95 for that 24" Playstation 3D TV(not a deal anymore, but it was when they offered it)
-Free invite to Assassins Creed 3 Launch Party
-Just after E3 last year, they gave pretty much ever member 10 codes to get $20 off pretty much any preorder they wanted.

So umm...Canada wins?
I used this site for Halo 4. Those current offers for $20 off... can I use all of them or just pick one? Cus if I can preorder all those offered games for $40, that is awesome.


Garnett, you need to get Jeff to play P4G. Push for it.

TERA? Seriously? Jeff, I don't know if I'm awfully angry or deeply depressed. You love loving things? You will love this. There is no hyperbole. Persona 4 is absolutely fantastic.

Ignore Catherine; dive into P4G head first.


extra source of jiggaflops
He isn't wrong... this is me paraphrasing from last Giant Bomb episode, or maybe the one before that..
"So what have you been doing during the holidays?"
"I've been working on finally finishing game x, and then I started to get game y over with so I can move to game z and finally clear that"
Let me introduce you to Neogaf 2013 Backlog Blitz - Where we continue giving the middle finger to Steam sales a continuation of the 2012 thread of the same name.

To even insinuate that this is a video game critics only phenomenon while "backlog" is a word that is thrown around on this forum all the time is absurd.

The people you choose to listen to played it and don't think Dark Souls is as great as you think it is.
Guess what, just because the echo-chamber that is the OT thinks it's the best game since the invention of the transistor doesn't mean it actually has to be loved by all. And it isn't!
I don't think Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are that great either. I actually think there are cool things there worth adopting and lots of things which I think are very lacking. And now the twist: I played and own them both.

What is true is that it takes a special game to envelope you if you have access to all games. Clearly some games do it to the hosts of Weekend Confirmed with Civilization, XCOM & Persona 4: Golden being very highly rated and those games are not short.
Yes, as long as you agree to stop derailing segments of the show with jokes of the that's-what-she-said variety. They're not funny, and they often lead to someone who's talking being interrupted. And you can count on some of us not downloading the drunk episodes. It's not fun. It's not funny. It's just sad.

This was actually the main reason i stopped listening. The show tends to get a bit too juvenile and disruptive. I also find the overly lecherous overtones a bit off putting.

I think that Garnett is one of the most entertaining and capable hosts, but sometimes allows the presence of female guests to make him go into this weird character. It reminds me of The office when Michael is taken on a blind date. He is doing incredibly well until he discovers that he is on a date and turns in "Date Mike." This fake persona promptly ruins everything by acting like a 15 year old.

Booze and female guests turns Weekend Confirmed into "Date Weekend Confirmed."
Re: The Anti-Used game tech.

Garnett, I think you've got it exactly backwards on the divide between $60 for AAA and sub-$15 for download only. People don't turn to used games because there's nothing in between, publishers don't make in-between or 2nd tier products because the used market makes it impossible for that to be profitable. We've gotten to a point where all the money a game is going to make is in the first 4-6 weeks. There is no long tail for anything by the most exceptional successes, like Mario and Call of Duty. All the marketing, and pre-order push and huge budgets are geared at one thing: making sure people buy the game new right when it comes out.

So we have to ask, "why is that?" The answer is simple, by the second month you will be competing with an unlimited supply of used copies of your own game. The sale windows slams shut like in no other industry. There are no alternate revenue streams. You either spend big on your budget and marketing to compete in the AAA realm, or you go low budget, low risk with download only. You can't go low key, or mid tier because you will go under the radar, and even if you get a good buzz going you can't expect good ongoing sales because you're always competing against yourself, with a price disadvantage, at retail.

You can paint the problem as games costing to much, but I think you all fail to recognize that in the absence of a used game after market, the pricing structure for new and digitally distributed games can change dramatically. We already have a model to look at. The lack of used PC games on the market hasn't resulted in everyone getting gouged on game prices. No, in fact prices are better than ever thanks to innovations like Steam. Part of that is due to the nature of digital distribution, but many of the same lessons and strategies could be applied to physical retail. If publishers have an opportunity at a longer tail on the sales for their games, that could change the accounting significantly for non-AAA games. If you can actually make money on a long term word of mouth campaign on a game with flexible pricing I think you'll see a lot more mid-range games happening.
Re: Google glasses

Jeff, you should check out the book Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge. It's even closer to what you're talking about than Ready Play One. The book describes a near future where everyone has wearable computers, a constant internet connection and augmented reality contacts. The upshot is while you're walking around in the real world you can basically swap between different versions of your environment. If you're a big Harry Potter fan you can switch to a mode that makes everything around you overlaid with a Hogwarts architecture, magical flourishes and digital creatures. Or you could see a cartoon version of your neighborhood or a Star Wars version. Even the people you meet in person can have custom digital projections of their appearance. That's a bit farther out, but seems like a plausible direction that Google Glasses and tech like it will go.


Garnett's "sleep with or marry" thing was super uncomfortable to listen to. Especially because he kept going back to it.

So was the ending where I guess Andrea and someone else were teasing the people talking with nudity? I know it wasn't meant to but it really felt gender demeaning. Here is one of the few women we have regularly on games podcasts... that ends the year with teases of breasts.

And again I am reminded that maybe video games is just a boys club.

There are definitely some maturity issues. Not that I'm a shining example of maturity. Perhaps video games is just a boys club, but one in dire need of girls, for a multitude of reasons.


Neo Member
Just finished the latest episode and I have to say, seriously I HAVE TO SAY THIS, it sucked. Everyone on it was horrible. The only thing that could've made it worse was if someone played Stinky Penis on it. What crap.

You just lost a subscriber.

Next week's better be better because I'll be downloading it right as soon as it's available through my subscription which I'll still have even though I said I unsub'd and then I'm going to come straight here to post about why I hated it.

Happy 2013!

Looking forward to more shows from you jerks.
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