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Things you think only you do/experience.

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I don't know if non-UK GAF knows what Jaffa Cakes are but I eat them by dipping them in a glass of milk. Bearing in mind they are made of sponge, some sort of orange jelly and chocolate, most people find this disgusting and I don't know anyone who does it. Oreos, sure. Jaffa Cakes, frowned upon. But that sponge base, it soaks up the milk so well and...

...I'm hungry now.


I always, ALWAYS, open a bag of chips by squeezing the air and popping the bag. I've done it since I was about 9 without fail. If I come across a bag with packaging too thick, I just don't open it. I wait or ask someone else to open it.


all good things
I know I'm not the only one but I don't close my eyes when I kiss.

Eventually whomever I'm kissing will open her eyes for a split second and see mine are open. Then she'll open them again a little later and realize I'm not closing my eyes at all.

Usually they act puzzled why I would kiss with my eyes open.

It's like they've never kissed someone who does it before.


I know I'm not the only one but I don't close my eyes when I kiss.

Eventually whomever I'm kissing will open her eyes for a split second and see mine are open. Then she'll open them again a little later and realize I'm not closing my eyes at all.

Usually they act puzzled why I would kiss with my eyes open.

It's like they've never kissed someone who does it before.
i close my eyes when i kiss, it would feel weird when i was kissing a guy and he was staring at me or worse... looking away >_<


Every time I listen to the Daft Punk song Face to Face, I find myself doing this weird hand dance to the rhythm when they sing "I realized you weren't wrong, was a mere illusion."

Every single time. Since 2003 or whenever Discovery came out.
I squeeze the air out of every item that can be resealed even if it isn't food.

I never grab the first item on a shelf, always one behind it.

My wife has to have the tv on either ghost hunters or investigation discovery channel to be able to get to sleep.


good credit (by proxy)
Stare at my own personal dick for hours on end.

I thought I was the only one that used "own personal dick". Now I have nothing to write. Oh wait, actually I just thought of another...

-I'm probably the only one that stuck a marble up his butthole in 4th grade, but was too afraid to his parents or go to the doctor, and it never got shit out, so now I maybe have a glass marble stuck inside my butt, it probably made a little pocket for itself, maybe even got coverered with flesh and is permanently attached under the skin inside my colon. Maybe it'll give me cancer someday.
I thought I was the only one that used "own personal dick". Now I have nothing to write. Oh wait, actually I just thought of another...

-I'm probably the only one that stuck a marble up his butthole in 4th grade, but was too afraid to his parents or go to the doctor, and it never got shit out, so now I maybe have a glass marble stuck inside my butt, it probably made a little pocket for itself, maybe even got coverered with flesh and is permanently attached under the skin inside my colon. Maybe it'll give me cancer someday.

Which reminds me:

When I was about eleven (or whenever Rainbow Six Vegas came out), I had this gigantic wart on the bottom of my foot for weeks. I tried freezing it and and everything but it wouldn't go away. One day, while watching my dad play Rainbow Six Vegas, I eventually pried it out and it left an inch-deep hole in my heel for a month. No scar, surprisingly. No bleeding, either.


I don't think i have truly unique experiences or habits.. if i claim something, it is only a matter of time before someone says they do so as well.
I wonder if i'm only one to think this? Unique in being not-unique?
I don't think i have truly unique experiences or habits.. if i claim something, it is only a matter of time before someone says they do so as well.
I wonder if i'm only one to think this? Unique in being not-unique?

Sorry to break it to you: I feel the same way. None of the things we do or experience are really ever unique; someone always comes along and relates. This thread exemplifies that. Knowing that you're not alone in your quirks is sort of comforting yet disappointing.


marked forever
Does anyone else stick their hand up in the air and let all the blood run down it, then drop your arm down as low as you can? It makes my hand feel weird.


This is hardly unique, but I read threads backwards about 80% of the time. First post then jump to last and work back. No idea when or why this started.

I also highlight text constantly while reading stuff on a computer, i.e. double-click to highlight a sentence/paragraph kind of thing. Drives people around me nuts if they're trying to read what's on my screen. I never noticed until someone pointed it out to me like a decade ago.

EVOL 100%

Hmm, I can't think of any.

J/k, love ya bro.

When I was younger and in the height of my obsession with Radiohead, I used to mimic Yorke's crazy ass 'dancing', thinking it was the coolest shit ever.
I like to sit cross-legged all the time, even when sitting in a chair or on a stool. I try not to do it at restaurants because it looks weird, but if I'm at a booth I'll still sit cross-legged.
Before I trim my fingernails, I ask them if they're ready for a haircut. I don't trim them completely at first - I cut them into points and pretend I have cat claws.

Then I trim them all the way and call them baldies because they don't have hair anymore. After that, I get a black sharpie and color my fingers and nails and they look like little black bald guys and I give them names like Michael Jordan and Tupac.

When the ink starts to wear off, I re-name them all Ashy Larry.


[*]Fold toilet paper as perfectly as possible

Same. I fold them along the perforations two squares at a time.

I get instantly sleepy whenever a hair dryer or humidifier is running

I get sleepy when I hear the sound of people eating something particularly crunchy/chewy.

I also subconsciously draw letters with my right hand when taking tests (not the letters A-E) Usually "r" and "t". I'll notice it happening, but make no attempt to stop it.
I sit down in the shower...while taking a shower...with the lights off.

I'm kind of night blind so I'll leave the lights on if it's nighttime, but sitting in the shower is just so much more relaxing than standing.

I used to think that people around me could all read my thoughts so I'd imagine doing horribly violent things to them and watch their faces to gauge their reactions. I was a rather paranoid kid.
Let me take the time to ask this. Can people hear when a tv is on in another room? I can always hear that a tv is on before I enter a room and whenever I mention this to someone else they look at me like I'm crazy. I tend to hear this really low tinselly sound. That's the only way to really describe it.

YES! God I'm the only one I know who can.

Does anyone else with less than perfect vision have brief moments when their eyes sharpen everything extremely clearly (feels like 20/20) and then they go back to normal vision the next time they blink.


I used to think that people around me could all read my thoughts so I'd imagine doing horribly violent things to them and watch their faces to gauge their reactions. I was a rather paranoid kid.

Woah me too except instead of violent thoughts I would make fun of them as cruelly as possible in my mind to see if they would start to tear up.

Either people can read minds or there are a lot of sad people on buses.


I do minority report gestures if I'm thinking hard, specially with engineering/math. People think I'm crazy at exams.

I also can vibrate my eyes/ or iris (not sure). That's really weird, but I've met some people able to do it as well.


Let me take the time to ask this. Can people hear when a tv is on in another room? I can always hear that a tv is on before I enter a room and whenever I mention this to someone else they look at me like I'm crazy. I tend to hear this really low tinselly sound. That's the only way to really describe it.

It only works for CRT TVs for me. I used to be able to tell when the living room TV was on while in my room behind a closed door as a kid just by that sound alone. It doesn't work with the newer flat panel TVs though.

I also from time to time have these weird dreams where a certain event happens, then within the next day or so the event actually happens. I always imagined it as kind of telling the future, but I don't remember the dream until the event actually happens. It's always some specific but non-important thing too, like a person wearing a specific outfit says a specific phrase right after a 1996 Chevrolet Caprice drives by. It's always freaked me out.


When I sleep I need a pillow between my legs. Can not fall asleep if my knees are touching each other.

*Bro Bump*

I need 3 pillows when I sleep. One for head obviously, one to hug and another between my legs.

I don't even give a shit if my girl is next to me when I sleep, I rather hug the pillows than her - so much more comfy!


Daydream while I commute to/from work, come up with wild movie ideas.
Flush the toilet before I'm done pissing, see if I can get it all out before the final swoosh.
Sing in my car with my mouth still so nobody thinks I'm singing.
Every time I sit at my desk at work, I kick off my shoes and set my toes free.
Everytime I take a shit I bring my phone with me, 100% full intentions of playing a game or reading something long.. only to sit down, empty my anus before the game/book ever finishes loading.
Type long replies on GAF, read them over, edit them a few times only to close the tab and waste 30 minutes of my life.
Fart in an empty elevator, press the ground floor and RIDE


Instead of creating a tumblr account and following tumblrs I like through there I just keep a folder with them all bookmarked.


I do minority report gestures if I'm thinking hard, specially with engineering/math. People think I'm crazy at exams.

I also can vibrate my eyes/ or iris (not sure). That's really weird, but I've met some people able to do it as well.

If you could vibrate your iris I'd be ridiculously impressed as it would mean you could control your iris sphincter muscles that change how open your pupil is to light which is a highly automated process in the CNS. You might be a mutant son.

vibrating your entire eye is much more likely as you have voluntary control of your whole eye moving. Also, fun fact, when you read or focus on an object your eyes automatically vibrate extremely rapidly back and forth. Same happens with vertical/horizontal tracking. Its called saccades and increases the resolution you can see with your eyes.

I go through phases of clearing my throat when there is nothing in it at all and it really pisses me off. I just get an uncontrollable, scratchy itch in my throat even though I know there isn't one and have to clear it. I had lost it for a couple years but its made a resurgence the past few months and god damn do I hate it.

I will also open the fridge several times in the span of a few seconds like it will make new food materialize.

Also sometimes when I have a boner and it won't go away I'll bend it to the side a little bit and it feels good. I know I should stop doing this but I just cant. Sometimes I'll even just push it up against a wall to get it to bend.
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