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This generation is pretty bad

I have enjoyed this gen maybe the most at this point, between games like Red Dead 2, God of War, Valkyria Chronicles 2, FFXV, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Breath of the Wild, Cuphead, Sea of Thieves and then add PSVR into the fold, its been pretty amazing as far as content goes and theres still some great games on the way.

This gen has thrown some of my fav series into current gen technology and thats personally what I wanted.


This is the generation that has put a nail in the coffin for me when it comes to modern console gaming. Sure, there have been some good games— there have been in every generation— but I’ve had enough of the bullshit, which Gen7 introduced and Gen8 made exponentially worse.

Game installs, huge Day One patches, constant data management, spreadsheets/charts to navigate the myriad of game release versions, DLC details months before a game comes out, censorship issues, “games as a service” crap, the continuing move away from focused linear games to droll, boring open-world shit... it’s a laundry list of stuff that’s gradually broken me down and made me hate what video gaming has become, thanks to internet connectivity.

When the gap between what I want out of video games and where video games have gone in the past 10 years is wider than a solar system (and still widening), it’s time to walk the fuck away and play retro stuff instead.
in general. every developer, every console maker/1st party developer. its pretty bad all around

games take 2x-3x last gen's development period and it seems like no company was prepared for it. or they simply don't care. I really feel like when you have f2p 3rd party games bringing in massive money through microtransactions. you really dont care about making that many games because games are now not a priority to make to bring in the income.

instead make a few advertising piece games and thats it. move on with it. am pretty sure I can't be the only one when I say I love diversity in non-indie games. I love the old platformers and the old racing games that had a bit of a budget behind them. I enjoyed the quirky games that had a bit of a budget beyond your typical indie game. EA/ACTI/UBI stopped making any sort of A-AA gaming experiences instead these companies spew out 2-3 games a year that are the same serialized games.

next one doesn't look promising at all. you have developers overpolishing games so they can't be criticized and nit picked . games take 5-6-7 years to make which is just crazy. I don't enjoy these games more than ps2 games that took a year or two to make at most.

game companies are understaffing development and overstaffing network/cloud BS because they want the recurring payments. pretty sure fortnite made more money for Sony than ther own first party games even tho epic owns that.

literally the only developer that has a bit of a unique taste and wants to make fun games at this point is like insomniac games and from sofware. the rest, first party or not. have a template given to them by their owner. "here makes us a game that looks like this because our other game that made money also looks like this". Days gone yeah.



It is probably the best generation in terms of games.

Said that some companies started to abuse consumers with unfinished releases... the good that these games received the deserved criticism.


I think this gen is one of the best and worst. There are a lot of great games. Smaller scale/indie gaming has been amazing. Stardew Valley, Undertale and Night in the Woods are some of the best experiences I've had with games! The Witcher 3 and Nier Automata are masterpieces! Capcom is back!

I feel there is a lot more BS to put up with, though. Negative news is constant from gaming sites that use the word "gamer" in a derogatory way. As mentioned already, censorship is a real issue, development time can be crazy, DLC/monitization/games as a service can really screw a game up and there is a gap between what consumers and what corporations want from games. The gap is just getting wider by the day.

There's been some big disappointments this gen due to the inability to read the audience or just plain bad management. Marvel Vs. Capcom? Mass Effect Andromeda? Fallout 76? Those are definite low points in AAA gaming.

Games are getting better but there are some big issues that need to be addressed like workplace health, crunch, management and bad PR that insults. I think that game sites and even some game devs need to have more respect for their customers, too.

We just live in a time where we have not figured out how to handle social media and the realization we are closer together than ever before. It's sad it often results in anger and hostility instead of joy over what common ground we share. I'm sure it will get better with time.


It's a good gen but it didn't do anything impressive, and if you have been gaming before the PS3 era it's hard to get impressed beside a few graphical things here and there.
Games on average got better, but the extraordinary groundbreaking games you totally cannot miss are less and less, especially when it comes to western AAA titles.
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With this gem i can say is one of the best Generation


For me this is a amazing Generation, for Worst Generation ever see Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360... Thats what i call THE WORST GENERATION


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
This generation made me quit console gaming

PC gaming is better than its ever been tho
I agree terrible generation.
Overall not a whole lot of posetives, and the negative stinks up the whole place. Im more than ready for the crash.
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This generation is just not for you, op. Just like I thought the ps2 era sucked.

This generation, imho, had fewer awesome games, but left me a lot more satisfied with the experiences.

Last generation was the best when it comes to new IPs.


The industry is in constant change. Some of that change is iterative, some of it is pretty radical.

This generation sucks only if you think that they only flavour of good is what previous generations presented.

Regretfully, people that expect to things to stay the same all the time will be continously dissapointed. However, most people (as pretty much any indicator will show) prefer change or are capable/willing to adapt.

In my opinion, most people romanticize the past (the proverbial nostalgia glasses) but it's mostly not because stuff was better before but because their mindset allowed them to enjoy things in a different way before. For example, I still remember what I felt the first time I played an Atari console at home or the hours I spent playing Sunset Riders or TMNT at the arcades. Nothing has provided that feeling to me again but that doesn't mean that I can tell with a straight face that playing games at 200x200 resolution and with 8 colors or spending a fortune at the arcade is objectively better than what we have now.

This effect is very obvious among music fans. You will hear from people growing up during the 80's that the music from that time is the best and many others will think something similar with the decade they grew up with. Music doesn't turn bad in time but also newer music is not automatically worst because is different from what we had before.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is gaming is amazing and constantly changing and hopefully you can still enjoy it but if not, then is not the hobby for you.

Mr Hyde

Gold Member
I agree totally. I mean, Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, God of War, Horizon, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, BOTW, Gravity Rush 2, Nier Automata, SM Odyssey, Hellblade, Hollow Knight, The Evil Within, Cuphead, The Witcher 3, Uncharted 4, Ori, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 7, Red Dead Redemption 2, Spider-Man, Forza Horizon 4, Ratchet and Clank, Celeste, Dead Cells, Dragon Quest 11, Octopath Traveler etc etc is just a bunch of shit games totally not worth playing. Seriously, under my 30 + year gaming career I have never seen such an abysmal output of games during one generation. It´s fucking embarrassing. I´m selling my consoles now.

Ian Henry

I agree totally. I mean, Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, God of War, Horizon, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, BOTW, Gravity Rush 2, Nier Automata, SM Odyssey, Hellblade, Hollow Knight, The Evil Within, Cuphead, The Witcher 3, Uncharted 4, Ori, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 7, Red Dead Redemption 2, Spider-Man, Forza Horizon 4, Ratchet and Clank, Celeste, Dead Cells, Dragon Quest 11, Octopath Traveler etc etc is just a bunch of shit games totally not worth playing. Seriously, under my 30 + year gaming career I have never seen such an abysmal output of games during one generation. It´s fucking embarrassing. I´m selling my consoles now.

It's a weak generation honestly. There has been some great games but a majority are either homogeneous, boring, or lackluster. I hope next gen we'll see a bunch of creativity and inccreased competition.
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Unconfirmed Member
I've only enjoyed 3 games in the past 6 years. Every other game was ok-ish or mediocre. Maybe OP is on to something here guys. Also Fortnite dancing.

The Witcher 3? Bloodborne? God of war? Zelda?

4 games better than almost everything of last gen.
Boring polish game that plays terribly (not as bad as 2) I will never get the appeal of.
Bloodborne was a solid 8. Great atmosphere, music and lore.
God of War was a step down from 3 and it was extremely repetitive.
Zelda was aimless and empty. "BUT GUYS I CAN CLIMB!" I wish I'd never purchased it honestly. Then again I haven't enjoyed a Zelda title since Majora's Mask so I'm not their target here.
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It's definitely been fewer, the development time is really out of control now. Maybe that's helped the floor for polish going up, but the average upper ceiling is just not that high. The only games for me that really reach those peaks were the Witcher 3, Metal Gear Solid 5, and Dragon Quest Builders, the last of which I played mostly on Vita, a last-gen handheld. I won't begrudge anyone who throws Bloodborne (didn't do it for me) or Breath of the Wild up there, but it's still such a small list. The level of developers playing it safe is also unsustainable. I couldn't bring myself to get all that far in Horizon or Dragon Quest XI. I don't think it's me changing, either. I went back to play the fan translation of the DQ III SNES remake and it was jut so much more engaging than its current gen successor. I put that on hold to play DQXI and now I really regret it. I'm also salty how CoD completely fell off, when it had so many hits last gen, leading up Black Ops II, arguably its best multiplayer outing.

I agree this gen has been really fantastic for PC. Not the golden age, but at least a really solid silver age, for sure. It's overall in a really great spot between optimization, indies, and the ongoing, organic relationship developers can have with their communities.
The main issues with this generation is that it continued doing the same thing that made last generation unplayable outside than the 360: Bluray discs. ;)


Last gen had better games, I do enjoy this gen. though, I just think that once beloved franchises like Dragon age, Mass effect, CoD, Battlefield, crackdown, suda51, Final Fantasy, Halo, Gears of War, God of War, etc. going down the shitter has really left a bad taste.


Last gen had better games, I do enjoy this gen. though, I just think that once beloved franchises like Dragon age, Mass effect, CoD, Battlefield, crackdown, suda51, Final Fantasy, Halo, Gears of War, God of War, etc. going down the shitter has really left a bad taste.
God of War just smoked RDR2 for GOTY and is many peoples GOTG. The rest you're spot on with but GOW was tired by the end of PS3, it needed a reimagining and it paid off with reviews , sales, awards and also user reviews. It's success is undeniable.

It's both an insult and hilarious to list God of War with those other games imo.
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°Temp. member
This gen I've been PC only but it's been really great with more games then ever making it to Steam (especially more japanese franchises).
The games in general this gen have been great imho and I've really been enjoying it.
TBH, i dont know if im getting too old for this shit or what but to me is too much of the same shit, one thing i hoped for this gen was a socom game, but fifa kinda held me on gaming this gen.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
With this gem i can say is one of the best Generation


For me this is a amazing Generation, for Worst Generation ever see Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360... Thats what i call THE WORST GENERATION

Sounds like you never played an Atari 5200, or Magnavox Odyssey 2, or a Collecovision. The 2nd Generation was the worst and literally killed gaming for a good while.

OT: Another Slash shit-post. Honestly becoming as regular as the console warring posts by Voost and Co. This gen has brought me Bloodborne, Kingdom Hearts 3, Devil May Cry 5, Resident Evil 2 Remake, and more. Definitely not bad at all.
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Gonna disagree as well. Can't complain about getting a zelda 1 remake while ignoring breath of the wild. I've played a lot of great indie games like Rime and Inside this gen (both of which way surpassed my expectations), and we still have Tunic to look forward to. Don't forget Hollow Knight. This gen has brought many new IP's like Ori and the Blind Forest, Sunset Overdrive, Bloodborne, and Horizon Zero Dawn. We got arguably the best Mario Kart ever made. I'll be forever pacified with The Master Chief Collection :D Cuphead finally released. The Last Guardian finally came out. You have God of War, which many feel is the game of this gen. Some people are just hard to please. The games are there if you're willing to try them.
I wouldn't call this the best gen. I'd give that to the old SNES days, mostly because I was a teenager at the time and really fell into gaming back then. Almost all of my best memories involved playing SNES with my brothers, cousins and friends. Nostalgia is a poor reason, but it's a reason regardless.

This gen has been stellar so far for me though.

Xbone hasn't been stellar compared to the X360, but there have been some really good games on the console, I still have a massive backlog of games I'd like to play on my HDD.

The WiiU caught the beginning of the gen, and it was home to a bunch of games I still consider among my favorite games. The system was short-lived and ill-conceived but that didn't stop the games from being good.

The Switch is the first system since the SNES that my brothers and sister all bought. When playing BotW people were coming over just to watch me play so they could see where some of the Korok seeds were. It was a straight flashback to high school. We're all hovering around 40 now but I found myself sitting on the floor in front of the TV playing handheld while another switch was running on the TV. The system is my most-played console after the X360. With the 3DS finally being phased out it's going to get more attention.

I skipped the PS4 as between Xbox, Switch and PC I already don't have time to play everything I want to, but it looks like PS4 owners are pretty happy with the system.


This gen had some great games, but I feel last gen gave us more experiences like arcade racing games in particular. 360 and ps3 launches were greeted with ridge racer 6 & 7. This gen, where is my ridge racer 8? I also loved the split second and the motorstorm series, and I missed them this gen as well.
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The issue is not with the current hardware itself but with a difficulty to bring enough novelty nowadays to feel the proper leap if we do not count VR which is not for everyone. Better graphics and larger scale do not help it too and as we know it, the cost and risk of investment is higher besides longer development time.
Here is a question. Who does have innovative ideas regarding the gameplay today? Developers? Gamers?
Perhaps Kojima and his team try to do something new about it with Death Stranding. What about the others?
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Blame the companies dumping offline gameplay in favor of mindless BR treasure. And blame all the people who throw money at and encourage them.


I've found games this gen a bit more of a "chore" tbh, and the big ones I've had load of expectations for (Destiny, Fallout 4, DX:HR) have been generally below par.

I look back at the hours I've sunk into Destiny, Elite, even Witcher 3 and wonder why tbh.

Maybe that's just a life thing though, but another indication for me is this gen I've owned a PS4, a Switch and an XBOne (twice, original and X) and never really felt settled with one. Switch especially was a case of playing Zelda and Odyssey then saying "...what now?". I'm not really interested in indie titles either, although Frost Punk was neat.

So I dunno, I have fonder memories of last gen and feel like more ip's arrived that I could enjoy. That's not to say this gen has been bad, just that it's always felt a bit unsettled and transformative - too many remasters, too long development times, too many radiant quests.


I think this gen is one of the best and worst. There are a lot of great games. Smaller scale/indie gaming has been amazing. Stardew Valley, Undertale and Night in the Woods are some of the best experiences I've had with games! The Witcher 3 and Nier Automata are masterpieces! Capcom is back!

I feel there is a lot more BS to put up with, though. Negative news is constant from gaming sites that use the word "gamer" in a derogatory way. As mentioned already, censorship is a real issue, development time can be crazy, DLC/monitization/games as a service can really screw a game up and there is a gap between what consumers and what corporations want from games. The gap is just getting wider by the day.

There's been some big disappointments this gen due to the inability to read the audience or just plain bad management. Marvel Vs. Capcom? Mass Effect Andromeda? Fallout 76? Those are definite low points in AAA gaming.

Games are getting better but there are some big issues that need to be addressed like workplace health, crunch, management and bad PR that insults. I think that game sites and even some game devs need to have more respect for their customers, too.

We just live in a time where we have not figured out how to handle social media and the realization we are closer together than ever before. It's sad it often results in anger and hostility instead of joy over what common ground we share. I'm sure it will get better with time.

Really good post!
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Fat Frog

I advertised for Google Stadia
"This generation is pretty bad".
I first read this line in magazine of the 90's. 32 bits were the evil compared to the good old 16 bits Final Fantasy. A few years later, a teenager was looking at Power Stone on Dreamcast in a VG shop, his friend told him "come on, sucker. It's pure garbage, can you tell me what's different from Playstation games, except the graphics ?". After that, other announced they lost faith in video games after the Dreamcast. Of course, i remember the shitstorm the PS360 had for years...

I recently enjoyed Monster Boy (the Dreamcast Wonder Boy i never had), PS3 allowed me to finally play an arcade perfect version of Daytona USA (Saturn was awesome but Daytona sucked on it), a mini game of Yakuza 6 has more content than an entire Saturn game (VF5 FS has 20 characters, Virtua Fighter 2 only ten and you have VF2 Arcade in Yakuza Kiwami 2. Not sure, i would pull out my Saturn for this one...).

Yep, development is longer but there are more indies now. (Also had my 2D Sonic i wished on Saturn, right now on a Switch).
Last gen had far better games than this gen for sure. I think last gen was the best gen in gaming ever. Just look at the franchises we got last gen compared to this one.

Last Gen was incredible for both Western and Japanese gaming.

There were a handful of Japanese devs who tried to westernise but most did their own thing.

So many new IPs came out of last gen. This gen feels like an evolution of some existing IPs such as Dark Souls or a continuation of Cinematic experiences. (Uncharted)

For me, this generation had one of the best years for great games (2017) but there were lulls from 2013 to 2016 if you like Japanese games more. I am glad the Switch has ramped up to make up for the gen.


There's so much to enjoy out there and something for everyone. You just have to research and stop holding an entire industry over a select handful of mainstream games built for a very specific audience. That said, don't confuse industry negativity for the value of a properly crafted game. Your tastes and enjoyment should stand on their own merit.


I think what OP meant to say is men in suits with only money in mind have taken over the decision-making at the headquarters of our most beloved franchises.

My biggest complaints would be focus on monetization schemes and online gaming rather than a good single player experience which is the only thing I'm interested in.
I think what OP meant to say is men in suits with only money in mind have taken over the decision-making at the headquarters of our most beloved franchises.

My biggest complaints would be focus on monetization schemes and online gaming rather than a good single player experience which is the only thing I'm interested in.
maybe. but heres what am trying to say

the output of big budget games has basically shrunk to 1/4th of what it used to be. no games are being made except the ones that make maximum money. from big studios ofcourse. indies make everything but thats not why I buy consoles for. I don't buy consoles for indies. I can get way more indies on PC than I do on console. infact many many indie devs will NEVER update their console version of the game. which is why am not fucking buying a console to play indie games.

the diversity of games went down the hill. theres your assassin creeds and uncharteds and online games. and thats it. there is absolutely nothing else. remasters maybe. but thats about it. I remember when I used to see games like bioshock. a new ip thats so good. or even singularity. or idk so many things that I could mention right now. like what is the dishonored of this generation? whats the deus ex of this generation? whats the bioshock of this generation? there aren't any. there is nothing. there is absolutely nothing interesting going on and nothing has been interesting since like 2013. basically since this shit show started

who needs to make games when PS+'/XBLA. and online games mtx lootbox money makes all of the monies you ever need? gaming companies turned to service companies.

people have given game publishers a revenue stream that made them unwilling to put money to make games. instead just make 1 or two serialized games that keep adding mtx and extra content that people feed off of.

that includes everyone. every body. sony microsoft nintendo EA activision. you name it. its included. the only ones that are free from this is probably just from software. they are the only studio in the whole entire world that has kept up its output of games. how do they do it? magic right

people lie. games take forever to make. no while they take longer to make. you can staff up. Sony and other stall games. they want the games to maximize profit instead of makine new more games. so they just sit on a game like days gone.days gone has been finished for a whole year. but they sat on it to push it out. spread out the games to emulate the feel of many exclusives. even the ps4 has like 1/4th of PS3 exclusives. how does from software does it? magic? no. they do it because they make games to make money. they don't sell services.
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maybe. but heres what am trying to say

the output of big budget games has basically shrunk to 1/4th of what it used to be. no games are being made except the ones that make maximum money. from big studios ofcourse. indies make everything but thats not why I buy consoles for. I don't buy consoles for indies. I can get way more indies on PC than I do on console. infact many many indie devs will NEVER update their console version of the game. which is why am not fucking buying a console to play indie games.

the diversity of games went down the hill. theres your assassin creeds and uncharteds and online games. and thats it. there is absolutely nothing else. remasters maybe. but thats about it. I remember when I used to see games like bioshock. a new ip thats so good. or even singularity. or idk so many things that I could mention right now. like what is the dishonored of this generation? whats the deus ex of this generation? whats the bioshock of this generation? there aren't any. there is nothing. there is absolutely nothing interesting going on and nothing has been interesting since like 2013. basically since this shit show started

who needs to make games when PS+'/XBLA. and online games mtx lootbox money makes all of the monies you ever need? gaming companies turned to service companies.
Yep. Exactly what I said. It's all about the money now. And you can smell it from a mile away.

Diversity is too risky. All they do is plan on how to get the most purchases with the least amount of effort. There's a few good games coming out but definitely not in the same amount as in the past.

I used to get excited with triple A game announcements, now I'm just waiting for legitimate reviews and extended gameplay footage before I can decide on that.
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