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Those Dyson hand dryers are actually the worst thing (500x germ spread)

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Tomodachi wa Mahou
People hate on Dyson, I know this is GAF but it's still surprising. I've never heard someone talk negatively about their products, I have two vacuums and they are both very good products. Edit to appease the slang police.

I had one of their bladeless fans. Complete trash. The thing was louder than a traditional fan of that size while being about half as effective as one. Looked cool though.


Hail to the KING baby
Don't bring common sense into a post about silly science.

I seriously think the "germs" clickbait is one of the dumbest strains of scientish research. Right up there with when some random study finds that some random food is actually bad for you (!) only to be refuted by another random study a week later.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I had one of their bladeless fans. Complete trash. The thing was louder than a traditional fan of that size while being about half as effective as one. Looked cool though.
I'll give the fans that, they can be used to make your house look like a sci-fi bungalow of some sort.
What a ridiculous study. They intentionally used hands forcefully covered in germs and then not washed.

Well of course a damned fan is going to blow them. Thankfully, these fans are intended to dry hands that have just been washed.

(Also, the dip-in one is far superior to that random v-shaped one, and probably doesn't have that issue) In fact, I don't think I've ever come across this v-shaped one.


I seriously think the "germs" clickbait is one of the dumbest strains of scientish research. Right up there with when some random study finds that some random food is actually bad for you (!) only to be refuted by another random study a week later.

This one is really good, they literally put something in water, put that water in front of a fan and discovered it was blown around the room. Ground breaking research, I wonder how much this study cost, and if the paper towel industry funded it.


Don't you usually wash your hands before using them? So wouldn't the virus be dead or gone?

Actually no. Soap doesn't kill bacteria or viruses it just causes them to fall off your skin and into the sink. However no matter how well you wash your hands it's not perfect. Wiping your hands with paper towels is far more effective at cleaning your hands than a hand dryer of any type, much less the germ ridden air blade design, because of the sheer abrasive nature of the act.

This is far from the first study to suggest this, and it definitely is not bunk reasearch.


Junior Member
It's a legitimate question. The amount of antibacterial agents in soap and everyday products leads to antibacterial resistant bacteria and is rapidly exacerbating the spreading of MRSA. I absolutely abhor any bathroom that doesn't have hands free urinals, and it seems to me reducing your contact with antibacterial agents would probably have a larger net benefit then washing them excessively. I.E. if i don't have to touch a door handle, or any part of the urinal, why should I touch the sink? Also, having cleaned bathrooms, the amount of high strength antibacterial products that get used basically over every inch of the bathroom essentially means touching anything in there is probably going to give you contact with arguably some of the strongest bacteria in any public area.
Would like to see the receipts.
Actually no. Soap doesn't kill bacteria or viruses it just causes them to fall off your skin and into the sink. However no matter how well you wash your hands it's not perfect. Wiping your hands with paper towels is far more effective at cleaning your hands than a hand dryer of any type, much less the germ ridden air blade design, because of the sheer abrasive nature of the act.

This is far from the first study to suggest this, and it definitely is not bunk reasearch.

Soap disrupts the lipid bilayer.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Then it doesn't matter what drying method they use because then the touch the same handrail as you, touch the same door knob, probably even make your food when you eat out. Point is hand drying method is the most insignificant part of proper hygiene.
Except the dryer in question here can spray water, and hell knows what other gunk that's been collecting at the bottom, into your eyes.

People hate on Dyson, I know this is GAF but it's still surprising. I've never heard someone talk negatively about their products, I have two vacuums and they are both very good products.
GAF attracts people who are more willing to think critically. Their vacuums are pretty good, but the fans and dryers are pointless, marketing driven, overpriced products that have no real advantages. Anecdotally, even in real life I don't know anyone who would consider buying their fans, or really likes their air blowers.


GAF attracts people who are more willing to think critically. Their vacuums are pretty good, but the fans and dryers are pointless, marketing driven, overpriced products that have no real advantages. Anecdotally, even in real life I don't know anyone who would consider buying their fans, or really likes their air blowers.

I really like the hand dryers, the fans I will give you they seem like a gimick and I would never spend that for a fan. I like not having to touch stuff in the bathroom and paper towels is just crazy wasteful. And its a real stretch to call GAF a haven of critical thinkers, this place has a massive hive, pile on the individual thought mentality.


my cake, fuck off
Then it doesn't matter what drying method they use because then the touch the same handrail as you, touch the same door knob, probably even make your food when you eat out. Point is hand drying method is the most insignificant part of proper hygiene.

That's what I'm saying. There is shit everywhere, so it doesn't really matter if you blow dry or paper towel it. We are the shit.


i was just wondering that as i used one in the airport. gunk all in the bottom and along the vents where it blows air out, plus they seem to blow air a bit upward.
Reposting this bc I seriously don't understand why something like this isn't more popular:




Seems like an easy solution

The Beard

Dyson makes some of the shittiest stuff on the market. The airblade is the worst hand dryer I've ever used. It's a piece of shit.

Reposting this bc I seriously don't understand why something like this isn't more popular:

Seems like an easy solution

I don't get why they don't have the door go outward from the inside instead of inward? Or a 2 way door. That way you could just push it with your elbow or foot.
I think Mythbusters did a thing on this and also found that the air dryers did a great job of spraying bacteria all over the place. Paper towels did a better job.


Would like to see the receipts.

Soap disrupts the lipid bilayer.

Source? Regardless that's not the primary method of cleaning for soap, which is by making the stuff bacteria sticks to water soluble.

And as for antibacterial soap, it not definite whether or not antibacterial soap causes bacteria to become resistant, but it is know that antibacterial is not any more effective than regular soap, according to the FDA and other organizations.
Dyson makes some of the shittiest stuff on the market. The airblade is the worst hand dryer I've ever used. It's a piece of shit.

I don't get why they don't have the door go outward from the inside instead of inward? Or a 2 way door. That way you could just push it with your elbow or foot.

Bring back the days of saloon doors
Then it doesn't matter what drying method they use because then the touch the same handrail as you, touch the same door knob, probably even make your food when you eat out. Point is hand drying method is the most insignificant part of proper hygiene.

Pretty much. Everyone having actual decent hand hygiene should be of bigger concern than the method of drying said hands.
What the hell?

Is that made so people can break your ankle shoving open the door while you try to pull it with your toes?

Having used it while someone else opened the door, I can say that isn't remotely possible unless u have the bone density of a 200 year old warlock.


Reposting this bc I seriously don't understand why something like this isn't more popular:

Seems like an easy solution

Don't need some overcomplicated setup. A lot of places put trash bins by the door, so you can just use the paper towel you used to dry your hands to touch the door handle, then toss the towel.

ts disgusting knowing when you smell someones poop while they are on the toilet you are tasting their poop.

When you smell farts the air that has been in someone's intestine is touching your brain.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Except you're supposed to use an airblade after washing your hands you dumb researchers.

No fucking shit a blast of air is gonna move viruses more than a paper towel.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
I don't get why they don't have the door go outward from the inside instead of inward? Or a 2 way door. That way you could just push it with your elbow or foot.

People always say this. This is not how interior doors work!
Interior doors should always open inward. Exterior doors should always open outwards. This is for safety during evacuations.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Does everyone wash correctly?
Except it's exceedingly obvious that a hand dryer that works via a blast of air is going to spread germs more than a paper towel if you don't wash properly. The point of air driers is to dry your hands, not to be sanitary.


Makes sense.. don't they get their makeup air from within the bathroom? So it just recirculates the shitty air right onto your hands.


Somewhat off-topic, but I remember running into one of those Mitsubishi hand dryers at a Nordstrom's and wondering which came first, the Dyson or the Mitsubishi, and the Mitsubishi came first :p


Except it's exceedingly obvious that a hand dryer that works via a blast of air is going to spread germs more than a paper towel if you don't wash properly. The point of air driers is to dry your hands, not to be sanitary.

Except some just blow you off, but the Dyson doesn't work that way. Does it?

Obviously?? There's a catch.


After a lot of digging this is the actual study

I don't have Wiley access.

I do, but the paper says exactly what you expect it to. The airblade spreads the water and stuff way more than the other two, and while I normally support science proving even the obvious things, I feel like the University of Westminster needs better ideas. I mean it's trying to say that these things could increase epidemics, but the real takeaway should be people need to wash their hands properly. I will say they may have a point about these not being ideal for hospitals, but on a larger scale this is clearly a problem with the people who use the device and not the device itself.

At work we have one of these things so I use it multiple times a day. I notice most people just slide there hands in and out quickly, which isn't what you're supposed to do, and is probably why I see multiple people talking about these getting water in your eyes.

People always say this. This is not how interior doors work!
Interior doors should always open inward. Exterior doors should always open outwards. This is for safety during evacuations.

Off the top of my head every public bathroom I remember either has no door or the door opens outwards. Which I prefer, what bathrooms are people using that open internally?

This one is really good, they literally put something in water, put that water in front of a fan and discovered it was blown around the room. Ground breaking research, I wonder how much this study cost, and if the paper towel industry funded it.
They did actually:
Keith Redway has received honoraria from the European Tissue Symposium for microbiological advice and travel expenses to attend meetings and conferences.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Is someone going to eventually try to make an argument that not washing your hands at all is somehow more sanitary or something?


Isn't the amount of paper saved way more important than spreading the germs on a person's hands immediately after washing them?
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