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Titanfall has maximum player count of 12 (alongside AI) [Respawn comments post #558]

Don't understand all the drama, granted I have a PS4 and doubt I will have a goo dPC or Xbone by the time this drops but 6v6 sounds like a good number. I enjoyed the intimate encounters with Gears and that was only 4v4.

Though it will be interesting to see how big mechs traverse through the maps (they would have to design it with care where non-mechs players can still have a chance).
5v5 was one of the many reasons that uncharted 2 had some of the best MP last gen.

I enjoy big team games, but smaller and more balanced games are superior imo.

Not to mention if you like big team battles, there's other games for that. BF4 is great for that. Halo has some fun big team battles. They can go play MAG.......errrrr.. maybe not MAG.


Ahahahahahahahaah at people who are like

"Oooh noez it is a game witha small playercount and it is fastpaced, I will be not able to snipe 5 unaware guys like in Battlefield, this game actually takes skill wuaawuawuaah"

Get a grip, we need fastpaced twitch shooters. Big team shooters are the cancer and casualization of the genre.

I hope there is also a 4v4 mode.


Like what I like or your casual lol.

You do realize BF has smaller player count games right? The days of Unreal Tournament are long past.

These guys were IW at one time. COD is the definition of casual (deathsteaks lol). The AI bots seem like a casual grab also. Gotta make people feel good while playing.

Hope this turns out good but I wont hold my breath.


Player count sounds fine (maybe even excessive for my taste),

but bots deconfirmed? :(

(Actually I'm guessing they've confirmed multiple times that it really is online only, but I was still kinda holding out hope.)



Like what I like or your casual lol.

You do realize BF has smaller player count games right? The days of Unreal Tournament are long past.

These guys were IW at one time. COD is the definition of casual (deathsteaks lol). The AI bots seem like a casual grab also. Gotta make people feel good while playing.

Hope this turns out good but I wont hold my breath.

I would rather they kept the bots and remove the ADS requirement, but then the bad players would really get destroyed.


Titanfall has been the Anti-GAF since it was announced. The responses in this thread don't deviate from the longstanding, baseless hate the game has received all along here.

What? People in GAF have generally shown interest for it, not hate.

Taking irrational hatred from a couple of members and generalizing much?
Lots of armchair game designing going on in here. I'd suggest playing before judging a something as insignificant as a number in a vacuum.

Vince is right - we tried a huge amount of playercounts (all the way down to 1v1 and up quite high) and designed the maps, gameplay mechanics, and entire experience around which played best. If anyone wants to chase the numbers game, perhaps we're not the experience they're after? I dunno.

And FYI, for amount of stuff happening at once in a map you'll be hard pressed to find a game that keeps the action higher. I literally have to stop playing every few rounds because my heart just can't take it some times. Remember, you can get out of your Titan and let it roam on AI mode - meaning there can be 12 Pilots wallrunning around, 12 Titans stomping below, and dozens of AI doing their thing.

Oh, and I keep seeing people thinking we've got "bots" when we talk about AI. Thats not how they are. The AI in Titanfall are not replacements for human players. Our playercount is not 6v6 because of AI - AI play their own role in the game and are a different class of character in the game.

Can't wait! Only a couple months until speculative threads like this are gone and people are actually talking about their experiences with the game. Its truly fun stuff, and I hope everyone at least gives it a try.

Just saw this quote... AWESOME!


5v5 was one of the many reasons that uncharted 2 had some of the best MP last gen.

I enjoy big team games, but smaller and more balanced games are superior imo.

Gears of War had 4v4 multiplayer, but according to this thread Skyrim is a shit game because its only a 1 player game.


Gold Member
1) sorry i dont really want AI in my multiplayer games, nothing worse than "Bots" in an online game

2) 6v6... sorry no more day 1, now a day 2 purchase.

I dont want 256 players, but 12v12 would be better.... unless the maps are call of duty small..which would really ruin this for me i think :(

But i will wait and see how it plays, not going to just give up on it.


I find it more competitive. Small player count makes it more intense imo.

I'm really not that bothered with this.
That's primarily because the number of players allows it to be more competitive. This thread is just odd especially since next to no one has actually played the game to determine that the number of players is a detriment to the design of the multiplayer.
I've generally been neutral about the game.
Not being a fan of CoD, I'll need more than the pedigree to win me over.

That said im quite ok with 6v6 with given ai/bot play similar to ut2k4.

Granted 12vs12 is usually my sweet spot.
Smaller teams are fine but I feel more pressured as a try hard.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
You have to camp to snipe , unless you wanna be a quickscoper , you sound like someone who thinks they are really good at COD and blames everything except your crappy style/skill for you shitty k/d.I have quite a few friends like you , just accept you will never be great and enjoy the game
Junior, this is not GameFaqs.


Not a chance in hell EA is going to give up those millions in sales.

Why not? They already gave up on the playstation platform for that MS exclusive money. They are probably regretting that move now that the next gen sales numbers are in and the COD crowd has moved away from Xbone to PS4.

I am guessing that MS bought this one almost exclusively to help make the xbone more attractive, not just to keep it on the 360 where it would have sold more anyway.

They really hurt the chances of this franchise getting off the ground by going MS exclusive.
Why not? They already gave up on the playstation platform for that MS exclusive money. They are probably regretting that move now that the next gen sales numbers are in and the COD crowd has moved away from Xbone to PS4.

I am guessing that MS bought this one almost exclusively to help make the xbone more attractive, not just to keep it on the 360 where it would have sold more anyway.

They really hurt the chances of this franchise getting off the ground by going MS exclusive.

Not being funny but reading that you would think the Xbox has struggled to sell over a million. They both have had really solid starts Sony especially, the fuck is going on with this hyperbolic stuff.


I think the bots are supposed to fill up roles that aren't fun for players. Not to compensate for a low number of players. 6v6 is fine. I don't even understand why more players would be better.

As long as bots don't decide the game or influence the deciding factors of a match directly, it sounds like an interesting idea.


I like it. That means they're play testing around reasonable groups and that the maps will be very tightly tuned for that number of players.

Everyone wants high player counts now. I don't see the appeal. Battlefield requires a large group of players to really work for how they've balanced the maps and gameplay, but that innevitably means you'll have a bunch of douchers, quickly turning the game into a kill:death ratio solo-fest when its supposedly about achieving objectives. That's the problem with huge arenas, finding 12 non-shitty players isn't a trivial affair, finding 64 of them? Fuck me.

This is why I prefer Killzone: SF over Battlefield and why I'll definitely be checking out Titanfall. I want a game of skill, not the chaos of a free for all war zone.

I would have been interested in them stretching the limit to 8v8, but that'd be the cap to me. Beyond that and the maps will have to be slanted in favor of the 4v4/6v6 or the 10v10/12v12 type of matches. I greatly prefer the former so rock on Respawn.

Now announce Steam support and you'll have a sale. Game looks interesting but I'm sure as shit not buying an Xbox One or using Origin to play it.


What? People in GAF have generally shown interest for it, not hate.

Taking irrational hatred from a couple of members and generalizing much?

Have you read the first pages of this thread?

Why not? They already gave up on the playstation platform for that MS exclusive money. They are probably regretting that move now that the next gen sales numbers are in and the COD crowd has moved away from Xbone to PS4.

Got any sales numbers to back that up?


Neo Member
Oh, but were they players, or AI grunts?


i'd say those are all players, but you can watch for yourself
That's primarily because the number of players allows it to be more competitive. This thread is just odd especially since next to no one has actually played the game to determine that the number of players is a detriment to the design of the multiplayer.
True. Gears of War and Uncharted are fantastic MP games because of the small player count, imo.

Small player count usually keeps me away from not getting any action. Going around in circles and still not finding someone to shoot at can be a sign that something is wrong with the game. It's not supposed to happen, it shouldn't happen. (well this is my opinion)


Titanfall has been the Anti-GAF since it was announced. The responses in this thread don't deviate from the longstanding, baseless hate the game has received all along here.

If the game was designed around 6v6, I'm sure it will be great. MOBA's are 5v5 and exhibit some of the most balanced PvP around. Relax people.

Any hate the game receives is only mirroring the equally longstanding and baseless hype around the game. I will happily judge it when it actually comes out.
What? People in GAF have generally shown interest for it, not hate.

Taking irrational hatred from a couple of members and generalizing much?

A couple huh? Look when it was announced this was only a Xbox/PC exclusive, more than couple people dismissed this game for insane reasons. Its attached to EA, it doesn't look fun, Microsoft money hat,the hype is unwarranted, its 6v6, etc. The hate is real. Neogaf is a great word of mouth source, but when it comes to Titanfall, word of mouth doesn't count.
Unfortunately for you I'm a run and gunner with lightning reflexes , I'm a good sniper don't get me wrong but I don't bother with it because it bores me.I would rather be dropshotting your crappy ass and making you throw down your pad in rage.


Game sounds great, player count is irrelevant as long as the game is designed properly and Respawn has quite the pedigree. I'm not worried in the slightest.


i'd say those are all players, but you can watch for yourself

How about not using a JPG compressed to absolute shit screenshot to try to make that judgment?

It's pretty obvious from this right here that 4 of those characters on the screen are AI soldiers.

Titanfall has been the Anti-GAF since it was announced. The responses in this thread don't deviate from the longstanding, baseless hate the game has received all along here.

If the game was designed around 6v6, I'm sure it will be great. MOBA's are 5v5 and exhibit some of the most balanced PvP around. Relax people.



i'd say those are all players, but you can watch for yourself


Really man?

The circles used even intentionally obscure the chevrons and names that designate AI from players.

Talk about a personification of the entire thread.

How about not using a JPG compressed to absolute shit screenshot to try to make that judgment?

It's pretty obvious from this right here that 4 of those characters on the screen are AI soldiers.



Any hate the game receives is only mirroring the equally longstanding and baseless hype around the game. I will happily judge it when it actually comes out.

All the journalists are lying
All of the people who played the game at trade shows are lying
All of the people who played the beta are lying
All of the reviews are lying
All of the people who bought the game are lying

Manufactured, baseless hype.
The player count isn't as important as the gameplay IMO.

The thing is - I'm not sold on the gameplay. At least not from what I've seen.

Plus - AI control generally leads to annoying, glitchy, exploitative player behavior.

If half the "players" on the map are AI controlled, then how exactly will these Mechs work?

1. Do you issue them orders?
2. Do they just follow you around like pets in a MMO with the basic "Offensive/Defensive/Passive" AI presettings?
3. Do they require a lot of micromanagement?
4. Do you have to stop what you're doing in order to manage your Mechs (if you're outside the Mech)? (ie, leaving yourself a sitting duck?)

Player count may be a big deal to some people, but I have more concerns about the AI stuff. Bad or limited AI can ruin a game faster than a low player count can.


I'm more dismayed that I won't be able to rent a PC server from a GSP and will have to rely on matchmaking via the MS Azure servers.

That's more of an issue for me than the player count.


I'm more dismayed that I won't be able to rent a PC server from a GSP and will have to rely on matchmaking via the MS Azure servers.

That's more of an issue for me than the player count.

Have they said there will be matchmaking?

From what I have been able to gather, they have been holding off the PC information for a marketing push coming later this month or in February.
Just because they are using Azure, doesn't rule out a typical server browser.

looking at the minimap, I would assume that the small dots are AI; and the arrows/big dots are players.

Arrows Titans
Tear drops players
small dots AI


Have they said there will be matchmaking?

From what I have been able to gather, they have been holding off the PC information for a marketing push coming later this month or in February.
Just because they are using Azure, doesn't rule out a typical server browser.

But will I be able to rent a server? That's what I'd like to be able to do.
The player count isn't as important as the gameplay IMO.

The thing is - I'm not sold on the gameplay. At least not from what I've seen.

Plus - AI control generally leads to annoying, glitchy, exploitative player behavior.

If half the "players" on the map are AI controlled, then how exactly will these Mechs work?

1. Do you issue them orders?
2. Do they just follow you around like pets in a MMO with the basic "Offensive/Defensive/Passive" AI presettings?
3. Do they require a lot of micromanagement?
4. Do you have to stop what you're doing in order to manage your Mechs (if you're outside the Mech)? (ie, leaving yourself a sitting duck?)

Player count may be a big deal to some people, but I have more concerns about the AI stuff. Bad or limited AI can ruin a game faster than a low player count can.
The AI can't call in titans. You can put your own mech in to an AI mode and issue it orders, but I assume it will be less capable than you actually piloting it.


This thread is only making me more curious to play the game.
From what I imagine, the AI are like creeps from DOTA2/LoL, and they are all trying to achieve an objective. The Human soldiers with Titans will try to shift the power balance in the map to win.

This sounds fucking tight


Neo Member
How about not using a JPG compressed to absolute shit screenshot to try to make that judgment?

It's pretty obvious from this right here that 4 of those characters on the screen are AI soldiers.

dude just watch the trailer ok, as he gets closer every one of those has a name tag


All the journalists are lying
All of the people who played the game at trade shows are lying
All of the people who played the beta are lying
All of the reviews are lying
All of the people who bought the game are lying

Being the devils advocate, Press and Random people can be off. Press is a certain kind of player which is more proficient than the average player but less proficient that hardcore players of any genre. Random walks in also get a thin slice of a game and it's hard to tell if it gets stale quickly.

Sort of like Starcraft vs Command and Conquer. First blush, both are fun and polished by CNC wheels fall off because the meta game isn't as well thought out and support is lacking. Press and more casual players may love them both equally but the serious RTS players can tell you can sink all your time into SC but CNC gets tiresome quickly.

Titanfall seems like it will be a fun game but we won't know if it has legs until a lot of people get their hands on it.
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