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TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan (Platinum Games) art.

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Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Will Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Manhattan Project ever be remade with 3D graphics with Batman Arkham Franchise combat? Good old days playing this game on SNES man

Good old "SNES" gameplay and Arkham Franchise combat do not mix well.

Better than her kid version, and the creepy michaelangelo trying to flirt with her

I never understood why they changed her to a teen in the Nick show. She was always an active adult female.


True, the 2k3 cartoon took most of the stories from the Mirage comics and stone washed them to make them more palatable for Saturday morning cartoon viewers.
For what it's worth, at least they tried, and Raphael truly shone in that cartoon.

The first season of the 2k3 cartoon has a special place in my heart, for being full of potential and promise (and I think the animation was awesome then).
Afterwards, things sometimes dragged on for too long (Karai being conflicted) or just not as well executed as it could've been (Leo being emo and angsty).

However, having played and finished all three main TMNT games based on the 2k3 cartoon on PS2, I can't wait to see Platinum Games' output. It can't be any worse than those. :)
Agreed. But I will admit: I love 2K3's Triceraton arc much more than Mirage's. It's perhaps the one instance where I think not killing off a character who originally bit it in the comic was perhaps the right choice.

On that note...hope this IDW game incorporates Zog!

Also...you're THAT MNTG Tigerfog, aren't you? Respect~!

Isn't that what Nick was up to lately? Shitty attempt at pulling nostalgia - look at what they did to Mega Force and Samurai, both crap because "muh MMPR gaiz!" Though they seem to have picked up slack with Dino Charge.

Also people tell me "the 80's toon is badass and serious too!" when in fact I have this feeling they haven't seen the show lately. Even the pilot they're still a bunch of goofballs and Shredder is that abused house-husband.

Wouldn't know what Nick has been doing otherwise, as the TMNT show was the main reason I was tuning in. Now that I can't stand that cartoon anymore, the only reason I tune into a Nick channel is for 2K3 re-runs~!

Anyway, to be fair: the only time the Fred Wolf toon at all came close to being "serious" was by the Red Sky seasons (which is still YMMV, at best). But by then, I'm sure it's safe to say most self-proclaimed fans of the 80s toon had long since stopped watching~!

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Wouldn't know what Nick has been doing otherwise, as the TMNT show was the main reason I was tuning in. Now that I can't stand that cartoon anymore, the only reason I tune into a Nick channel is for 2K3 re-runs~!

Anyway, to be fair: the only time the Fred Wolf toon at all came close to being "serious" was by the Red Sky seasons (which is still YMMV, at best). But by then, I'm sure it's safe to say most self-proclaimed fans of the 80s toon had long since stop since stopped watching~!

I stopped watching after Season 2, didn't really enjoy the forced toyetic crap they were pulling with, and the toyetic designs the character have.

And I'd argue that the problem with the Red Sky seasons is that it came too late and felt forced.


Super Member
Isn't that what Nick was up to lately? Shitty attempt at pulling nostalgia - look at what they did to Mega Force and Samurai, both crap because "muh MMPR gaiz!" Though they seem to have picked up slack with Dino Charge.

Also people tell me "the 80's toon is badass and serious too!" when in fact I have this feeling they haven't seen the show lately. Even the pilot they're still a bunch of goofballs and Shredder is that abused house-husband.
Shitty, cynical attempt and actual attempt are two different things and you should probably know better. Fanservice done right can be a great thing. MMPR had Forever Red and it's sad that Megaforce couldn't follow up on that.

It's probably Europe's fault 80s TMNT was as goofy as it was- they were afraid of nunchuks for some reason.

And even then, being "badass" wasn't even the point. They're fun characters to sell merchandise with. Somehow I think a goofy, off-the-wall TMNT has more mainstream appeal than trying to do the comics justice.

Granted, maybe Activision wants a more "mature" TMNT game. They can try I suppose. At least they're not using the new movies for inspiration!


Granted, maybe Activision wants a more "mature" TMNT game. They can try I suppose. At least they're not using the new movies for inspiration!

Activision needed to try something different. Their recent games based off of the Nicktoon and the 2014 movie (not to mention "Out of the Shadows") all have the stench of shovelware on them, and were largely panned critically and commercially.

A Platinum-made game using the IDW Turtles was the closest thing to a "clean slate" that they were going to get.


Thank god it's not 80s Turtles. Show ruined the Turtles' image. Turtles can get crazy brutal and it's a shame that the 03 cartoon is the onyl thing that could remotely capture the essence of the comics.

But without that cartoon only you and like 25 other people on this planet would even care about TMNT...

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Shitty, cynical attempt and actual attempt are two different things and you should probably know better. Fanservice done right can be a great thing. MMPR had Forever Red and it's sad that Megaforce couldn't follow up on that.

It's probably Europe's fault 80s TMNT was as goofy as it was- they were afraid of nunchuks for some reason.

And even then, being "badass" wasn't even the point. They're fun characters to sell merchandise with. Somehow I think a goofy, off-the-wall TMNT has more mainstream appeal than trying to do the comics justice.

Granted, maybe Activision wants a more "mature" TMNT game. They can try I suppose. At least they're not using the new movies for inspiration!

That's the problem - it's a narrow view of the characters. Just because they're "mutant turtles" doesn't mean you can't give them proper storylines or such. Yeah sure it appealed to the mainstream, but that doesn't mean it should be the only way to do it.


Gold Member

Looks like the original comic style, only made chibi, pouty, agnsty and overall way worse. Should have just kept to the original or went with 80s cheeseball cartoon.

No idea how they can keep fucking this up.


Junior Member
Count me in as someone who doesn't really care for 80s turtle and can't see their "obvious" superiority as some put it, outside of nostalgia.

This design looks dope. I'm widdit, Platinum.
Looks like all the turtles got nose jobs. I read the B&W Mirage comics as a kid, so I've been constantly disappointed in this IP since they turned it into a Hanna-Barbara cartoon. The one bright point is that Platinum is doing it, so the gameplay could be pretty great.

I'm still waiting for someone make a TMNT RPG based on the cool pen & paper game:


But without that cartoon only you and like 25 other people on this planet would even care about TMNT...

Without old Dragonlance novels, I wouldn't have found George RR Martin, Joe Abercrombie, and Stephen Donaldson. That doesn't make the dragonlance novels any good.

Still love Raistlin, though.

Russ T

Man, guys, I love campy shit, but the 80s cartoon is baaaaaad. I have a great amount of nostalgia for it, but good lord it is baaaaaaaaaaaad.

If you want to cite good examples of campy TMNT, look at the original movies. Those are way way better than the cartoon. Somehow, despite being infinitely more serious in tone than the cartoon, they still maintain that good ol' cheese. And they aren't repulsive. Well, ymmv, but they're definitely better.

Watching the 80s cartoon today, as a human being that's actually experienced good quality entertainment, is very unpleasant...


The IDW shit is indeed good, though. Color me interested. Hope they can do it justice.


But without that cartoon only you and like 25 other people on this planet would even care about TMNT...

And without the Adam West Batman show, it's likely people wouldn't have cared about Batman, either.

Thankfully, Tim Burton, Bruce Timm and others actually believed that they could salvage the character from being the running gag he had been for almost two decades.


And without the Adam West Batman show, it's likely people wouldn't have cared about Batman, either.

Thankfully, Tim Burton, Bruce Timm and others actually believed that they could salvage the character from being the running gag he had been for almost two decades.

Now most, if not ALL modern Batman fans today mostly relate or started with TAS -- a respectable cartoon that captured the thematics of Batman perfectly!


My preference is the cute faced turtles. Like these:



But I'm not that into TMNT so it's probably not in line with what real fans want.


Frank Miller saved Batman


Arguable, but that's besides the point. If the "25 or so" people who read and appreciated comics didn't matter at all, there wouldn't have been anything for the likes of Tim Burton and Sam Hamm to get the ball rolling with.

Now most, if not ALL modern Batman fans today mostly relate or started with TAS -- a respectable cartoon that captured the thematics of Batman perfectly!

Yep. The closest TMNT has gotten to that in a cartoon was 2K3's first five seasons. But again, that was somewhat reviled, for previously stated reasons.


But without that cartoon only you and like 25 other people on this planet would even care about TMNT...

You realize the original comics were a big deal that sold out really fast and had high resale values, right? It's the original comics that started the craze; the cartoon just kicked it up a notch.

I was big on the cartoon back in the day but I was also in 7th grade when it was on; even then I preferred the original comics I got to read as graphic novel reprints.

I haven't kept up with the later series but the original Eastman/Laird stuff is just so much better than the cartoon or the live action movies... If you've never read the climactic Shredder returns to NY during the Xmas season story, you are missing out, it's amazing.



Yes! IDW comics is my favorite version of the Turtles. Santolouco is the man. Now, hopefully, the gameplay will hold up.
Was hoping for an 80's TMNT for a great throwback with aesthetics and voice overs, but can't complain since it's based off IDW because it seems awesome. It has most of the 80's characters and doesn't have that Utrom Shredder. IDW really has it all. Hun, Testu, Krang, Beebp, Rocksteady and most of the 80's crew.
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