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Toonami |NovDec15| It's Man God's world, we're just posting in it

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Imagine if Sentai dubbed any scene in Space Dandy

I know comparing Kill la Kill to Gurren Lagann isn't entirely fair, but there's one critical aspect that makes me say Kill La Kill is probably only okay at best.

The more I think about Gurren Lagann, the more I appreciate it.

I can't say the same about Kill La Kill. The more I think about Kill La Kill, the more I dislike it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm...kinda the opposite really. I think TTGL has higher highs but much lower lows while KLK is more even keeled. What makes the difference for me is the top tier dub KLK has and that it's got better comedic sense.


I'm...kinda the opposite really. I think TTGL has higher highs but much lower lows while KLK is more even keeled. What makes the difference for me is the top tier dub KLK has and that it's got better comedic sense.

Life Fiber Override! DEPECHE MODE!

Satsuki: Get off my dick, bitch!
I'm...kinda the opposite really. I think TTGL has higher highs but much lower lows while KLK is more even keeled. What makes the difference for me is the top tier dub KLK has and that it's got better comedic sense.

Gurren Lagann has that one episode with weird animation, but I really can't think of anything else that matches the plodding mediocrity of Kill la Kill's second half.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Gurren Lagann has that one episode with weird animation, but I really can't think of anything else that matches the plodding mediocrity of Kill la Kill's second half.

The four episodes right after the timeskip? Most of the first six episodes including a completely useless recap episode before anything happened?


Gurren Lagann has that one episode with weird animation, but I really can't think of anything else that matches the plodding mediocrity of Kill la Kill's second half.

TTGL is the superior show imo, however the Supreme Commander Rossiu arc was kinda plodding.
The four episodes right after the timeskip? Most of the first six episodes including a completely useless recap episode before anything happened?

What's supposed to be wrong with the first few episodes of Gurren Lagann? They obviously don't reach the heights of later episodes, but they're fine; they hang around the realm of "okay-to-good." And I'm not a huge fan of the Rossiu arc, but I will sure as hell take it over where Kill la Kill eventually went.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
What's supposed to be wrong with the first few episodes of Gurren Lagann? They obviously don't reach the heights of later episodes, but they're fine; they hang around the realm of "okay-to-good." And I'm not a huge fan of the Rossiu arc, but I will sure as hell take it over where Kill la Kill eventually went.

and I take where KlK goes over that. It's fine to have different opinions!


Gives all the fucks
Guys, I've got it. Masters of Martial Hearts on Toonami for the Valentine's Day marathon.

or Tenchi Muyo In Love, I don't know.
and I take where KlK goes over that. It's fine to have different opinions!

I mean, sure, but I like to see where other people are coming from and I am just continuously unable to understand how some other people don't see a massive quality drop in Kill la Kill's latter half.


Gives all the fucks
What's the latter about?
Well, there's this guy name Tenchi Muyo.

& he's in love.

All seriousness, it's about Tenchi & the gang going back in time to make sure Tenchi is born i.e. his mom & dad hook up, also some bad guy because conflict.

....hmmm, we could also do Daughter of Darkness for Xmas....well, I THINK it takes place during Xmas...

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I mean, sure, but I like to see where other people are coming from and I am just continuously unable to understand how some other people don't see a massive quality drop in Kill la Kill's latter half.

Most people who don't think the first few episodes of TTGL are pretty bad are those who are in love with the series and have forgotten. You can read the reactions of boat loads of first time watchers in earlier versions of this thread who said things like they didn't get why this show was so loved and things like that.
Well, there's this guy name Tenchi Muyo.

& he's in love.

All seriousness, it's about Tenchi & the gang going back in time to make sure Tenchi is born i.e. his mom & dad hook up, also some bad guy because conflict.

....hmmm, we could also do Daughter of Darkness for Xmas....well, I THINK it takes place during Xmas...

Daughter of Darkness would certainly fill our weird incest quota now that SAO has stopped harping on that plot point.

Most people who don't think the first few episodes of TTGL are pretty bad are those who are in love with the series and have forgotten. You can read the reactions of boat loads of first time watchers in earlier versions of this thread who said things like they didn't get why this show was so loved and things like that.

I was one of those people and still never found them to be outright bad; they definitely had their good moments and were very well-made. They just didn't really explain what all the hype was about. I wouldn't say people not getting it is the same as people outright disliking those episodes.


All seriousness, it's about Tenchi & the gang going back in time to make sure Tenchi is born i.e. his mom & dad hook up, also some bad guy because conflict.

....hmmm, we could also do Daughter of Darkness for Xmas....well, I THINK it takes place during Xmas...

For a moment, I thought you meant some other show that's too hot for TV.

Mnemosyne, where it's one of those shows where I never thought Funimation would fully localize it, just like Queen's Blade.


Gives all the fucks
Where's the updated list of shows ending? Last one I found said M&H was ending on Nov. 28th, but I don't know if that factored in the marathons we're getting. Not to mention Dec. is kind of a bad month to have a show premiere due to the holidays.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Based on that prelim schedule for Intruder M&H will end before the new year no matter what. Maybe they'll remix the schedule and double up on something, probably KLK. I'd die if we got a One Piece double header or two to kill some filler.


Gives all the fucks
I'm pretty sure we're getting a marathon on Dec. 26th. That document also mentions one on the 19th as well. Obviously also getting one the weekend after Thanksgiving.

Perhaps once M&H ends, they'll hold off on premiering the next show until Jan.


Rossiu episodes - I don't mind if narrative conflict arises from the non-ideal decisions of a protagonist. Sometimes I think people are too quick to equate <character makes imperfect judgement> to <character is clearly a bad character>. But I'm not exactly certain what the larger point of those episodes was. On a character development level, we didn't really need to see much more growth out of Simon or anything like that. hmm

Where's the updated list of shows ending? Last one I found said M&H was ending on Nov. 28th, but I don't know if that factored in the marathons we're getting. Not to mention Dec. is kind of a bad month to have a show premiere due to the holidays.

I think this is correct. Nobody posted updated dates with the Halloween marathon. (these date do include the scheduled marathons in Nov and Dec btw)

Michiko & Hatchin: December 12
Akame ga Kill!: February 13, 2016
Parasyte -the maxim-: April 2, 2016
Kill la Kill: April 2, 2016
Dragon Ball Z Kai: November 19, 2016 (not including Buu Arc), January 20, 2018 (including Buu Arc)
Naruto Shippuden: AHAHAHA....

There's a marathon on December 19th, so that would be as things stand now, a new show would come into play on December 26th... which is also the first week "post-Intruder"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Actually...M&H should end right before the two marathon weeks. Math is math.

Damn you Seda.

Also there's just no way they run TOONAMI the day after Christmas. It's gonna be a DBZ marathon. The week before will be Parasyte.


Unconfirmed Member
How many episodes do we have left?

Knowing that there's a marathon on Thanksgiving weekend and a marathon on December 19, Michiko and Hatchin will end on December 12, which means only December 26 is an issue, and I wouldn't be shocked if Toonami is simply preempted outright that night for a holiday lineup.

So I wouldn't expect its replacement until January 2, which is perfect timing for a new show.


April is going to be epic. Lionel Mandrake will have seen God's Not Dead 2, a new anime on the block, and one more chance for Space Dandy S2.

As far as M&H replacements. The only anime I care about is One Punch Man or JoJo. I accept no other substitutions.

A DBZ marathon is probably set in stone considering how far we'll be into the Frieza fight.
I could go for a DBZ Kai marathon.

Maybe starting around Vegeta's thrashing, and going into Goku's fight?

Would be a good warm up for when the fight gets real.


Gives all the fucks
Oh wow, so M&H ending actually works out since it's right before the marathons. I'd still imagine a marathon happening on the 26th, considering people still might be visiting for Xmas.

Yeah, Jan. 2nd or 9th would most likely be the premiere. 2nd is hard to say since it's close to New Year's, but it's not like a holiday where people are gone a long time like with Thanksgiving or Xmas.

DBZ Kai seems like a good candidate for another marathon, considering we're now getting to the more memorable parts of the Frieza saga.
Have they ever run all of FLCL in one night? That would be an interesting marathon (thought it wouldn't cover the entire lineup).


Unconfirmed Member
Have they ever run all of FLCL in one night? That would be an interesting marathon (thought it wouldn't cover the entire lineup).

I can't remember if it ever happened on a normally scheduled night, but it did happen once on one of those Burger King "Have It Your Way" contest winner nights.
It bothers me that A-1 Pictures is thinking about doing something with FLCL...

...the story is done. It's perfect. Leave it alone.
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