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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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_dementia said:
Nice username, lol. No bias there.

Thanks, haha. I've been using that nick pretty much everywhere else before I got activated here, so yesterday I asked an admin to change it and boom.
Currently on my way on doing so everyplace else I'm not "Red Arremer" or a slight variation of it yet. :3c


Red Arremer said:
I'm so glad there's no games other than Ultimate currently coming out I want to buy, haha.

are you human

there's like 5 games out right now that I would be playing non stop if it was any other time of the year.
Anth0ny said:
are you human

there's like 5 games out right now that I would be playing non stop if it was any other time of the year.

No, as you can see I'm a flying demon asshole who swoops down on ya and strips you in one touch.


But seriously, I'm literally interested in nothing else, haha.


Dark Souls and Arkham City are really the only games I want to be playing aside from UMVC3. Maybe Uncharted 3...

My cousin already got MW3 for the PS3 and wants me to play with him. I haven't touched it yet. Same for BF3. I am keeping myself clean for UMVC3. :)

No cosplayer for Frank West... you get puppet RR instead!

Sephi you got notations for those Iron Fist combos? Also that one combo you did on Hulk where you just did OTG Kick into hyper... couldn't you have extended that with Low Kick and Hard knockdown lunge?

Oh and MVC3 CG intros by a MILE. Nothing beats Captain America parrying the helicopter with his shield.


tagged by Blackace
Anth0ny said:
are you human

there's like 5 games out right now that I would be playing non stop if it was any other time of the year.
I'm so happy I've narrowed the list of games I want down to just Gears, Forza and UMvC3. Now I'm set and could really care less about every other game releasing up until Mass Effect 3.

_dementia said:
Are the original movies available on the UMvC3 disc anywhere?
Doesn't look like it :/

Downgrade confirmed. I'm actually really disappointed by this :/
Bizazedo said:
My Gamestop flat out said they couldn't release it til the 15th due to streetdate.

Tell them to print you out a release list for guides, point at the UMVC3 guide and tell them there's no SD (street date) indicator next to it. Skyrim for example has one and they can't sell it until midnight tonight. UMVC3 guide has no street date.


SolarPowered said:
Eh I prefer the MvC3 one since they move. It gives the roster more character when you see them being awesome or silly.
Aren't they supposed to move in the finalized one? At least, I thought something like that was mentioned (and the boring rotating, slo-mo clips they showed before were just previews of the full thing).
The only game I'm waiting for besides UMvC3 is Sengoku Basara 3 Utage. With NCSX, it'll probably end up shipping late and arriving on the same day as UMvC3, but it's not all bad. It'll make for a great stress reliever when UMvC raises my saltiness to insane levels...


Dahbomb said:
Sephi you got notations for those Iron Fist combos? Also that one combo you did on Hulk where you just did OTG Kick into hyper... couldn't you have extended that with Low Kick and Hard knockdown lunge?
Not my video brah. Just something I found on SRK.


Oh LOL forgot about Gears 3 and ME3. I will get those 2 late especially ME3 because I know it's gonna have like DLC missions and shit.

I don't know about old videos being available in UMVC3. I have seen them too many times already anyway.

It's really sad... even since MVC3 came out my purchase in games went down dramatically. Just before MVC3 I basically played most of the big budget games to come out and this year I am way behind. I used to be such a "well balanced" gamer. :(


For the fall season, I am interested in:

Batman Arkham City
Uncharted 3
Skyward Sword
Super Mario 3D Land
Mario Kart 7
Professor Layton and the Last Specter
Gears of War 3

So far, I got Gears and only played through it once. I'm playing through Professor Layton, but other than that Marvel is all I have time for. That will likely stay the same with Ultimate. I think I will be picking up Super Mario 3D Land sometime soon, but for the long term I just don't think I'll be able to tear myself away from dat Mahvel. I'm deep enough in it now that it just drives itself.


tagged by Blackace
Also, where the fuck is my launch trailer?

And do we have an ETA on the DLC news from Niitsuma or is it gonna be like MvC3 where they announce the DLC on the launch date? (Last time it was the first costume pack)
enzo_gt said:
Also, where the fuck is my launch trailer?

And do we have an ETA on the DLC news from Niitsuma or is it gonna be like MvC3 where they announce the DLC on the launch date? (Last time it was the first costume pack)

Yeah, I hope we get dlc announcements right at launch. However, since the first 3 have already been announced it may be a while before we see more. Glad we got to see Jill and Shuma so early at least. I want to see the release dates for those packs, to get an idea of the time period they'll be dolled out (SF costume packs took forever it seemed).



Seth Killian said:
Btw that pic is not what I was promising earlier, there will be a healthy excerpt of real guide action :)





Probably won't but I can hope.
sephi22 said:
So this is what porn must look like to God's Beard.

I'm fapping away too!
Korigama said:
Aren't they supposed to move in the finalized one? At least, I thought something like that was mentioned (and the boring rotating, slo-mo clips they showed before were just previews of the full thing).
This is what I thought, but no one has said that they move. I saw the trailer in one of the streams a day or two ago and it looked just like the trailer from the comic con.

SephirothRK said:
I still can't get over the fact they misspelled Tournamnet wrong on the back of the mvc3 guide...
There were plenty of typos in that guide. I remember hearing they were filling it with content up until the deadline and decided "fuck proofreading"
Mature said:
Did they approach the UMvC3 guide the same way they did the MvC3 one? I will definitely buy one if so.

Yes, they did. Clockwork was talking about it at WNF yesterday, and he said it has even MORE information cause they changed the layout to contain about twice as much info haha.


SolarPowered said:
This is what I thought, but no one has said that they move. I saw the trailer in one of the streams a day or two ago and it looked just like the trailer from the comic con.

Ah. Well, that sucks. I was looking forward to it being in motion.


Becquerrel is that you? WTF is going on here?

Chris - Buffed as fuck. Fear him now.

Arthur - I think Max is right, Arthur's viability depends all too much on the meta game and how the changes to the other characters stack up. Arthur does have a Doom-esque OTG combo in the corner now which was suspected before.

Spencer - Buffed lol. Dude is going to be an absolute menace in more hands now.

Zero - Mega Buster buff is huge but most of his other changes are significant nerfs. No more air fireball spam and no block during air dash means Zero is much more vulnerable in the air and I guess that's the reason for the health buff. He's still gonna dominate in the right hands.

Morrigan - Still does ass damage and she is still very much hammered by the new air dash nerf but her buffs are solid no doubt. Particularly frame advantage after air throw means hypers after throw. Air X factor should be a buff to her as well. Don't know what to think of this character to be honest.

Hsien Ko - ......... next

Tron - I think she looks good with all her new cancels, kara throw and Servebot spam. She is made less braindead now that's for sure. Probably a much better point character where she really belongs instead of herp derp S tier assist last place.

Felicia - Decently buffed and nice to see the Sand Splash in action.

Wesker - People are going to cry over his buffs (although even I admit his combos were buffed especially with the way Max was using Jaguar Kick mid combos like that... SWAG!) but in reality he is more nerfed than buffed.


It sorta feels like Iron Fist needs to be in Defense-mode until he can get in, hit a rekka->crumple->Red Chi. His HP makes a lot more sense now that we know he essentially has another 20-25% virtual health available.
Hsien-Ko's section was so short....well, not too surprising, I guess. Is it naive to hope that the new focus on zoning will actually help her a lot in the long run? I mean...the stupid bomb is still there, but I'm hoping her new items can do some good too.
GuardianE said:
"the job of Morrigan in any given game is to disappoint the Morrigan player."

AnkiRendan said:
Hsien-Ko's section was so short....well, not too surprising, I guess. Is it naive to hope that the new focus on zoning will actually help her a lot in the long run? I mean...the stupid bomb is still there, but I'm hoping her new items can do some good too.
It is pretty naive.


AnkiRendan said:
Hsien-Ko's section was so short....well, not too surprising, I guess. Is it naive to hope that the new focus on zoning will actually help her a lot in the long run? I mean...the stupid bomb is still there, but I'm hoping her new items can do some good too.
wait another hsienko player?! damn solar is not alone


AnkiRendan said:
Hsien-Ko's section was so short....well, not too surprising, I guess. Is it naive to hope that the new focus on zoning will actually help her a lot in the long run? I mean...the stupid bomb is still there, but I'm hoping her new items can do some good too.
Her assist is still S tier. Zoning focus would mean she survives battles longer.

Oh and in before Seth's "But this is a team game and not everyone should be good on point when you have a good assist".
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