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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves |OT2|


So I've been waiting for Witcher 2 to come out. I couldn't find anything to play to tide me over, and was starting and stopping a lot of games. I decided what the hell, I'll replay Uncharted 2 again.

So good, even now. This must be my sixth or so run. I've previously beaten it at least four times, probably five. Not sure.


Not as deep as he thinks
TripOpt55 said:
I really miss playing this online. I was playing it quite a bit the last few days PSN was up because the news of 3's multiplayer had me excited.
lol how do you think I feel? I used to play it like every day. I MISS IT. :(


i've been begging for over 5 years.
So now that the PSN is back up I want to play some U2 multi.

I've only ever played once and that was way back when it first released. The game seems to connect fine but as it's connecting it keeps "Updating Live Data" then at a certain point it says "Failed to update Models" and quits out.

Does anyone know what that means? Anyone else having the issue?

I couldn't find an On-Line Community forum topic for U2, I hope this is the right place to ask.
RbBrdMan said:
So now that the PSN is back up I want to play some U2 multi.

I've only ever played once and that was way back when it first released. The game seems to connect fine but as it's connecting it keeps "Updating Live Data" then at a certain point it says "Failed to update Models" and quits out.

Does anyone know what that means? Anyone else having the issue?

I couldn't find an On-Line Community forum topic for U2, I hope this is the right place to ask.

Yup, you're in the right place. I had this error a couple of times but it was solved once I restarted the game. I'll assume you did that so maybe you should delete the multiplayer game data but do that last.

EDIT: Actually, wait. It might be due to the downtime. Let me check.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
Yup, you're in the right place. I had this error a couple of times but it was solved once I restarted the game. I'll assume you did that so maybe you should delete the multiplayer game data but do that last.

Nice, thanks for the quick response. I'll give it a shot.

I don't remember much about the MP but Uncharted is my favorite game series ever so I figure it is a perfect way to celebrate our return to the PSN. Plus I'm getting pretty tired of FPS's.
RbBrdMan said:
Nice, thanks for the quick response. I'll give it a shot.

I don't remember much about the MP but Uncharted is my favorite game series ever so I figure it is a perfect way to celebrate our return to the PSN. Plus I'm getting pretty tired of FPS's.

Yeah, I just signed on fine. Just be prepared to re-download all of the MP patches if you do delete the MP data.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
Yeah, I just signed on fine. Just be prepared to re-download all of the MP patches if you do delete the MP data.

I probably have to download all of them anyway since I literally only played multi 1 time 2 days after release. Hope the learning curve isn't too steep.

Thanks again for the help.
RbBrdMan said:
I probably have to download all of them anyway since I literally only played multi 1 time 2 days after release. Hope the learning curve isn't too steep.

Thanks again for the help.

Oh, your error makes a lot of sense now. It was common before the patch was released to fix it. I couldn't tell you how steep the learning curve is since I have been playing since the private beta but I don't think its hard to get into just be vigilant. And no problem.


During the outage I went back to get some weapon kill trophies I needed in order to complete my platinum. Basically played through about 80% of the game to finish those off. Then just had to do a co-op mission and got it.

Anyways, in doing so, I realized how much of this game I missed. The co-op modes are a blast and I had a a lot of fun - been playing it all day.

Usually not much of a multi-player gamer, so I had only breezed through a few death matches before and moved on. Now I'm all sad face...won't make that mistake with U3.


Not as deep as he thinks
Lucentto said:
So, do they still have a decent amount of people still playing online?
Yep! I'm playing some matches right now and it says there's 41k daily players!

I was rusty as hell when I played a match when PSN came back, but now I got back in the groove of things! Oh yeah!


Been playing a lot of UC2 lately. I haven't really been focusing on any deathmatch until now and I've been messing around with boosters. I know I'm gonna be the first to mention this, but wow SA breaks this game. I mean come on now, I don't see the logic of having this as a booster. I was playing with some pretty high level people and to their fault they weren't using the Blocking SA booster. It was some of the easiest matches I've ever played like this was some counter-strike wall hack shit.

Anyways, I understand that they are bringing it back in UC3 except its getting completely nerfed. Well, I still don't see the point of having it as a booster. Why won't ND just let go of it, lol. I mean it kind of defeats the whole purpose of having to watch your back and work as team to pinpoint enemies...


Guardian Bob said:
I hope shotguns aren't in UC3 multiplayer.

I don't mind them I mean it sucks to be blasted by one but they are suppose to be a strong one hit kill type of weapon. SA is still terrible though and since using it I haven't been shotgun'd because I see people rushing around around who had them equiped before they could touch me LOL


bish gets all the credit :)
reKon said:
Anyways, I understand that they are bringing it back in UC3 except its getting completely nerfed. Well, I still don't see the point of having it as a booster. Why won't ND just let go of it, lol. I mean it kind of defeats the whole purpose of having to watch your back and work as team to pinpoint enemies...

we know. :(


Not as deep as he thinks
SA is still the worst fucking thing ever. It has no redeeming quality whatsoever.

The only shotgun I hate is the SAS one that fires too quickly. The other regular shotgun is fine since it takes a little while so you can use it again, but SAS one can disappear forever.

So arne, when are you guys going to change the lab? I was looking forward to playing Hammers Only, but the PSN outage screwed up everything. I really want to play Hammers Only! It's the second best lab ever. :)


for Uncharted 3 they should either add more recoil to pistol fire from long range or at least reduce the damage taken from a pistol long range. You know that somethings wrong when people are choosing pistols over rifles for long range shooting, which pretty much defeats the purpose of DTI as you can get kills JUST AS EASILY with a firing a pistol fast (low recoil + tiny rectile). It should stay as a short-mid range weapon.

I also agree with taking away the auto-aim in close range combat (or excess aim-assist, w/e that is hell lol)
reKon said:
for Uncharted 3 they should either add more recoil to pistol fire from long range or at least reduce the damage taken from a pistol long range. You know that somethings wrong when people are choosing pistols over rifles for long range shooting, which pretty much defeats the purpose of DTI as you can get kills JUST AS EASILY with a firing a pistol fast (low recoil + tiny rectile). It should stay as a short-mid range weapon.

I also agree with taking away the auto-aim in close range combat (or excess aim-assist, w/e that is hell lol)

If you equip DTI and you die by someone who can aim using a pistol (without booster support), then you deserve to die, because the other person is better than you.

The pistols are perfect the way they are, it actually takes skill to kill with pistols unlike fucking DTI, it's suggestions like yours that fucking ruin games.


Not as deep as he thinks
reKon said:
for Uncharted 3 they should either add more recoil to pistol fire from long range or at least reduce the damage taken from a pistol long range. You know that somethings wrong when people are choosing pistols over rifles for long range shooting, which pretty much defeats the purpose of DTI as you can get kills JUST AS EASILY with a firing a pistol fast (low recoil + tiny rectile). It should stay as a short-mid range weapon.

I also agree with taking away the auto-aim in close range combat (or excess aim-assist, w/e that is hell lol)
Hahaha wtf? Are you sure you're playing Uncharted 2? Because it sounds like you're playing some bizarre version of the multiplayer. 99% of deaths that happen during a match are long range weapons like the AK47/M4/FAL, along with grenades and melee. Hardly anyone bothers being a pistol only user. Trust me, I know considering I only use the pistol 95% of the entire match. You want to know why no one bothers with the pistol? Because they have to aim more than using a long range weapon and it's especially rare to see someone pistol whip you from across the map because it takes more shots/aim for you to successfully kill someone than with the AK47. It takes skill to kill. The only time where you see someone use the pistol is at close combat where they'll just blindfire you and melee you afterwards. The Crushing health lab that's been active is the only playlist where I see people use the pistol a little bit, but even then it's outnumbered by people who use long range weapons 99% of the time. Might as well call deathmatch AK47/M4/Grenades since that's what everyone uses.

I won't even comment on Down the Irons. As if getting kills with the AK47 wasn't easy enough, that shit makes it even more easy. If you're getting killed by a pistol user when you have DTI, then you deserve to be killed in my opinion. Same goes if you're pistol whipped from across the map.

Pistols are perfect the way they are and I'll be damned if I don't voice my opinion on this matter! :)


MalboroRed said:
If you equip DTI and you die by someone who can aim using a pistol (without booster support), then you deserve to die, because the other person is better than you.

The pistols are perfect the way they are, it actually takes skill to kill with pistols unlike fucking DTI, it's suggestions like yours that fucking ruin games.

Lol, I'm the one who uses pistols long range over the AK-47 because due to the recoil off the AK, it can be hard to aim long distance. I'm obviously not using DTI. That's why I made that comment...

I'm just saying that if I'm able to kill people long range with a pistol, then something is a little off. The pistols basically barely have any recoil which makes is it easy to get kills if you're not using DTI when shooting people from long range. Pistols are not suppose to be long range weapons...
reKon said:
Lol, I'm the one who uses pistols long range over the AK-47 because due to the recoil off the AK, it can be hard to aim long distance. I'm obviously not using DTI. That's why I made that comment...

I'm just saying that if I'm able to kill people long range with a pistol, then something is a little off. The pistols basically barely have any recoil which makes is it easy to get kills if you're not using DTI when shooting people from long range. Pistols are not suppose to be long range weapons...

You shouldn't use DTI anyway, DTI is a shit booster.


MalboroRed said:
You shouldn't use DTI anyway, DTI is a shit booster.

If I had it my way DTI and SA wouldn't be boosters in this game along with close combat auto-aim.

I would also add a little more recoil to the pistol depending on how fast you firing it. The fact is that there's no reason why I should be more accurate with a pistol long range compared to an AK-47.
reKon said:
If I had it my way DTI and SA wouldn't be boosters in this game along with close combat auto-aim.

I would also add a little more recoil to the pistol depending on how fast you firing it. The fact is that there's no reason why I should be more accurate with a pistol long range compared to an AK-47.

Because AK is an automatic weapon and gets the advantage of a much faster firing rate and with DTI on it's ridiculously accurate, and even without DTI if you use short burst it's still ridiculously effective.

They should never try to fuck up the pistol like you suggested, because nobody would be using the pistol for any situation anymore, AK and the M4 are both extremely deadly up close, if anything the pistol is the weapon they actually got completely right in terms of firing rate, recoil and damage. People can and do use the pistol as their primary weapon and it's effective.

Guns as they are don't actually need to be fucked around with, the worst thing that can happen is they decided to completely fuck up everything from accuracy to damage, right now after 2 years the game feels right. If anything I've had learned over this generation, it's that you should NEVER decrease the accuracy of weapons. Right now if you're left with a pistol you'll always have a fighting chance, if you decrease the accuracy and increase the recoil if the player is left with only a pistol, it's almost a guaranteed death sentence.


Not as deep as he thinks
Boombloxer said:
Wife just went 23-4.

Nice! :D

- - -

Do you really find it hard to aim at someone across the map with the AK47, reKon? I find it incredibly easy, partly due to playing god knows how many hours now. I think one of the reasons why you may have trouble is because you're not used to how the gun acts. It'll go all over the place if you don't keep the cursor steady.

MalboroRed brought up a good point I hadn't thought of before. On most games you really don't stand a chance with any pistol, but on UC2, you do, which is great. You're never dead weight.


I just played Co-Op for the first time and had a blast. I didn't know Uncharted 2 had Co-OP missions that are quite long, I always assumed they were small shitty missions. Anyway does anyone know what Co-Op arena is.


Not as deep as he thinks
Co-op arena has 3 types of modes.

Survival - Survive 10 rounds of enemy waves. It starts out pretty easy with your standard weak enemies, but as you progress to the later waves, you start getting enemies that pose more threat like snipers, enemies with pistoles/shotguns, machine guys, chokers, guys with rocket launchers etc.

Gold Rush - Locate the treasure in the map and bring it back to the designated treasure chest. Enemies will start getting tougher like in Survival and will swarm the areas where you're supposed to drop the treasure.

Siege (Available through DLC) - Throughout the map, a bright yellow circle will light up an area where you must stay inside and capture the territory. Kills will only count when you're inside the circle. You have to stay inside the designated space in order to advance to the next spot.


Alright, let's say DTI is not in this game as it never existed.

Would you guys still leave pistols and rifles the way they are in terms of accuracy and power?


Rewrite said:
Nice! :D

- - -

Do you really find it hard to aim at someone across the map with the AK47, reKon? I find it incredibly easy, partly due to playing god knows how many hours now. I think one of the reasons why you may have trouble is because you're not used to how the gun acts. It'll go all over the place if you don't keep the cursor steady.

MalboroRed brought up a good point I hadn't thought of before. On most games you really don't stand a chance with any pistol, but on UC2, you do, which is great. You're never dead weight.

AK I have to burst from long range. I can still get kills, but the recoil definitely makes it difficult. Since the pistol almost has none, I'm able to kill much quicker with that. And that's my point, the pistol should not be that accurate/powerful from long range. And the only reason why this is an issue with you guys is because DTI exists and because you guys enjoy using a pistol like I do. I'm really surprised that you guys haven't seen the better players using pistols over rifles for long range shooting..

I mean come on now I know this a pistol only match, but why would you use a rifle without DTI over this unless it's an M4..: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sskeba6zSX0

This is just for laughs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nrv_gpxR_c

This is coming from someone who has played primarily played years of Counter-Strike/Counter-Strike:Source and a few other shooters. A pistol is NOT A LONG RANGE WEAPON. DTI SHOULD BE REMOVED.

Mikey Jr.

So I picked up Uncharted 2 recently. I had played through the SP about a year ago, loved it, then gave it away. Bought it again a few weeks back, beat the SP again, then decided to check out multiplayer.

My initial impression after 1 hour and getting to level 9.

I hate it.

It does some neat things like level traversal, and a whole crapload of features.

But the guns feel sloppy. I guess thats the best way I can put it. It works for SP for some reason, but not in MP. I never feel like I'm hitting a guy, and if I am, I'm not really getting any sort of feedback that he's dieing.

Also, the health was HIGHER in this game at one point? Shit. I swear to God, there have been countless times where I have been shooting some dude with the AK as he's running across the field, and I'm pelting him, and he escapes. "Well, that certainly was fair".

Plus I am getting put into lobbies where the players don't even have ranked numbers anymore. I play against people with rank "XXX". I don't even know what the fuck that means.

I'm kinda at an impasse right now. My first hour was not fun at all. Is it because I stink? Should I continue? Because at this point, I just don't "get it", even though I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to.

I feel like just waiting for the the beta of U3, and seeing how that plays out for me.


Mikey Jr. said:
So I picked up Uncharted 2 recently. I had played through the SP about a year ago, loved it, then gave it away. Bought it again a few weeks back, beat the SP again, then decided to check out multiplayer.

My initial impression after 1 hour and getting to level 9.

I hate it.

It does some neat things like level traversal, and a whole crapload of features.

But the guns feel sloppy. I guess thats the best way I can put it. It works for SP for some reason, but not in MP. I never feel like I'm hitting a guy, and if I am, I'm not really getting any sort of feedback that he's dieing.

Also, the health was HIGHER in this game at one point? Shit. I swear to God, there have been countless times where I have been shooting some dude with the AK as he's running across the field, and I'm pelting him, and he escapes. "Well, that certainly was fair".

Plus I am getting put into lobbies where the players don't even have ranked numbers anymore. I play against people with rank "XXX". I don't even know what the fuck that means.

I'm kinda at an impasse right now. My first hour was not fun at all. Is it because I stink? Should I continue? Because at this point, I just don't "get it", even though I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to.

I feel like just waiting for the the beta of U3, and seeing how that plays out for me.

I wouldn't say that it's because you suck, but you're probably not fully grasping the mechanics of the game yet. UC2 is really all about knowing the maps more than your aiming and shooting skills. I'm guessing you're not having fun because you're getting destroyed too, "XXX" is the highest possible level at the moment. Sad to see you complain about the amount of health though, because it's really not high at all. Please be aware that you dish out less damage if you're only hitting the limbs.


Not as deep as he thinks
Mikey Jr. said:
But the guns feel sloppy. I guess thats the best way I can put it. It works for SP for some reason, but not in MP. I never feel like I'm hitting a guy, and if I am, I'm not really getting any sort of feedback that he's dieing.

Also, the health was HIGHER in this game at one point? Shit. I swear to God, there have been countless times where I have been shooting some dude with the AK as he's running across the field, and I'm pelting him, and he escapes. "Well, that certainly was fair".

Plus I am getting put into lobbies where the players don't even have ranked numbers anymore. I play against people with rank "XXX". I don't even know what the fuck that means.

I'm kinda at an impasse right now. My first hour was not fun at all. Is it because I stink? Should I continue? Because at this point, I just don't "get it", even though I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to.

I feel like just waiting for the the beta of U3, and seeing how that plays out for me.
If you're getting paired up with people that have roman numerals, your online experience is going to suck no matter what especially if you're JUST starting out. Trust me when I say this, but high level players are some of the cheapest players out there. Everyone that starts out sucks because you don't have a feel of the guns or you don't know how players are going to react. You also probably don't know where any of the weapons are at or know the maps well enough to know where a person may be hiding or places you can actually climb to/etc. That's why you have to give it a few more plays to get the 'hang' of everything. Go into Cinema mode and explore the maps so you can know where every weapon is located and get a general feel for the map.

I'm surprised you think the health is too high, considering it was massively decreased ever since that patch came out a long time ago. People die very quickly with the AK47 and if you're aiming while they're unaware of your presence, then I think your aim may be a little bit off or something.

I suggest you try it again. If you have the same experience, then I don't think the multiplayer is for you unfortunately. At least not in the state that it's in. Remember, there's also co-op, which is very awesome.


If the playlist you tried was The Lab, you're going to get paired up with people who are from many different levels. Maybe try another playlist to see if you pick up people around your level? Since I'm a high level player, I always get paired up with players that are the same level as me in deathmatch.

Mikey Jr.

Ok, so hour 2 and I am liking it a bit better.

I actually got matched up with people who were just numbers which was good.

But yeah, I think the key is to learn how to use the guns.

-The problem is that I was kinda playing it like COD, which I should not have. With the AK47, you have to fire in bursts, I was just firing it in full auto. Didn't know the spread was so big.

-The pistol is actually a viable gun. Like, I think I got more kills than the AK.

-I have to learn where the gun pickups are. A lot of this stuff can change how well I'm doing. (love the DE)

-Also, a BIG ONE FOR ME. Bullets have a travel time. This one is the hardest for me to wrap my head around. For guys that are far away and running, you have to lead a little bit it seems.

But yeah, anyways, I can't comment on health to be honest, because I haven't played with the original health. I'll be honest though, I generally like playing hardcore more on COD, so I am probably biased.

Also, one more thing. Sometimes there are like vehicles in multiplayer. Are those player activated or what?


Not as deep as he thinks
Mikey Jr. said:
-More impressions-

Also, one more thing. Sometimes there are like vehicles in multiplayer. Are those player activated or what?
Nice to see it was better. I'm telling you, once you learn the mechanics and the maps/feel of the weapons, it'll click. Once it clicks, it's really one of the most fun multiplayer games out there.

As for your last question, those vehicles aren't player activated. They're just random sequences that happen throughout the match.

Mikey Jr.

So been playing a lot of team deathmatch.

Thought I would change it up a bit and try plunder.

First game. Shoot my way to the treasure, pick it up. Killing guys to get there. Didn't drop it or anything. See a teammate waiting by the box, I was guessing to provide back up.

Nope. Throws a grenade right at my feet, I drop the treasure, he picks it up, and scores.

He steals 2 of my points like that.

This isn't common, right?
Mikey Jr. said:
So been playing a lot of team deathmatch.

Thought I would change it up a bit and try plunder.

First game. Shoot my way to the treasure, pick it up. Killing guys to get there. Didn't drop it or anything. See a teammate waiting by the box, I was guessing to provide back up.

Nope. Throws a grenade right at my feet, I drop the treasure, he picks it up, and scores.

He steals 2 of my points like that.

This isn't common, right?
Not in the games I've been playing.

I just started playing Plunder frequently after seeing all the love it gets here and I'm having a great time, no asses killing for points, had a nice 4 point comeback to tie yesterday with only :17 left, probably would have won if there was more time.


Not as deep as he thinks
It's not common. That asshole probably did it to get the capture points towards the trophy. This happened a lot when Naughty Dog added the multiplayer trophies. It changed the way people played the game because they were too busy trying to get the multiplayer trophies. I have not once have that happened to me in a Plunder match in a long time.


People that kill you just to get the capture really are just assholes because everyone gets the money/medal for the capture. Only difference is the number next to your name on the match score I guess. I don't get why people do that at all. It is rare though.

A few of my PSN friends have recently got into this game and have been playing it a lot with me. I've kind of gotten used to the whole changes at this point. It can still be annoying, but I am back to really enjoying the multiplayer. Having some friends to play with makes it a lot better too.


Played for the first time this weekend in MONTHS. Was really slow to start, but got a sweet double with a thrown BBQ at one point yesterday. Back on the horse!
Bought the asian version of UC 2 (game of the year edition) a few weeks ago. I got a voucher with a code w/c can redeem for extra content. My question is since I bought an asian version of the game, do I have to wait until the asian PS store is back in order to redeem my dlc? Also, do I have to have an asian PSN account in order to redeem?


I've seen people(skeletons) put the treasure in plunder on their backs. How the fudge are they doing that?


A friend of mine borrowed me this game last week, today I went to a game store and found the game used for 6,95 euros! What a steal! Been playing and enjoying the multiplayer, will try to platinium next week.


Would rather have no penis than have to show his to a medical professional
So I have been thinking to jump back in the Uncharted 2 multiplayer, but I want to buy one mappack. Is it still worth the money with Uncharted 3 coming up? And if so which mappack should I buy?
Kingsora said:
So I have been thinking to jump back in the Uncharted 2 multiplayer, but I want to buy one mappack. Is it still worth the money with Uncharted 3 coming up? And if so which mappack should I buy?
I think more people may have the drakes fortune pack but the museum and nepal rooftops pack sure are great maps too.


jett said:
I've seen people(skeletons) put the treasure in plunder on their backs. How the fudge are they doing that?

By using the booster that allows you to carry the treasure and walk faster, I believe (I forget the name).
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