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Uncharted 2 MP Confirmed!

DMeisterJ said:
Now let's not get ahead of ourselves, a 6-8 hr action/adventure game is not good at all. The original had that, and it was excused because it was NDs first PS3 game and it had high replayability. I know this one will have high replayability too, but this game better be in the 10 hour range or at least 9.

My point was that Euphor!a was claiming that the single player mode in U2 was going to be cut down to around 6 hours instead of the 10 like the original. When in reality the originals single player mode was right around the length he was worried about U2 being cut down to. One of the reasons Uncharted was criticized by critics was because it was so short and didn't really offer any replay value aside from collectibles. And ND has come out and said that this will be longer. And they're going to address the replay issue with the addition of the multiplayer modes. It sounds very much like this was all planned for the start of development and wasn't one of those "Oh, we've got to slap on a multiplayer mode also" moments where the game is already months into development and had no previous multiplayer plans.


omg, stupidity in this thread.... I hope some people are not really serious, otherwise my faith in humanity is shattered. :(

Euphor!a said:
I'm sure Uncharted 2 has a set budget, anything not going to the single player mode would be taking it away from single player and putting it into multiplayer.

I hear some people can chew gum and walk at the same time.


I liked the empty, tacked-on multiplayer componenent of Gears of War 1. Its only when they try to refine that experience that things go south. Shame about Uncharted 3. ¯\(°_0)/¯


The whole Resistance 2 comparison is absolutely idiotic. Its single player didn't suffer from a lack of time, it suffered from huge design decisions made from the get-go. The boss fights, removal of the weapon wheel and the one-hit-kill chameleon chimera existed independent of what went on with co-op and multiplayer.

Besides, the first Resistance had a great single player and multiplayer.

edit: Oh yeah, and when images, the trailer, and leaked gameplay video was released no one said "omg this looks worse than Uncharted 1!"

And another thing, going back to Resistance 2: Insomniac releases a game a year and then some (Q4B). All of Naughty Dog will be focusing on Uncharted 2 for a full two years.


works for Gamestop (lol)
SecretBonusPoint said:
I can't tell if most of the people in this thread saying "Single Player ruined!!!!" are being serious. They can't be, right?
Just look at the other Uncharted 2 thread. People are jumping ship like morons. Typical GAF groupthink

Also, the game turned to a purchase into a rental because of added multiplayer? Isn't multiplayer suppose to make you KEEP the game longer? I don't get this shit


Worships the porcelain goddess
I have a prediction here. Just a gut hunch. I believe that unless this MP mode is a slam dunk, knock it out of the ballpark home run along with the single player being 20 hours or some such mess, ND is still going to draw fire on Uncharted 2. They're going to take heat for this, that or the other for trying to appaise critics (and whoever else) and those same people will still slam them into the ground.

I see it coming from a mile away. I obviously have nothing to base it on, just a gut feeling. =/


Euphor!a said:
It will be compromised, that is just how things work, when you take resources away from one mode it will be detrimental to it.

Meh, Uncharted 2 just went from a day one purchase to a rent. I can't in good conscience the support the dumbing down of good single player games just for some multiplayer that will be played for a week before the online community is desolate.

IB someone says I'm overreacting.
I already know exactly what you look like without seeing you based solely on this post. I'd describe it, but it would probably hurt your feelings.


Wario64 said:
Just look at the other Uncharted 2 thread. People are jumping ship like morons. Typical GAF groupthink

Also, the game turned to a purchase into a rental because of added multiplayer? Isn't multiplayer suppose to make you KEEP the game longer? I don't get this shit



How.......will this ruin......ANYTHING?

I really don't understand why you guys keep saying things like "the games ruined noooooooo :("


Pojo said:
I already know exactly what you look like without seeing you based solely on this post. I'd describe it, but it would probably hurt your feelings.

If you think words on the internet would hurt my feelings, you are very mistaken.


Norml said:

The game launching is the only time I ever play Warhawk anymore, so it does help.+ it is nice to get a group together in Home before playing.

I just don't want them spending time on anything Home related, for same reasons people are fearful of MP. Focus on the core game.

I, however, don't get the MP outrage. It could be very fun. I remain hopeful.


I'd be in the dick
I'm on the fence about Uncharted MP and was about buying inFamous. Getting inFamous now and am looking forward to trying out U2's MP.


lawblob said:
I just don't want them spending time on anything Home related, for same reasons people are fearful of MP. Focus on the core game.

I, however, don't get the MP outrage. It could be very fun. I remain hopeful.

Well, Uncharted already has a Home space so I hope to expect Home involved.


I have faith in ND and hope the SP won't suffer because of using resources on MP. If on the other hand SP suffers because of this, I would want to bitch slap the assh*les on the internetz for complaining about no MP in UC1. Not every fucking shooter needs MP!! But if ND pulls it off...then its double the fun!!!! :D


I trust that ND know what they're doing and know what fun is, but I'm still cautious that this could blow up in their face.
lawblob said:
I just don't want them spending time on anything Home related, for same reasons people are fearful of MP. Focus on the core game.

They made an Uncharted Home space in 2008. Is Uncharted 2 ruined now? Fuck everyone that doubts Naughty Dog.


Yikes at the replies to this news. So just because R2 (I haven't played it, just using as an example) went all out on MP but suffered in the single player, this is will also ruin Uncharted 2? How does this make Uncharted 2 any less of a game? I think this logic is almost worse than the ridiculous fanboy wars. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if some of you crying don't even own a PS3 in the first place. I think it's time to rename this thread "Welcome to the carnival of stupid Part 2"
Doesn't ND have 100+ employees? I'm sure Sony has learned from the R2 fiasco and, with very few exceptions, MP are always welcomed additions. Crap I wish inFamous and GOW had co op/competitve multiplayer.


AranhaHunter said:
Doesn't ND have 100+ employees? I'm sure Sony has learned from the R2 fiasco and, with very few exceptions, MP are always welcomed additions. Crap I wish inFamous and GOW had co op/competitve multiplayer.
Resistance 2 is a fiasco now?

Sheesh. I guess I shouldn't have enjoyed it as much as I did. :\


I could get into this, even though the gunplay/melee sections of Drake's Fortune were the weakest aspects of it. It became mechanical after a while (which also kind of made it enjoyable for me). As long as the SP aspects are fine, this is just extra icing on the cake. I'm sure it'll be fun. :)


You know what is funny? All of these people bitching about Uncharted 2 having multiplayer are going to be the same people praising how amazing it is when the game launches this fall.

oh, and I have all your names written down and I will make a damn fool of you if become a hypocrite.


hide your water-based mammals
Kinan said:
omg, stupidity in this thread.... I hope some people are not really serious, otherwise my faith in humanity is shattered. :(

And to think, some of the people bitching I like. GET SMART PEOPLE!

Wario64 said:
Just look at the other Uncharted 2 thread. People are jumping ship like morons. Typical GAF groupthink

Also, the game turned to a purchase into a rental because of added multiplayer? Isn't multiplayer suppose to make you KEEP the game longer? I don't get this shit

And you guys wonder why devs don't get all personal with the users. You guys are making this place look stupid.

Haunted said:
*sells PS3 for hookers, shamwow, and ramen*


Snipes424 said:
You know what is funny? All of these people bitching about Uncharted 2 having multiplayer are going to be the same people praising how amazing it is when the game launches this fall.

oh, and I have all your names written down and I will make a damn fool of you if become a hypocrite.

You made a list? Now that's dedication.


Junior Member
So good, but really hope it will appeal in good old PAL as well. Kind of 2 in 1 pack for me in June.
I was tempted to write down some names myself and laugh months from now. Too lazy :p

Anyway, from working with Naughty Dog in 2007 (and into 2008 for the demo) I must say they are some of the best, friendliest, and dedicated development persons we (SCEA) had the privilege of working with on Uncharted. If you think a little multiplayer is doing to damage the single player game... shame on you. Naughty Dog are part of the reason games like Killzone 2 are as awesome as they are.

Quite frankly, I'm alllllmost sad to not be working with them on testing Uncharted 2, but I don't want to risk hating videogames again (especially the ones I liked to begin with).


As long as it doesn't hurt the quality of the SP... color me disappointed though that they're even bothering/taking resources away.


Junior Member
Stillmatic said:
Awesome news really. Unbelievable how some can twist this into something negative...
Just remember, There will be negative.

Like there will be negative if PS3 cost $100 this summer.


Stillmatic said:
Awesome news really. Unbelievable how some can twist this into something negative...

Well one of the best single player games of 2007 is no longer entirely focused on the single player experience. I find it just as disappointing hearing Bioshock 2 is going to have multiplayer.


Meier said:
As long as it doesn't hurt the quality of the SP... color me disappointed though that they're even bothering/taking resources away.

They have more time and resources now that they have most of the tools and the game systems set up, they can work on building levels and scenarios for both SP and MP, I suspect they probably wanted to do MP in the first place but just ran out of time when they were making the first game.
Haunted said:

You made a list? Now that's dedication.

Well, it will be interesting to see how many people backtrack when the game comes out or even Monday when we'll actually know how the multiplayer looks and how it'll work. The only impressions we really have on it so far is this

SamBishop said:
Wowowowowowowooooooow... Next week can't get here soon enough. Poor Naughty Dog is going to have to sort through soooooo much positive buzz. Awesomesauce indeed.
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