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US PSN Holiday Sale Week 2 (12/13/2016 - 12/20/2016)


Gold Member
okay i'm doing:

Stardew Valley - $11.99 - been itching to play this, don't think i'll see this lower than 12$ for at least a year
HyperLight Drifter - $9.59 - don't foresee this game going below 10$ for a long time
Until Dawn - $6.39 - i never buy full retail games digitally, but for the price of a beer...why not...even if this goes up on PS+ next month I wouldn't care.

total spent: $27.97
saved: $27

last minute I removed:
Hotline miami 2 - really enjoyed the first one on the vita, decided I wasn't craving a second go around enough to buy it for 5$. Will nab when its on ps+ or <3$
Life is Strange - keep flip flopping on this, enjoyed the demo, but decided to go with Until Dawn over it, also I expect it to hit PS+ in the future, or at least have another good sale
Gravity Rush - played first one on vita, figured there's a chance it comes to PS+, saving my money for the sequel next month
Axiom Verge - figured i could hold off on this one, rather than add it to my backlog, odds are itll be on sale again
Grand Kingdom - will buy physical when prices go down a bit


Wasn't this on sale like 2-3 weeks ago? Maybe it wasn't necessarily Complete but the main game and DLC were both definitely on sale.

It was.

A lot of stuff people say they are hoping goes on sale this week was JUST on sale during Thanksgiving.

I think a lot will go back on sale, though, including Bloodborne. Some already has, like Tomb Raider and Doom.

In anticipation of this week's sales, lets list our wishlist pricing "sweetspots"

Under $30:
XCOM 2 (only cause I'm on a budget)
Battlefield 1

Under $20:
Skyrim Remastered
Doom (didn't have the cash last time it hit $20)
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Kerbal Space Program
Dragon Quest Builders

Under $15:
TW3: Blood and Wine
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered
Wasteland 2
Disgaea 5

Under $10:
Hyper Light Drifter (gotta pass for now, hit my budget last week)
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Mother Russia Bleeds
Marvel Puzzle Quest (it's never been on sale!)
Far Cry Primal
Final Fantasy VII (PS4)
Yu-Gi-Oh Legacy of the Deulist

Under $20:
Odin Sphere Leifthraisr
Dragon Quest Builders

Under $15:
Grand Kingdom
Stranger of Sword City
Disgaea 4 (Vita)

Under $10:
Shovel Knight
Adventures of Mana
Sayonara Umiharakawase +
Ys Memories of Celceta
Rayman Legends
Dengenki Bunko Fighting Climax
Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds

I definitely have a priority list, though, so I may pass on some deals if there are simultaneous price drops. I know some of these won't go on sale or won't hit my sweetspot because they are too new, but the list is already pretty big. Hoping for some decent 3DS sales, too.

Here is my 20% off code. PSN is not letting me add funds. Says my info is invalid for some reason so might as well let someone use it before it goes to waste.


I just tried it too but my internet was messin up and wouldn't load the page. Sigh.

If anyone wants to PM me code I will buy Hyper Light Drifter RIGHT NOW.

Thanks :(


Im hoping for Ratchet, The Order and even Killzone for the next two weeks. Wouldnt mind some other indies as well (INSIDE for example). Let's see.

Velcro Fly

Would be cool for Trails in the Sky FC/SC to go on sale since I really want to start playing them. If not i'll probably still buy them anyway.


Im hoping for Ratchet, The Order and even Killzone for the next two weeks. Wouldnt mind some other indies as well (INSIDE for example). Let's see.

Inside was just on sale for $14 two weeks ago.

So. Just bought Dungeon Warfare ($2) Space Marshalls 2 (.99) and Twilight Struggle ($5) on my iPad because the holiday iOS sales are starting to trickle in.

PSN is going to have some competition for my money over the next two weeks. Hopefully we see some good stuff on the eShop, too.


Looking to buy R6:Siege, Stardew Valley, and the telltale Batman Series so if I can buy the code off anyone I would be willing to, not sure if thats frowned upon or not.


Put Watch Dogs 1 on sale for $5 so I can spend $5 to get the last trophy I missed by trading it in before they patched it to be less shitty. I'll pay $5 to get a trophy, yes.


PSN is going to have some competition for my money over the next two weeks. Hopefully we see some good stuff on the eShop, too.
Just don't expect more than 30% discount for Nintendo 1st party games. They plan to squeeze a rock until it turns to gold.


I don't know why I'm so tempted to buy the Dragon Age Inquisition GOTY edition.

I don't feel like I'm ever going to play it, but getting it for $16 - 20% off sounds too good in the event I'd ever want to...
I'm in the same boat. Played it twice though so I don't have it in me to play it again.

Still, Jaws of Hakkon and the deep roads paint a much more satisfying journey for the Inquisitor. Bought Trespasser when it came out


Did you check an email titled "See what's new this week"?That's too fast. You bought one item only?

Yea I just checked and I have not one single email from them. I have had my PS4 since launch. I checked spam and even trash for some off chance I deleted it.
Really hoping Titanfall 2 goes on sale again. I know it was on sale over Black Friday, but I only got a taste of it during the free weekend that happened after.


cool, just checked my psn notifications and i received 10 bucks from sony. probably the 10 buck pro promotion since i bought mine the week before last. just in time for week three. thanks sony. now where in the hell is my code for being a newsletter subscriber for the past kajillion years. now that i think about it, i don't get the newsletters either.


yikes, for some reason I thought it was already Tuesday :(
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