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Vegetables are disgusting

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Vegetables are great if they are cooked right. I love broccoli, carrots, corn, green beans, peas, and even spinach. Only a few, like carrots, do I like raw.


Just start putting small portions of different veggies with each of your meals. I couldn't stand most vegetables when I was younger but as I start started to get curious about different vegetables and had my Mom prepare them all sorts of flavorful ways, they're a must have with just about every meal now. You just have to start experimenting with them more.


is your SO a bad cook? Easiest way to eat veggies is to take a bunch of root veggies cauliflower broccoli onions garlic drizzle the shit with olive oil and roast the fuck out of them.

Nope, she's a great cook. I love eating her cooking.
Except vegetables.


OP - I had a shitty diet most of my life. "(Pasta, chicken, and breads constitute the vast majority of what I eat)" sounds about right for what my intake was. I eat a lot more vegetables now (still would like to eat more) but it took me a good two years to get used to it. I think your brains just not used to the textures and flavors vegetables have since your intake has been without them for so long. Give it some time and you will change your tune.


This thread should become some sort of recipe thread on great ways to prepare veggies. It's only right.
I cannot do brussel sprouts anyway they are cooked. No matter what that underlying bitter as hell flavor shines through, and I can't stomach it. :(

you are over cooking them if it tastes extremely bitter, also bitter is a good contrasting flavor. Bitter veggies are some of the healtiest


Try doing a simple roast with the vegetables with a little olive oil.

Squash, Broccoli, San Marzano Tomatoes, Garlic, a little chipotle. Give it a light coating of oil and roast in the oven for about 35 minutes on 375 degrees.
Badly prepared vegetables taste like shit.

Done properly, they can have some amazing flavours.
Try drizzling broccoli in olive oil, salt and pepper it and roast it.

I grew up eating vegetables and hated them. My Mum couldn't cook veg properly at all, everything was boiled to shit with far too much salt in the water. Really not pleasant.
It wasn't until I started cooking for myself that I began to enjoy veg.


you must be embarrassing to take to restaurants
My girlfriend on the other hand is incredibly picky when it comes to food. Won't eat seafood, spicy food or anything that looks too foreign. There's been this Indian food joint that's apparently great that I've wanted to go to for ages. Just can't with her. Terribly annoying.

I can't understand how people shut themselves out of eating delicious foods because it's unfamiliar. But I digress, this is about vegetables. Eat them.

Picky eaters are the worst. My sympathies to your wife OP.

I rebooted my tastebuds by eliminating soda and fast food. It's amazing how you miss out on the subtle flavors offered by healthier foods when you are constantly carpet-bombing your palate with sugar and salt.

This is good advice. Cut back on all the sweet/salty stuff, keep an open mind about all food instead of assuming you're not going to like it, keep trying.


This thread should become some sort of recipe thread on great ways to prepare veggies. It's only right.

I'm not opposed to it. I mean, I'm going to have to keep trying things I guess, so, some good suggestions wouldn't hurt.
you are over cooking them if it tastes extremely bitter, also bitter is a good contrasting flavor. Bitter veggies are some of the healtiest

I think I am a supertaster, so bitter=no bueno. Broccoli is bitter to me too, unless it's seasoned right. Asparagus, same thing. Even spinach is bitter.

Strawberries and apples are super sour :(
There are so many different types of veg and a lot of different ways of cooking and eating them. Keep trying them, a lot of food dislikes are due to early bad experiences (poorly or over-cooked etc). Some flavours need time for your palate to come acustomed to and enjoy, and that takes more than one time of trying something and deciding you don't like it.

Brocolli is one of my favourite veg, but cheese on brocolli doesn't sound too amazing (maybe with Stilton in a soup). A huge mistake with veg is over-cooking it, green veg shouldn't be mushy and soft it should still have a bit of a bite to it. Brocolli is great with soy sauce, garlic, a tiny drop of sesame oil and chilli. Have it with beef, and noodles or plain rice. Sprouts are another pet hate for a lot of people, but cooked right and served with bacon and chestnut, they're wild. Also great in stir-fries.

If you're not into green veg, try things like capsicum peppers (red, yellow) - amazing roasted. Tomatoes, you don't get a more versatile veg (fruit, I know, I know) than tomatoes. Delicious raw with a sprinkle of salt, amazing roasted with garlic and basil on a sheet of puff pasty brushed with mustard or tomato puree to make a really simple tart, or slow cooked into a homemade pasta sauce. Roast potatoes parsnips, carrots with sausages and apple in a bit of cider, a whole meal cooked in one tray, easy and in season now. Try making soups, everything gets blitzed together so that should disguise them! Anything can be made in to a soup by starting with a base of onion and some rice or potatoes, add your veg - something like roast pumpkin, squash, parsnip, carrot, some spices (cumin, corriander seed, fennel seed, bay leaf), some stock and that's it, 15-20 minutes done.

Try, try, try - you don't want to miss out on all those great flavours!


I'd just like to say that fried artichokes are fucking delicious.
Had some kind of like fish n chips style out of a bag from this stand near Santa Cruz once. Have craved them ever since. So good.


I don't care much for veggies, also, soaking veggies in cheese is terrible, don't even bother at that point. Good, simple veggies

chop into slices
bell peppers

place a small amount of olive oil in a mixing bowl
mix in some cracked black pepper and salt
toss the veggies in the mix
put on skewers and bake
very delicious

baked asparagus and some pepper/salt is also very tasty.

Veggies aren't the end all be all to healthy eating. I really dont eat them often and am in quite good shape. It is a lot more about exercising and not eating a lot of garbage.


I can't stand the taste of veggies; I rarely eat them and I am in good health. You will live; just keep yourself in shape and take supplements.
I think I am a supertaster, so bitter=no bueno. Broccoli is bitter to me too, unless it's seasoned right. Asparagus, same thing. Even spinach is bitter.

Strawberries and apples are super sour :(

maybe your tastebuds are wired incorrectly, perhaps you should just dose everything with hotsauce so everything tastes the same.
i dose everything with hotsauce
Cold fresh carrots with ranch dip
Salad with cucumbers and ginger or italian dressing (not iceberg lettuce)
Tomatoes in sandwiches or burgers (not really veggies but they taste different than fruit. I used to hate them and I still pick them out most times)
Lettuce in sandwiches or burgers (again, good lettuce so it gives more than texture)
Chinese broccoli
Steamed zucchini and squash
Stewed green beans
If corn is a vegetable, I can eat this any how
Cucumbers anyhow if they're veggies
Bell peppers anyhow, but they're good in omelets and stews
Peppers in general
Onions anyhow except onion rings
Spinach, Garlic, and Eggplant need to be cooked in dishes for me

These are the only ways I have enjoyed eating these vegetables. Any other way has been bitter and tasteless, especially cooked carrots. I don't care for peas either.

Celery is the worst though. It's like chewing on plastic.

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I feel you OP. I was never forced to eat anything either and now my eating habits are deplorable.
maybe your tastebuds are wired incorrectly, perhaps you should just dose everything with hotsauce so everything tastes the same.
i dose everything with hotsauce

I can't put hotsauce in beer!

Though I've finally found a few super sweet wines I can stomach, so...progress?

Dr Prob

Most important thing is that you're doing ok. Second most important thing is to point out how you're stuck on this broccoli and cheese combo. If you don't like broccoli, wrapping it up in a piece of cheese isn't going to help. You know the broccoli is in there. It's like giving your dog a pill in disguise--gonna eat the cheese and spit out the pill.

Maybe try branching out a bit. I'm no big fan of broccoli, but can eat garlic green beans all day long. Just have to find your niche.


Most important thing is that you're doing ok. Second most important thing is to point out how you're stuck on this broccoli and cheese combo. If you don't like broccoli, wrapping it up in a piece of cheese isn't going to help. You know the broccoli is in there. It's like giving your dog a pill in disguise--gonna eat the cheese and spit out the pill.

Maybe try branching out a bit. I'm no big fan of broccoli, but can eat garlic green beans all day long. Just have to find your niche.

Well, the broccoli was mainly since we went shopping the other day, and I picked that as a vegetable to try. Obviously we didn't get much of it, but, just trying to find some way to manage eating it. But, no luck. So, next week we'll try something else.
What about neutral spirits like Vodka or grain alcohol

Vodka is sour, not neutral at all. I can stand it more than other stuff though if it is mixed with something super sweet (not orange juice, ugh). Don't think I've ever tried grain, but I imagine it'd be similar. It's bad enough that I can tell if something was COOKED with alcohol, I can still taste the bitterness in the food.


"Vegetables are disgusting" -> mostly bases this on dislike of broccoli. If you don't like broccoli, don't eat broccoli. There are about a gazillion other vegetables in the world you can eat, just try to find some that you like. I personally use (well, not all of these are technically vegetables, but close enough...):

-carrots (can be eaten raw as well as used as an igredient in pretty much anything & everything from soups to salads to lasagne-like dishes and whatever)
-sweet peppers (again, can be eaten raw, but also fits all kinds of dishes)
-onions (the "regular" kind, red onions and all. I don't usually eat them raw, but raw onions do fit some foods)
-kidney beans (in chili sauce, so good)
-soy in all kinds of different forms
-sundried tomatoes
-all kinds of salads

I mean. Maybe look up some of your favorite foods and see if there are ways to add more vegetables to those foods (i.e. add tomatoes, sweet peppers, kidney beans & carrot to lasagne or something). It's a complete myth that you have to stop eating everything you ate before if you want to have a more balanced died (i.e. less meat and more vegetables).


Try blanching and pan frying some haricots verts in a little olive oil. Add a little salt and you're good to go.
Steamed broccoli is the shit, and I could eat raw carrots for days. I can eat anything, but I fucking despise eggplant. The lingering taste and texture just ruin food for me.
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