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Vegetables are disgusting

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Vegetables are an acquired taste, but i'll give you a tip so you can start. Broccoli does not go with cheese, it goes with meat. Most vegetables go well with meat. You see those delicious tacos? I mean the real ones. No cheese, just meat, tortilla and a combination of veggies. Start with that. Then graduate to chicken salads. Those go well with cheese. Don't eat veggies alone or you'll get bored of them. Let them saute with that fish fillet and sear along your steaks, it will add to the flavor. Yum


"Vegetables are disgusting" -> mostly bases this on dislike of broccoli. If you don't like broccoli, don't eat broccoli. There are about a gazillion other vegetables in the world you can eat, just try to find some that you like.

Yeah, I suppose it wasn't the best of thread titles.

Probably should have gone for something more like:
Trying to like vegetables - Help me Food-GAF!


If there's an Indonesian grocery near your place, I'd suggest getting some of their peanut sauce (ie. pecel, gado gado, bumbu sate)

It's delicious with rice, potatoes, tofu, fried tempeh, carrots, green beans, celery, broccoli, asparagus, cucumber. It goes great with a lot of things pretty much.

Just spread the peanut sauce on the vegetable of choice and munch away.



Oh god, lol! Man, I loved that movie as a kid.


I'm a picky eater, and I hate it. I want to be able to enjoy practically every kind of food, but I can't seem to let myself. With vegetables it's always a texture issue even more than a taste issue, it seems. I was the youngest of six, so I wager that by the time my parents had me there was little spare time to focus on my eating habits.

It is embarrassing going out to eat, as well.

So yeah, I pretty much hate it. I just turned 30 myself, and I really want to get over this.

Somebody help, imo.


OP, you've never eaten well prepared veggies. they are delicious. Broccoli is the best. I think the ones you ate were overcooked.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I am a vegetarian, so naturally I eat tons of vegetables. Most people make the mistake to prepare them just as they are, with no freakin' composition, spices, etc. They basically just treat them as a plain side dish. If you don't like vegetables, just get a cooking book and learn some recipes.


(vegan recipe)
Vegetables are definitely my least favorite "food group" I suppose. I still eat them but I'm rarely excited about it, though I do like some of them. They're just kinda boring, not bad.

Don't eat salad though if I can avoid it. I've tried dozens of times and I can't muster the enthusiasm to even eat it. I don't actively hate them or anything, I just...don't want it. All types of salad I've tried too. Although, Raspberry Vinaigrette is the most disgusting "regular" food (dressing I guess) I've ever eaten, as a side note though. No idea how people eat Raspberry Vinaigrette dressed salads, man. Gross.
I've never liked broccoli, but I tried a few days ago to see if anything changed. Tasted like battery flavored moss. There are a lot of veggies I like tho


Get your ass out to some chinese restaurants and eat some vegetable dishes. Stir frys and shit. Not the healthiest way to eat vegetables but it's a start. It's all about adding flavor. Vegetables can taste pretty bland on their own, but with the right sauces, mmmm mmm, dayum!


I've never liked broccoli, but I tried a few days ago to see if anything changed. Tasted like battery flavored moss. There are a lot of veggies I like tho

if it's steamed well, it's sweet and juicy. very yummy. if it's overcooked, it becomes nasty mushy sour crap.


OP, get a VitaBullet at Target or whereever. If you really want to get some veggies, but not taste them. The easiest putting spinach in the cup, then a chopped up apple, some frozen berries and some OJ for liquid (or water) and blend that shiz. It will come out a dark berry color and taste awesome. You will not see or taste the spinach (or broccoli) or whatever you decide to put in it.

If you like Indian food, there are a shit ton of awesome vegetable recipes that do NOT taste like grass.


Broccoli cooked in a wok with soy sauce is godly, there's something about the wok that makes it taste so good. Also, roasted veggies are amazing - Carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.

Veggies raw are also good with dip made from say, sour creams and dill.


I will say there are times when vegetables shouldn't go in something. My mother puts bell peppers in practically everything since she loves them. Was eating scrambled eggs to find them in there. Just eggs, some salt and bell peppers chopped up... blugh. I don't understand that. They're great in other things, but prepared wrong oh god... not the best thing during visits to my parents.
I basically force myself to eat them

I'm never like psyched to eat vegetables

i had a nice spinach salad last night that was made great cause of the italian balsamic dressing basically


OP, get a VitaBullet at Target or whereever. If you really want to get some veggies, but not taste them. The easiest putting spinach in the cup, then a chopped up apple, some frozen berries and some OJ for liquid (or water) and blend that shiz. It will come out a dark berry color and taste awesome. You will not see or taste the spinach (or broccoli) or whatever you decide to put in it.

If you like Indian food, there are a shit ton of awesome vegetable recipes that do NOT taste like grass.

Interestingly enough, when I was in the hospital recovering from the stroke, I remember the infomercial for that ending up being on the television in the room I was in (I would leave it on for background noise) when I woke up in the morning quite often.
I hated the Vegamatables when I was younger. Never ate them. Now that I'm nearing 30, I eat a lot of them. Green Beans, Spinach, Brocolli, Carrots, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Onions. If made correctly, they are all delicious. It made my hair grow back. Think of it that way. You get one evil hair that grows for eternity to piss off your significant other. That makes eating them ground plants worth it.

leng jai

Making a blanket statement about all vegetables is absurd and derived from the mentality of a five year old. They all taste different and all but a few taste inoffensive at worst.


I like asparagus but I never learned how to correctly cook it. I tried putting it on the grill a few times and I always incinerate it.


I will say there are times when vegetables shouldn't go in something. My mother puts bell peppers in practically everything since she loves them. Was eating scrambled eggs to find them in there. Just eggs, some salt and bell peppers chopped up... blugh. I don't understand that. They're great in other things, but prepared wrong oh god... not the best thing during visits to my parents.

I used to eat peppers by the bag before but I can't anymore because I constantly burp up that taste for hours. Makes me nauseous now, which sucks.


I rebooted my tastebuds by eliminating soda and fast food. It's amazing how you miss out on the subtle flavors offered by healthier foods when you are constantly carpet-bombing your palate with sugar and salt.

This. So very much, this.

Your palate is overcranked. Kill all that super sweet stuff for awhile. You will adjust.

Also, butter. Use butter on steamed veggies. Or even better, ghee.


Interestingly enough, when I was in the hospital recovering from the stroke, I remember the infomercial for that ending up being on the television in the room I was in (I would leave it on for background noise) when I woke up in the morning quite often.

I use mine all the time, it really works great. I throw everything in there. I had left over "Zen Mix" (dark greens/salad) and I bought some cut up pineapple and strawberries, dumped that in there, with some OJ. It tastes good and at least it helps me get more fruits and veggies in my diet. I do like vegetables, but I don't feel I eat at least 5 servings a day so I use this and get at least one servings of veg and two fruit or there about.


If your serious about getting the nutrition out of veg while transitioning them into your diet, get a good blender and look into making smoothies. Freeze veg and fruit and blend it. You can add broccoli, etc and hide really easily.


At it's most basic level, having a distaste for healthy foods is an evolutionary quirk that can be circumvented by exposure. By constantly not eating vegetables, and psyching yourself out with the self-fulfilling prophecy that they will taste disgusting, you are essentially training your body to reject them out of fear that they will be poisonous.

This doesn't happen for salty/sweet/fatty foods because up until a couple of hundred years ago (a millisecond on an evolutionary scale) these weren't readily available, so it was an evolutionary advantage to seek them out.

In other words, you will learn to enjoy them. People aren't born hardwired to dislike certain foods. In my experience, picky eaters are pretty much all come to be like that as a result of not growing up with a diversified diet, and simply stick to what they know.

The good news is that this is easily reversible, just keep eating the damn things!

I like the suggestion from before to try a good Chinese stir fry, there are lots of good vegetables in them and they will taste good because of all the salty goodness in the sauce. Give that a go before you graduate to the real thing.
If your serious about getting the nutrition out of veg while transitioning them into your diet, get a good blender and look into making smoothies. Freeze veg and fruit and blend it. You can add broccoli, etc and hide really easily.

I love smoothies so I do this quite often. Add some carrots and spinach with different fruit and it's pretty tasty. I tend to get a nice energy boost from them as well.


Why would you start with broccoli? That's the poster child of bad vegetables. And how can you hate potatoes? Potatoes are God's vegetable. It's a fact.


I don`t like vegetables either but broccoli is awesome. And not liking potatoes? What's wrong with you?
Broccoli, carrots, potatoes, lettuce, peas and corn (as a "supplement" like peas, don`t like to eat a whole corn) are the only healthy things I eat.


I don't know OP... feels like to me you should just eat whichever veggies you do like more often. Hopefully you have a few of those. Don't go covering things you don't like in cheese. I don't think that's helping :p


I'm not a fan of asparagus, kale, spinach, eggplant, cauliflower, leafy green lettuce, celery, onions, beets, brussels sprouts, turnip, zucchini, sweet potato and coconut.
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