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Video shows woman shoot at burglars in home invasion

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There is nothing "brave" in shooting people when armed.

In an hypothetical scenario, she saved herself from being killed or worse. So good for her.

On the other hand, she traded getting robbed (of money/mundane things), for the life of another human being.
And potentially getting herself killed or worse (by escalating the situation) in the process.
And potentially killing another bystander when she blindly shoot in the street.

So yeah.

Nothing personal mate, but i just don't see how a person can come to this conclusion. She traded an armed robbers life for hers and her friends. Not for money/mundane posessions.

Three armed intruders bust into your house and you think they won't hurt you? You're supposed to lay down for them and trust that they have no ill intentions? If not, then why did they need guns? For protection? From the person they're burgling? And she shouldn't protect herself?

I just don't know how a person can rationalize that thought. There's no amount of armed burglars that i wouldn't trade for mine and my loved ones lives.

That's the risk you take as a criminal breaking into innocent citizens homes don't you think?


is there really a fucking defense force for the fucking burglars?

Fuck, i wish i hadn't clicked and read that link...

its one of the worst things to hit this state. And really, one of the worst crimes/invasions in history.


This is why guns will never be banned in America.

When you have three criminals invading your house to rob, kill or rape you what can you do?
This is why guns will never be banned in America.

When you have three criminals invading your house to rob, kill or rape you what can you do?

Surely there are other ways for that 100lb woman to defend herself against 3 muscular men without using firearms. She should take some martial arts courses instead of buying a gun next time


There is nothing "brave" in shooting people when armed.

In an hypothetical scenario, she saved herself from being killed or worse. So good for her.

On the other hand, she traded getting robbed (of money/mundane things), for the life of another human being.
And potentially getting herself killed or worse (by escalating the situation) in the process.
And potentially killing another bystander when she blindly shoot in the street.

So yeah.

You're right. She should have just let them kill her. I mean at best she only saved herself from being killed or worse like you said. Fortunately it's just hypothetical. It's not like 3 armed robbers entered her house. You know not a hypothetical situation like the one you're imagining youself reacting to.

Hopefully you're in a situation with armed robbers and you can become an example for how we all should act.

AYF 001

Well it seems like she got lucky, in the sense of being prepared when the situation arose. But the same guns that allowed her to stop one crime took the lives of 80 other Americans today alone. The numbers all say that the less people have access to guns, the safer they are. For all we know, she could shoot herself in the leg tomorrow by accident and bleed out before an ambulance can arrive.

Americans seem to like the dramatic "crisis averted in spectacular fashion" scenario so much that they practically seem willing to completely, if not deliberately, neglect the causes of these situations. That way they can fantasize about how they'd totally stop the next one, or when hearing about the latest one, play armchair SWAT team online in discussions.


Neo Member
Aside from the emotional impact of having to take a life to save hers, she will know need to be aware of possible retaliation. She may have survived that night but it's no guarantee that the ones that got away won't come back for her, even after any sort of sentence is carried out.

The Beard

Aside from the emotional impact of having to take a life to save hers, she will know need to be aware of possible retaliation. She may have survived that night but it's no guarantee that the ones that got away won't come back for her, even after any sort of sentence is carried out.

I guess anything is possible when dealing with pieces of shit like that. Considering she just unloaded an entire magazine at their asses, they might just want to move on with their lives and try to rob easier targets next time.

Also, I believe the video said she didn't actually live there, she was from out of town. I think she'll be just fine.


This is why guns will never be banned in America.

When you have three criminals invading your house to rob, kill or rape you what can you do?

Haha, What the fuck? How do other parts of the world do it?

I have no problems with anything this woman did.

But I would rather that the three criminals never existed in the first place. I live in a city of 100,000 people. We have had zero murders in the last 6 years and we have some of the strictest gun control laws in the US.

Obviously you can't snap your fingers and make this happen across the US, but it should be the goal over the next 20, or 50, or 100 years.


Well it seems like she got lucky, in the sense of being prepared when the situation arose. But the same guns that allowed her to stop one crime took the lives of 80 other Americans today alone. The numbers all say that the less people have access to guns, the safer they are. For all we know, she could shoot herself in the leg tomorrow by accident and bleed out before an ambulance can arrive.

Americans seem to like the dramatic "crisis averted in spectacular fashion" scenario so much that they practically seem willing to completely, if not deliberately, neglect the causes of these situations. That way they can fantasize about how they'd totally stop the next one, or when hearing about the latest one, play armchair SWAT team online in discussions.

Tell me more about us Americans. I'm sure you have us all figured out.


Obviously you can't snap your fingers and make this happen across the US, but it should be the goal over the next 20, or 50, or 100 years.

You think that's a feasible goal? No murders in 6 years for any random place? You can't possibly believe that.


Yep. No sympathy for the asshole that died in the driveway. You invade a person's place with hostility like that then you deserve to be punished.

Just to be clear you are advocating for the immediate death penalty of all home invaders without a trial.


She in my opinion did the right thing, the robbers are to blame if they did not commit the crime no one would have died.

Here in the UK we barely have the right to defend our homes as the justice system here is weak often arresting those who attack the home intruder.


Junior Member
Just to be clear you are advocating for the immediate death penalty of all home invaders without a trial.

i bet it would lower the home invasion numbers. my brother tried to de-escalate a home invader and as a result was stabbed multiple times requiring life saving surgery due to organs, intestines being cut.

truth is, you dont know what they are there for. you wake up, dudes got guns. they could be there to rob you, kill you, kidnap your kid, rape you. fast decisive, firm and agressive action should be taken to stop them at all costs. fuck a pistol, i'm grabbing a shotgun

or.... let then take a shower in your bathroom


Just to be clear you are advocating for the immediate death penalty of all home invaders without a trial.

I think if you raise a gun to someone with the intent do to them harm, nobody should feel bad for you if you get shot in the process, or killed. Are we really debating what these guys were going to do busting into a house with guns drawn at night? Was she supposed to let them rob her or potentially worse? Screw that.

If these robbers hadn't been armed I can MAYBE see some justification for a defense force for these guys, but all 3 came in with guns drawn, fuck them and good on the woman.


Just to be clear you are advocating for the immediate death penalty of all home invaders without a trial.

I'll shoot and aim to kill any amount of home invaders that come into my house with weapons in hand intending to do my family harm. I've never killed anything larger than a spider before in my life but i reckon i would sleep pretty well at night knowing that i had the courage to do what is necessary to protect me and my family.


it isn't a burglary if they knew people were in the house. Robbery takes a different level of stupid/crazy/desperation. The attackers knew shit was going to go down.
Call me racist but, I knew she was gonna be Asian before I even watched the video. Good on her for defending herself and my condolences to the families and friends of those injured of killed in the incident. It's a terrible situation for everyone involved. I hope this doesn't cause her deep emotional scars or retaliation in any way. She did the right thing in this situation.


i bet it would lower the home invasion numbers. my brother tried to de-escalate a home invader and as a result was stabbed multiple times requiring life saving surgery due to organs, intestines being cut.

truth is, you dont know what they are there for. you wake up, dudes got guns. they could be there to rob you, kill you, kidnap your kid, rape you. fast decisive, firm and agressive action should be taken to stop them at all costs. fuck a pistol, i'm grabbing a shotgun

Can you really not see why extra-judicial killings carried out by common citizens presents an ethical grey area?

Edit: I suppose this is a consequence of widespread gun ownership though. You have to suspect that anyone entering your house unlawfully is going to be armed and able to kill in seconds. So fair enough, just surprised to see this view so widely shared.
Her shooting form was not too bad considering she was holding a phone in her hand.

She's very lucky the burglars ran instead of standing their ground and firing back, they clearly weren't prepared and had no backup plan.

Edit: Listening to the 911 call, the lady says she is bleeding probably grazed from the first shot.


Wow, she was fearless. Dude ran right through a glass door to dip out he was so scared. That is some scary shit. I need to remind myself to buy an alarm - I don't own a gun, the best I can do is take the replica Sting sword off the wall and hope I can stab someone in the eye before they blow my brains out.

I guess I could buy a shotgun or something but I don't like the idea of keeping a gun in the house.


Wow. When I saw this thread going still, i thought to myself that its gonna be a shit show. You did not disappoint gaf.

We literally have people defending the criminals who could have 100% killed her.


We're they threatening her?

Now someone is dead, because of a stupid burglary. And even more could have died. Including innocent people in the neighborhood.

Sickening how this woman gets celebrated here..

'merica fuck yeah..

WTF? They were in her house with guns. Of course they were threatening her.
Can you really not see why extra-judicial killings carried out by common citizens presents an ethical grey area?

Edit: I suppose this is a consequence of widespread gun ownership though. You have to suspect that anyone entering your house unlawfully is going to be armed and able to kill in seconds. So fair enough, just surprised to see this view so widely shared.

Do you actually believe that three full-grown men would struggle to kill an unarmed, 100-pound woman if they didn't have weapons?

If these men had entered her home with the intention of hurting/raping/killing/whatevering her and neither party was armed, they absolutely, 100% would have been successful. Guns are more or less the only possible way someone like this homeowner could have defended herself. You could argue that homeowners being able to occasionally defend themselves isn't worth the increased gun crime, but that doesn't suddenly mean that physically disadvantaged people are going to transform into ninjas or something.
Well it seems like she got lucky, in the sense of being prepared when the situation arose.

This makes zero sense. She was prepared for the situation. She had enoigh intelligence and foresight to predict the possibility of this happening and armed herself accordingly.Luck has nothing to do with it.

These people meant to do harm (in some form) and suffered thr consequences. A perfect example of when not thinking gets you killed.
Man, did the people who are complaining about the lady's actions actually watch the video? Those guys weren't some unarmed robbers attempting to break in without being seen. They straight up broke down the front door and came in guns drawn. I think that lady was maybe a split second from death. She just happened to react fast enough to catch them first.
Just to be clear you are advocating for the immediate death penalty of all home invaders without a trial.

Most states have laws allowing for it for self defense reasons. When you break into someones home in the US, you are essentially giving the homeowners the same rights as the state for punishment while waiving your right by trial by jury, to an attorney, and the appeals process. If they decide to put you into an early grave, tough luck.


Just to be clear you are advocating for the immediate death penalty of all home invaders without a trial.

I believe it's called self-defense? I don't think it should be considered or seen as punishment, but simply as someone defending themselves with potentially deadly force, which can be justified in many cases.
is there really a fucking defense force for the fucking burglars?

My stance is that the woman didn't do wrong (aside from shooting into the street) and that what she did do wrong was an unfortunate product of her emotional state.

I'm more bothered that this is being used as an argument in opposition to strengthened gun control laws.


Can you really not see why extra-judicial killings carried out by common citizens presents an ethical grey area?

Edit: I suppose this is a consequence of widespread gun ownership though. You have to suspect that anyone entering your house unlawfully is going to be armed and able to kill in seconds. So fair enough, just surprised to see this view so widely shared.

House burglars will run away at the sound of the first human being in the house. Home invaders are often armed and prepared to handle any resident that lives there. If they are coming into your house, armed, they don't care if you as a home owner spots them. They likely will hurt you, rape you, and then take your shit.

If they are your regular burglars, they come when you aren't around and just take your crap. If you surprise them most will run away. A lot of burglaries occur after the burglars make sure you aren't home.

In this scenario, these guys are walking around with guns in hand. They are home invaders that were going to do some harm. When they hear the woman, they go up to her weapons pointed. They didn't run. They also didn't expect her to be armed.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Damn, that was wild as hell. Who knows what they would've done to her when they were approaching her.

Their security cameras are really high quality for a home system.


They were there to rob her, not kill anyone. The guns were for intimidation.

If you don't plan on fighting to the death, don't bring a gun. Sorry for the dead guy, but when you bust into someone's house with your gun drawn, you're about a centimeter's worth of movement away from killing them.
If you don't plan on fighting to the death, don't bring a gun. Sorry for the dead guy, but when you bust into someone's house with your gun drawn, you're about a centimeter's worth of movement away from killing them.

I think it's worse.

You have to bring a gun, and you have to come guns blazing (as these guys failed to do). But homeowners must have auto fire turrets now. Only way to be safe in addition to having cameras, double locks etc.


But you can't ignore instances like this either. It's not just a numbers game. If you took away this woman's gun you are basically telling her sorry you have to die. We won't let you have something to protect yourself. It makes a hell of a difference when that person is you and you won't give a damn about the numbers. Training/education is a good way to make the numbers come out better.

I think it's fair to recognize that in some cases having a gun is helpful to the gun owner. Public policy is all about the greatest good for the society, however. An outlier case in which a gun was useful, as opposed to the more common instances where having a gun led an alcoholic husband to shoot his wife, or a child to accidentally shoot a friend should not be prevent us from having a sane gun policy. There's a reason that murder rates are so much higher in the US than in similar countries - our antiquated and ridiculous gun policies.

Making it much harder to get guns would have been bad for this one person, but good for the > 10,000 homicide victims each year.
I'm just glad I live in a country where a knife is the worst I could face and even that is unlikely because robbers are smart enough to rob when the inhabitants are away.

Also we have a dog.

I'm okay with that lady though, ideally neither party would have been armed and she could have run and contacted police but alas the US is fucked.
This lady is lucky as hell. That first guy runs right past her and she barely even looks at him. She really risked her life doing that, they easily could have opened fire on her. These cameras and the fact she was armed and ran right out there seems to show that she was prepared for this to happen. She would have been a lot safer going out another exit and calling the cops. She has to live the rest of her life knowing she mowed someone down and suffer fear of retaliation. The robbers are at fault for sure and I'm not sure there was any good solution, but I can't say that running out guns blazing was the best idea.

This story easily could have been "Woman killed confronting armed robbers".
Surely you can see that in this situation, if neither party had been armed, that lady was fucked.

Unless she happens to actually be "the cavalry."

not really she was aware of them and it doesn't look like it's some high rise apartment with only one point of entry. I'm pretty unfit but if my home got invaded I could escape through the balcony w/o fear of getting shot in the back because people don't really have guns.
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