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Video shows woman shoot at burglars in home invasion

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Where did I make a point?
I'm just asking for numbers.

It's simply bullshit that every time there is a burglary, or so the homeowners, storeowners or whatever get shot.

Here's one from last month. The robbers didn't even have a gun but still managed to murder the homeowners.


It's simply bullshit that 3 people with guns break into someone's house and you think they're the victims.


Where did I make a point?
I'm just asking for numbers.

It's simply bullshit that every time there is a burglary, or so the homeowners, storeowners or whatever get shot.
That's because they are usually not at the domicile or store when it happens.

Seasoned burglars case their targets to avoid this stuff.
Where did I make a point?
I'm just asking for numbers.

It's simply bullshit that every time there is a burglary, or so the homeowners, storeowners or whatever get shot.

Here you go. In 28 percent of home robberies someone was present in the house. In 7 percent of all robberies the person present suffered some sort of violent trauma. Thus, 25 percent of the time someone is home they suffer some sort of trauma.

I'm sorry for the family, but fuck that guy. He enters someone's house holding a gun and intending to rob them and potentially kill them, he's made a choice that can end with him or someone else dead. Better him than someone else.

I don't own a gun and I don't know how to use one, but if I did and someone entered my house with a gun on their hands, I hope I'd have the guts to kill them before they harmed anyone here.

Every action a person makes has consequences that are felt beyond their singular self, but people(who commit crimes) rarely care, nor think of how their negative actions impact loved ones. How are YOU hurting your parents, your family and friends when YOU decide to commit a crime. Home much value do YOU place on your own life when you decide to commit a crime where the stakes are high and getting killed is a very real possibility? It is a choice, you CHOOSE to commit a crime, you sign that invisible contract that effects all those close to you.

Another good question would be, would THEY care about those who they hurt or kill during the course of their crime? It is all good to feel sorry for someone that dies, but would they really care about someone lost during a shuffle of criminal activity? There are a lot of harden individuals who could care less about who they hurt, let alone who they kill, as long as they achieve what they came to do.
The fuck it would. There's a saying amongst a lot of gun owners that goes along the lines of 'you fire the bullet, you own the results'. Firing out the door at a fleeing robber crosses a line where you may still be legally justified to kill that person, but good luck trying to duck responsibility for a stray bullet that kills an innocent.

Why bring it up? Because it's irresponsible and dangerous. Shooting at them in the house vs shooting at them out the door as they flee are very different scenarios.

they are different scenarios, but people bring in the innocent neighbor that could've been killed that didn't happen. what if there were no neighboring houses


We're they threatening her?

Now someone is dead, because of a stupid burglary. And even more could have died. Including innocent people in the neighborhood.

Sickening how this woman gets celebrated here..

'merica fuck yeah..

Are you freaking serious? They broke into her house and had guns. I don't know how sheltered you were/are, but yeah, I perceive that as a threat to my life. Break into someone's house, you better make sure your affairs are in order and you're straight with Jesus.
We're they threatening her?

Now someone is dead, because of a stupid burglary. And even more could have died. Including innocent people in the neighborhood.

Sickening how this woman gets celebrated here..

'merica fuck yeah..

Wow. What an awful point of view.


So I'm all for self defense, but firing multiple shots out of the house at people who are fleeing really crosses the line, particularly the last couple. Dangerous as fuck, and frankly really stretches what is self defense.

She might be in trouble if those shots are what killed the one guy.


Some of the hyperbole in this thread is spectacular. The anti-US defense force is operating at full capacity, as expected. If three guys break down your front door, fully armed, you are talking out of your ass if you seriously think you would have time to logically plan out a response in which no one gets hurt. Incredible.

I'm not a big fan of guns, but this woman is both incredibly lucky and justified in her actions. They are armed robbers who kicked down a door and rolled in guns blazing. By acting the way she did she may have saved her own life. The extra shots may not have been necessary, but to expect someone who's just been through what she was to act completely rationally is asinine. No one can be prepared for that.


Where did I make a point?
I'm just asking for numbers.

It's simply bullshit that every time there is a burglary, or so the homeowners, storeowners or whatever get shot.

No shit people don't get shot every time. But a good percentage of burglery victims DO get shot, stabbed, raped, etc during home invasions. If your solution to a situation in which three armed men come crashing through your door is to lie down and take a bullet (or something else) because you feel so compassionate for these poor persecuted souls, then fine. Up to you. But don't judge someone else just because they exercise their right to defend themself.
Wow, that was more intense than I expected.

Honestly, that last shot she fired out the door like 10 seconds after everyone left was almost comical. Unless she was shooting the guy dying in the driveway again, then it's pretty fucked up.
If the injured burglar was still in possession of his firearm, he remained a threat to the home owners


These home invasions are no joke... I've seen some traumatizing terrifying video footage from some that involved rape of the home owner even with their children watching, I mean FFS... so brutal...

I am so proud of this woman and how she handled the situation.
We're they threatening her?

Now someone is dead, because of a stupid burglary. And even more could have died. Including innocent people in the neighborhood.

Sickening how this woman gets celebrated here..

'merica fuck yeah..

They were there to rob her, not kill anyone. The guns were for intimidation.

But those guys would hve killed her definitely, huh? So it was justified for her to shoot them and kill one of them.

Source please for burglary where the homeowners got shot.
Thank you.

Where did I make a point?
I'm just asking for numbers.

It's simply bullshit that every time there is a burglary, or so the homeowners, storeowners or whatever get shot.

Too idiotic to not be a troll.


If the injured burglar was still in possession of his firearm, he remained a threat to the home owners

Possibly, but generally someone fleeing is not considered a threat. I mean she fired 4-5 times while standing by her door instead of closing it, that's pretty sketchy.


Neo Member
Hate to say it because I'm against guns as a general rule but this is why I own a handgun.

Never take it out with me. DOn't open carry or have a license for concealed carry but the US is what it is and there are a shitload of criminals out there with serious hardware. I'm going to have some of my own just in case.


I cannot fucking believe some of you are going to sit here and blame the person who defended herself against armed robbers. Are you fucking serious? SHE'S THE BAD GUY? She could've been raped and killed, and she defended herself.

Someone died. Guess what? Don't rob someone's house. That's an idiotic fucking move that comes with the risk of self defense.

Get over yourselves. This woman did what was necessary.

EDIT: Armed for intimidation... I've seen it all.


Good for her for trying to defend herself against armed burglars, yeah her form was awful but being in a situation like that I'm sure proper form wasn't on her mind at that moment. Also I hate when some people say we should have sympathy for the robber that died because he was a human being, fuck that he was armed and ready to use that thing, am I supposed to feel sorry for him? Might as well feel bad for Hitler and all the other scumbags who did awful things because they were human beings.
Good for her for trying to defend herself against armed burglars, yeah her form was awful but being in a situation like that I'm sure proper form wasn't on her mind at that moment. Also I hate when some people say we should have sympathy for the robber that died because he was a human being, fuck that he was armed and ready to use that thing, am I supposed to feel sorry for him? Might as well feel bad for Hitler and all the other scumbags who did awful things because they were human beings.

No one is going to have range form in a situation like that. Adrenaline alone is going to throw half that shit out the window.
I like that single shot she gets off on the end after a little pause. Probably used this opportunity to take out her neighbour's tacky lawn gnome.


We're they threatening her?

Now someone is dead, because of a stupid burglary. And even more could have died. Including innocent people in the neighborhood.

Sickening how this woman gets celebrated here..

'merica fuck yeah..

I'm convinced some of y'all don't live in the real world.


Tagged as I see fit
We're they threatening her?

Now someone is dead, because of a stupid burglary. And even more could have died. Including innocent people in the neighborhood.

Sickening how this woman gets celebrated here..

'merica fuck yeah..

Yes - they came into the place where she was living with guns out. So yes, they were threatening her. You can't be serious with this.
Correct. If a murder (or a death) takes place while you are committing a felony, you are likely to get a felony murder charge. Even if you didn't pull the trigger nor were you armed.


We're they threatening her?

Now someone is dead, because of a stupid burglary. And even more could have died. Including innocent people in the neighborhood.

Sickening how this woman gets celebrated here..

'merica fuck yeah..

Three guys came into a woman's home, pointing guns at her. What the fuck do you think should have happened?


Too idiotic to not be a troll.

He hasn't explained anything he's said, he just keeps retorting and trying to one-up. If he's trolling for laughs he has a terrible sense of humor.

She obviously should have offered them refreshments while they robbed and possibly physically assaulted her. Duh...

It is always telling that those trying to defend the robbers refuse to admit how they believe she should have acted. They can never own up to it and will always try to handwave it by saying shit like 'well every situation is different so I won't/can't say...'.
But you can't ignore instances like this either. It's not just a numbers game. If you took away this woman's gun you are basically telling her sorry you have to die. We won't let you have something to protect yourself. It makes a hell of a difference when that person is you and you won't give a damn about the numbers. Training/education is a good way to make the numbers come out better.

But that then begs the question, if you can find an instance of one dangerous thing being used to save someone's life, should that stand to reason that her right to safety is more valuable than the many other people's rights?


Unconfirmed Member
But that then begs the question, if you can find an instance of one dangerous thing being used to save someone's life, should that stand to reason that her right to safety is more valuable than the many other people's rights?

Once you've broken into someone's house to steal and harm you've fortified your rights IMO.
The minute you arm yourself with a gun, with the intent of using it to rob, threaten or hurt don't be surprised when someone else with a gun shoots your dumb ass.

The Beard

They were there to rob her, not kill anyone. The guns were for intimidation.

It's amazing how you're able to tell what their intentions were by simply watching the video.

She should've just been a good citizen and allowed them to break into her home, yell at her while pointing guns at her head, and intimidate the shit out of her, am I rite?
Even as someone who is pretty anti-gun, I have no sympathy for these punks. They knew what they were getting into when they busted into someone's place with guns. As you see a lot on neogaf, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


The other two weren't caught? Hope they don't try get revenge.
That's the problem when you defend yourself, even rightly so; someone might want pay back even if they're in the wrong.


Tears in the rain
I am not happy with the loss of life, but I can't say that I have much sympathy for the home invaders. Tragic situation all around, but she did what she had to do to survive. I mean it all took place in a few seconds. Armed men were in the house. I don't think she can be blamed for that.
Textbook example of the type of situation I'm ok with gun ownership on. 3 guys came in, armed with their own guns, ready to steal - if not possibly harm her as well. She did good, even if it's unfortunate one of the idiots got killed in the process.


They were there to rob her, not kill anyone. The guns were for intimidation.

Yeah, what a stupid woman, they were just trying to rob her. Nothing wrong with that. She should've opened the door and offered them some coffee. Terrible service, would not rob again!


Yeah, what a stupid woman, they were just trying to rob her. Nothing wrong with that. She should've opened the door and offered them some coffee. Terrible service, would not rob again!
YELP! review: 1 star.

Robber #1 says: Wish I could've given this house ZERO stars. Crept in the joint in the dead of night, and the owner had the NERVE to shoot at us. Oh, and she killed one of our guys. And then reported us to the police! Bad service all around.
We're they threatening her?

Now someone is dead, because of a stupid burglary. And even more could have died. Including innocent people in the neighborhood.

Sickening how this woman gets celebrated here..

'merica fuck yeah..

You're stupid too. If a gang of dangerous robbers were robbing your house while you had a gun to defend yourself, you'd prefer to have a peace negotiation with them or dial 911 first and throw every initiative you had out of the window?
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