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VR is a fad and will never take off


Romulus bad quote said:
This is why you're impossible to even have a level headed conversation with. Everything is so extreme to one side or the other. "Easily ban worthy" somehow translates to telling the mods how to do their job. Lol. That's not a command, that's an opinion. There's a huge difference.
Seems like you're trying to tell the mods they're bad at deciding who can post on this site. Like I said, there is a place for groupthink people like you.
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Seems like you're trying to tell the mods they're bad at deciding who can post on this site. Like I said, there is a place for groupthink people like you.
And you are bad at pretending you "work in the industry" and know anything about other headsets. Like i said earlier, the OP of this thread was banned for trolling just like you are, the mods made that call not me.
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You obviously don't own a quest. I find the tracking to be very accurate in most games. Index is the best VR system atm, and you sound salty about it.

And you are bad at pretending you "work in the industry" and know anything about other headsets.

I'll admit I could get more time with a Quest, but it seems very limited from what I've seen. I didn't know it could be modded, that is a good start.

Maybe I'll play some Chex Quest on my Index in the meantime. Is that available on PSVR yet?
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Index isn't out yet and what does that matter if its the best? it does not make the other headsets any less viable. I will tell you my opinion on the index when its released and i get mine, until then you are just guessing and going by other people's reviews.


Index isn't out yet and what does that matter if its the best? it does not make the other headsets any less viable. I will tell you my opinion on the index when its released and i get mine, until then you are just guessing and going by other people's reviews.
I mean, I have a review unit sitting right here on my desk. What do you need to know?


I mean, I have a review unit sitting right here on my desk. What do you need to know?
Prove it. While your at it prove you have a PSVR too, after your bullshit claims I don't believe anything you say. I can, lets see yours. Although It would explain your fanboy-ism and superiority complex if you did have an index right now.

Even if you had all the top end headsets it does not matter, a top end headset does not make a lower end headset any less viable.

Aww I scared him away when I asked for proof, damn shame.
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Imagine you've never tried Sushi before. You get all excited because the first Sushi restaurant opened in your town. You eat the Sushi, you think it's great.

Problem is, in Japan that Sushi would be considered horrible.

Now, imagine a store opened up in Japan that sold similar cheap, terrible Sushi on every corner of the road.

Sure it would be successful, it's cheap and accessible.

But is it representative of real Sushi?

It would seem like a fad, people who have never tried Sushi will try the cheap stuff, and never try it again.

But I've tried the Oculus and Vive pro extensively and despite having the money available to buy both, I didnt. Why? My psvr backlog. The technological leap/catalog of pcvr while evident was not enough alone to push me to get either yet. I have so many games to finish on psvr but need to buy another headset, now? Hell no. That will come later and it might be the index.

Seems like you're trying to tell the mods they're bad at deciding who can post on this site. Like I said, there is a place for groupthink people like you.

Again "seems like" now is not what you said previously.

Read, breathe, think about it, then post your response. That's a command, not an opinion, see the difference? Not that I would ever tell you what to do, but just as an example.
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I'll admit I could get more time with a Quest, but it seems very limited from what I've seen. I didn't know it could be modded, that is a good start
Wait wait, what about all these Quest "facts" you have been giving us for EG:

The meager list of titles available on Quest is laughable and the tracking on that system is even worse than PSVR,
I personally feel like Quest and PSVR are definitely holding the entire VR industry back.
I'm going to have to leave this video here as well, since Imagine Dragons is the only non-default thing PSVR and Quest users are allowed to play with Beat Saber.
I don't think Quest has been released long enough to be considered here, I do see the potential for portable VR, but not in it's current state. (Quest tracking is horrible)

But you just said you need more time with the Quest, isn't it your job to know? were you lying? Oh say it isn't so. :messenger_loudly_crying:

Did you really think the Quest tracking was trash and worse than the PSVR. that's hilarious.:messenger_beaming:

Maybe I'll play some Chex Quest on my Index in the meantime. Is that available on PSVR yet?
Ill go play some Astrobot, Firewall with the Aim controller (They patched it YAY), and some blood and Truth, are they on the Index yet? see what I did there? I can do that also.

But wait! I already know what you will say "Those games are not notable, they are forgettable blah blah" Well I dunno what Chex Quest is although I am going to look it up after this, if you mentioned it there must be something about it.


Just looked it up and you seriously used that game as your go to game over these games?

Astrobot Rescue mission Metacritic
Blood and Truth Metacritic
Firewall Zero Hour Metacritic
Farpoint Metacritic
Not to mention Resident Evil 7 is PSVR exclusive. I was hoping it would come to PC, I dunno why Capcom didn't want to port it over.

Your opinion on those games do not matter as you have never played them and you will dismiss them to troll anyway, what does matter is the other people that have played them and then left a Metacritic score, look those up.
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Vr is like platinum games. There is some nice stuff there but no one gives a fuck. I have psvr by the way. It's just too much hassle to set up. Waiting for the cord less version tho


After reading more of this thread i really think that one of the best tittles in VR that makes you see the potential is Robo Recall, you can easily imagine what that game if expanded would be like and how fun it would be. It's such a good showcase of what good production and game design can do in VR.

I'm really intrigued by Bone Works too, they seem to be implementing almost everything that devs have found out that works on VR.


Well, I've had an Index for about 3 days now and I think it's fucking phenomenal. Also I just put some porn on in the Skybox app and uhh....gonna have to get some VR content...later....


I personally agree just like 3d and motion control a few years ago whenever the industry tries to shove "the next best thing" down our throats its normally bound to fail. I do think tho out of all the "gimmicks" this one will stay for good it'll just be a background thing and not the revolutionary dominate thing we're being sold.
Oh dear. We're back to this are we?
I personally agree just like 3d and motion control a few years ago whenever the industry tries to shove "the next best thing" down our throats its normally bound to fail. I do think tho out of all the "gimmicks" this one will stay for good it'll just be a background thing and not the revolutionary dominate thing we're being sold.
Your argument is immediately debunked on the notion that 3D is irrelevant and has nothing to do with VR's future success or failure.

VR by it's nature is revolutionary, so it's a matter of whether it takes off, and considering people love it in the majority even in it's early days, it's quite clear where things are headed.
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As much as I like VR it is a fad. Sony will push it hard next gen. It May and thisbis a big maybe do 15 million units. In the ps5s in assuming 7 years life span. I actually see it being more popular in theblong run for none gameing things like medical training sight seeing etc. I don't think it will ever go away but a couple years ago when it was all the rage I called those people dumb. I was right


at this point it is i haven't heard of any new games haven't even seen anyone excited about it and personally i was just waiting for the for the newer version


Oh dear. We're back to this are we?
Your argument is immediately debunked on the notion that 3D is irrelevant and has nothing to do with VR's future success or failure.

VR by it's nature is revolutionary, so it's a matter of whether it takes off, and considering people love it in the majority even in it's early days, it's quite clear where things are headed.
You missed my point whenever the industry tells us "this is it" it usually isn't especially if the majority isn't asking for it or grabbing on to it. At the end of the day games have to be fun first people want vr to be a thing because they have this fantasy of it being more then it ever will be when in reality (ha) it's going to wind up as a failed but cool gaming accessory like ar and motion controls the only difference like I said before is that it'll become a less hype side staple of gaming
As someone who plays DCS (digital combat simulator) I love using VR because it so effective looking around in the cockpit and makes the experience really immersive.


Also want to point out that John Carmack basically has the reverse Midas touch now.

He hasn't done anything useful since Quake 3.

Doom 3 sucked and made terrible trade offs (had to sacrifice so much for real time lighting the game literally had to be pitch black with like 3 enemies at a time), Rage was a technical disaster (sure was a good idea making a FPS engine where the entire world would look blurry whenever you moved the camera quickly), Doom 2016 didn't turn around until AFTER HE LEFT. Literally everything he touches now is shit. The fact that he went to work on VR is more a detriment to it than anything else.

If you watch one of those Oculus keynotes he did, he admits that some of his basic assumptions were wrong. He said that people are far more lazy than he expected (basically, no one wants to stand or physically get into shit. they just want to sit when playing games).

VR is a misfire. The tech isn't there yet. In the past, people proved shit technically before diving head first into it. Games like Quake were proof that we needed 3D cards to accelerate that shit. There is no PROOF for VR. No one can even think of a game that would need it and actually be better than a traditional game. It's snake oil.


VR is the future

even if its not the immediate future

if u think people will be staring at flat screens while pressing buttons 2 thousand years from now ur fooling urself
At the current rate our species will be long extinct and the planet a dead husk 2k years from now. Maybe aliens will take up the VR torch.

That said, I still think VR will take off soon.


At the current rate our species will be long extinct and the planet a dead husk 2k years from now. Maybe aliens will take up the VR torch.

That said, I still think VR will take off soon.

You know what wins every time? Convenience.

It's less convenient to consume VR media than it is to consume conventional media. It's literally that simple. And all the poindexters that they have fucking around with the technical details of VR are so myopic that they can't see that.

We are literally 20+ years off from tech that will allow people to be even lazier than they are today while consuming VR content.


Gold Member
  • The global AR and VR market is expected to grow to $209.2 billion by 2022
  • 14 million AR and VR devices are expected to be sold in 2019
  • Global VR video gaming revenues are expected to reach $15.1B in 2019
  • There are more than 171M VR users worldwide
  • USA is the region with the largest AR/VR spending in 2018 at $6.4B

Damn this fad!!


  • The global AR and VR market is expected to grow to $209.2 billion by 2022
  • 14 million AR and VR devices are expected to be sold in 2019
  • Global VR video gaming revenues are expected to reach $15.1B in 2019
  • There are more than 171M VR users worldwide
  • USA is the region with the largest AR/VR spending in 2018 at $6.4B

Damn this fad!!

"Expected." I think that says it all.

That 171M number is basically counting anyone with a cell phone who can slap on some Google cardboard bullshit.

It's a phony number.


As much as I like VR it is a fad. Sony will push it hard next gen. It May and thisbis a big maybe do 15 million units. In the ps5s in assuming 7 years life span. I actually see it being more popular in theblong run for none gameing things like medical training sight seeing etc. I don't think it will ever go away but a couple years ago when it was all the rage I called those people dumb. I was right

Could Sony pushing hard for VR be there Kinnect and gamers not be into it as much and just want traditional games on a screen (I get vr won't be shipped with ps5)


Uh huh. Also year of the Linux desktop. People are SO full of crap on this. Absolutely nothing has changed. There's still no software. It's still an uncomfortable pain to use.



lol, random links from over a year ago. There are always people saying VR is dying but more and more headsets, games are still coming. You can't stop it. It'll be around until at least 2026 with Sony and Oculus behind it. Nothing you can do.

Oh, and the inquirer? lmao
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lol, random links from over a year ago. There are always people saying VR is dying but more and more headsets, games are still coming. You can't stop it. It'll be around until at least 2026 with Sony and Oculus behind it. Nothing you can do.

Oh, and the inquirer? lmao


Every fucking year since 2014, VR was going to make its big mainstream breakthrough. Sorry. You can only cry wolf so many times.

Bright future indeed.
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Every fucking year since 2014, VR was going to make its big mainstream breakthrough. Sorry. You can only cry wolf so many times.

Bright future indeed.

I'm not saying any year is THE year for VR, that makes no sense with the strategy. 2019 is great so far.

The monster negative for the "VR is dying" stance is the investment from the big corporations. This is long term.

Sony, Faceback, and Valve.

You' could be looking at ten years of a slow death best-case scenario for that argument to pay off, and all the while, keep in mind the tech will be getting better, smaller, and more comfortable. So, looking at how much VR has improved just this year with Oculus Quest and the Index, where do you think it's going to be then? Suddenly VR will die as its magnitudes better and cheaper? Makes no sense.
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name the games dont just say no you're wrong

I mean why do I have to do research for you though?

Iron Man VR and NMS VR are my most wanted. Stormland looks incredible and Blood and Truth made the #1 on the charts against regular PS4 games. First time a VR game did this in 2019. Ever.

Some previews of my most anticipated:
Hands-On: Iron Man VR Really Nails The Sensation Of Flight
Marvel’s Iron Man VR is proving itself to be a highly intuitive VR action experience, offering up an immersive mix of flying and shooting that is sure to make Marvel, and especially Iron Man, fans cheer.
'Iron Man VR' is as close to being Tony Stark as you're likely to get
Iron Man is a perfect fit for virtual reality. The helmet, the physicality of his powers, the embodiment of his armor, they all lend themselves to a VR experience.

Very positive previews, if the full game delivers it's day 1 for me!


I have a question for the OP, do you think in 100 years players will be sitting in front of flat square televisions playing their games?


I have a question for the OP, do you think in 100 years players will be sitting in front of flat square televisions playing their games?
OP is banned for making bait threads like this one, so I don't think he can reply to your question.
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VR is a step away from 2D Tv's toward your 'holodeck'. A small step that isn't fully realized but it's a step.
I agree. I see Holodeck as the obvious and natural evolution of VR and when that happens I will agree with meirl, fuck VR. Until then VR is the closest I'm going to get to a holodeck in my lifetime.
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So a recap of 2019:

1)First time ever a VR game rank in the top 5 of game sales, Blood and Truth hit #1

2)Oculus Quest and Index were sold out for weeks, Quest is still selling like crazy + a successor is in the works.

3)Sony confirmed PS5 support(another 7+ years of VR games right there)

4)Valve confirmed having 3 triple AAA games in development

5)Iron Man, Stormland, and Blood and Truth and likely the big blockbusters in all of VR, all 2019 games.

6) Respawn confirmed working a AAA VR game

You guys ready to bump this thread in 2027 to prove you were right? Because VR isn't dying before then, and by that time the Oculus Quest(which is selling like crazy) will looking insignificant compared to what's on the market by then.

I'm not, I've still got a massive VR backlog of games with more piling on.

VR isn't taking over gaming, but it sure as hell isn't leaving anytime soon. Every year it gets bigger games with better, cheaper tech. You just need to suck it up and enjoy watching us play AAA games that take away from traditional game development.
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People who attack VR, tend to contradict themselves.

They nearly always simultaneously claim that "VR is never going to go big"...

And yet also claim "I am scared that VR would take over and replace the types of gaming I love".

These two views are contradictory. If you really believe VR is doomed, you wouldn't have anything to worry about VR taking over. And if you think VR might threaten mainstreaming gaming, then by definition you believe VR is going to go big.

As a comparison, we have game streaming. I don't like game streaming, and I don't think it would go big. I also have no reason to make new threads talking about streaming, because I genuinely do not fear it and expect game streaming to stay niche.

So here is what I believe is really happening; most of us realised that VR is growing, and those who don't like it are now trying to discredit it by claiming that VR is dying, contrary to evidence. As if claiming that would somehow change the inevitable.
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