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VR is a fad and will never take off

All the things that the VR enthusiasts says is what VR could be. VR is not a mass product and will never be. If you claim that I should not predict this, well, you should not predict that will be a success either.

I don't know what group is worst, the VR delusionals evangelists or people who think that games are art.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Lol. VR "enthusiasts" or "evangelists" or whatever you wanna call people having fun just speak of their hands-on and games they look forward to. Couldn't care less if it becomes successful enough for you to bow, I don't profit from it. It's here, it's now, it's awesome, there are great games to play. That there's Fortnite, League of Legends and Minecraft as PC games to legitimize PC in your eyes doesn't mean shit to me, the PC games I play are nothing compared to them in terms of success so I don't need a VR game as successful as those to legitimize the entertainment I get out of VR. My gaming time is split between non-VR and VR about 50-50 these days. If you don't care about VR you do you, trying to put the medium down without real experience based on arbitrary and subjective "enough success" (god knows for what purpose) metrics is dumb like a Super Paper Mario meme.
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All the things that the VR enthusiasts says is what VR could be. VR is not a mass product and will never be. If you claim that I should not predict this, well, you should not predict that will be a success either.

I don't know what group is worst, the VR delusionals evangelists or people who think that games are art.

The people who call us VR evangelists are the same people who cannot argue with facts and only have opinions. I have not forced VR on anyone and all I have done is shown facts, VR is improving, its still early days yada yada yada, I have said this many times in this thread.

I don't understand why people with little or no experience like to argue against people with the experience of VR and follow VR. Of course there are people who have tried VR and dont like it, but most "Evangelists" are not trying to force VR on anyone just correct fake information from people with little to no experience in what they are talking about.
The people who call us VR evangelists are the same people who cannot argue with facts and only have opinions. I have not forced VR on anyone and all I have done is shown facts, VR is improving, its still early days yada yada yada, I have said this many times in this thread.

The last time that I posted a FACT about the hard times of VR, someone posted a lot of blog posts showing that the VR will be great.

So yes, they answered a real news with speculation.

This also happened "many times in this thread".

In that hate group, some people said that is better to go in a virtual bar than in the real one.
So, the ones making fun of themselves are the VR delusionals.
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The last time that I posted a FACT about the hard times of VR, someone posted a lot of blog posts showing that the VR will be great.

So yes, they answered a real news with speculation.

This also happened "many times in this thread".

In that hate group, some people said that is better to go in a virtual bar than in the real one.
So, the ones making fun of themselves are the VR delusionals.
Just because you say this happened does not make it true, prove it. I would be interested in seeing your "fact"

Here is a fact for you from an earlier post.

‘(Oculus) Quest is selling as fast as we can make them’

More and more people are buying into VR, it is growing. I do agree it is not mainstream ready yet though.

But this has been said multiple times in this thread, I am getting sick of repeating the same shit that we have already posted over and over.

Hard times for VR indeed.
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Just because you say this happend does not make it true, prove it. I would be interested in seeing your "fact"

Here is a fact for you from an earlier post.

Hard times for VR indeed.
Well, this is better than what you used previously the "most Comments Per Subscriber on Reddit", but still, where are the numbers?

This only proves that the VR is still selling to its niche, what I was saying is that VR will never be mainstream.

And your article (from a VR website), did not disprove my point.

EDIT: Oh, it was you that I replied with this on the past: https://tech.co/news/why-is-vr-failing-to-take-off-again-2018-08

Well, I'm not wasting my time with you anymore. But I will answer a less delusional VR enthusiast.
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Well, this is better than what you used previously the "most Comments Per Subscriber on Reddit", but still, where are the numbers?

This only proves that the VR is still selling to its niche, what I was saying is that VR will never be mainstream.

And your article (from a VR website), did not disprove my point.
My article is a direct quote from Zuckerberg himself cant get much better than that. What do you expect me to do? go and infiltrate Oculus to get the real numbers? I do what I can and show proof when I can, most detractors in this thread have not posted anything but speculation.


Well, this is better than what you used previously the "most Comments Per Subscriber on Reddit", but still, where are the numbers?

This only proves that the VR is still selling to its niche, what I was saying is that VR will never be mainstream.

And your article (from a VR website), did not disprove my point.

EDIT: Oh, it was you that I replied with this on the past: https://tech.co/news/why-is-vr-failing-to-take-off-again-2018-08

Well, I'm not wasting my time with you anymore. But I will answer a less delusional VR enthusiast.

You cannot complain we use blogs and then use a blog post from 2018 to back up your "fact" that VR is failing, you are hurting your argument. Sorry if I am offending you by countering your arguments with a better more reasoned argument, Its called a discussion. You came in here to discuss, so discuss and expect a counter argument or if you have no real facts to backup your argument you could give up.

Oops look like you already gave up, well that was quick.
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If VR is failing, why are new headsets coming? Why are games being made? Why are games being converted? Surely, the numbers wont reach convensional game numbers at this point, but armchair estimators really don't know how things are trending. VR is revolutionary and has gotten better over the years. Not to mention, we've only hit GEN2 with this technology and it's such a robust and practical platform for more than just gaming.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
This only proves that the VR is still selling to its niche, what I was saying is that VR will never be mainstream.
How is that less speculative/more factual than the people who speak about a positive for it future that you put down as just speculating and not speaking of facts when you too can only (barely in your case) see what VR is right now and without in depth experience at that? Lol? And why does it even matter if it goes to your random standards of what "mainstream" is? Doing that is one thing, being a valid form of gaming that enthusiasts (gaming enthusiasts, not just VR enthusiasts) can enjoy rather than just "a fad" as per the title is another. Again, just as tons of people here enjoy specific games or whole genres that aren't "mainstream" like the most popular examples of conventional games are, and don't need them to be so to keep enjoying them (and have them keep being made). So, what's the point of proclaiming that and as a counter argument to what exactly?

Heck, mainstream and crazy sales on par with x-most-popular-thing are also a different metric. Home theater systems are pretty mainstream and accepted and known about, that doesn't mean everyone and his mother has one set up.

And of course agreeing it's a fad is something else altogether, fads wither and die rather than keep trucking happily, successfully, along, even if just to a niche, whatever negative connotations you want to add to that word.
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Well, this is better than what you used previously the "most Comments Per Subscriber on Reddit", but still, where are the numbers?

This only proves that the VR is still selling to its niche, what I was saying is that VR will never be mainstream.

And your article (from a VR website), did not disprove my point.

EDIT: Oh, it was you that I replied with this on the past: https://tech.co/news/why-is-vr-failing-to-take-off-again-2018-08

Well, I'm not wasting my time with you anymore. But I will answer a less delusional VR enthusiast.

What are your criteria for judging something's mainstream-ness? Oculus Quest just launched a $399 all-in-one headset. You couldn't buy a PS3 for that at launch 14 years ago, especially when you adjust for inflation. Oculus is in demand, Index and Vive are in demand, PSVR is selling and getting support...people are buying this up. Is it going to overtake traditional gaming in front of a TV or monitor any time soon? No, but that's not the goal. Will it be a healthy and thriving branch of gaming available to casuals/mainstream/whatever at an affordable price? It already is.

I'm a grown ass adult enthusiast and went for the Index, my nephew mows lawns for money and plays games casually and bought a PSVR. There's already something for almost anyone. AAA titles are already out and on their way. Again, it's not the goal to replace traditional gaming, but the idea that VR can't become mainstream or arguably isn't there already is kind of laughable.
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You missed my point whenever the industry tells us "this is it" it usually isn't especially if the majority isn't asking for it or grabbing on to it. At the end of the day games have to be fun first people want vr to be a thing because they have this fantasy of it being more then it ever will be when in reality (ha) it's going to wind up as a failed but cool gaming accessory like ar and motion controls the only difference like I said before is that it'll become a less hype side staple of gaming
The past has no relevancy in the future. 10 examples of failures can still lead to one success. VR is already beyond an accessory. We now have a VR console, you realize? Sony may even go that route one day too after hinting at the possibility that consoles will become the peripherals for VR.
There still isn't a single compelling game that'd actually make people want to wear a crappy helmet. It's dead in the water.
What you meant to say is a killer app. There are lots of compelling games, some GOTY contender quality, but people need their huge AAA blockbuster IPs to buy into new platforms. Now Dirtdead, guess what's releasing later this year? Half Life VR.

As much as I like VR it is a fad. Sony will push it hard next gen. It May and thisbis a big maybe do 15 million units. In the ps5s in assuming 7 years life span. I actually see it being more popular in theblong run for none gameing things like medical training sight seeing etc. I don't think it will ever go away but a couple years ago when it was all the rage I called those people dumb. I was right
Sorry, but you're not as smart as you think. I'd advise you look up on how tech adoption works and specifically look at the gartner hype cycle. The hype burst, but you missed one key factor: The hype burst for the Internet, for game consoles, for smartphones, for tablets, and basically all now successful technologies. This is how the world works.
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Also want to point out that John Carmack basically has the reverse Midas touch now.

He hasn't done anything useful since Quake 3.

Doom 3 sucked and made terrible trade offs (had to sacrifice so much for real time lighting the game literally had to be pitch black with like 3 enemies at a time), Rage was a technical disaster (sure was a good idea making a FPS engine where the entire world would look blurry whenever you moved the camera quickly), Doom 2016 didn't turn around until AFTER HE LEFT. Literally everything he touches now is shit. The fact that he went to work on VR is more a detriment to it than anything else.

If you watch one of those Oculus keynotes he did, he admits that some of his basic assumptions were wrong. He said that people are far more lazy than he expected (basically, no one wants to stand or physically get into shit. they just want to sit when playing games).

VR is a misfire. The tech isn't there yet. In the past, people proved shit technically before diving head first into it. Games like Quake were proof that we needed 3D cards to accelerate that shit. There is no PROOF for VR. No one can even think of a game that would need it and actually be better than a traditional game. It's snake oil.
That's now how it works. I love how you spun a lie about how 3D gaming came about with Quake. News flash: Quake came a decade after 3D gaming started. It took 10 years before that hit came to be, and just so we're clear, just about all new markets work this way.

You know what wins every time? Convenience.

It's less convenient to consume VR media than it is to consume conventional media. It's literally that simple. And all the poindexters that they have fucking around with the technical details of VR are so myopic that they can't see that.

We are literally 20+ years off from tech that will allow people to be even lazier than they are today while consuming VR content.
You know what will be convenient well before your timeline? VR. Once it's a nice sleek wireless visor with bare hand tracking and mixed reality support, it will be easily more convenient than a TV.
Uh huh. Also year of the Linux desktop. People are SO full of crap on this. Absolutely nothing has changed. There's still no software. It's still an uncomfortable pain to use.


Nice old links you have there that are completely useless now.
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That's now how it works. I love how you spun a lie about how 3D gaming came about with Quake. News flash: Quake came a decade after 3D gaming started. It took 10 years before that hit came to be, and just so we're clear, just about all new markets work this way.

You know what will be convenient well before your timeline? VR. Once it's a nice sleek wireless visor with bare hand tracking and mixed reality support, it will be easily more convenient than a TV.
Nice old links you have there that are completely useless now.

No one bought dedicated 3D cards before Quake. Quake was an actual killer app. VR has no killer apps.


What you meant to say is a killer app. There are lots of compelling games, some GOTY contender quality, but people need their huge AAA blockbuster IPs to buy into new platforms. Now Dirtdead, guess what's releasing later this year? Half Life VR.

Sorry, but you're not as smart as you think. I'd advise you look up on how tech adoption works and specifically look at the gartner hype cycle. The hype burst, but you missed one key factor: The hype burst for the Internet, for game consoles, for smartphones, for tablets, and basically all now successful technologies. This is how the world works.

Actually, no, what I meant to say is what I typed. Not only is there no killer app, but there are no compelling games, either. It's a complete wasteland. Don't tell me what I meant to say.

Gartner is trash that clueless suits use as a scapegoat when they make terrible business decisions. Anyone who takes them seriously is a clown.

If VR is failing, why are new headsets coming? Why are games being made? Why are games being converted? Surely, the numbers wont reach convensional game numbers at this point, but armchair estimators really don't know how things are trending. VR is revolutionary and has gotten better over the years. Not to mention, we've only hit GEN2 with this technology and it's such a robust and practical platform for more than just gaming.

Because a lot of people are selling the snake oil of "if you're the first one to market, it'll be the hugest thing ever" even though it's complete bullshit because there's still no proof of concept that justifies it yet.

A lot of people were making headsets in the 90s, too.
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Actually, no, what I meant to say is what I typed. Not only is there no killer app, but there are no compelling games, either. It's a complete wasteland. Don't tell me what I meant to say.

Gartner is trash that clueless suits use as a scapegoat when they make terrible business decisions. Anyone who takes them seriously is a clown.
No compelling games, and yet Astro Bot, Tetris Effect, Lone Echo / Echo VR win GOTY awards. No compelling games and yet Moss, Wipeout, Blood & Truth, Ghost Giant, Hellblade are all highly rated and critically acclaimed.

Your opinion means nothing when the vast majority of informed individuals disagree.

Also, it doesn't matter if gartner is trash; the principle behind it is almost always true in that there is a declining hype cycle for most tech.
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No compelling games, and yet Astro Bot, Tetris Effect, Lone Echo / Echo VR win GOTY awards. No compelling games and yet Moss, Wipeout, Blood & Truth, Ghost Giant, Hellblade are all highly rated and critically acclaimed.

Your opinion means nothing when the vast majority of informed individuals disagree.

Oh you mean all those games that are better on conventional displays? Gotcha.

I repeat: there isn't a single compelling game that actually needs VR and wouldn't be better with a traditional setup. It isn't there yet.
Oh you mean all those games that are better on conventional displays? Gotcha.

I repeat: there isn't a single compelling game that actually needs VR and wouldn't be better with a traditional setup. It isn't there yet.
Just about no one agrees. Every review suggests the games mentioned (ports specifically) are better in VR. Literally. Every. Review for every mentioned game.

But sure, because you're dirthead, you'll disagree with everyone else in the world because you like to be the flat-earther on the topic.
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A lot of people invested heavily in VR - like from investing in the actual companies, hardware R&D, developing games, to paying influencers .. right on down to consumers who bought into it. To dismiss all of VR as a fad that will never become anything is inflammatory and likely to offend a lot of folks who dipped their toes (or tossed their entire wallets) into the pool. If VR -- we'll call it modern era VR -- launched with the wireless models that are out now, I think it would have quickly gained that critical mass market penetration required for everyone's success. But so many people went all in a couple of years before the tech and price barrier was consumer friendly. Now you have a multitude of early adopters with outdated hardware who are probably not eager to buy more VR hardware, parents who certainly aren't going to buy more, and developers sitting in a holding pattern again to see what Sony does with VR next gen, and what attach rates will be etc.

So I get the sentiment that VR still hasn't found the resounding success and killer titles it needs to succeed as a gaming platform. Hell, companies call their VR projects "experiences" instead of games more often than not. I think it fair to say the future of VR as a gaming platform for the masses remains in peril at this point. I just wish the wireless stuff was ready 3 years ago. I think they'd have made a much bigger splash. As a 43 year old gamer, however, with decades of playing on console and PC, I still don't feel the pull of VR. But maybe the kids coming up will get more interested. Fortnight-VR, I think, it what it's ultimately gonna take.


You miss the point. Quake didn't suddenly happen. It was built on top of a decade of 3D games which discredits your point.

Actually, you don't know what you're talking about, your argument is about nothing and is completely irrelevant.

Who gives a shit about how many 3D games there were before Quake? The point is that Quake was the breaking point where people said, "Okay, this is awesome, and it runs like shit in software mode, and we can only run at 320x240 at decent framerates. We NEED dedicated hardware to do this."

VR doesn't have that. There's no game where people can say "Okay this is the best thing ever. We NEED a VR helmet to play this properly." There isn't even a PROOF for it yet. Show me the game design that's world changing and just absolutely needs VR. Yup. Still waiting. There's NOTHING. Even the Facebook shills admit that they have no ideas.

All you've got is fucking Tetris which 99% of the planet would rather play with a traditional setup.

Astrobot would have been better without VR, too.


Just about no one agrees. Every review suggests the games mentioned (ports specifically) are better in VR. Literally. Every. Review for every mentioned game.

But sure, because you're dirthead, you'll disagree with everyone else in the world because you like to be the flat-earther on the topic.

The fact that VR is failing hard shows that just about everyone agrees with me, actually. It isn't selling. People aren't buying it. No one wants to wear helmets. It's stupid.
Actually, no, what I meant to say is what I typed. Not only is there no killer app, but there are no compelling games, either. It's a complete wasteland. Don't tell me what I meant to say.

Gartner is trash that clueless suits use as a scapegoat when they make terrible business decisions. Anyone who takes them seriously is a clown.

Because a lot of people are selling the snake oil of "if you're the first one to market, it'll be the hugest thing ever" even though it's complete bullshit because there's still no proof of concept that justifies it yet.

A lot of people were making headsets in the 90s, too.

This isn't the 90's, the technology is above and beyond that. There isn't snake oil here, it works and it's fantastic. Game Studios, Engineers, Amusement Parks, Movie Studios, Architects, etc. are all using the technology in very fun, productive and innovative ways. It's not bullshit and it is taking off, however, that being said there will eventually be a big 3 which will most likely be Oculus, Vive, and Steam. The rest will most likely fall off into the ether.
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Actually, you don't know what you're talking about, your argument is about nothing and is completely irrelevant.

Who gives a shit about how many 3D games there were before Quake? The point is that Quake was the breaking point where people said, "Okay, this is awesome, and it runs like shit in software mode, and we can only run at 320x240 at decent framerates. We NEED dedicated hardware to do this."

VR doesn't have that. There's no game where people can say "Okay this is the best thing ever. We NEED a VR helmet to play this properly." There isn't even a PROOF for it yet. Show me the game design that's world changing and just absolutely needs VR. Yup. Still waiting. There's NOTHING. Even the Facebook shills admit that they have no ideas.

All you've got is fucking Tetris which 99% of the planet would rather play with a traditional setup.
You were the one using Quake as some quick success that proved 3D gaming. You were the one who gave a 'shit' as you put it, until I quickly debunked your statement resulting in your backtracking. FYI, on the topic of dedicated hardware, the main reason why Sony is putting a dedicated 3D audio chip into PS5 is because of VR, as it's been the only place that really utilizes 3D audio properly outside of rare exceptions.

As for the VR killer app, like I said, Quake took 10 years. It's been just over 3 for VR and we may yet have one soon with Half Life VR or other Valve titles; we'll have to wait and see.

Also, Boneworks, Blade and Sorcery, Astro Bot, and Lone Echo / Echo VR are revolutionary games that need VR, so there's 4 examples instead of 1.

Astrobot would have been better without VR, too.
The developers disagree. The reviews disagree. The fans disagrees. Everyone disagrees exception uneducated people like yourself.


This isn't the 90's, the technology is above and beyond that. There isn't snake oil here, it works and it's fantastic. Game Studios, Engineers, Amusement Parks, Movie Studios, Architects, etc. are all using the technology in very fun, productive and innovative ways. It's not bullshit and it is taking off, however, that being said there will eventually be a big 3 which will most likely be Oculus, Vive, and Steam. The rest will most likely fall off into the ether.

It's a very safe bet that none of those three will be the one that finally makes the breakthrough. It won't happen for at least another 20+ years. There's no way Valve is going to survive Gabe's death. He ain't lasting long enough for the tech to be there to do VR in a way that normal humans actually expect it to work. With any luck, Facebook will be dead by then too.


You were the one using Quake as some quick success that proved 3D gaming. You were the one who gave a 'shit' as you put it, until I quickly debunked your statement resulting in your backtracking. FYI, on the topic of dedicated hardware, the main reason why Sony is putting a dedicated 3D audio chip into PS5 is because of VR, as it's been the only place that really utilizes 3D audio properly outside of rare exceptions.

As for the VR killer app, like I said, Quake took 10 years. It's been just over 3 for VR and we may yet have one soon with Half Life VR or other Valve titles; we'll have to wait and see.

Also, Boneworks, Blade and Sorcery, Astro Bot, and Lone Echo / Echo VR are revolutionary games that need VR, so there's 4 examples instead of 1.

The developers disagree. The reviews disagree. The fans disagrees. Everyone disagrees exception uneducated people like yourself.

It didn't take 10 years. Actual 3D games were around for like a year before 3D accelerators took off. Quake DID prove 3D gaming. Catacombs, Wolf3D, and Doom were 2D games. They didn't need hardware acceleration. Your argument is so pointless and stupid. It has NOTHING to do with this subject.

You mean that the people who made a middling, mediocre platformer that found a way to get some sales on the gimmick of VR think it was necessary? Sounds about right. You mean the suckers who bought R.O.B. the Robot, realized there were no games, and desperately bought anything and who are in complete denial think it was necessary? Sounds about right.
100% Positive that Resident Evil 7 plays best in VR. You’re doing the game a huge disservice playing it traditionally.
The guy is literally incapable of believing any VR game is better in VR despite everyone else agreeing that many of them are.

It's a very safe bet that none of those three will be the one that finally makes the breakthrough. It won't happen for at least another 20+ years. There's no way Valve is going to survive Gabe's death. He ain't lasting long enough for the tech to be there to do VR in a way that normal humans actually expect it to work. With any luck, Facebook will be dead by then too.
Facebook are the leaders in R&D by a long clear mile and have a device that sells out constantly. Your comment will age terribly.
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Just to put into perspective what a laughable failure VR is, I think that Kinect sold as many (probably more) units than the VR helmets at the same stage in their lives.

People are so pathetically desperate to make VR seem like more of a success than it really is, they're trying to say that all cell phones you strap some pieces of cardboard to are "VR devices." What a joke.

It's dead in the water.


The fact that VR is failing hard shows that just about everyone agrees with me, actually. It isn't selling. People aren't buying it. No one wants to wear helmets. It's stupid.
I just proved that people are buying.

‘(Oculus) Quest is selling as fast as we can make them’

More and more people are buying into VR, it is growing. I do agree it is not mainstream ready yet though.

But this has been said multiple times in this thread, I am getting sick of repeating the same shit that we have already posted over and over.

I keep proving it, yet people like you pretend that your word is gospel without any proof.
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Just to put into perspective what a laughable failure VR is, I think that Kinect sold as many (probably more) units than the VR helmets at the same stage in their lives.

People are so pathetically desperate to make VR seem like more of a success than it really is, they're trying to say that all cell phones you strap some pieces of cardboard to are "VR devices." What a joke.

It's dead in the water.
Kinect was bundled and not a 400 dollor console, keep trying.
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I just proved that people are buying.

I keep proving it, yet people like you pretend that your word is gospel without any proof.

Yeah that's why they keep lowering the price on them. Companies DEFINITELY lower the price on products they can't keep in stock.


Kinect was bundled and not a 400 dollor console, keep trying.

No I'm talking about the original Kinect that wasn't bundled. Even THAT out sold VR I think.
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Yeah that's why they keep lowering the price on them. Companies DEFINITELY lower the price on products they can't keep in stock.


No I'm talking about the original Kinect that wasn't bundled. Even THAT out sold VR I think.
Prove it? your all talk with no proof.

Ain't no price lowering on the biggest selling platform for Oculus Quest right now. You can pretend with all the memes you want but you have absolute zero proof, your all talk with no balls.
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It didn't take 10 years. Actual 3D games were around for like a year before 3D accelerators took off. Quake DID prove 3D gaming. Catacombs, Wolf3D, and Doom were 2D games. They didn't need hardware acceleration. Your argument is so pointless and stupid. It has NOTHING to do with this subject.

You mean that the people who made a middling, mediocre platformer that found a way to get some sales on the gimmick of VR think it was necessary? Sounds about right. You mean the suckers who bought R.O.B. the Robot, realized there were no games, and desperately bought anything and who are in complete denial think it was necessary? Sounds about right.
No, dirthead. That's where you're wrong. You had 3D games like Driller, Falcon, and Zarch roughly a decade before Quake released. Also, funny story about John Carmack; he's always wanted to build the metaverse and thus working on VR tech is his natural home.

As for mediocre performer, the world at large disagrees
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Having sold 8 million units in its first 60 days on the market, Kinect claimed the Guinness World Record of being the "fastest selling consumer electronics device

HAHAHA yup. It did. The fucking KINECT, another game-less wonder, was actually more successful than this crap.
Look, we already know you're not the brightest bulb, but please don't make it worse for yourself.

Kinect was far cheaper, far easier to market, and was not a full fledged medium which are always harder to sell consumers on due to the uncharted territory that comes with it.


No, dirthead. That's where you're wrong. You had 3D games like Driller, Falcon, and Zarch roughly a decade before Quake released. Also, funny story about John Carmack; he's always wanted to build the metaverse and thus working on VR tech is his natural home.

As for mediocre performer, the world at large disagrees

Driller etc. are no more 3D than Doom was. No floors above floors etc. Descent, that crappy Terminator game, Quake, Tomb Raider, and Mario 64 were the first real 3D games that meant anything.

Don't talk down to me kid. I've forgotten more about games than you'll ever know.
It's a very safe bet that none of those three will be the one that finally makes the breakthrough. It won't happen for at least another 20+ years. There's no way Valve is going to survive Gabe's death. He ain't lasting long enough for the tech to be there to do VR in a way that normal humans actually expect it to work. With any luck, Facebook will be dead by then too.
uh well, ok then. Have fun being right in your delusion.
Driller etc. are no more 3D than Doom was. No floors above floors etc. Descent, that crappy Terminator game, Quake, Tomb Raider, and Mario 64 were the first real 3D games that meant anything.

Don't talk down to me kid. I've forgotten more about games than you'll ever know.
Ah, so now we're moving the goalpost from '3D' to 'real 3D'. Lovely. I'll talk down to anyone less educated than me who is also deserving of that treatment. Namely you.
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Ah, so now we're moving the goalpost from '3D' to 'real 3D'. Lovely. I'll talk down to anyone less educated than me who is also deserving of that treatment. Namely you.

I'm more educated than you, so that's not a good argument. Doom isn't a 3D game. Unlike VR being a success, this isn't disputed. You can't say that faked 2D crap is 3D when clearly I used Quake as an example since it was the fact that it was a true 3D game that made it the clear proof of concept for creating dedicated 3D hardware.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
I'm more educated than you, so that's not a good argument. Doom isn't a 3D game. Unlike VR being a success, this isn't disputed. You can't say that faked 2D crap is 3D when clearly I used Quake as an example since it was the fact that it was a true 3D game that made it the clear proof of concept for creating dedicated 3D hardware.

DOOM is 3D. Clearly you aren't as educated as you claim.
I'm more educated than you, so that's not a good argument. Doom isn't a 3D game. Unlike VR being a success, this isn't disputed. You can't say that faked 2D crap is 3D when clearly I used Quake as an example since it was the fact that it was a true 3D game that made it the clear proof of concept for creating dedicated 3D hardware.
I've debunked most of what you've said in this topic and have extensive knowledge of VR, it's usecases, the R&D, it's psychological effects, the games and library available.

What do you have? "I uhh, uhh, I hate VR and because I hate it, everyone else hates it! There are no good games! Despite many people both critics and fans disagreeing! Kinect sold better, therefore ha-ha! I also forgot that Kinect and VR are completely impossible to relate to each-other, but I don't care! Ha-ha!"

You're a clown. Hell, you make humans look bad in general.
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I'm putting the delusional ear pluggers on ignore so I won't be responding anymore, but one final statement I want to make in this thread: VR isn't even a fad. To be a fad, you actually have to be popular in the first place. It's never been popular enough to be a fad. The original Wii was a fad.

VR isn't even a blip on the radar and another 21st century John Carmack disaster. It'll probably be 50 years before there's any tech or software that even begins to line up with people's expectations for what it should be.

Enjoy giving Facebook money, VR shills. I'm out.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
I'm putting the delusional ear pluggers on ignore so I won't be responding anymore, but one final statement I want to make in this thread: VR isn't even a fad. To be a fad, you actually have to be popular in the first place. It's never been popular enough to be a fad. The original Wii was a fad.

VR isn't even a blip on the radar and another 21st century John Carmack disaster. It'll probably be 50 years before there's any tech or software that even begins to line up with people's expectations for what it should be.

Enjoy giving Facebook money, VR shills. I'm out.

Oh no, the person that couldn't make a single point and just continuously insulted everyone is out. Whatever shall we do? /s
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