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Warner Bros Montreal (ArkhamOrigins) making 2 DC AAA games (Suicide Squad, Superman?)


Flash would probably work much better in terms of game play mechanics than Superman. Limit his super speed, can be used for traversal or even super fast combo attacks (we see everything slowed down Max Payne/Matrix bullet time style if we want. That way can build a similar style city but not as much verticality is needed. Who knows.

I just mean it would be so weird to play as Suicide Squad because you literally would need to tie it to the upcoming movie or would not have a single tie in to the games. Unless it's some kind of prequel, but then, you wouldn't want to use the Deadshot that already exists in the Arkhamverse, but one that resembles Will Smith.


Looking forward to see what WB Montreal has to offer. Loved origins and hated Knight, so I'm kind of glad to see that someone other than Rocksteady is getting a crack at these.
Not necessarily. Red Hood in AK and Deathstroke in Origins shows that guns and other combat systems work in their engine.

Honestly, even if it played like their Origins multiplayer, I'd be happy. I loved that broken ass, abandoned multiplayer. So much fun when you have good teams.

You mean Robin in Origins....He was just wearing Deathstroke's outfit.
naw m8

batman eternal as a video game would be insane. also likely very bad because that arc doesn't really lend itself to a video game well. but still insane.

That new AC/Supes run is turning out so damn well. Better than I expected it to, really.

This sound like a pretty cool idea. Maybe WB can use Red Hood instead of Punisher (because thats not possible lol) and make a game like that.

Pls no. Jason's at his aboslute least interesting when he's doing his poor man's Punisher shtick.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
I'm really glad some of ya'll aren't game developers. No imagination or will to push through problems at all.


"In the 15 seconds I thought about this, I couldn't come up with something. So hard, can't do. Surely experienced and professional game developers can't come up with something either. Don't make a Superman game"

Bring on that Superman game, been waiting for so long. And please use the Zimmer score. Pretty please, none of that John Williams crap.

How big are the chances one of those games being released next year ? Arkham Knight got a pretty hefty delay back when it was announced.

I want a The Flash, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, Superman and Justice League game.

I am very greedy.

Also: Better up your game Disney.


Has been nearly 10 years since a Superman game on console, I am more than ready!

Arkham Knight had a few easter eggs about Superman (thug chatter etc.), was there any references in the other 3 Arkham games?
The shock gloves totally ruined all the great variety in combat and the tether gun was OP in the predator levels. I also didn't like the increased rate of needing to counter and also the re-skinned gadgets like the glue grenade. I did like the new detective stuff and how they expanded upon it in Knight.

While I will agree that it was overused....I think that the batmobile mechanics were amazing in Knight.

You can choose not to use the tether gun or the gloves though.

For me the Batmobile ruined the game. I didn't like the way it controlled, I didn't like the things they had you doing with it, it just felt not Batman to me. Where as someone else put it great Origins was the most Batman Batman game.

I'll put it this way before Knight I would bought any game Rocksteady put out, day one, sight unseen. After Knight and the Batmobile, I'll wait till I can play a friends copy to try it out.

True Fire

One of them is definitely Suicide Squad. They're the current falvor, and they're an awesome concept for a AAA stealth/action multiplayer game with lots of DLC mission potential.


I'm hoping for a Green Arrow game personally, you could add a pinch of Platinum Games combat into the Arkham games and come up with something special.


WB Montreal being put to work on a main AAA title and not a B-Team sequel is great news. Arkham Origins was great, and almost all of its issues were things I could see being stuff fixed in a few extra months of QA.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
I am guessing both (or at least suicide squad) will take place before Arkham City so they can put in Joker in as the end boss without any convulated reason/excuse.
Wouldn't be surprised to see Suicide Squad announced at one of these upcoming conferences. I wonder if WB wants to synerigize moive/games going forward.

Suicide Squad this year. Justice leauge next by Rocksteady. Might even be able to tin foil why Arkhams Knights dlc has been so trash. They're full steam ahead to meet a deadline that WB wont budge on.
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