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Washington Post: horrifying trendy online-harassment tactic ruining careers (READ OP)

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A precedent for what? Firing people for breaking company policies?

What would these plans entail aside from issuing condemnations of harassment whenever it occurred? They have no control over twitter

Are you... Just completely ignorant or actively trolling here? The only reason this wasn't the immediate reaction is because while she was with Nintendo, she still had some form of protection. Nintendo could've stepped in and and put their foot down against the harassment of their employee, instead they bent over and threw Rapp out either unknowing or uncaring what this meant symbolically. Nintendo handed this thing to them and they are indirectly responsible for everything that has and will happen now due to their ignorant choices.


The Birthday Skeleton
Well, going by the last posts in here I guess it's OK to harass escorts and their family.

(I have no idea if that rumor is true and I think it has little importance in the big scheme of things, but people believing in it are using it for an excuse for what is happening)

Again, she is fired already. We are way passed that. The shit is still happening.
It's dodgy, but the issue at hand now is a reputable outlet such as the WaPo is giving it credence

Even they subvert its credibility by saying it could be faked, and that the only thing linking Rapp to the ad is the word of people actively trying to destroy her.
Do you honestly believe Nintendo coming out and stating she had nothing to do with localizations, which everyone already knew and she made perfectly clear, would have caused them to stop? I'm honestly asking you guys what you wanted Nintendo to do and how you envisioned it helping her. I'm not just playing devil's advocate. I'm earnestly asking for what you think could have prevented the harassment from escalating.

I believe people told you many times what Nintendo could and should have done in a previous thread, but:

Nintendo should have released a very clear, very decisive condemnation of Internet harassment, specifically by GamerGate. Announce plans to turn the industry into a safe space for victims of harassment, to work with other companies to help to create that safe space, and to commit to standing by its employees. Announce a commitment not to give in to the demands of terrorism and not to change their localization style for the sake of terrorists. There are tons of things that Nintendo COULD do to lessen the effects of GamerGate's harassment and to hurt GamerGate's legitimacy, the people that would make the decision to do any of these things however are the people who are too big to be affected by the harassment, and thus too cowardly to put them in place for the sake of t hose who aren't.

Game publishers have spent nearly two years trying the "ignore it and it'll go away" strategy. It hasn't gone away, so maybe that strategy sucks a big one?


Honestly, I have no clue how to combat these people, ignoring them just ignores the problem, which doesn't help at all, and actively fighting back hasnt seemed to do anything other then fuel the fire.

Honestly, you guys should really contact politicians and make them aware of what's going on, and start speaking with your wallets to force companies to abide by the logical thing. Having huge companies call them out I doubt will do anything other then just push their "Us against them" narrative

Also, we should start calling them Social Justice Warriors because this is literally the definition of being one. That'll probably piss them off.
So many people are missing the point and actively doing what these assholes want you to do.
This is about the harassment in this industry not the details of some second job.
Everyone agrees the harassment is bad though. No one supports the harassment of her and her family. I'm not even sure what can be done to stop it.

So all we have left to talk about is whether Nintendo was right to fire her for her second job.

Well, going by the last posts in here I guess it's OK to harass escorts and their family.

(I have no idea if that rumor is true and I think it has little importance in the big scheme of things, but people believing in it are using it for an excuse for what is happening)

Again, she is fired already. We are way passed that. The shit is still happening.
Who even said anything like that?

It's just not terribly surprising that Nintendo doesn't want their family friendly image associated with pornography and prostitution.


I hope Alison, her friends,her family and etc are doing.There is no excuse for what people are doing to her.


Saint Titanfall
It's dodgy, but the issue at hand now is a reputable outlet such as the WaPo is giving it credence

But it's not if you read the article. What's giving it's credence is that we obviously know nothing but Nintendo fired her for a second job. The assumption is that since it's a job she got fired for it must be bad (a poor one), this being a scandalous and recurring shit flung is why Wapo mentioned. Because it's the only notable answer it's assummed by some people to be correct.

It's an absolute mess of circumstances but Wapo is pretty clear in not giving it credence beyond the readers own bias.


Even they subvert its credibility by saying it could be faked, and that the only thing linking Rapp to the ad is the word of people actively trying to destroy her.

and it sucks they are actively reporting it. Again. There's a reason Nintendo and her were mum on the subject. Because it's really no ones' business. This will only further the spread or rumors etc.

That said right now the most a company can do is make a statement regarding the harassment. And say something to the effect of we'll work with our employees in finding out who these people are and reporting them to the proper authorities. Outside of that there is nothing much they can do.

They can come out against it, but these people will still be here.
Honestly, I have no clue how to combat these people, ignoring them just ignores the problem, which doesn't help at all, and actively fighting back hasnt seemed to do anything other then fuel the fire.

Honestly, you guys should really contact politicians and make them aware of what's going on, and start speaking with your wallets to force companies to abide by the logical thing. Having huge companies call them out I doubt will do anything other then just push their "Us against them" narrative

Also, we should start calling them Social Justice Warriors because this is literally the definition of being one. That'll probably piss them off.

Actively fighting back against them works more often than not. GG was seriously crippled back in the day after the media picked up on it and noted how bad it was. GG puts a LOT of value in being seen as legitimate, always has.


Just a note for anyone who missed the OP edit so we can try to minimize thread casualties.

MOD NOTE This (this thread and this forum) isn't the place to talk about the details of anything dug up about Alison Rapp, or indeed anyone who's been targeted by this type of harassment. Nobody's gonna weigh your intent too closely on this sort of thing, so please refrain.

Legislation is needed though the Nature of the internet makes it tough to take action.


Honestly, I have no clue how to combat these people, ignoring them just ignores the problem, which doesn't help at all, and actively fighting back hasnt seemed to do anything other then fuel the fire.

The industry actually standing up and calling them out (and not hiding behind the ESA to do it) would go a long way, since a majority of them run under the impression that they're secretly supported by all the big companies.

This logic of course is supported by developers that either nobody wants to work with anymore or have driven away most of their employees looking for some sweet spotlight to put on themselves, even when those developers made it very public before that they despised gamers. They're even allying with Jack Thompson. You know, the lawyer the gaming community came together on and defeated and eventually contributed to him getting disbarred. Yep, this group resurrected his spotlight. Great work, handshakes all around! It's actually almost hilarious how many disbarred lawyers they have giving them "legal advise"...


No one's saying they could prevent things singlehandedly. That's foolish.

But Nintendo absolutely has the power to take steps not just for themselves but for the whole industry.

A public statement denouncing harassment has the following effects.

- Working environment is perceived as safer
- Company is perceived as friendly and on top of the curve
- Establishes a precedent for other game companies to follow: "hey, if Nintendo can denounce harassment, we should too."

Or they could work with twitter, Facebook, etc. to crack down on harassers.

These wouldn't stop things, but do you think they would hurt?

That is the problem , I do not see anyone denouncing it to a level somethig can change and saddly the better for this woman is that dust settles because it seems the more the talk about the topic the more it seems she is the problem

Nintendo is not the one that will change anything , this has to come from high media coverage and research , also do not know about the laws on the place were she lives but why she did not sue that harrasamnet group ??? With the evidence she got.
Just a note for anyone who missed the OP edit so we can try to minimize thread casualties.

Legislation is needed though the Nature of the internet makes it tough to take action.

So no discussion of job? Okay, got it. I'm cool with that. Didn't feel right to be bringing it up.

Apologies to any mods if I've done anything wrong.
That's not true. There are people in this thread who haven't even bothered to at least falsely condemn the harassment before going all in on her
That's pretty sad then, because I can't imagine a scenario where harassing someone and their extended family is justifiable in any way.

They will stalk her linked in. Her entire online profile and information is fucked and this rumour is making it worse.
It's not going to be good for her job prospects when recruiters google her name and find the top results.


Shouldn't that be enough evidence for authorities to act? Or enough for them to do something? That's insane.

In any reasonable world, yes, but my understanding is police are often unsure how to handle online harassment cases. If I'm remembering correctly, in past cases of online harassment that came up a bunch, specifically pertaining to questions of jurisdiction, clarity of laws, and pursuit of criminals.
The best solution is long-term, industry-wide efforts to prevent the next GamerGate from happening. These people are too entrenched, the only hopes we really have are stricter laws that would see a lot of the harassers facing imprisonment for their crimes or to see them pull an Alex de Large and learn that maybe there's more to life than being a shit to other people. Until then, we need to make companies come out against GamerGate, and the more that do work to condemn and combat it, the harder it is for GamerGate to create the illusion of legitimacy, and the harder it is for GamerGate to fight back.

It's not just gamergate though, people on all sides of all things are gathering groups together to mass spam complaints to someones college, or their work, or wherever, in the hopes of ruining their lives.

Why try and argue a point and win with reason, when can just spam complaints and everyone is soo scared about not putting out a 100% perfect image that they'll cave into them, right or wrong.
Legislation is needed though the Nature of the internet makes it tough to take action.

I still don't understand how many times things like this have to happen before internet harassment is actually taken seriously. It's bizarre you can have things like this, people being sent death threats, people committing suicide and all manner of things that, offline would be taken very seriously, but because it's on the internet is simply given a hand wave


That's not true. There are people in this thread who haven't even bothered to at least falsely condemn the harassment before going all in on her
Yup, I've noticed that too. Harassment is never justified no matter what, for those defending the firing and saying nothing more on the matter.


Actively fighting back against them works more often than not. GG was seriously crippled back in the day after the media picked up on it and noted how bad it was. GG puts a LOT of value in being seen as legitimate, always has.

Then the only means of fighting back is for every publisher and developer to stand united against them. It can't be one company to take the lead. It needs to be a united front with them all together saying they will not stand for it. I hope it happens and GG is put to a permanent rest.

In any reasonable world, yes, but my understanding is police are often unsure how to handle online harassment cases. If I'm remembering correctly, in past cases of online harassment that came up a bunch, specifically pertaining to questions of jurisdiction, clarity of laws, and pursuit of criminals.
That's beyond unacceptable. They need to act on these type of matters. A person shouldn't be able to make threats online without punishment. I fear what outcome needs to happen before a clear law is made to cease these type of actions.


A public statement denouncing harassment has the following effects.

A public statement? They'd be applauded by the industry as Gamergate turns their harassment of Nintendo up to 11. Every female employee would be put at risk, as would the management's families. Alison is effectively a scapegoat for the rest of the company.

In any outcome here, Nintendo loses. They picked the one where they (think they) lose the least.

The harassment is outright terrible, no question. I don't think a private company has the power to fix it.
Then the only means of fighting back is for every publisher and developer to stand united against them. It can't be one company to take the lead. It needs to be a united front with them all together saying they will not stand for it. I hope it happens and GG is put to a permanent rest.

I agree it'd help.

Someone has to take the first step though. Whether it's Nintendo doing things independently, or initiating contact with other companies, either would be a better look for them than what they did.

A public statement? They'd be applauded by the industry as Gamergate turns their harassment of Nintendo up to 11. Every female employee would be put at risk, as would the management's families. Alison is effectively a scapegoat for the rest of the company.

What makes you think that'll happen?

Not just a public statement. It can be a public statement and a crackdown. Theoretically though, I guess.

It's better to at least do that then make themselves look weak-willed and willing to bow down and hand harassers the victory.


That is the problem , I do not see anyone denouncing it to a level somethig can change and saddly the better for this woman is that dust settles because it seems the more the talk about the topic the more it seems she is the problem

Nintendo is not the one that will change anything , this has to come from high media coverage and research , also do not know about the laws on the place were she lives but why she did not sue that harrasamnet group ??? With the evidence she got.

This. I mean IGN didn't even mention Gamergate in their Allison Rapp article when she was fired. I think the media, largely, is afraid to mention GG simply because these people are really terrible.
Then the only means of fighting back is for every publisher and developer to stand united against them. It can't be one company to take the lead. It needs to be a united front with them all together saying they will not stand for it. I hope it happens and GG is put to a permanent rest.
But what exactly do you expect them to do?

I mean, I can't think of an easy way to stop harassment like this. It's the kind of thing that infiltrates every part of your life and makes living hellish. When there's so many assholes all out to get you, it's hard to do much in return.


Then the only means of fighting back is for every publisher and developer to stand united against them. It can't be one company to take the lead. It needs to be a united front with them all together saying they will not stand for it. I hope it happens and GG is put to a permanent rest.

They'll never be put to permanent rest. They may wane away a bit, but this also highlights another problems. It's an internet problem as well. Doxxing, swatting, death threats etc. That shit isn't exclusive to GG.


The Birthday Skeleton
A public statement? They'd be applauded by the industry as Gamergate turns their harassment of Nintendo up to 11. Every female employee would be put at risk, as would the management's families. Alison is effectively a scapegoat for the rest of the company.

In any outcome here, Nintendo loses. They picked the one where they (think they) lose the least.

What do you think it will happen when the next localization decision by Nintendo hits the news? Especially in the light of this "success"?
It's not just gamergate though, people on all sides of all things are gathering groups together to mass spam complaints to someones college, or their work, or wherever, in the hopes of ruining their lives.

Why try and argue a point and win with reason, when can just spam complaints and everyone is soo scared about not putting out a 100% perfect image that they'll cave into them, right or wrong.

Because this is the situation of a video game-based hate group having engaged in serious, dangerous behaviour, actively making a point of trying to cause direct harm to certain types of people, targeting Nintendo's employee, only to have Nintendo shrug and replace children in swimsuits with memes

I don't even know what point you're trying to make. You understand that this is not simply a matter of people being overzealous, right? GG is trying to keep her from getting a good job because she has the same views as much of GG's members on child pornography/the right for teens to be sexual (except that many of GG's members specifically celebrate child pornography). GG is and has been trying to ruin the lives of as many people as it can, including random people (as they did when they phone jammed a trans suicide hotline). It's active terrorism, not just shitty behaviour.

Then the only means of fighting back is for every publisher and developer to stand united against them. It can't be one company to take the lead. It needs to be a united front with them all together saying they will not stand for it. I hope it happens and GG is put to a permanent rest.

I think that goes without saying. We're only talking about Nintendo in this case however because the last few GG threads have been about Nintendo's relation to GG (as its enabler).
I want every single person from the last threads who said stuff like

- "But there's nothing Nintendo, as one of the oldest and most influential game companies in the industry, could have done to stop the harassment!"
- "Maybe she shouldn't have had the second job if she didn't want people who hate her to find out!"
- "She said some unsavoury stuff before being hired by Nintendo, she had getting fired and harassed and smeared coming!"

to show themselves and post in great detail exactly what they think now.
My favorite one was

"Yes Nintendo didn't support her during the harassment but that's not their job. They are a business, not a activist."

Apparently condemning a sexist hate campaign means your a feminist activist.
A public statement? They'd be applauded by the industry as Gamergate turns their harassment of Nintendo up to 11. Every female employee would be put at risk, as would the management's families. Alison is effectively a scapegoat for the rest of the company.

In any outcome here, Nintendo loses. They picked the one where they (think they) lose the least.
They are already doing that. These companies coming out and taking a stand will never stop them completely but will severely stop their effectiveness.


There's something I don't understand about the concept of #gamergate.

When I google it, there's no homepage for gamergate people. All I see are articles that consistently refer to gamergate as a defined entity...but I frequent many boards, even the rotten 4ch and I've never actively seen anyone say something like "woot gamergate" or actively pro-whatevertheirintentionsare.

Does anyone have a link so that I can see, in action. "Gamergaters" doing what they do? All I ever seem to hear about are the consequences/results of the movement screwing people over but it feels like it's a completely disembodied movement with no discernible mass.

Internet hate is a thing, I just want to see with my own eyes, a real gamergate person.

Right now in my head I'm just imagining them as a talent-less and mean-spirited anonymous.
My favorite one was

"Yes Nintendo didn't support her during the harassment but that's not their job. They are a business, not a activist."

Apparently condemning a sexist hate campaign is activism now.

And apparently, the fact that your company's localization decisions are the smoking gun behind this most recent wave of harassment is not your problem meme

They are already doing that. These companies coming out and taking a stand will never stop them completely but will severely stop their effectiveness.

Seriously, it can't be said enough that the worst-case scenario expressed as a matter of condemnation of GamerGate is what's happening right now.
My favorite one was

"Yes Nintendo didn't support her during the harassment but that's not their job. They are a business, not a activist."

Apparently condemning a sexist hate campaign is activism now.

And apparently fostering an environment that actively makes both employees and outsiders feel unsafe is just "business as business" that any company would do.

If that's true then it makes you wonder if maybe, just maybe, there's something fundamentally wrong with this idea of "business as business".


But what exactly do you expect them to do?

I mean, I can't think of an easy way to stop harassment like this. It's the kind of thing that infiltrates every part of your life and makes living hellish. When there's so many assholes all out to get you, it's hard to do much in return.

That's the big question. I don't know what they can do, but it is clear that something needs to be done. It's the inherent flaw of the internet and social media as one can destroy the livelihood of a person.


Saint Titanfall
There's something I don't understand about the concept of #gamergate.

When I google it, there's no homepage for gamergate people. All I see are articles that consistently refer to gamergate as a defined entity...but I frequent many boards, even the rotten 4ch and I've never actively seen anyone say something like "woot gamergate" or actively pro-whatevertheirintentionsare.

Does anyone have a link so that I can see, in action. "Gamergaters" doing what they do? All I ever seem to hear about are the consequences/results of the movement screwing people over but it feels like it's a completely disembodied movement with no discernible mass.

Internet hate is a thing, I just want to see with my own eyes, a real gamergate person.

4chan has outright banned Gamergate discussion, Reddit and 8chan are Gamergate homeboards.


There's something I don't understand about the concept of #gamergate.

When I google it, there's no homepage for gamergate people. All I see are articles that consistently refer to gamergate as a defined entity...but I frequent many boards, even the rotten 4ch and I've never actively seen anyone say something like "woot gamergate" or actively pro-whatevertheirintentionsare.

Does anyone have a link so that I can see, in action. "Gamergaters" doing what they do? All I ever seem to hear about are the consequences/results of the movement screwing people over but it feels like it's a completely disembodied movement with no discernible mass.

Internet hate is a thing, I just want to see with my own eyes, a real gamergate person.

They frequent many places. You can find many of them on twitter as well. That said they may not individual call themselves "gamergate" but they do adhere to the ideals and tactics.


There's something I don't understand about the concept of #gamergate.

When I google it, there's no homepage for gamergate people. All I see are articles that consistently refer to gamergate as a defined entity...but I frequent many boards, even the rotten 4ch and I've never actively seen anyone say something like "woot gamergate" or actively pro-whatevertheirintentionsare.

Does anyone have a link so that I can see, in action. "Gamergaters" doing what they do? All I ever seem to hear about are the consequences/results of the movement screwing people over but it feels like it's a completely disembodied movement with no discernible mass.

Internet hate is a thing, I just want to see with my own eyes, a real gamergate person.

iirc, moot basically banned a lot of gamergate talk when it first showed up. They moved to 8chan, and also use sites like KotakuinAction reddit as kind of "bases"

it's more a hashtag movement then it is something that has an organized base
There's something I don't understand about the concept of #gamergate.

When I google it, there's no homepage for gamergate people. All I see are articles that consistently refer to gamergate as a defined entity...but I frequent many boards, even the rotten 4ch and I've never actively seen anyone say something like "woot gamergate" or actively pro-whatevertheirintentionsare.

Does anyone have a link so that I can see, in action. "Gamergaters" doing what they do? All I ever seem to hear about are the consequences/results of the movement screwing people over but it feels like it's a completely disembodied movement with no discernible mass.

Internet hate is a thing, I just want to see with my own eyes, a real gamergate person.

Right now in my head I'm just imagining them as a talent-less and mean-spirited anonymous.

There's a good reason why you don't see that shit on 4chan - GG is so pathetic and shit that 4chan deemed it a banned topic.
That's the big question. I don't know what they can do, but it is clear that something needs to be done. It's the inherent flaw of the internet and social media as one can destroy the livelihood of a person.

They get the police/feds involved and cross their fingers. Publicly admonishing Gamergate is nothing more than a nice sentiment without anything to back it up, and worst case scenario is a huge liability issue.
4chan has outright banned Gamergate discussion, Reddit and chan are Gamergate homeboards.

I am still surprised how little Reddit has done to stamp those hate groups out.

Basically their clamp down last year was a PR move to remove the few major groups that got media attention?


There's something I don't understand about the concept of #gamergate.

When I google it, there's no homepage for gamergate people. All I see are articles that consistently refer to gamergate as a defined entity...but I frequent many boards, even the rotten 4ch and I've never actively seen anyone say something like "woot gamergate" or actively pro-whatevertheirintentionsare.

Does anyone have a link so that I can see, in action. "Gamergaters" doing what they do? All I ever seem to hear about are the consequences/results of the movement screwing people over but it feels like it's a completely disembodied movement with no discernible mass.

Internet hate is a thing, I just want to see with my own eyes, a real gamergate person.

Right now in my head I'm just imagining them as a talent-less and mean-spirited anonymous.
4chan want nuclear on GG and wiped out any discussion of it full-stop.
They get the police/feds involved and cross their fingers. Publicly admonishing Gamergate is nothing more than a nice sentiment without anything to back it up, and worst case scenario is a huge liability issue.

Police/feds don't appear to give a shit or this would have been addressed a long time ago. Harassment on social media has been a thing for YEARS


Saint Titanfall
So everyone agrees that harassment is bad.... but nothing is being done.


This surprises you? "Everyone" thinks global warming is bad, how much have you noticed being done in the biggest polluters.Opposing interests and extreme effort to get anythig done are the reasons.
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