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What are you reading? (July 2016)

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A Little Life is my favorite book from last year. 100 percent buy it, inhale it, and be emotionally damaged for a month or so.

You sold me; not going to even read the sample. Nothing I love more than a long, emotionally damaging book.

Man, with all of these sales lately, I might as well get rid of my gaming console. Haven't touched it in months since I've been reading non-stop.
Completed 1776. Never realized how close America was in losing it all during the first year and a half of the American Revolution. We got so bloody lucky.

Not sure of what I will read next. I do need to finish my Carl Bernstein's biography of Hillary Clinton, besides that, I may either read Middlesex or The Frackers for my next paper read. I can't wait for this GRE period to be over so I can justify reading fantasy again!

1776 is amazing. I had no idea about some of that stuff. Battle of New York? Really had no clue there was such a thing. Fairly certain that was glossed over during history classes in HS. It was all Paul Revere and Valley Forge and shooting from the woods at the redcoats marching like dumbasses in their rows. McCullough's book really does a fantastic job of bringing home the struggle for independence, and despite what many may fear, it's not a dry history. It's extremely readable.

Temper your expectations. I like Goblin Emperor but booknerds really overhyped that novel. Except for Mira, he's worth the hype.

I'm 2/3 through Goblin Emperor. Without spoiling, I reached the "middle of the night wake up call" and couldn't put it down last night until that chapter ended. I will say that I'm getting a little put off by the self-doubt/self-loathing/self-pitying but I'm seeing some of that come to an end and cheering for Maia to bring it all home. Been very, very impressed with it.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
AV Club's Best Books of 2016 (so far)

Need to check out Girls and I picked up Before the Fall on a sale but haven't gotten to it yet.
Nice. I'll grab Before the Fall in the future, but I'm interested in some of the other books too.

You sold me; not going to even read the sample. Nothing I love more than a long, emotionally damaging book.

Man, with all of these sales lately, I might as well get rid of my gaming console. Haven't touched it in months since I've been reading non-stop.
Haha same here in regards to games. I've been trying to get back into it and started playing Oxenfree two weekends ago. It's a short one, but I almost forgot how time consuming gaming can be.


The Running Man is a personal favourite. I thought the book was really good when I read it during high school.

The movie really disappointed me with how different and stupid it was. The book's story would have made for a better movie than what they bastardized its name with.

So true, just finished it yesterday and wow what a great read.
They could have made a great movie out of it.


Wrapped up March Upcountry by David Weber and John Ringo yesterday. While reading it the book was good, really good, then just good again. I might look at the rest of the series one day if my back log gets smaller, haha right.

Now onto Erebos by Ursula Poznanski; so far it's been pretty damn gripping.


Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member

I finally finished reading this book, i liked it, sorry Haly. However i was expecting a sci-fi collection of stories and while i got a bit of that the book is more political in tone with a heavy good dose of Chinese history. My favorite stories were State Change, The paper menagerie, The Perfect Match and The litigation master and the monkey king.

Probably gonna read I'm Legend next or The Devil all the time.I'll decide later.


Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Utterly fantastic. It's a briskly-paced, absolutely epic play that manages to expand on the themes of the original series in surprisingly thoughtful ways. If you loved the Harry Potter series, what are you waiting for. The eighth story is out!
Completed 1776. Never realized how close America was in losing it all during the first year and a half of the American Revolution. We got so bloody lucky.

What's even crazier is that it pretty much ALL hinged on Washington's last-ditch plea to the troops to attack Trenton, when those troops could very well have walked away. Oh, to have a time machine...
Book 3 is a little bit meh for the first two thirds. The finale is a real page turner, though.

You were totally right, ended up really enjoying it! Book 4 was excellent as well, with the whole untouched planet isn't what it seems vibe. Book 5 was a bit of a let down, still excellent but definitely felt like the first half of a book rather than the whole thing, with the tease at the end. Can't wait for book 6 now though.

In the meantime after reading this thread I'm giving Curse of Chalion a go. Slow start but hopefully I'll find the groove soon.
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