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What game are you currently playing?

Mr Hyde

Around 1/3 in Oninaki. I like it, it has a charming esthetic and a fun combat system, where you deploy so called Daemons to assist you in battle. It's kinda reminiscent of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. The whole game actually seems like a love letter to old school SNES-rpgs like Illusion of Time and Terranigma.

The one thing I struggle with is the story, which hasn't gripped me yet. It's an interesting premise, dealing with death and the aftermath of it, but the writing is weak and doesn't do the premise justice. It's sometimes too bleak, without any nuance too it, and instead of being moving and emotional it becomes cliched and rather mundane. The story is broken down in several short segments that eventually forms an overarching plot, but it becomes repetitive because you are basically performing the same tasks over and over.

So far, it's the best game from Tokyo RPG factory, and a huge improvement over its predecessors, but it suffers from too many flaws still to fully enjoy. I hope it becomes better during the second half.

Mr Hyde

Booted up Detroit Become Human and I love it so far. David Cage always explores interesting scenarios typically not found in video games. I love these little moments where you just going around doing mundane tasks such as cleaning, making breakfast etc, it does so much for character building and the way the story presents itself.

Gotta mention the graphics too. Fantastic attention to detail and great character models. Even saw a couple of famous faces Valorie Curry, Lance Henriksen, Clancy Brown. The futuristic and depressive world building is really setting the mood.



Might pass TLOU2 and FFVII as my GOTY frontrunner. I am really having a lot of fun with this one.


Booted up Detroit Become Human and I love it so far. David Cage always explores interesting scenarios typically not found in video games. I love these little moments where you just going around doing mundane tasks such as cleaning, making breakfast etc, it does so much for character building and the way the story presents itself.

Gotta mention the graphics too. Fantastic attention to detail and great character models. Even saw a couple of famous faces Valorie Curry, Lance Henriksen, Clancy Brown. The futuristic and depressive world building is really setting the mood.

Have you played Until Dawn? If not, I suggest playing that next, if you like that style of game.


Due to some financial challenges coming up this next school year, my gaming budget is gone for the foreseeable future. That’s cool, since I have a huge backlog. Last night I played through Firewatch, which was awesome! Tonight, it looks like I’m starting the Telltale Batman games. I bought them when Telltale first imploded as I was concerned I would never be able to get them afterwards.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
20 hours into Ghost of Tsushima. It's great thus far overall but the camera is bad mainly during combat and not having a lock on system doesn't help.

Mr Hyde

Have you played Until Dawn? If not, I suggest playing that next, if you like that style of game.

Yes. I have played it. It was good, even if the story fell apart in the final act. Didn't explore all paths you could take or the multiple endings though so I probably should revisit it sometime soon.
I just started playing Ghost of Tsushima.

Chrono Trigger on SNES.

I started up a new game today been wanting to play this one for the longest time and finally got around to it.

Played for about 28 minutes and it absolutely took my breath away and brought me back to the time in my life where I was the happiest. Great game so far.
I was playing a few days ago. I could not win the drinking contest. I don't think I've ever won it.
Been playing the Bounty of Blood dlc for Borderlands 3.

Overall the DLC for the game has been fantastic, I have no regrets buying the season pass and the first 3 expansions were all good. Gearbox gets a lot of shit but they really did good this time.

Really looking forward to the Krieg expansion for the last DLC.

Mr Hyde

Detroit is the second game I've played with HDR and it looks absolutely incredible. Some scenes are jaw dropping. I'm at the junkyard now and shit looks almost real. The lighting, the rain, the mood of it all, it's just so immersive. I can barely put the controller down. Can't imagine how good next gen will look. Mindblowing stuff.


I have just completed the evil within 1 and playing it's sequel now. It's definitely not a game for everyone because of high difficulty but it's very rewarding when you finally learn to conserve the ammo and use traps to your advantage. Personally I can put this game next to RE4.
Far Cry 5 is on sale so incredibly cheap that I had to get it.

Enjoying it very much. But really hoping it and several other FPS get full VR mode on PS5. for this reason, I won't be playing for much long.

Also loving the Mars dlc. Complete other game, tongue-in-cheek alien abduction story, but awesome visuals (like the main game) with futuristic weapons, alien creatures and that wonderful low gravity jetpack... this so needs VR!


I‘m currently on Chapter 16 of the Final Fantasy 7 remake, about 28 hours in, and...

...I gotta say I’m a little bored.

The amount of needless padding, inconsequential storytelling and contrived mission structure has been constant throughout.

It all feels so slow, empty and unimportant. There’s a reason Midgar only lasts a few hours in the original game, before expanding out to the world map.

The combat is fun, the voice work is good, and it looks lovely, but why they decided to expand Midgar our so much is beyond me.

I’ll push through to the ‘end’ but can’t say I’m in a rush to go back to it every day.
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Assassins Creed Origins.

I love the setting and after playing a lot of Horizon and finishing TLOU2 it’s refreshing to be able to climb on ANYTHING and go anywhere. The game is huge, like borderline too big. It’s implied you bang your wife after like every cinematic. I thought to myself, well, now this is different!

Snow Runner is still holding my attention too and for anyone with patience and any interest I highly recommend it!


Dragonball Kakarot.

It's not great, it feels dated and it's easy to spot the budget restraints. But Im still having a blast with it, haven't played a DBZ since like the PS2 era and I love how it's single player focused instead of just a fighting game with a crappy story mode.

I once saw someone around here calling it "the DBZ game I wanted in 2007".... Which I think is the best way to describe it
One of my good friends got me Spiderman for my birthday and I've been hooked. I can't believe I haven't played this game before. It's so much fun, the characters are spot on, the combat and web swimming are incredibly satisfying and the story is pretty good so far! I just finished Act 1. Can't wait to keep playing.


Red Dead Redemption 2 - I'm super impressed, especially on PC. Game is gorgeous and the world is highly immersive. I'd rather Rockstar stick with exploring other settings to apply their formula towards. Imagine a high fantasy RPG by Rockstar, or their own Star Trek/Mass Effect themed RPG IP... GTA VI can wait. Shit is tired.

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order - When it flows, the game is excellent. The problem is, there's a lot of jank here. FPS drops which shouldn't be happening, unfortunate clipping, etc. The game seems built around delivering an intensive buttery smooth action packed experience, and when it delivers it is phenomenal, but the hiccups along the way definitely grow irritating.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 - This is the game I chill with. Pure fun. Love the gameplay loop. It's Stardew Valley meets Minecraft with a Dragon Quest skin. Literally - how could anyone not adore that? The wit of the English translation is super sharp too. Sooo much funny dialogue. Nothing overly challenging, but it's a great sorta "play this and unwind" game.

Gaming is good. I love playing on PC. :)

It's pretty addictive, actually! There are certainly things like events that should be improved (and the developers stated as such for their next game), but the building/crafting is probably the best I've seen in games like these. :)
Nice...I don't mind if a game has some minor annoyances, especially from smaller developers. I'll have to check it out after Ghost. Thanks!
It's fine, filled with a lot of rough edges (like, when you "touch" the water...) yet full of interesting things to do.

Also, lovely artwork.

Played on PC and Xbox One, it runs fine.
I'm okay with some rough edges in a game, as long as the gameplay and loop are interesting. Based on a couple responses, I think I'll give it a go!


Been hanging out with Mad Max on PS4 Pro. I am working a lot, come home tired, so I am looking for something I can chill out with. Mad Max works well. It is not too demanding but still entertaining. Car combat is fun, melee is fun too. It is an open world game with decent exploration, although I can see where critics claim it gets repetitive. But I don't mind, I like leveling up Max and his ride. Tearing stuff down, blowing stuff up, kicking wastelander ass, what is not to like? Well, I will tell you one thing, the controls! There is input lag between the moment you push a button or pull a trigger and the action is displayed on screen. Not terrible, just enough to be annoying. But that aside Mad Max is a pretty cool action title.


I was playing a few days ago. I could not win the drinking contest. I don't think I've ever won it.
Oh wow. Cool.

Lol winning the soda drinking contest is actually super easy I always make sure I'm wearing a shirt when I play. Once the contest starts I take my shirt and swipe it across the button just back-and-forth really fast do this until you finished all the drinks and then you can just stop. I've never lost the drinking contest with this method.


Finished Hollow Knight. Incredible game. Really stands out compared to other games in the genre (Owl Boy, Guacamelee, Iconoclasts, Ori, etc.) Doesn't quite reach the heights of Super Metroid or Symphony, but I'd say it's just a notch below those. Easily my favorite Metroidvania this generation alongside with Steamworld Dig 2 and Axiom Verge.

Currently, I'm about 80% through Control. It's super interesting and I'm hoping the story doesn't fall apart at the end. The 8 hour length is about perfect since the gameplay is starting to feel repetitive. I don't feel compelled to do any of the side missions or extra content.
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Oh wow. Cool.

Lol winning the soda drinking contest is actually super easy I always make sure I'm wearing a shirt when I play. Once the contest starts I take my shirt and swipe it across the button just back-and-forth really fast do this until you finished all the drinks and then you can just stop. I've never lost the drinking contest with this method.
I don't know if the taking off my shirt part is necessary to winning the contest but I'll try it with a shirt.
Ghost of Tsushima (WOW, words can't describe how this world just pulls me in every. single. time)
Division 2 (I f**cking hate this game. I hate the developers, but yet i still play it)
Last of Us 2 (new game+) (almost have characters maxed out and so much fun on the 2nd playthrough)


I just started playing ESO but I am having the same problem as in most MMO's nowadays, the dungeons suck.
People just rush through everything it's impossible to enjoy the game, in WoW I remember that I began to notice this in WOTLK how dungeons just became running asap to the end pulling the whole dungeon as you go :/.
It has made me appreciate FFXIV more, it still does happen but not anywhere near to this extent and things don't die so crazy fast.
It just makes me question if people are even enjoying MMO's at all, it's as if people just want to get the playing part of the game over with asap so they can afk in a city or something.

Hopefully Veteran dungeons are better...
I've been getting my money's worth with my Razer Kishi I bought for my s10.

I've been playing a bunch of Killing Floor 2 on Geforce now and some Assassin's Creed Origins through remote play on ps4.


Just Nioh. I was playing other games, but now it’s just this. I should probably skip some of the Twilight missions and just move onto higher level stages and gear, though. I replayed a level with awful instant death water for collectibles I missed, then the very next thing was a hard mode of that same level. I don’t like that level.


Gold Member
I hop between 20-30 games, plus some new games thrown into the mix, all the time. Although I've been putting extra time in in Snowrunner, and Modern Warfare multiplayer lately.
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Far Cry 5 is on sale so incredibly cheap that I had to get it.

I’m on the fence about FC5, liked 3 and 4, I guess under $10 works! Thanks for the heads up!

I hop between 20-30 games, plus some new games thrown into the mix, all the time. Although I've been putting extra time in in Snowrunner, and Modern Warfare multiplayer lately.

I had a backlog so deep it was like the whole gen of gaming, lol, Quarantine has helped tremendously but I’m like you, I play everything with little rhyme or reason. Snow Runner is the shit!


Just about to finish up the Steam release of Persona 4 Golden. I finished the game once on Vita long time ago, had a great time. It was my first Persona game, so I had no idea what the whole commu thing was about - and figured the system out around mid-point in the game - thus most of the characters didn't have the 2nd rebirth personas. I missed Marie's storyline too, but at least got the normal ending, and thought that was it.

I feel really sheepish, that I finally found out about the true ending and Marie's extra dungeon etc. When I found out about the True ending - I thought the true ending would be just some extra picture or sort in the credits or post credit thing like many games - not this whole another dungeon with final final boss! (I think.. I'm about halfway finished with last (?) dungeon) I thought the regular ending pretty much solved the whole mystery - but the real ending is revealing who's the true, true culprit. It's like I'm being surprised after many years since I played P4G for the first time, again - it's fascinating.

As much as I loved the game, I am ready to finish the game. I already spent like 80 hours on this game, and TBH, not sure if it's worth playing the 2nd time to get the platinum. Fighting Margaret is one thing, but achieving the Rise's voice would be... quite tedious! LOL.


Just completed the game with the true ending. I am literally blown away. I had not known the existence of true ending all these years - that it's just not some few picture additions but with entirely new animations and epilogues and all. This has gotten me quite hyped up, that I am now thinking of getting Persona 5 Royal. I've Platinumed the P5 last year, so it's still a bit too fresh - but if they added enough material, I think I will gladly jump in for another 100 hour runs... but at this point of time, I will just rest a bit on Persona series. Man.. these games are long! (My end time was just over 102 hours - while I enjoyed it very much, it takes a good toll on my real life).

As per the story, I think P4G is superior to P5, but towards the end, the characters seemed to repeat the same lines over and over during boss confrontations and got a bit repetitive - but overall... I am very impressed how through they managed to tie up the story. I may give Anime series P4 and P4G a chance.
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