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What games have made you cry tears...


Nier -
Emil's Sacrifice.
I was so uncomfortable watching that simply because of how much it moved me.

MGS3 - Debriefing. EVA talking about
screwing over BB
was heart wrenching for many reasons.
MGS3 and Mother 3

MGS4 also got the manly tears flowing but everything that happened after
"Snake... had a hard life"
gave me feelings that canceled out the tears


people mentioned the walking dead so:


(terrible screencap, couldnt do any better)

this precise moment in the ending of Galaxy got me, not sure why, since it was really short and all, but nostalgia is always the thing that does it for me and something about it (best score in a videogame probably had something to do with it) gave me chills like crazy. Its like that scene in Wall-E, only with characters ive been caring about since I was a small child. Whole game was just giving me that now-cliche thing of feeling like a kid again and reaching the ending and being treated to this kind of imagery just felt really rewarding and special.

not the storybook, not the ending itself when a new galaxy is created; just Mario grabbin peach's hands and spiraling around together. Go figure.
I mean, there are also stories which can only be told through sculpture, as well. Stories which rely on particular, exquisite three dimensional detail, such as Bernini's Hades and Persephone. This doesn't realistically make Sculpture a good medium for telling stories relative to others; so too, video games.

I don't even mean in an interpretive or historical sense, but a clear narrative sense. Something like 999 could not be done in any other medium.
Yep, the only game for me here is Ocarina, especially the 3D version. It was this perfect culmination of my youth. I remember I was unable to beat the very first temple boss. I tried for hours but couldn't do it, waiting all day for my older brother to come home so that he could beat GOHMA for me. My five year old self could never finish it.

And now, I sit here playing the same game. Graphically improved, all in the palm of my hand. And if that isn't enough, it's in 3D. The leap in technology only exemplifies the passage of time. And now, beating that first boss temple with such ease only takes me back to simpler times, in which my biggest worry was the boss of a video game. Almost 15 years later, I'm balancing a bank account, considering financial loans. But for a few hours, Ocarina of Time can send me back to a simpler period in my life, in which joyful naivete prospered.

Can you explain why this is the case? I haven't played the game.

I'll just quote myself from this thread I made a year ago.

One of the most recent examples I can think of comes from 999. (MASSIVE END GAME SPOILERS, DO NOT READ IF YOU PLAN TO PLAY/HAVEN'T FINISHED IT)
After playing through the game at least twice you arrive at the incinerator. Up to this point, you had assumed you were controlling Junpei while a narration not said by anyone in particular describes unseen actions on the bottom screen. However, to help Akane's past form, we must turn the DS upside down to help her solve a Sudoku puzzle. Suddenly, you realize the game was not played through Junpei's eyes but rather 12 year old Akane's, seeing at least 5 possible futures in an attempt to save herself. By turning the DS upside down, you finally play as the character you believe you were playing as all along. The buildup of the entire game's plot culminates in one mind blowing instant that perfectly merges gameplay and storytelling.


I'll just quote myself from this thread I made a year ago.

I don't see how this is any different than my example? I gave an instance where sculpture produced storytelling which was clearly not possible outside of three dimensional models. That was the whole point.

And yet, no one would reasonably argue that sculpture is a good story telling medium anyway. That there are a few unique quirks of the medium does not detract from the general observation.


The final battle in Okami.
It was moving to see Issun rally all the people who helped Amaterasu during her journey. I had such a fondness for that world. I'd gone through so much to reach that point, and seeing those familiar faces brought it all back. For everyone to show up one last time to reaffirm their belief in Ammy was the perfect goodbye.
Great game.

Right, it isn't as if these games have suddenly instantly disappeared and are no longer relevant. Shifts like this don't happen overnight, or in a year, or in a generation.

But it's pretty clear which way we're moving. Just a decade ago "cinematic" games seem to be the obvious and clear future of gaming, with virtually all the blockbuster games of that time (GTA, MGS, FF, etc) being of that ilk. Since that time, most of the new blockbuster franchises have not fit this description, and it's becoming clear that these types of games are no longer the clear future of the medium.

Right, this is an important distinction I seem to have with many people here: I am not a post modernist. I do not believe in absolute subjectivity of all mediums, and that any reaction to any product is equally valid.

Some things are more intelligent and sophisticated than other things. A child may be overjoyed by Pokemon, but that doesn't make his happiness as complex or rich as someone seeing/playing something more complex.

But this gets in to a fairly complex disucssion that would require its own thread; suffice it to say that I reject absolute subjectivity, in significant part due to its anti-scientific roots in universities.
Respect +10.
Twice: couple times during Fragile Dreams, and at the end of my first playthrough of Journey the same night it was released to plus members.-

Came very close during Mother 3, Ico, Walking Dead, and 999


As a child the last screen of Ocarina of Time kinda got to me


The way Link walks up, and Zelda turns around, unaware of who you are or what you did to save her and Hyrule ;_;

Came to post this.
I remember just staring at the screen for 5 minutes straight.


FF7 Crisis core... that ending Damn!

Metal geat solid 3 is annother.

ff7 did it for me when i played it through at the age of 7 lol. does nothing ow mind!
Not neccessarily tears but dem feels:
Klonoa, FFVII, IX, X and Crisis Core, MGS1, 3 and 4, Kingdom Hearts 1 and BBS, Valkyria Cronicles, Corpse Party, Umineko, Uncharted 3.
Uncharted 3 when
Sully is shot and left for dead
by Talbot I think the writing they did with those games really got you to feel for the characters.

Other than that yeah FF7 and Journey/Flower had me choked up.
Nights into Dreams - the ending, the innocent song. It was so beautiful and impressionable to me.
Suikoden - So many characters died... :(
"normal" ending of Chrono Trigger - that music! And, well, everything.
Rockman 2 almost did too.


Aerith's death in FFVII teared me up when I was a kid. Even on the third and fourth playthrough.

Suikoden also made choke up when
Gremio died.

Okami made me cry tears of joy
at the end when everyone you had met during the game cheered Ammy on against Yami.
Mother 3 is up there for me. I cried so hard when I played through it for the first time (back then I had the Japanese version and used a bad translation guide. It was still extremely sad).
I also get teary eyes at the naming screen because of the song there. I love this song. I don't know why it makes me so teary eyed.

Also Smash Bros Melee. Not because of anything story related (as if that game had a story). More out of frustration when I lost again and again at the last challenge (were you fight against Mewtwo, Ganondorf and Giga Bowser).

That's all for me.

EDIT: Oh shit, I totally forgot about Katawa Shoujo. There was a part in Emi's route that totally did it to me. Though I can't remember which part it was exactly.
Persona 4,
Nanako's Death.

Gets me every damn time,
I think it's mostly because everyone else in the game starts crying too.


The Walking Dead got me choked up at the end... and before that Shadow of the Colossus had me misty-eyed too. Never really cried though.
Valkyria Chronicles made me feel dead inside. Valkyria Chronicles 3 brought all those feelings back when they mentioned the incident.

Lots of SEGA music makes me tear up too.


Ask me which Shakespeare novel is best
Crisis Core's ending. Knew it was coming, but didn't help in the slightest haha.
Tales of the Abyss, when
Luke chooses to die to destroy the miasma
. Didn't exactly cry, but it was pretty sad, especially when talking to the party beforehand in Daath.
Chrono Trigger when Robo is getting beat up, when Frog destroys the wall, Chrono's resurrection and that scene with Lucca's mom(that is truly awful the first time). That game is like Beaches for gamers.

Oh and BG&E has it's moments of breaking you too.


Neo Member
God damn. Twice in ME 3. First when
Shepard first left earth
, and second when
Thane died. Favourite character

Not so much tears, but I had to shut the game off in Walking Dead Episode 2 when
Kenny killed Larry
. The fact that I didn't make a choice in time freaked me out so much, I literally turned the power off at the socket.


Never cried due to a game, but I've been emotionally affected, at least. Persona 3, Persona 4, 999 and Radiant Historia all managed this.

Weirdly, I felt nothing in The Walking Dead.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Final Fantasy X
Persona 4

Both contain spoilers (even on their respective titles), so don't click unless you've finished either games.


Without question Metroid Other M,
it was when it dawned on me that Samus was slowly and remorselessly tortured and killed and I couldn't do anything to stop it.
Tears of angers these were...

FFX's ending is surprisingly well made, the unescapable ending and the consequences kind of got to me.
No tears but the closest I've been.
I don't usually cry when watching movies so I don't exactly expect anything but pulp from games anyway.


Nier -
Emil's Sacrifice.
I was so uncomfortable watching that simply because of how much it moved me.

Nier had so much sad moments.
I cried during a friggin' fetch quest!

about the old man's dog that died when he tried to get some heart medicine for his master :'(


frustration: several when i was a kid.

sadness: When the store clerk told me they had delayed Tenchu 2 by several months, i got wet eyes (i was also very young).

joy: Never happened.


Super Mario Galaxy. When I launched off that first star in Good Egg Galaxy and the music reached its crescendo as Mario soared through the air. I couldn't believe why I was seeing, it was amazing to see how far a favourite character from my youth had come.

Similarly, Skyward Sword. At the start when you're talking to Zelda with the love theme playing in the background, the chorus came in right as Gaebora entered scene, wasn't used to seeing this level of character interaction in Zelda.
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