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What is the worst farming/grinding you've had to do in a game to get an item?


Winterspring Frostsaber in Vanilla WoW. I kinda liked doing it too though, it was relaxing listening to music and ganking a bit while grinding.


I never did get the grand armor/ helm in ffxii...

That's bad, but there was even worse in FFXII. Try chaining for a rare monster in the Great Crystal for goddamn ages.

There was also the awful ordeal for that Dragon Quest sword, and then finding out it's not even that good (and makes an annoying noise too).


several days(probably longer) farming gold for epic flying in burning crusade.

I am not about that grinding life
Everything in Marvel Future Fight. Played it off and on for a year and only leveled and equipped three characters to be partially decent. The worst could be the grind to level Doctor Strange. Just getting all the items would have been months long playing as much as I could, plus a bunch of cash to speed it up.
Demon's Souls, Pure Bladestone. Around 7 or 8 hours killing the same two enemies over and over again. What a rush when it dropped, but no - never again.


In World of Warcraft, there's an extremely rare mount called the Black Qiraji Battle Tank. Its a black scarab-looking mount. Its rare because you could only get it if you rung the gong outside the Ahn'Qiraj raid within, I think it was, 12 hours of it opening waaay back in the day. This also meant you needed to have the scepter to ring it, which very few did as it was a long, involved questline and required a lot of stuff.

Suffice to say, very, very few people have it. You can get other color versions inside the raid itself, but you can't ride those outside the raid. Only the black version. And this was true for many years, until the Cataclysm expansion which introduced the archaeology secondary profession. This profession could let you unearth the aquamarine battle tank, a light blue version of it.

The problem is, it relies on a lot of rng to get it. First you need to get your skill level up enough so that the digsites for it show up (at least, you used to, not sure if its been changed since). Second, you need to have a specific race's digsite show up. I should mention, they only show up in one zone. Third, you can only have 4 active digsites. Fourth, each "solve" for this particular race took a LOT of fragments (I want to say on average at least 120) and you wouldn't get all that from one digsite.

So to get it, you'd find yourself flying back and forth over the continent, spending hours trying and hoping for numbers to be in your favor.

I don't know how long it took me. What I do remember is when it came up as my next archaeology project, I didn't comprehend it at first. "And that's another sand pyramid *yawn*. What's next...scepter of blah blah, whatever, when's that fri-wait what".

I do love the mount though.


This is what depresses me playing games as you get older and have more responsibilities, it was fine being able to play something stupid like 16 hours a day; but when you have a couple of hours a day if at all, the games you once loved to play become a second job.

I understand it's part of the hook that keeps people playing longer, have all the really rare stuff a grind-fest but old me wants it to go away :( There's always a fresh supply of people with too much time like I once had.

I've done a lot, can't really think what the longest is, probably something in WoW though, or Anarchy Online.

This is what I wonder, I mean considering so many games do it, It's only logical to think it works and it keeps people playing, but sometimes I wonder if it dos the opposite effect. Having to farm so much can turn people away, but I guess in the long run, it keeps more people than those it turns away.

Any Dark Souls 3 multiplayer covenant items except Sunbro stuff. Either terrible drop rates from AI enemies or you need to be really good at PvP. Requiring 30 for rank 2 is just ridiculous when Sunbros are the only ones that can consistently get the covenant items.

Totally feel you, it's what I'm doing now. I have to farm each one since I barely get summoned as a blue phantom or what not.

DS3 covenant farming might be the worst. Not sure of the time spent, but it was supremely boring.

Yeah, this is what made me make the thread, it's nowhere near some of the others in terms of amount required, you can get it in a couple days, but it's so boring! Same thing over and over. At least find a way to make grinding fun.


FFXIII - Getting platinum ignots (?) that were only dropped by those gigantic quadrapedal dinosaurs roaming gran pulse. I remember needing it for my last trophy. And BOY, was it a pain in the ass. One of those things could take 5 mins to kill, there's a decent chance of dying, and the drop rate feels very low. I spent a week killing countless of them.


I spent 2 years, probably averaging around 5h per day farming for a Dragon Slayer in Legend of Mir 2.

So around 3500 hours.

Holy fuck! If we go by time alone, you win. What did it consist of? Was the process while getting there at least fun?

Demon's Souls, Pure Bladestone. Around 7 or 8 hours killing the same two enemies over and over again. What a rush when it dropped, but no - never again.

Totally feel your pain. Shit was brutal.


Probably some rath gem or similar in MonHun. At least it's more memorable as I got better at crushing a certain monster in quicker times.

I've probably blacked out the days I wasted grinding acrobatics up in Morrowind.

Oh wait fuck all of that! Breeding in pokemon for IVs, nature, and abilities, and shiny.

300 hours for a 6 IV shiny Goodra, even with using the exploit to find the necessary trainer ID to trade with someone on GAF.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
I think the most I've ever really grinded, was when playing SaGa Frontier. You learned skills in battle, and sometimes the shit just wouldn't happen. Then some skills can only be learned by using a specific skill, making it even harder.

Letting strong enemies bash your face in, trying to learn Kasumi, was not fun.

Then there was the Dream Super Combo, which required learning the Fighting skills Sliding, Suplex, GiantSwing, and BabelCrumble. Getting all four could be a biiiitch, even with Liza.

I loved the game so much, the grinding didn't bother me.


Several months of failed attempts in hardcore mode on deadspace 2 to unlock the foam winger hand cannon. It almost nearly made me hate the game but in the end i managed it, the gun is hillarious as Isac makes a pew pew pew noise as you use the thing.

Was totally worth it lol


Well I did other stuff around the grinding (like other grinding) but I spent months killing different dragons trying to get the draconic visage in Runescape.

I could have bought it with the money I made grinding but by then I was committed.
Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii. It took me half a year to get that damned Urugaan Ruby. I didn't hunt only Urugaan, but I did hunt an Urugaan at least once a week and usually more than one.


I spent a few days in Xenoblade X grinding the Ganglion Antropolis for Skell missiles with a specific augment. That was pretty miserable, as you have to do it on foot and can't just one-shot the enemies with your Skell. Probably saved me time in the long run, though, as they made grinding materials so much faster (missiles target a random enemy body part, and the augment adds a ton more missiles so you can blow up all the parts at once and get the maximum possible loot).

I'm not going to go into how much time I've spent breeding Pokémon, if that even counts :p
Several months of failed attempts in hardcore mode on deadspace 2 to unlock the foam winger hand cannon. It almost nearly made me hate the game but in the end i managed it, the gun is hillarious as Isac makes a pew pew pew noise as you use the thing.

Was totally worth it lol

I've never heard of this, it looks awesome.


Final Fantasy XIII; grinding to get platinum. Getting it felt like such a hollow victory -- so much so that I instantly felt in retrospect that trophies were a complete waste of time. I shut off trophy notifications from that point onward and never paid attention to them again.

Gaming has been a lot more fun after that, so thanks (I guess) FFXIII.


Spent way too many hours over the course of a week or so trying to get some sword using archaeology in WoW shortly after Cataclysm came out. A lot of hours. Never got it. After that I didn't play/sub again until MoP and that was only for about a month, haven't played WoW again since.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Did farming in that game involve doing the same task repeatedly?
Killing the same mobs, same dungeon, over and over again
Holy fuck! If we go by time alone, you win. What did it consist of? Was the process while getting there at least fun.
Hahaha. It wasn't fun at all, but the reward was you essentially becoming an actual God.


Holo-grinding professions in order to become a Jedi in Star Wars: Galaxies. This was before they ruined the game, of course.

Took me about 3 months.

Wow i didnt think anyone would still remember this.

I feel you!

Although SWG stands as the best MMO ive ever experienced. Even today, nothing like it exists.
Wow i didnt think anyone would still remember this.

I feel you!

Although SWG stands as the best MMO ive ever experienced. Even today, nothing like it exists.

One hundred percent. The sandbox nature and player driven economy was superb. Popping my saber in the middle of a space port and people freaking out was awesome. I definitely wasn't the first Jedi on my server but we were pretty rare at the time.

Great great game. I miss this and City of Heroes the most


Any materials that has a 2% drop rate in Monster Hunter games. I love Monster Hunter to dead but this shit drives me nuts sometimes.
The whole Zodiac weapon process in FFXIV is insane to me. I started it briefly in Realm Reborn, but quickly learned to not care about having the absolute best weapon. You can get by easily with raid and Extreme weapons. I'll give it another shot come Stormblood I suppose.
Phantasy Star Online 2 for an Austere weapon. To get one at max element (basically anything below max is useless) you need the following:

400 Caligula Stones - Only dropped from the Profound Darkness EQ (EQ or Emergency Quests are quests that are only available during a 30 min window, usually you can only complete them once per block, and they are usually scheduled to show up once or twice a day at really bad time blocks for non-JP players). You get like 6 per run.

200 Nero Stones - Super rare drop from the PD EQ or other Falz bosses. You're lucky if you get 1 per run.

100 Yurlungur Stones - Stones from Ultimate Quests that are basically not feasible to get solo, and the content was outdated so nobody played it any more.

100 Galeru Stones - Same as above

10 Heart Key Stones - Clear 60 stages of a specific Extreme Quest to get 15 ore, 30 ore converts to 1 stone. So you need to clear the XQ 20 times.
10 Bloody Moon Stones - Same as above.
10 Phantom Knight Stones - Same as above. Now you're at 60 runs of 60 stages.

20 Photon Boosters - Rewards from Challenge Quests, which are outdated dead content. Thankfully there were some other ways to get these if you played the event stuff A LOT.

800 Excubes - Every time you get a drop weapon of 10* or 11* rarity you can choose to scrap it for an Excube, so you need to get and convert 800 higher rarity weapons to cubes. If it weren't for the pinata cube EQ (Magatsu) that gives out about 100 weapons per block this would take an eternity.

All of that to get 1 weapon for 1 class. Thankfully a couple of years later and those weapons are still one of the most powerful in the game, new stuff is only just barely getting better.


Grinding endgame Skell materials in Xenoblade Chronicles X was murderous. Completely soured me on the game. Monolith needs to get their shit together for Chronicles 2, because I'm not going through that again.


Arthas's mount in WoW. Had 10 rerolls going through the raid each week until it dropped. Aeonaxx also from WoW took way too much of my time.

Doing 2 Zeta relics in FFXIV RR, only to stop the game for several months once I got my second one.

Fishing the Sea Guardian in Persona 4 Golden. Although it's not in the same league as the previous grinds, I found it way too hard to fish it and almost broke my Vita.


Phantasy Star Online 2 for an Austere weapon. To get one at max element (basically anything below max is useless) you need the following:

400 Caligula Stones - Only dropped from the Profound Darkness EQ (EQ or Emergency Quests are quests that are only available during a 30 min window, usually you can only complete them once per block, and they are usually scheduled to show up once or twice a day at really bad time blocks for non-JP players). You get like 6 per run.

200 Nero Stones - Super rare drop from the PD EQ or other Falz bosses. You're lucky if you get 1 per run.

100 Yurlungur Stones - Stones from Ultimate Quests that are basically not feasible to get solo, and the content was outdated so nobody played it any more.

100 Galeru Stones - Same as above

10 Heart Key Stones - Clear 60 stages of a specific Extreme Quest to get 15 ore, 30 ore converts to 1 stone. So you need to clear the XQ 20 times.
10 Bloody Moon Stones - Same as above.
10 Phantom Knight Stones - Same as above. Now you're at 60 runs of 60 stages.

20 Photon Boosters - Rewards from Challenge Quests, which are outdated dead content. Thankfully there were some other ways to get these if you played the event stuff A LOT.

800 Excubes - Every time you get a drop weapon of 10* or 11* rarity you can choose to scrap it for an Excube, so you need to get and convert 800 higher rarity weapons to cubes. If it weren't for the pinata cube EQ (Magatsu) that gives out about 100 weapons per block this would take an eternity.

All of that to get 1 weapon for 1 class. Thankfully a couple of years later and those weapons are still one of the most powerful in the game, new stuff is only just barely getting better.

This sounds like it should be illegal
I can only think of 3 times in games I've done a LOT of grinding to get an item.

Castlevania SOTN: there's a really powerful weapon that I grinded for since I found the upsidedown castle too hard without it. I forget the name, but it slashes with big white lines that hits in kind of a radius in front of you.
Spent a good few hours drinking for it.

Borderlands 2: before it was patched, I grinder for many hours to get the Bee Shield (at full shield your guns did WAY more damage) and the Conference Call Shotgun (fired a bullet that shot it's own bullets or something crazy like that). The Bee Shield was worth it until they needed it in a patch, but the conference call wasn't my favorite.

Golden Sun 2: near the end if the game there were one or two swords that were some if the best in the game, but they were random drops. So I just grinder a specific room in a dungeon to get them after a long time.


Grinding for me is where it's at. That repetitive, time consuming chore over and over again is what I live for.


Gotta be something WoW-related.

Maybe the 25-30 hours total I spent trying for Al'ar off Kael'thas, from learning the solo strats (back when it was something of a challenge at like, level 80 or 85 or whatever), to actually spending the 30 mins doing it each week. As soon as I had a couple more characters capped, I started getting them outfitted and ready to do it too. The first run I took the third character in for, was the run where it dropped. I was elated.


I can only think of 3 times in games I've done a LOT of grinding to get an item.

Castlevania SOTN: there's a really powerful weapon that I grinded for since I found the upsidedown castle too hard without it. I forget the name, but it slashes with big white lines that hits in kind of a radius in front of you.
Spent a good few hours drinking for it.

The Crissaegrim? Dual-wielding those was fucking awesome. Took down bosses in seconds.



Elite Dangerous. The whole game is a grind lol.

I still love it but I feel like I've been grinding in it for 2 years straight.
Community goals mitigated so much. Getting 10mil payout for a weekend of work has me set up with an amazing exploration asp and I'm set for life, methinks.

Now I'm just grinding patience for true Planetary landings and gas giant skimming through clouds and storms (oh, please be coming true)
Spent the best part of a month grinding to get Twilight in Guild Wars 2. Then I realised what I was doing with my life and stopped.

Haven't played it since.
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