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What videogame franchise has the best music?


Final Fantasy
Golden Sun (or Sakuraba in general)
World of Warcraft/Warcraft
Chrono Trigger
Kingdom Hearts
Persona (Meguro is the man)
Soul Calibur

and pretty much any game Masashi Hamauzu has worked on.

The man (Hamauzu) is a genius. He may not write stuff that is obvious on the surface with just melody+accompaniment, but holy crap, if you take a really good listen to the music from Sigma Harmonics, Unlimited SAGA, Crisis Core, FFXIII, and Musashi, you'll find a ton of amazing things he does with music, and he definitely rewards those who pay close attention to what he's put in his music.

His stuff doesn't have so much obvious memorability to the casual listener, but to the listener with a refined ear who knows how to really listen to what he's done with the music in all the games he's worked on, you'll fully appreciate what he's done in FFXIII. One reason why I find XIII to also be the best of the FF OSTs is that much like how there is a central theme to the game, the same can be said about the music, and it really is all-encompassing throughout the whole game in some very creative and ingenious ways. Not to mention, I just love his compositional methods so much. I can probably hum to you every song from FFXIII, it's all that good.

Not to mention it, he's also a top-notch piano arranger, and is considered to be one of the best in the industry for VG piano albums. He's arranged his own, Uematsu, Mitsuda, and a other composers music for piano albums, and man does he know how to recreate some amazing pieces, in refreshing ways, while still staying true to the originals.

As a M.M. Music Composition student, I can definitely say that he's the composer who's had the most influence on me in many ways. Now off to listen to the arragment "Aquatic Ambience" that he did for the Symphonic Legends concert.


For me, personally, It's a toss up between Castlevania, Guilty Gear/Blazblue (These count as the same franchise to me), and Ys.

Sure, i can appreciate the epicness of the style of music that features in Zelda or Final Fantasy, and the bouncy, joyful sounds of games like Mario, and there are even some tracks of that style on the games I listed, but I personally prefer the sound of a guitar wailing in my ear, and when it's wailing alongside a piano or a violin or an organ, that's just the best type of music ever.
Smash Bros is correct, but cheap answer for obvious reasons.

I've always been partial to chiptune and chiptune-ish music so I'll give it two categories:

Chiptune (and similar)
- Megaman (excluding 7 and 8)
- Pokemon
- Cave Story*
- Kirby
- Castlevania 8bit

- Actraiser*
- Castlevania
- Super Mario Galaxy (1 & 2 makes it short but sweet series)
- Half-Life (although that probably has more to do with the perfect delivery than the music itself)
- Halo (great music and even greater delivery)
- Chrono Trigger*
- Starfox Assault (medicore game; amazing soundtrack)*
- Megaman X series
- Sonic
- Silent Hill (favorite being The Angel Room from IV)
- Metroid
- Metal Gear Solid

*technically only 1 game but I will list anyway.

It seems I'm also partial to SNES midi. :\


The Nintendo trinity


Even though Other M OST was somewhat disappointing it was still better than 99% of the games out there.

Also "smaller" Nintendo series like Pikmin, Star Fox etc have great music

Then you have
Metal Gear
Castlevania (Lords of Shadow is disappointing though..)
Final Fantasy

and recently
Mass Effect

Overall i find modern game music lacking though. I hate this "cinamtic" generic orchestral music
You know you've got a good franchise going on when it's dependent on atmosphere, people talk about the music a LOT and when the compositions can redeem the not so strong entries in the series you know you got your act together.

I'm looking at you of course, SILENT HILL.
Anth0ny said:
Smash Bros doesn't count. Neither does Grand Theft Auto.

For me, it's Zelda. Mega Man and Banjo Kazooie come close.

Then, it's Mario, F-Zero, Street Fighter, Castlevania, Donkey Kong and Pokemon in no real order, but I can listen to that shit all day.

I'd say Smash Bros. counts, but only if you disregard all the music that's been taken directly from other games as-is, and not been remixed.

Even if you only count the remixed stuff, there's still a hell of a lot of amazing music, and definitely a contender for one of the best gaming soundtracks.

Games like Grand Theft Auto, Guitar Hero, Lumines, etc, definitely don't count though, as their soundtracks weren't specifically created for them.


Mario and Zelda have always had atmospheric, dynamic and varied music. They are also pretty damn catchy and memorable.


Loves Robotech S1
Ar Tonelico
Bare Knuckle/Streets of Rage
Silent Hill
Ar Tonelico
Sonic the hedgehog
Donkey Kong Country (2, mostly)
Chrono Trigger/Cross
Katamari Damacy
Ar Tonelico
Enron said:
What? No Ace Combat? How dare you, GAF.



Seriously. I mean - no Ace Combat? WTH?

ZERO trailer with awesome music

Also, Shadow of the Colossus.


Mother and...

RollerCoaster Tycoon!

Fairground Organ #1: Die Regimentskinder Marsch (Children of the Regiment March)
Fairground Organ #2: Heyken's Serenade
Main Theme (RCT 1)
Main Theme (RCT 2)
Rock Style 1
Summer Style
Water Style (third best water theme in gaming)
Roman Style
Wild West Style
Medieval Style (my favorite style!)
Steel Jungle
Bermuda Shorts
Summer Air (Main Theme) (imo, anyways)
Rock Like a Dude (F-YEAHHH!!!)

even RCT3 had a few decent tracks, however drastically different they may be.


There is nothing that compares to Kirill Pokrovsky, who scores the "Divinity" games (Divine Divinity, Beyond Divinity, And Divinity 2: Ego Draconis). He does atmospheric music like no other composer does. He is truly in a class of his own. His arrangements are so complex and deep that other videogame composers pale in comparison. When you're in a deep dungeon or in a cave, you REALLY feel like you're there.

The best is that the music is all available for free. I listen to the Divine Divinity soundtrack all the time. When it comes to variety there is nothing that quite matches it, virtually every track belongs to a totally different style.




Would licensed music count? If so, I'd say the WipEout series has the best music by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa---
Only one mention of Banjo Kazooie and no mention of Viva Pinata nor Goldeneye? For shame Gaf, for shaaaaaaaaaaaaame.

Long live Grant Kirkhope!

To me he's one of the few that knows how to make video game music and not just music in a video game. If you know what I mean.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Just replayed and finished Baten Kaitos: Origins. Still a really good game four years later, but the biggest reminder was how good the music was. Just a few of my favorites:

Le Ali Del Principio
The Valedictory Elegy ~guitar Version~
Powerful voice of an Old Soul
The Great Pillar Laden with Moss

Soothing, adrenaline pumping, mysterious, melancholic, creepy, hauntingly beautiful. It's got it all.

Of course, the first game set a pretty high bar too.

Just one of those unique pieces that stick with you


Himuro said:

You rang?


The only game franchises on par with Shenmue 1/2 is Final Fantasy, Suikoden I/2, Shin Megami Tensei series, Dragon Quest, Streets of Rage (Yuzo Koshiro worked on this as well), Mega Man Sonic and Jet Set Radio.

But Shenmue's at the top. Final Fantasy VIII is my favorite game ost, but Shenmue 1/2's the best.

Good shit man! So depressing thinking about how Shenmue 3 may very well never see the light of day. The first two(originally intended as one big game) were the most memorable gaming experiences I've ever had. The music, atmosphere, exploration, and characters... no game was more believable!
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