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Which console manufacturer has exceeded your expectations this generation?

DS/360 combo was the cream of the crop for me this gen. I wouldn't say any of the manufacturers exceeded my expectations. All 3 consoles had their ups and downs. Wii started off the strongest then spun out in late 2008 and it's slowly been on a decline ever since. 360 has been a series of up and downs but overall it's game catalog, online play and online store have been the most satisfying. PS3 started off abysmally then started to turn its luck when the Slim launched.


thanks for the laugh
nintendo exceeded my of many people they could rope in to paying a premium for a decade old chipset, before exceeding my expectations of how quickly they could squander such a lead by sitting on a drip feed of first party titles that succeeded in spite of their platform.

sony exceeded my expectations of how severely they could misread a market that was theirs for the taking, breeding a fervent alamo mentality within their fanbase who engaged in levels of cognitive dissonance and apologism which exceeded even gamecube era nintards. calling upon them to defend a level of networking incompetence which exceeded the expectations of even their own pr division.

microsoft exceeded my expectations for how long a company could continue to peddle fundamentally broken hardware. they built a hardcore fanbase by virtue of not being as bad as the other two and they exceeded my expectations for just how quickly they could turn around and marginalize this base; building their present strategy around a piece of hardware which exceeds even my most impish dreams for just how broken a console input device could be.


NecrumSlavery said:
Sony all the way.

The took the most bullshit from the media and still delivered the best content this generation. The system has surpassed anything I could imagine it doing and houses the most nique experiences in gaming this gen.

The PSP is going strong more than ever and the Vita is looking to revolutionize the handheld market

Second goes to nintendo for really taking a last gen system and innovating with it. The 3DS is kinf of a let down as it's really mediocre in every sense. Not one bit of tech on it shines. And the 3D is not at all worth it.

Microsoft just copies the fuck out of Sony and Nintendo to try and monopolize the market. Americans and Brits kiss MS's ass regardless of how bad they treat them. I don't get it. I don't understand why the Us/UK love Microsoft so much. I assume Ms's evil marketing is to blame. Now with Kinect they have completely abandoned the hardcore gamer to cater to the grandmas of the world. Other than Gears 3 and sadly more Halo(without Bungie...talk about milking it) MS is providing nothing special or unique. Gears 3 isn't really unique, but its actually an improvement unlike the carbon copy Gears 2 compared to the first one. It saddens me that last gen the Xbox was a reliable hardcore system and not Ms does nothing but milk shovelware and fake trailers. Thank god the world is smart enough to always go Sony when the US or UK pick the 360. Keeps the majority in fav of the PS3. Hope that the core really pull their heads out of their asses and fight back for the games. Because if the 360 crowd just allows it, MS will raped them. MS has always been about money. Not one person who has any passion at MS other than crazy Peter Molyneaux..everyone else is a tool douchebag asshole like Kudo or Major Nelson.
I own a 360 btw, but I really have nothing but disgust for MS as a company.


Also I will never get the whole "MS has completely abandoned the hardcore with kinect" spiel. Last time I checked, games from the biggest "core" MS series are coming out this year.

They are just trying to cater to various people/groups in a similar fashion to how the PS2 was last gen.

MS though will more than likely push kinect more for the 360 in the upcoming years since chances are the 360 will turn into a mostly "casual" system after the new xbox comes out (which core gamers will more than likely get) since at that time the 360 should be pretty cheap... attractive for people who aren't big gamers.


Jealous Bastard
all of them and none of them.

for the most part i've been pretty disappointed in total with this generation, for a number of reasons.


This generation has driven me back to PC gaming.

Last generation I had a PS2 for Japanese games, but I mostly played things on the Xbox.

I love the hard drive for so many things - save games, the disc caching, the custom soundtracks. I loved the nice graphics. It was also a big, but very quiet and sturdy box.

But then MS went the other direction with the 360. Since there is no hard drive, there was no caching. Not until a few years later after launch, did they offer you the ability to install the whole disc. Which helped in some cases, but the load times are still crazy. Not to mention the texture pop-in.

Ditto for the save games. Every time you save the game, it has to ask you where do you want to save it. Ugh. On the hard drive. On the hard drive. On the hard drive!.

It's also big, noisy and hot (probably same is true for the PS3, but I don't have one).

The PS3 is more like the first Xbox in design (with the hard drive being standard), but it lacks what I want from a PS product - JRPGs and a good GT. (Come to think of it, I think the series probably peaked at GT2).


Good point ones are making by saying iOS devices.

I didn't think the games on them would be as big/popular as they currently are.

It's funny though since at the same time, it's hard to even remember how the iOS devices were like pre-App Store. It's almost as if the App Store has been with iOS devices since day 1.


I used to talk major shit about Microsoft and the Xbox 1 on forums back in the day. Avoided the 360 like the plague until I played COD4 and Bioshock at a friend's house. Finally got one (and an HDTV) in late 2007 and have been hooked ever since.

I'm slowly transitioning back into PC gaming, but I love that damn machine. It's easily my favorite console of all time.
None of them. Hell none of them even MET my expectations.

Microsoft made an awesome console with great services, then gutted their studios and have no first party games I am even remotely interested in. They are now more interested in cramming every social network into a box to make up for the complete lack of compelling content they used to produce.

Sony has made some great games but the experience if playing them on that trainwreck of a console is maddening. Constant installs, updates, draconian DRM, terrible UI, all combine into a system that looks like it was designed by a retarded horse that had its head stuck up a more profoundly retarded elephant.

Nintendo decided to sell toys to eight year olds and fat women.

Overall I am leaving this generation less interested in or excited by gaming than I entered it.
NecrumSlavery said:
Microsoft just copies the fuck out of Sony and Nintendo to try and monopolize the market. Americans and Brits kiss MS's ass regardless of how bad they treat them. I don't get it. I don't understand why the Us/UK love Microsoft so much. I assume Ms's evil marketing is to blame. Now with Kinect they have completely abandoned the hardcore gamer to cater to the grandmas of the world. Other than Gears 3 and sadly more Halo(without Bungie...talk about milking it) MS is providing nothing special or unique. Gears 3 isn't really unique, but its actually an improvement unlike the carbon copy Gears 2 compared to the first one. It saddens me that last gen the Xbox was a reliable hardcore system and not Ms does nothing but milk shovelware and fake trailers. Thank god the world is smart enough to always go Sony when the US or UK pick the 360. Keeps the majority in fav of the PS3. Hope that the core really pull their heads out of their asses and fight back for the games. Because if the 360 crowd just allows it, MS will raped them. MS has always been about money. Not one person who has any passion at MS other than crazy Peter Molyneaux..everyone else is a tool douchebag asshole like Kudo or Major Nelson.
I own a 360 btw, but I really have nothing but disgust for MS as a company.
This is quite an entertaining post.

To get back on topic: none of them. Nintendo popularized the current motion control fad; Sony and the YLOD, PSN hack, Move, and the soon-to-be-introduced PSN Pass; and Microsoft and their XBox Live tax, RROD/RDOD, and Kinect make me a disappointed gamer this generation.
None really. MS's RROD crap is inexcusable and their final push this generation is pathetic. Sony started this generation out with too high of a pricepoint and an architecture that took too long for 3rd parties to learn. As for nintendo, they didn't make a console for my tastes so I didn't play too much Wii.

DD services both on the PC and consoles have saved this generation from being written off in the history books.

As for today, Sony blows each and every manufacturer out of the water when it comes to content and almost all 3rd party games are equally as good now. Sony wins the end of this generation for me.


SalsaShark said:
jesus christ


you gotta be kidding

edit: unless the thread title is bad for what you're really asking about.. wich i think it is

so more in line with the thread; yeah, microsoft, cause my expectations were for them to be completely out of the console business after all the shit they pulled off.

consoles that downright break, a persistent problem that lasted years, pay to play online, etc

i thought consumers had standards and that they wouldnt settle for that kind of shit. I gave them too much credit.
That isn't uniform, though. I've never encountered a single RROD, or any other technical problems *shrug*

I have standards and nothing about my 360 fell below them.

I mean in the general world of video games, yeah, all three have had some major disappointments. But I figured this was about our personal expectations.
Megadragon15 said:
This is quite an entertaining post.

To get back on topic: none of them. Nintendo popularized the current motion control fad; Sony and the YLOD, PSN hack, Move, and the soon-to-be-introduced PSN Pass; and Microsoft and their XBox Live tax, RROD/RDOD, and Kinect make me a disappointed gamer this generation.

lol. why thank you. i prpbably sound a bit like an ass.

I have not problem with the system, and it's first 2 years were great. but the company has shown me that they are greedy and do not treat gaming as an art, just a business.


My expectations for Sony were in the dirt after the horrible way the PS3 looked before hand. Almost turned me anti-Sony. So I guess they win by default.

Meanwhile on the opposite side of the spectrum, I had extemely high expectations for the Wii. Especially after that Brawl debut trailer of pure hype. And it ended up being the most disappointing console I've bought so far.

Keeping hype moderately low for both PS4 and Wii U.


360, I really disliked the xbox brand before the 360, seemed like a garbage console. Now most of my gaming gets done on it and I own a 3 of them.


Sony has the better hardware support, better software support, and better service.

Don't know how anyone can pick Microsoft with all the faults they made:
- Paying for online
- Shutting down their popular PC studios (Age of Empire, Flight Sim, FASA)
- Abandoning Games for Windows and PC in general with 360 exclusive games
- Poor indie support
- Forced Kinect development aka the end of all hardcore Microsoft games
Didn't care much at all about Xbox last gen (owned DC, GC + PS2), now the 360 is my main gaming system and XBLA is my gem of the gen. So Microsoft for me.


NecrumSlavery said:
lol. why thank you. i prpbably sound a bit like an ass.

I have not problem with the system, and it's first 2 years were great. but the company has shown me that they are greedy and do not treat gaming as an art, just a business.
The DS. The other big ones are good but had major problems that instantly disqualify them for "exceeding my expectation" . The big 3 consoles only managed to drive me back into PC gaming and im currently saving for a better PC so im not left in the dust.
I guess Microsoft with xbla and Live as both have come a long way but at the same time I feel Live has fallen short. I loved where it was headed with stuff like 1vs00 with 20-40 thousand people playing at once. Who's brilliant idea was it to stop something so good and replace it with poker? =/
DiscoJer said:
This generation has driven me back to PC gaming.

Last generation I had a PS2 for Japanese games, but I mostly played things on the Xbox.

I love the hard drive for so many things - save games, the disc caching, the custom soundtracks. I loved the nice graphics. It was also a big, but very quiet and sturdy box.

But then MS went the other direction with the 360. Since there is no hard drive, there was no caching. Not until a few years later after launch, did they offer you the ability to install the whole disc. Which helped in some cases, but the load times are still crazy. Not to mention the texture pop-in.

Ditto for the save games. Every time you save the game, it has to ask you where do you want to save it. Ugh. On the hard drive. On the hard drive. On the hard drive!.

It's also big, noisy and hot (probably same is true for the PS3, but I don't have one).

The PS3 is more like the first Xbox in design (with the hard drive being standard), but it lacks what I want from a PS product - JRPGs and a good GT. (Come to think of it, I think the series probably peaked at GT2).

It peaked at GT3, the jump from 2 to 3 is something that is still unbeaten (At least i think so)

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The DS. I really had no idea it would turn into the juggernaut it did, but it has the most games I wanted this generation (outside of PC) by far. My DS game drawer is downright huge.


Honestly, the handhelds saved this gen for me.

MS: The RROD issues were huge, but when they decided to focus on just Halo (which I don't play), Fable (which I barely play), Gears of War (which I don't play) and Forza (which I don't play), there wasn't a reason for me to own a 360 anymore, so I got rid of it.

PS3: Sony just totally screwed up this gen. From the original price, to the removal of features, to the way they handled the hacks and they're total lack of security. However, the PS3 has been a solid machine for me (its my DVD, Blu-Ray and PS2), so I feel I got my money's worth out of it. Its become my go to console for this gen.

Nintendo: Ah, the Wii. The only saving grace for this console has been Nintendo's games (but that's usually the case, isn't it). The 3 Mario games were great, as was the Metroid Trilogy pack. Twilight Princess was good (prefer the GC version though). 3rd party support was terrible (a few good gems). Nintendo, however, has done a horrible job of releasing games (glares at NOA). GC BC support is nice since I got rid of my GC. Skyward Sword, Xenoblade and Last Story (I'm playing those two games, NOA can kiss my ass) are going to finish off the system for me.

The DS and PSP have pretty much been my goto systems for this gen. I'm more of a JRPG gamer and that genre has pretty much moved to the handhelds. CFW on the PSP also turned my PSP into a portable PS1 and that's just awesome.


Digital Foundry
At the start of the generation (circa 2006): MICROSOFT. They took the middling Xbox brand, and through some aggressive marketing, a commitment to supporting smaller devs through XBLA, and the exclusive licensing of heavy-hitter franchises such as Gears of War and Forza, they positioned themselves as a relevant entity to every enthusiast gamer.

Furthermore, they were the first of the big three to fully enforce the integration of an achievements system, alongside cross game chat support for every one of their games (not to mention mandatory trial demos for XBLA titles). Sony, meanwhile, had to play catch-up with a majority of these online features, and even today have yet to match them point-for-point. Being first to market with a HD console also helped them make a positive impact.

At this stage in the generation (2009 onwards): SONY. Having had a wonky start with the misguided price point, the controversies surrounding the lack of BC, and the absence of a major system seller, their fortunes seemed to change after MGS4 and Uncharted 2. Investments in relatively unproven developers such as Quantic Dream, Media Molecule, Guerilla Games and thatgamecompany started to pay off around the 2009 mark, and they eventually (TLG still pending) delivered newer instalments in their signature first-party franchises, such as God of War 3, GT5 and Wipeout HD.

Despite the hiccups with the security of their online service, there's still a lot of goodwill being directed towards the console due to Sony's generous welcome back program (plus the knowledge that they weren't the only company affected by the hacks). Ultimately, we still don't have that elusive cross-game chat feature, but the upcoming exclusive lineup is still going strong (where I'd argue Microsoft's is losing some steam), and Sony seem to be all the better for learning from their recent slip-ups in PR.


Nintendo. DS is my favorite platform since the SNES. It was also the first handheld I bought. Looking forward to 3DS, and Vita to some extent, more then any next gen TV console.


JWong said:
Sony has the better hardware support, better software support, and better service.

Don't know how anyone can pick Microsoft with all the faults they made:
- Paying for online

Not all that bad when the service is good imo.

It was pretty bad but I also liked the PS2 the most last gen and that was known for DRE. At least MS owned up to it by letting people give in their 360's for free. My friends had to pay to fix their PS2's with DRE.
- Shutting down their popular PC studios (Age of Empire, Flight Sim, FASA)

Not really into the games you made mention of...

- Abandoning Games for Windows and PC in general with 360 exclusive games
- Poor indie support
- Forced Kinect development aka the end of all hardcore Microsoft games

lol really now?
NecrumSlavery said:
lol. why thank you. i prpbably sound a bit like an ass.

I have not problem with the system, and it's first 2 years were great. but the company has shown me that they are greedy and do not treat gaming as an art, just a business.

They are in it for the money, just like Ninty and Sony.

Edit: Beaten severely.


none of them

edit: alright, the DS lite was nearly flawless for me. everything i wanted in a gaming device.


Fjordson said:
That isn't uniform, though. I've never encountered a single RROD, or any other technical problems *shrug*

I have standards and nothing about my 360 fell below them.

I mean in the general world of video games, yeah, all three have had some major disappointments. But I figured this was about our personal expectations.

sure, i just interpret the bigger picture

it also depends from where you come from. As ive been playing games on PC all my life, being asked to pay for playing online in a worse manner than the one ive been doing all my life for free..

it depends on the person, so i guess the thread makes sense

oh and as far as the console that exceeded my expections: the DS by a mile. Quickly became one of my favorite systems of all time.


NecrumSlavery said:
The PSP is going strong more than ever and the Vita is looking to revolutionize the handheld market

Microsoft just copies the fuck out of Sony and Nintendo to try and monopolize the market. Americans and Brits kiss MS's ass regardless of how bad they treat them. I don't get it. I don't understand why the Us/UK love Microsoft so much. I assume Ms's evil marketing is to blame. Now with Kinect they have completely abandoned the hardcore gamer to cater to the grandmas of the world. Other than Gears 3 and sadly more Halo(without Bungie...talk about milking it) MS is providing nothing special or unique. Gears 3 isn't really unique, but its actually an improvement unlike the carbon copy Gears 2 compared to the first one. It saddens me that last gen the Xbox was a reliable hardcore system and not Ms does nothing but milk shovelware and fake trailers. Thank god the world is smart enough to always go Sony when the US or UK pick the 360. Keeps the majority in fav of the PS3. Hope that the core really pull their heads out of their asses and fight back for the games. Because if the 360 crowd just allows it, MS will raped them. MS has always been about money. Not one person who has any passion at MS other than crazy Peter Molyneaux..everyone else is a tool douchebag asshole like Kudo or Major Nelson.
I own a 360 btw, but I really have nothing but disgust for MS as a company.

Amazingly, the most hilarious part of this comment was "PSP is going strong more than ever"...

Also remember back in 2005-2008 when the criticism was "Xbox is only for teen-20 year old hardcore gamers, males only, only mature/violent games, etc. etc."


I am Wayne Brady.
I play my xbox the most and i have all three consoles. Yet i still hate the damn machine. If i felt i could deal any legitimate damage in punching this inanimate object in the face, I would.

Yet I still play it...or rather clone no. 6. So i guess it wins.

Although the real winner is my PC. I never considered playing any PC games for more than half a decade. Now it occupies half of my game playing time.
Xbox 360 bar none. Coming off the Xbox I never thought the console would have a well rounded library like it does. Pretty much the most diverse of the three consoles with tons of great games. Xbox 1 was a solid system, but it just didn't seem to offer as much. Not so with the 360.


I never dreamed a console manufacturer would remove features from its console.

Sony exceeded my expectations here.

I never dreamed a console manufacturer would create a machine that you'd need to own four iterations of over 5 years.

Microsoft exceeded my expectations here.

I never dreamed a console market leader would stop releasing games less than 5 years into the machine's run.

Nintendo exceeded my expectations here.

On a more serious note, the digital services delivered to some degree what the retail space fell short of delivering. That's what actually exceeded my expectations.
None of them for me. RRod was a disaster that completely soured me on becoming an early adopter for Microsoft again and charging to play online is definitely going to be a big reason for me to pick another system the next go around. It nearly cancelled out all the goodwill they've managed to build with Netflix, Xbl parties and the relatively smooth online experience of Xbox live.

Sony had backward compatibility which is important for me because I missed out bigtime on the PS2 and PS1 which had some of the greatest games ever made, but they took it away. PSN is not up to scratch on the communications front with friends like Xbl is unfortunately and no Netflix party watch is a HUGE downer for me. I also know that my MGS4 model is a ticking time bomb that will not be covered under warranty so I'm not picking up another PS3 until I can get a PS2 and PS3 for less than $200. The updating on the PS3 can also be hellish with hour long waits if you have not played a game in a long time and it looks like a joke next to Xbl's speedy fifteen second updates per game.

Nintendo had me at the start, but the potential of the Wiimote was never fully utilized and I stopped playing the system months ago in favor of Xbl and PSN. It is without a doubt my favorite system for the games, but the experience is way too isolated without decent online features. Very few developers managed to get the best out the system which also definitely played a role in how engaging the games could be on Wii hardware.

I expect better from all three, especially Nintendo.
Rahxephon91 said:
Xbox 360 bar none. Coming off the Xbox I never thought the console would have a well rounded library like it does. Pretty much the most diverse of the three consoles with tons of great games. Xbox 1 was a solid system, but it just didn't seem to offer as much. Not so with the 360.

Odd, i would argue that they have one of the less well rounded libraries of games out there..


travisbickle said:
How can Microsoft exceed your expectation as "console manufacturer"? They proved they cannot manufacture a console?





And my white 360's never had a RROD, although apparently a lot of people encountered RROD.. Not me.
Slayer-33 said:

I loved the shit out of my OG Xbox, but RRod was inexcusable from a consumer perspective. Companies specializing in other consumer products would have gone out of business if the failure rates matched those of the 360 when it launched.



Microsoft. The 1st XBox had only a handful of truly great games, but the 360 turned it around completelly. Even if they go all-Kinect from now on, it was a worthwhile run.

Sony dissapointed compared to the PS2. Wii was weaksauce.
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