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Which console manufacturer has exceeded your expectations this generation?

Rahxephon91 said:
Xbox 360 bar none. Coming off the Xbox I never thought the console would have a well rounded library like it does. Pretty much the most diverse of the three consoles with tons of great games. Xbox 1 was a solid system, but it just didn't seem to offer as much. Not so with the 360.
I'll agree with a ton of great games and the best console this gen. However, I'm not sure if I'd say they have the most variety out of all 3 consoles. TBH, all 3 consoles missed out on at least one major gaming genre/segment.


CurseoftheGods said:
Yes, sir.
In that case, I guess I'll just list how they all went versus my expectations.

To preface this, I primarily play games on the PC, so my perspectives will be heavily colored by exclusives, as they're the only things I buy on these platforms.

With the Xbox 360 and PS3, they kind of became mirrors of each other. Before the generation started, I was really negative on the 360 and positive on the PS3 due to their previous platforms, but when I started to look at the first games available, I noticed that the 360's library seemed vastly better to me. I went out and bought the 360 along with Gears of War in 2006 and felt that the platform served me very well through 2008. The earlier years of XBLA were a very large part of shaping this, filling in unique genres that were no longer viable at retail. However, as the years waned on, the 360's line-up consisted less and less of great core and XBLA games I wanted, while Sony's first party line-up impressed me more and more. At this point, I find myself wanting several PS3 games a year and next to none for the 360.

The Wii I was expecting to like very little, and in terms of the motion controls and pointer controls (I normally use a mouse), that definitely held true. However, I did find myself buying a robust line-up of Wii games simply because they actually offered different experiences compared to what I could find on other platforms. A lot of these experiences weren't super impressive to me, but I still quite enjoyed them because they added much needed variety to a generation defined by its risk aversion. Having local co-op games was also frequently a highly useful feature for me, but the lack of quality online kind of canceled this out.

The handhelds are the platforms that impressed me the most. My last handheld before the DS/PSP was the original Gameboy, so I went into both of them with very low expectations, but what I found was that both offered me novel experiences I couldn't find elsewhere, and that often I enjoyed playing games on the platforms as much as I enjoyed games on consoles or my PC. The DS managed to have a robust line-up of games I wanted for almost the entire generation, and that holds true even today, and by the time I bought a PSP, I had a very similar experience as well. Both platforms are now facing localization problems, but given that they have been out for seven years and are now in their deathbeds, I'm not going to hold this against them.

So overall, I found the DS and PSP to be the systems that both exceeded my expectations and satisfied me the most, and I hope Nintendo and Sony keep in mind this generation that for many people, it's the games that offer something new and different that make handhelds valuable as opposed to the games that clone consoles. I certainly am looking forward to several console like experiences on handhelds, but I still want them to be console like experiences that are no longer (or rarely) explored on the other platforms I own. If they can do that, the 3DS and Vita will likely end up being the platforms that impress me the most next gen as well.
I'm most pleased with the PS3 this gen. I had pretty high expectations, and once they got the ball rolling they've been met.

For me Sony has simply invested more in exclusive games that I care about. Microsoft has basically done the complete opposite as this gen has gone on, and Kinect has been mostly a disappointment for me.
Lyphen said:
Fill out this argument.
What in terms of new and compelling content has microsoft brought to the party this gen? I know there are a few, but compared to systems past it doesn't seem to measure up. Even the ps3, which is not great in that regard is a bit better.
Exceeded my expectations?

Has to be Microsoft. From where they were last gen to where they are now it's nothing short of impressive. They really stepped it up.

Honorable mention to Nintendo who tried something different and had a lot of success with it.
Lyphen said:
Fill out this argument.

They have not managed to create compelling first party software outside of FPS, racing, and Fable.

Their portfolio of games is heavy on Western games but lacks alot of Japanese styled games.

They also seem to lack alot of quirkier more whimsical games like a LBP, Modnation, katamari damacy, 8 bit heroes, etc.

thin on platformers and esoteric titles like the games that Q and Thatgamecompany have produced.

In my opinion it has become a system for Dudebro games. :(
PC is still awesome like always. Wii was a huge letdown from the hype, 360 fizzled out though I still play occasionally and PS3 was like buy another 360 just to play these other games. The consoles were meh


Thread title and OP technically ask 2 different questions.

1. Exceeded expectations?

Sony. In all honesty, before this gen, I never looked much at all at Sony's first party games on PS1 and PS2. This gen, I own more 1st party stuff than ever, and Sony finally has something resembling an online structure.

After not really liking the PS1 and PS2 at all, I'm a big fan of the PS3 and the value it has given me.

2. Satisfied me as a gamer?

Microsoft. Live just makes it too hard to do my gaming anywhere else. Not to mention ALMOST the most perfect controller ever crafted for gaming. The bulk of my gaming is done on the 360 mainly for those 2 reasons.

It's also partially because of achievements and having the better multiplats mostly to begin with too. By the time Sony added trophies, and started to even the ledger in multiplats, my gamerscore and subsequently my game library was already too high to make the full switch.

I do now tend to try and buy SP focused games, and games with the PS3 as lead on the PS3 now though. Also helps that I can import them from the US for a great price too. Multi-region ftw.


Wii had some insane flaws in design like online and lack of demos (and completly ignoring wiiware ... wich is a SIN because of the amount of gloryousness that you find there)

360 had RROD

PS3 had Psn hack

So ... for a hardware perspective is PSP vs DS ... wich i go to the DS
DS > PS3 > 360 > Wii > PSP

From a software point of view

People expected Rare games and Halo from Microsoft, only delivered the Halos, a cool banjo mutilation and Rare games so casual that you forget that youplayed a 16 bit classic everytime you play
(but Live Arcade is godly and deserves to be recognized .... even if had praticaly no first party titles of notice)

People expected Team Ico and God of War from Sony, God of War delivered ... but only tears for TLG

People expected crap casual from Nintendo, and we got it, but we also got the biggest amount of Marios in one gen INCLUDING the first direct sequel of a 3D mario, a godly DKC, a Sin and Punishment sequel and a Sonic vs Mario smash bros.

So ...Nintendo by far

Nintendo > Sony > Microsoft

But the real answer to both questions is : DOWNLOADABLE TITLES

PSN,Live Arcade and Wiiware had some AMAZING stuff that took me completly by surprise


I can't say that MS exceed my expectations seeing as how the primary draw to the system (imo) is XBL. Even the original Xbox dominated in the online space and I would hope the only online gaming service (for gaming devices) you have to pay a subscription for would be better than the rest. Also, the RROD was just plain BS and the reason I don't have a 360 anymore (went through 3 systems before I just gave up on it).

Sony is more on a bell curve for me. Coming out of the previous two generations you would have expected them to just dominate from the start but that wasn't the case. The PS3 was pretty disappointing early on but as time went by, Sony slowly got their shit together and has put together a rather impressive lineup of exclusive retail and download titles. The PSP, despite all the hate it gets, is also a rather impressive piece of hardware and it is where I've been getting a lot of my JRPG fix from this generation. I'm still not a big fan of handheld gaming though.

Hard to say for Nintendo. I don't much care for Nintendo's first party franchises anymore so the Wii is/was pretty much dead to me as there wasn't much there for non-casuals. The DS had a number of good games that I enjoyed (again, mostly JRPGs) but the majority of those games didn't need either the dual screen or the touch functions and I frankly would have probably enjoyed those games more if they didn't have that stuff. So game wise, Nintendo is on par with my expectations of them but the gimmicky control systems are a little disappointing.

All in all, none of them exceeded expectations. As far as simply being satisfied, I'm most satisfied by Sony this generation but as I stated, it was a slow burn.
Well I preferred the Xbox last gen to the PS2. I expected the trend to continue, playing mostly on the 360 and the Japanese exclusives on the PS3/bluray.

360 started out strong but eventually became my most disappointed console of all time, its a complete joke now.

PS3 got me back in the Sony camp and it just keeps pumping out amazing game after amazing game. Free online (will never pay for live again), great media hub, better tech, western support, and my console is very solid. So yeah, Sony.
outunderthestars said:
Odd, i would argue that they have one of the less well rounded libraries of games out there..
Well go ahead and argue.

If I only had an xbox I would still have acsess to

More jrpgs then any of the other consoles.

More western wrpgs.

Tons of third person and first person shooters with the exclusives arguably better then the PS3.

Accesses to most of gamings big franchieses that made it this gen.

Platformers and other niche areas covered by XBL.

A worthy rival to GT5 in Forza, plus pretty much all the other racing francheses.

Pretty much fantastic third party support.

So if I had just an xbox this gen, I would be pretty ok.

But you say it fails in areas such as Japanese games. Sure we're not talking about the PS3 here? I have more Japanese games on 360 then PS3 and when it comes to exclusive Japanese games the PS3 has failed.


GAF parliamentarian
iamshadowlark said:
What in terms of new and compelling content has microsoft brought to the party this gen? I know there are a few, but compared to systems past it doesn't seem to measure up. Even the ps3, which is not great in that regard is a bit better.
You should look into MGS-published XBLA games. You'd be surprised.

Fox318 said:
PC. Everyone told me it was dead, yet its basically the only thing I game on.
Will there ever be a day when PC gamers can simply get banned for entering a console-specific thread and boast about PC gaming? There is no PC platform holder, PC doesn't apply here at all.
Microsoft. They bestowed upon us the glory of Achievements and XBLA, and most importantly, they established a good relationship with Cave, who has brought us the best games this gen.

That's looking at the entire picture though. If I just look at the current state of each company, Sony is the only one that isn't completely fucking awful.


erotic butter maelstrom
Hah, no expectations were exceeded. I've always been a platform agnostic person. I've gone through phases where I preferred a certain system, but in the end they're all the same to me, so I don't have a favorite manufacturer to be biased towards.

Anyways, I'll give the nod to Microsauce since, prior to this gen, I would not have expected to see them in the position they are in now. They went to the company that makes the box that plays Halo to being the dominant brand in console gaming.

Sony have had the most worthwhile first party line up of this generation, but I think most of us can agree that it still doesn't stack up to the PS2's library. Even though PS3 is the only console I've kept, Sony haven't exceeded any expectations of mine.

Nintendo were just Nintendo. All I expect from Nintendo is to keep on making Marios and Zeldas. The DS is the best gaming system of this gen but I lost mine after just a few months :(.

EDIT - I'm responding to the title question and not the sentence in the OP, but whatever. I think he was just trying to do another troll bait thread anyways.
lmfao, i understand your game, curseofthegods. i remember the majora's mask 3ds thread. now you're gonna make a thread starting a console war, except you're subtle about it. it's good. i like it. i might even take you on for a little project...
Back in 2005 after I finished Resident Evil 4 which thought me the sensation of being immersed in utter perfection I, the sentimental tosser that I was, cast an optimistic look ahead on the new generation around the corner. I looked and wondered, if gaming has come so far since the humble days of the Atari, then I cannot imagine how much better it is going to get come next generation.

Turns out the only thing that did any exceeding of anything was my imagination in conjuring up such an optimistic outlook on the future. All three and their purveyors have been a colossal fall from grace this generation to the point that I am convinced that Resident Evil 4 may very well have been the top of the curve signalling a steep eternal decline.

But hey, looking at the bright side of things I had it so good in the previous generations that I missed out on a lot of good stuff because the other lot of good stuff were keeping me busy. So, thanks to an outlook of oceans of time between worthwhile releases and my new best friend eBay I am building a Noah's Ark of classics that passed me by. The gravy train of past was so bountiful that I calculate the rich veins in eBay may have a full decade's worth of games to keep me busy mining.

There is gold in them hills I tells ya! Goooold!


early on i liked xbox more but i've slowly shifted to ps3. for the last two years i've preferred the games on sony's console. still play halo and gears on xbox , anything mt framework like lost planet and re5..


Definetely Sony!
At first, I started with the XBOX 360 back in 2005. I was really pleased with the machine.At that time It was superb in the graphics department and introduced the HD in the consoles department for the first time.At that point, KAMEO was a heavenly game for me.I enjoyed 360 a lot during the course of the year.Games like Oblivion and Gears are memorable.
Then, in Christmas 2006 I bought the Wii along with the Twilight Princess. The weakness of the machine was apparent even in 2006 but deep inside me I am a big Nintendo fan and I was dying to play Twilight Princess in widescreen mode.
In March of 2007, I bought the PS3 with Resistance. Game was good-graphics were already outdated by the Gears on 360.
So, by the March of 2007, I had all the machines. My time was divided between 360 and PS3. I used the Wii only for major releases likethe Mario Galaxies, Metroid 3, Donkey Kong Return and etc.
During the course of the years, PS3 had become my favourite machine though.
Reasons? A lot! It had even better graphics and games than both the 360 and Wii. Hardware-wise, it was a lot more reliable than the 360 and on par with Wii.
During 2005-2008 November, my 360 broke down 3 times. Everytime I had to sent it in Microsoft and wait almost a month to get it back.
So, since the end of 2008, I abandoned the 360 and used it only for the exclusive titles. Pretty much like my Wii. I wanted to buy sometimes the multiplatform games that had better versions in the 360 for the 360 but I was always afraid that the hardware will break down again and I will be unable to finish my game since I would have to wait for the console to come back from the service.
With Sony, I never had problems. Not even once. That is why I invested a lot of money in their console. I have 10 titles for the Wii, 55 for 360 and 85 for PS3.
In sum, my favourite brand in this generation was SONY. It exceeded my expectations in graphics-new franchises-reliability and stability.
Snuggler said:
Sony have had the most worthwhile first party line up of this generation, but I think most of us can agree that it still doesn't stack up to the PS2's library. Even though PS3 is the only console I've kept, Sony haven't exceeded any expectations of mine.

You know i've always said the ps2 has what is probably the best library of all the consoles. The only one i think rivals it is the SNES.


Throw me in the none of them have camp. I had a long rant written out but I suck at putting my thoughts into something coherent. At the same time it's not worth fighting over. So I'll just say none of them for me.

Sky Chief

To answer the question in the OP, I am most satisfied with Sony, they have produced by far the best group of exclusive games.

To answer the thread title, none of the manufacturers have exceeded my expectations even remotely.


Rahxephon91 said:
More jrpgs then any of the other consoles.
Pretty sure the PS3 has more, if not by much. The DS and PSP dominate the home consoles in this area though. That goes goes for "distinctly Japanese" games in general.
Xilium said:
Pretty sure the PS3 has more, if not by much. The DS and PSP dominate the home consoles in this area though. That goes goes for "distinctly Japanese" games in general.
You're right I think it does have more, if you want to count that NIS stuff. I'm not interested in stuff like Altier whatever. So when I think of having the most actual quality jrpgs, I'm going to think Xbox 360.
I think both Sony and Microsoft have really dont good jobs this gen but in different ways.

For MS they have evolved and re branded the 360 from a gaming machine to this little all in one digital media box. They have spent money Money hatting the right people (rockstar, Epic, Crytek, activision, netfix, Top gear) and have done what needed to be done to make the xbox a brand that will stick around in this streaming, downloading, social networking internet age we are seeing coming.

For Sony they have turned around one of biggest screw up in gaming history (599 USD) and made what is in my opinion the best value for money system on the market right now and have the best 3rd and 1th party line up of the big 3.


Not that I'm complaining... okay I'm complaining. But I knew this thread would go this way.

OP - "What console do you like in your console if you had a choice of console console?"
GAF - "PC"



I spent years mocking them along with everyone else, the whole 'two-jobs'/$599 thing really left a sour taste in my mouth, and everything they did and said oozed both failure and arrogance. For years it seemed like they couldn't do anything right.

Then one summer I found myself growing bored of my PC/Wii, so I started looking into what the 360 and PS3 had to offer, after browsing their exclusives I found that a lot of the most popular 360 games were already available on my PC (with better visuals and mod communities), and while it did have a number of well received exclusives, they were mainly first person shooters, a genre I love and have enjoyed for decades... but on my PC. With a mouse and keyboard. God's chosen control scheme.

The PS3 on the other hand had some stuff that really piqued my interest. Flower, Little Big Planet, The Last Guardian, etc. Some really fresh, creative, artsy shit. When I finally decided to pick one up two summers ago I immediately knew I had made the right decision. Flower blew me away, I got sucked into Wipeout HD difficulty, my wife wouldn't let me play Uncharted unless she was in the room because she was so into it, and then we got Netflix.. and a whole 'nother world opened for us. Not a day goes by where my two-year old son doesn't run around saying 'mooovie!' while pointing at the PS3.

With the exception of my Super Nintendo back in the day, I've can't say I've ever been more satisfied with a gaming console.


Nintendo - The Wii didn't live up to my expectations. I got one on launch day and for a few weeks I thought it was amazing, but I was just caught up in the hype. Even though it's down to the way I played the games, once I (and my friends who used to come over for drinks and to play Wii Sports) discovered that you can just flick your wrist to bowl or play tennis and that you can sit down or even face away from the TV and do it, it's like the "motion control magic" instantly disappeared. It initially felt like it was mimicking my movements 1:1, but it wasn't even close. Motion Plus improved things, but hardly any games support it. There's been some good games released for the Wii, but I would go for months and months without buying a game sometimes.

Microsoft - The 360 exceeded my expectations, although that did include my expectation of how noisy it was going to be unfortunately, lol. It had a solid online system and pretty good feature set from day one, but over time they added things like the party mode and full game installs that were exactly what I wanted. It's got a good games catalogue and the XBLA/indie games service is unrivalled on other consoles IMO. Kinect has spoiled things a bit. I've not got the room for one and I'm not sure I'd even want one, but it was disappointing to see the next Fable and Crytek's Ryse game being Kinect-only titles at E3. Any game that's Kinect-only is a no go for me and sadly that has (and will again no doubt) included titles that I would have bought if they could have been played with a regular controller.

Sony - The PS3 hardware exceeded my expectations. It's a nice bit of kit and I've had no issues with my old fat. The way the system works and the online system was a disappointment though and still are. I really didn't expect to have to sit through forced installs and download huge patches as I didn't expect that from a console. It's an exclusives only machine for me, but it has a good catalogue of exclusive titles that makes it more than worth a purchase.


Sony. I really thought they were finished at the start of this gen. Losing exclusives left and right, no interesting 1st party title in sight, expensive console. Fast forward to today, the price has gone down considerably, and most importantly, they have a lot of interesting 1st party titles, which is quite mind-blowing. They were not kidding when they said they're trying to stand on their own feet. And those unique download games (Flower, Pixeljunk, etc) helps to distinguish them from the competitors. It helps, of course, that they still get the occasional exclusives here and there (mostly niche JRPG). Plus, all of those exclusives previously on 360 is now flying to PS3 as well.


I definitely didn't think I would be happy buying a new Xbox after last generation, so it exceeded my expectations on that front. And with the ps3 I expected better than ps2 and I just don't feel it is quite there despite having lots of great games.


Between red rings and haxxorz, to 480p with waggle, I've had a lot of fun with games on all three platforms. Anyone say Apple yet?


Lyphen said:
Will there ever be a day when PC gamers can simply get banned for entering a console-specific thread and boast about PC gaming? There is no PC platform holder, PC doesn't apply here at all.
Never I'm afraid. We are "peasants" after all.
Wii- being a mostly nintendo centric person back in 2006 I'll say the Wii has satisfied me and there are games I still have to get for it but overall I wouldn't quite say it met expectations or exceeded them but instead went in a totally different direction.

PS3- I'll say that this has become my main console this gen has produced many first party games that i've come to enjoy, compared to what i was expecting when i first got a ps3 in 2007 i'll say Sony definitely has exceeded my expectations.

360- I'll say i jumped in at the wrong time (2008 and having already gotten a PS3) to truly enjoy it as much as I probably would have earlier or later , I've had a good few experiences on it but hasn't really exceeded what I expected out of it.

Handhelds- I've had great experiences with both but I think I still missed out on too many great games for both to say either has exceed expectations yet.


Hmm for me they all have underperformed and fallen off the wagon really. Shitty hardware is the main reason and I can't wait for they day when traditional console hardware dies off like it should.


Its amazing how even in a topic specifically about consoles the PC crowd cant resist trying to bring the PC into the discussion.

Anyway for me it has been MS. I didnt even own an Xbox because i didnt think they would actually stick around but this gen i hopped on board with Gears and havent looked back. I love how intuitive Xbox Live is and how everything just works together. XBLA has improved every year to the point where next gen i will buy a MS system just for access to the XBLA offerings.


Neo Member
Exceeded expectations?

Probably the 360. .

I expected great things from the 360 and it delivered and then some. Built on the hardcore base from the original Xbox, improved the Live service, improved the controller and also diversified with Kinect by introducing a brand new gaming experience that is revolutionary and fun for 'non gamers'. Kinect has given me the opportunity to share my love of gaming with friends and family that would not normally be interested in consoles. I never expected that would happen at the start of this gen.

The PS3 has disappointed. Not that it doesn't have great games - it does. It's equally as good as the 360 on that front (arguably better). PS3 has some brilliant exclusives and personally I love the PS3 blu-ray player. But the expectations for the PS3 were so high - primarily because of Sony's marketing - that in my judgement it failed to deliver. The PS3 was marketed as being the most powerful console on the planet (remember the teraflops comparison with the 360? Lol). I expected the PS3/360 to be Amiga/C64 type difference. This was not just based on Sony marketing but a game programmer friend told me after checking the PS3 specs that PS3 games would blow the 360 out of the water. It never happened.

So as good as the PS3 is, it disappointed me because of the sky-high expectations.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I don't think I had any high expectations from the producers.

I was let down on the PS3's overall games when I bought it on January 2009, slightly so with the PSP. NDS probably took the ball when I got it on 2007.


I'd say the wii. I got it without really knowing what to expect and despite the software droughts, non-localizations, and craptastic 3rd party games it has been a console like no other. I don't think I've ever had my entire family gaming like we have with the wii. Its also been home to some of the funnest and most intense local multiplayer sessions of my life (NSMBWii, MK Wii, SMBB, Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort). The wii and the gaming experiences to be had on it totally surprised me and exceeded my expectations for what it would be when I first got it at launch.


Rahxephon91 said:
You're right I think it does have more, if you want to count that NIS stuff. I'm not interested in stuff like Altier whatever. So when I think of having the most actual quality jrpgs, I'm going to think Xbox 360.

it has way more even without the nis stuff

if you talk about quality jrpgs i hope you don't mean magna carta or infinite undiscovery...all that's left then is lost odyssey and blue dragon

that PS3 games would blow the 360 out of the water. It never happened.

uncharted 2
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