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Why are modern JRPGs such a mess?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Give me alien worlds any day.
If only Panzer Dragoon Saga had been more accessible...

Did you finish it, or did you just stop after 1 ending?
I finished it. Hell, I made all the right choices the first time but the game forced a bad ending on me anyway. I was pissed and continued to hate-play it for some reason (I blame my boyfriend, he gave a glowing rec for the game and I foolishly trusted him), making different choices. I died again. Then my bf explained what the deal was, I was like "Are you kidding me... urgh ok", replayed it making the SAME choices as the first time, got the "true" ending, which was.... somehow even worse.

Fuck I hate this stupid game and now I'm in a bad mood for even ranting about it. Why'd you have to get me started? XD

With the enhancement that comes with the PC port, it's about as modern as games like Trails in the Sky and Bravely Default and I Am Setsuna.
What enhancements? Please don't say "achievements"...


What are anime rpgs? I take it this isn't meant to refer to rpgs based on animes right, so can't we get a better term for this? Many anime were based on manga. Many tropes can be traced back to those or even live action series like sentai or even soaps. I know its cool to crap on anime but as a catch all term in this instance its kinda a copout.

Sadly you're 100% right by stating "anime" is a catch all term nowadays for "Japanese stuff in games."

Anything that has colorful visuals, fantastical stories, bigger than life characters, and fanservice is liable to be called "anime" these days even if the game itself is really good. Persona and Kingdom Hearts get it hard even thought they're vastly different games that deal with their "animeness" (is that even a word?) in different ways. The term doesn't mean anything at all when someone is trying to describe games.
Open world isn't necessarily the issue (though it certainly suffered from the very typical open-world bloat). Xenoblade was just bad because it had really really awful gameplay. I hated the combat system, I hated the awful side-quests, I hated the horrid UI, I hated that tacked on, terrible crafting system. I also didn't like the character designs at all, their personalities were extremely bland as well, and the story didn't even grab me (it might get better later, hell I have the patience to enjoy Trails, but I was utterly bored by Xenoblade). The only things I liked about it was the environmental art, and the soundtrack.

Huh? Are you contradicting yourself here?

No, by that very series, I mean you're going to have to look at Final Fantasy for your FF itch. If FF isn't scratching that itch, it's the only series you can reasonably take issue over for that, because Xenoblade isn't meant to scratch the FF itch.

Combat took a while for me to get used to, but after I got used to it and messed around with it more, I really started enjoying it.

Side quests and crafting I can imagine being hell if you think of them in terms of the typical 100% jrpg way. I wouldn't even want to try doing that, honestly just pick up side quests and use them to explore the area, as long as it's mostly convenient.

Character designs - hmmm, I don't know how far you got, but every character that's not Shulk outshines Shulk on some level. I like some of the later characters quite a bit, although again, not the deepest thing ever.

I don't know. Didn't Monolithsoft start with refugees from Squaresoft? And then get a bunch more from what used to be Sacnoth/Nautilus/feelplus, another band of Squaresoft alums? Given the pedigree, expecting a little Final Fantasy in there seems reasonable enough.

No, Monolith Soft had already worked on a Xenogears type game with the Xenosaga series. Xenoblade wasn't even going to have the Xeno name until it was changed in honor of its head director. Iirc, Xenoblade always always going to be a more experimental game, developers said they weren't going to focus as much on the story for it.

XCX was Monolith Soft expanding on that style, messing with it, basically a progression from what Xeoblade had done. Iirc, the next Monolith Xeno game is going to be more story focused again, if that interests you

Ya it really seems like it depends on each persons situation an how they game in general. I've very rarely put down an rpg for so long that I was lost coming back to it. I can see 10 minutes here an there at lunch being some good lil grinding time but with how I get into grinding sometimes I'd find it hard to just stop an so wouldn't pick the game up at such a time. As for playing on public transportation I could start DQ7 on the bus ride home from picking it up... but I dun got headphones so I'd prolly miss alot of good opening audio. Plus it takes focus ta get sucked into a game world on such a small screen and buses are loud an travelling in general kinda hard to mute outside distractions. Would kinda hamper first impressions of just about any game but on a second playthrough or just random general downtime in-game it may be something I could give a try!

I mean, that's more in general. Personally, I often times like having the screen close to my face, and shift my position while walking around, moving while playing (I might walk in circles to pace while playing, or shift my position on the couch so that I'm reading diagonally or am even upside down or something; this is something I do with books too). Asides from really demanding games, I'd honestly prefer playing games on my laptop than my desktop, because I can lie down with the laptop and play.

Might have alot to do with me growing up more with portables, but I play portables alot more, and I don't think it's all because I'm traveling more.


Im not sure whether it's a good or bad thing that this has ended up being one of the better discussions about JRPGs on Gaf in ages :D

Red Frost

I finished it. Hell, I made all the right choices the first time but the game forced a bad ending on me anyway. I was pissed and continued to hate-play it for some reason (I blame my boyfriend, he gave a glowing rec for the game and I foolishly trusted him), making different choices. I died again. Then my bf explained what the deal was, I was like "Are you kidding me... urgh ok", replayed it making the SAME choices as the first time, got the "true" ending, which was.... somehow even worse.

Fuck I hate this stupid game and now I'm in a bad mood for even ranting about it. Why'd you have to get me started? XD

Fair enough. Visual novels aren't for everyone.

It's true that there were shitty RPGs then too. But what are the modern equivalents of FFVI and Chrono Trigger? I can't think of any.

In terms of sheer quality, pretty much just Persona.
Good news for those of you that liked the Xenogears and Xenosaga type of games more

In an interview with series director Takahashi, he said he would like to return to a more story-driven JRPG game like Xenoblade Chronicles after the more game-play focused Xenoblade Chronicles X. He would also like to continue the Xenoblade series by using a variety of settings rather than using the fantasy and science fiction settings from each game respectively.[39] Regarding their next project, Takahashi stated "I get bored with things pretty easily, so I'd like to keep creating things with different approaches every time. Along those lines, I'd definitely like my next project to look and feel pretty different from this one. The 'Xeno' name, by the way, really just exists to make it clear that these are Tetsuya Takahashi productions."[40]


So yeah, story based big console jrpg is coming (eventually)

They're also co-developing BoTW right now though
If only the combat was closer to turn-based rather than the totally balls pseudo-MMO system they got going on :/

Well, he did say he doesn't like repeating stuff too much.

I want a really good jrpg with the turn based system of Bravely Default, I'm refuse to endorse the return of ATB, they had the crown for far too long! No seriously, I love classic turn-based, but I'd like Monolith to keep pushing the genre, doesn't even have to be in the same way the XC games have

Well sometimes has to fill that void until the granddaddy of them all, Kingdom Hearts 3, comes along and blows everything away.

Kingdom Hearts 3 needs to have the greatest story of any jrpg ever. 3D set the bar so high, I'm excited to see how they blow that out of the water XD
The only reason people think modern JRPGs are a 'mess' is because they only look to the home console space and ignore the handheld space. Most of the great JRPGs moved to handhelds since the Japanese market has shifted to handhelds almost entirely. That said, plenty of great JRPGs are coming out this year and early next, both on handhelds and home consoles. You've got Dragon Quest 7 & 8 on 3DS, SMT 4 Apocalypse, Trails of Cold Steel 2, Persona 5 early next year. Final Fantasy is finally coming back, who knows if it will be good but it will probably be better than 13. On top of that there are tons of great smaller projects coming out, like Ys VIII, World of Final Fantasy, Etrian Odyssey V, etc. Maybe none of these games fit your tastes, but they are all quality games.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I've been reading Tales of Berseria being pretty good... To the point it's the best 3D Tales game (some even saying it's better than Vesperia).


Also I've grown to like DRPGs more over time because they (the ones I play) feature everything I want, good combat, high difficulty, minimal story (excepting EO3 which has an amazing story), lots of content, and most importantly
not really
a portrait creation system so I can have my party full of Idolmaster characters
(that's what I'm doing in Stranger of Sword City at least lol)

Recettear is a shop simulator with secondary RPG mechanics. Don't know if I'd count it here if we're talking about classic-ish RPGs.

I'm just messing around, its fantastic though still if you haven't played it please do.
For me, it's the gameplay that I tire of. Yes, I'm sick of the same old anime tropes and settings of JRPGs, but more than anything - I want a battle system that is fucking fun to play. You are spending so many hours in the battle system, this the number one priority for me.

To me, it seems like it shouldn't really be that difficult to make a fun battle system - I mean you are basically elaborating on a rock, paper, scissors theme, and that's really all you need. As long as you have strengths and weaknesses, it's kind of the same ideas behind a fighting game. But so many RPGs fail to hook me because the battle system is boring and flat.


Kingdom Hearts 3 needs to have the greatest story of any jrpg ever. 3D set the bar so high, I'm excited to see how they blow that out of the water XD

People should seriously take Nomura and Square Enix to court for criminally abusing people's emotions for over 15 years if that game doesn't deliver in everything it promises. Very few games in existence have had the insane buildup of KH3


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Having a hard time believing that after Zesteria, but good to hear.

I was surprised too. It made Zestiria look like complete shit in the end:

Finished it yesterday. It took me 61 hours to finish the story, the party was at level 67/68.

Loved it and can confirm the positive impressions.

Some brief thoughts:
- Cast and character interactions is great, especially loved the relationship between Velvet, Laphicet and Elenoar.
- Like how the story was handled. No collect all spirits or earthen historia quest. Plot twist was tragic, intense and depressing. Liked it.
- Fields are better designed and visually more appealing. They are more compact and not as big as Zestirias fields.
- There are a lot of towns. Found them nice. As always, you can only enter a few buildings, like inns, warehouses, churches or bars.
- Most dungeons have some minor puzzles, but nothing too dificult. Except the generic cave dungeons.
- Equipment/skills are easier to manage than in Zestiria.
- A lot of skits. A lot of LONG skits. This game has so much voice work.
- Game was very easy early on, even on hard. Difficulty went up during mid-game. Had to switch from hard to second. lol
- Barely touched the side content. Did some side quest but thats it.
- Battle system is fun, as always. Loved using Velvets Soul Break to extent my combo chain.

Edit: Never mind.

Cleared it at 38 hours (ignored side quests).

Might be my favorite 3D Tales game. Vespy was my fav up until now, but the combat didn't exactly thrill me in that game.

About 50 hours in and I think I'm basically at the endgame. I'll reserve my thoughts until I beat it, but overall it has been a lot better than Zestiria. It's a big improvement over it from the very map design to the main story content.

I don't think it plays it safe, though. It still feels like the recent games where they try to experiment with how they handle the systems, storytelling and the side-content.

Final verdict - a really good JRPG, one of the best (if not the best, probably will be a personal preference) 3D Tales games, which loses some points because of being a cross platform game.

Low budget and last gen tech.

But it's a closest to the classic golden age Tales we've love before
- story and lore are well done (plus, VAs, skit, and cut-scenes are above standard)
- a lot of side quest (but not insane as Eternia or Symphonia)
- a lot of mini games (fun!)
- decent amount of secrets
- a lot of non DLC swimsuits :p

55 hours, near the end, 70% of sub-events cleared.

Finished. Played most of the game on Hard and finished at about 55 hours. I did turn down the difficulty at points though because they just pumped too much damage and the healing is reduced on Hard, lol.

I'm gonna say that the game is easily the best 3D Tales game and the second best overall Tales game there is to me. The only game I'd say is a better game is Tales of Destiny R.
In any case, PS4 being more successful, and NX being a hybrid portable/console could be really great for bringing back console jRPGs. NX being HD hopefully means that, because companies have had a while to develop both on HD and non-HD consoles, they are more used to it, and many companies are now way past their early HD struggles.

Plus, I haven't really been paying any attention to gaming side, so I don't actually know why FFXV is supposed to be the next FF13 yet. Looked pretty decent last time I saw it, and GAF can get overly pessimistic about games, so I'm not paying too much attention to it (and if it disappoints, I was never that big on FF). SE still has another 2 chances this gen guaranteed, between FF7R, and KH3, to promote the PS4 hard. Dragon Quest XI is going to be on PS4 and NX. Monolith Soft will have another major jrpg title eventually. Then there's Persona 5. Hopefully the mid-level rpgs can successfully transition onto the NX, like SMT, EO.

Basically, either jrpgs go to mobile, or hybrid NX + PS4 selling better salvages situation, or a mix of both


I've yet to play a bad Dragon Quest game anyways (I even played in the open pc beta for DQX and enjoyed it immensely), so you should look forward to DQXI.
People should seriously take Nomura and Square Enix to court for criminally abusing people's emotions for over 15 years if that game doesn't deliver in everything it promises. Very few games in existence have had the insane buildup of KH3

KH3D spoiler:
How they gonna top time travel tho?

I mean, to be fair, people also are being silly when they don't count Birth By Sleep or Dream Drop Distance among the main titles, hell, even if the series only got crazier while it spent the time since KH2 on portables, I would say the gameplay got better to the point that I enjoy BBS and DDD alot more than the first 2 when it comes to that.

I want KH3 to just go wild with the story though. Absolutely fucking wild. Nomura needs to reveal the darkest corners of his mind. Just give the characters themselves some nice moments, some finality, but the plot points themselves should be absolutely mental. I want Nomura to stun the world

inb4 KH3 splits the timeline or some shit and suddenly we have KH plot mixed with Zelda timeline and theories


Also I've grown to like DRPGs more over time because they (the ones I play) feature everything I want, good combat, high difficulty, minimal story (excepting EO3 which has an amazing story), lots of content, and most importantly
not really
a portrait creation system so I can have my party full of Idolmaster characters
(that's what I'm doing in Stranger of Sword City at least lol)

I'm just messing around, its fantastic though still if you haven't played it please do.

I agree with you, Etrian Odyssey is probably my favourite turn-based battle system at the moment, I love the way the classes and skills synergise with each other. I also tend to create the personalities of the characters in my head over time, my guild of EO adventurers has largely been the same since the first one!

If party creation and tactical combat with an actual chance of defeat are what you love most in an RPG, then dungeon crawlers are a good pick. I like grand adventures with good characters as well though. Haven't played DQVII before so looking forward to that next week.
I have edited the OP to make things a little bit clearer.

Just to make it clear to everyone, I am not making these assumptions purely on Rogue Galaxy. I just noticed a trend after playing a bit of this game that is consistent with all the other JRPGs that I have played in the past few years.
And to just refocus my statements here, JRPGs these days are a jumbled mess of thoughtless mechanics and recycled characters and themes. To extend my thoughts on these matters further, I will CLEARLY separate them and explain my issues with each.

The Mechanics:
Fighting is either real time or turn based- I have no issue with either, but what I do have a problem with is how other systems within the game are tacked on with no thought to how it's supposed to fit. You gain new abilities by doing side quests or finding Item A and fitting it into Slot A. Sometimes you have to play some tech tree mini game to unlock abilities. It's like fitting a square peg into a round hole- the two don't fit, it's not an elegant system. Real time fighting systems are often just button mash fests. You gain new abilities, but they don't really affect the fight, they affect how you fight. Most of the time it ends up being an exercise in maintaining health bars while attacking. While I know that maintaining health is a portion of the battles, it shouldn't be the focus- The focus is in how one is fighting against the enemy. And you could turn to me and say, "you should direct your team mates better." To that I say the developers need to work on a system that makes you feel in control of your team mates as I think they are husks of what combat partners should be like.

There often is content for the sake of content and not really anything else. Half way through a game you're still going through tutorials, because at that point developers wanted to pad the game more with a bug collect-a-thons and synthesis-fusion systems. How does this help me and my journey to save the world? How does this fit into the world that I am exploring? And what are the benefits of participating in this?

The characters and the world:
Everything is a trope. The worlds are barren waste lands, because everything has comical proportions and it takes too long to get anywhere. The character dialogues are a joke and it's bizarre to me that they try to pan this off to adults (and to that extent teens who may play these as well). I don't know what else I should say.

In regards to console vs handheld games, I clearly was referring to console games. I have not played hand held games in a looooong time, because it feels pointless to me- I would always play at home and like others have stated, would prefer to play on a TV. I sold my 3ds, because the prospects just weren't appealing anymore.
But why can't we have better console JRPG experiences? Just because the handheld consoles have good games, doesn't mean that consoles can't. Why are console JRPGs so bad right now?

I hope that clarifies my point a little bit more.



Buy Trail of Cold Steel or a Persona games (PS VITA), these games are what j-rpgs should aim because they're good characters and world.
Buy Etrian Odyssey 4 because that's what j-rpgs should aim in term of depth of gameplay and onewhich has of the best synergy in combat.
There're a lot of good j-rpgs out there, you just picked the WRONG one.

Heck, I'm even playing Granblue Fantasy because it has good turn based combat of j-rpg on mobile, lol.
No, really. You just have to choose better games.


KH3D spoiler:
How they gonna top time travel tho?

I mean, to be fair, people also are being silly when they don't count Birth By Sleep or Dream Drop Distance among the main titles, hell, even if the series only got crazier while it spent the time since KH2 on portables, I would say the gameplay got better to the point that I enjoy BBS and DDD alot more than the first 2 when it comes to that.

I want KH3 to just go wild with the story though. Absolutely fucking wild. Nomura needs to reveal the darkest corners of his mind. Just give the characters themselves some nice moments, some finality, but the plot points themselves should be absolutely mental. I want Nomura to stun the world

inb4 KH3 splits the timeline or some shit and suddenly we have KH plot mixed with Zelda timeline and theories

I'd say KH CHI is getting even crazier


JRPGs always stood out because they were focused story driven experiences. It was not about freedom, customisation, difficulty, battle systems, etc., but rather It was all about delivering the emotion of the story through memorable moments, music, plot twists, etc.

With the advancement in hardware there has been this unnecessary need to reinvent everything so it plays like a "modern" game. This is a huge mistake because it feels like resources are going towards areas fans of the genre dont give a damn about.

I couldnt care less about the difficulty, miles and miles of unexplored terrain, 100+ hours of content. A great story with good music and decent graphics is all we are looking for. Let the western rpgs build upon their strengths and JRPGs build upon theirs. From Square alone we had so many unique RPGS in the PSX and SNES era, so theres no reason to believe it will get stale.


JRPGs always stood out because they were focused story driven experiences. It was not about freedom, customisation, difficulty, battle systems, etc., but rather It was all about delivering the emotion of the story through memorable moments, music, plot twists, etc.

With the advancement in hardware there has been this unnecessary need to reinvent everything so it plays like a "modern" game. This is a huge mistake because it feels like resources are going towards areas fans of the genre dont give a damn about.

I couldnt care less about the difficulty, miles and miles of unexplored terrain, 100+ hours of content. A great story with good music and decent graphics is all we are looking for. Let the western rpgs build upon their strengths and JRPGs build upon theirs. From Square alone we had so many unique RPGS in the PSX and SNES era, so theres no reason to believe it will get stale.

Bleh i hate this kind of thought.I always feel the gameplay should be number one. Ni No Kuni is the biggest offender for this as the graphics, art style and story is nice. But Hot Damn the Battle System is BAD.T_T


I too grew up with JRPGs, and I find the Shin Megami Tensei series is the thing that scratches my itch most now. Games like SMTIV are challenging but well balanced so as not to require grinding, and little things like being able to pay off your death debt with Play Coins instead of currency soften the blow of difficulty.

The narratives are generally more mature (at least when compared to JRPGs on the whole), and there's a variety between subseries. You mentioned you'd played Persona 4, I'd suggest P3:FES if you want to game on TV and haven't played it. SMTIV and Soul Hackers are good for 3DS owners as well.


It sounds like you either don't like jrpg's anymore, or you're just playing bad jrpg's, because great new jrpg's come out all the time. Just in the next few months alone there's SMT Apocalypse, Persona 5, Trails of Cold Steel 2, even Final Fantasy 15 which could still be good.

Jrpg's continue to sell, people continue to buy them, they continue to be made and they continue to get critical acclaim. Hell, were even seeing something of a western boom with Jrpg's when games like Undertale can one out and be jrpg's in all but country of origin and still find huge success.

Just because you don't like how jrpg's are now doesn't mean they're bad.


I too grew up with JRPGs, and I find the Shin Megami Tensei series is the thing that scratches my itch most now. Games like SMTIV are challenging but well balanced so as not to require grinding, and little things like being able to pay off your death debt with Play Coins instead of currency soften the blow of difficulty.

The narratives are generally more mature (at least when compared to JRPGs on the whole), and there's a variety between subseries. You mentioned you'd played Persona 4, I'd suggest SMTIV, P3:FES and Soul Hackers as well.

Rather than P3, i would suggest him Strange Journey lol. That one is true quality.^_^
Buy Trail of Cold Steel or a Persona games (PS VITA), these games are what j-rpgs should aim because they're good characters and world.
Buy Etrian Odyssey 4 because that's what j-rpgs should aim in term of depth of gameplay and onewhich has of the best synergy in combat.
There're a lot of good j-rpgs out there, you just picked the WRONG one.

Heck, I'm even playing Granblue Fantasy because it has good turn based combat of j-rpg on mobile, lol.
No, really. You just have to choose better games.

I understand there are some good games out there, but what I'm saying is that JRPGs are stagnant right now and haven't evolved in any way that is actually meaningful. I'd even go on to say they have regressed. Once again, I'm not making this claim off of Rogue Galaxy, but on the trend that I have seen with JRPGs that I've played within the past few years. Rogue Galaxy is what made me notice this trend.


I personally prefer the atmosphere of P3, but both are definitely worth playing. The whole MegaTen franchise has such a good ratio of quality/quantity.

It maybe just my personal taste here but i really don't like Persona as the day per day basis is killing my flow in playing.T_T I would love if the game is more like TMS but i know, i am going to trigger many of P fans.T_T
Last JRPG I played and enjoyed was Child of Light.

A simple, clear story which doesn't try to be needlessly shocking or controversial
An enjoyable combat system with encounters designed and not procedurally/randomly generated
Decent soundtrack
Doesn't overstay it's welcome an is a decent length

The game has a few problems, such as ridiculous lack of move variety and a silly rhyming gimmick. But compared to the things it get's right more than makes up for it.

So then I ask: What other JRPG has come out in the last 3-5 years which I would enjoy?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I think this thread would have gone better without the words "Rogue Galaxy".

That game is not only over a decade old, but it came at the tail end of when jRPGs were still going strong in 2005. A lot of great stuff for the genre came out in the next years: Persona 3, 4, FFXII, Valkyrie Profile 2, Lost Odyssey, etc.

The core point has merit, but you'd be better off painting a picture of the 2008-2016 era... which is a clear decline era for the genre.


Bleh i hate this kind of thought.I always feel the gameplay should be number one. Ni No Kuni is the biggest offender for this as the graphics, art style and story is nice. But Hot Damn the Battle System is BAD.T_T

Well in a medium there should be a diverse variety and there shouldnt be a need to define it. We all play for our own reasons and there were enough of us who valued a more story focused experience. BTW I loved Ni no Kuni and in fact felt the story quotient needed to be upped even more. :)


Last JRPG I played and enjoyed was Child of Light.

A simple, clear story which doesn't try to be needlessly shocking or controversial
An enjoyable combat system with encounters designed and not procedurally/randomly generated
Decent soundtrack
Doesn't overstay it's welcome an is a decent length

The game has a few problems, such as ridiculous lack of move variety and a silly rhyming gimmick. But compared to the things it get's right more than makes up for it.

So then I ask: What other JRPG has come out in the last 3-5 years which I would enjoy?

It is not designed by Japanese devs though which is probably why the story is quite simple.

SMTIV, EOIV, 7th Dragon, Bravely Second, Tokyo Mirage Session, Xenoblade X.


Well in a medium there should be a diverse variety and there shouldnt be a need to define it. We all play for our own reasons and there were enough of us who valued a more story focused experience. BTW I loved Ni no Kuni and in fact felt the story quotient needed to be upped even more. :)

I agree. It is ur opinion and taste. What can i do to change u lol? But i really disagree with ur sentences here.

Let the western rpgs build upon their strengths and JRPGs build upon theirs.

Jrpg strength is never only story. Their great battle system is one of the reason why there is so many people till now still love the genre. While the number had decreased compared to older times, during that times there is so many experimental battle system which absolutely blast. So, i don't agree with the building on strength on Jrpg which is story.
JRPGs always stood out because they were focused story driven experiences. It was not about freedom, customisation, difficulty, battle systems, etc., but rather It was all about delivering the emotion of the story through memorable moments, music, plot twists, etc.

With the advancement in hardware there has been this unnecessary need to reinvent everything so it plays like a "modern" game. This is a huge mistake because it feels like resources are going towards areas fans of the genre dont give a damn about.

I couldnt care less about the difficulty, miles and miles of unexplored terrain, 100+ hours of content. A great story with good music and decent graphics is all we are looking for. Let the western rpgs build upon their strengths and JRPGs build upon theirs. From Square alone we had so many unique RPGS in the PSX and SNES era, so theres no reason to believe it will get stale.


jRPGs are japanese rpgs. Who really gives a shit if they change stuff up, and decide to expand and innovate

It's this sort of thinking that makes the genre worse, because all you'll get it the same old PS1 shit and building off of just that for the rest of the genre's life if you think this way.

The original jRPGs were based off of the oldest table-top games and crpgs that also built the foundation for some of the earliest crpgs.
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