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Why I sold Destiny.


I stopped playing Destiny when they closed the loot cave. I honestly had more fun there dancing with randos and playing the engram lottery than I did with any other part of the game...


Destiny Singleplayer:

1) Dinklebot - "Come on Guardian, we have to find X!"
2) Dinklebot - "It looks like some kind of ancient lock. Hold off the enemies while I try to decrypt it"
3) Dinklebot - "Oh boy! I tripped some sort of alarm. Hold off the enemies while I finish decrypting the lock!"
4) Dinklebot - "Come on Guardian, we have to find Y!"

Rinse and repeat for 10-12 hours.

Yeah, and I actually liked fighting waves of enemies, so I enjoyed it a lot.
Another Validation topic?

Ill play

Good for you for doing what you feel is best for your gaming health

I am sure plenty of people feel the same way.

For me though I dont mind. Already bought and will likely come back to it from time to time to enjoy the new content.


Maybe he never really played a good single player campaign (serious mark here).

Or... you know, I actually enjoy the mission design here? (I'll take a wave of enemies over forced stealth shit missions like in Far Cry 4 any day). The extremely tight shooting? The great visuals? Maybe I thought the story in Halo games (and most games) is complete shit and actually like not having to sit through it?

Come to think of it the Destiny campaign reminds me a lot of Killzone Mercenary, and I loved that one as well.

You know... opinions. But nah, if someone likes Destiny they're just ignorant.


Or... you know, I actually enjoy the mission design here? (I'll take a wave of enemies over forced stealth shit missions like in Far Cry 4 any day). The extremely tight shooting? The great visuals? Maybe I thought the story in Halo games (and most games) is complete shit and actually like not having to sit through it?
That's gameplay and it's completely allright to like it that way. I rather thought about the plot and its telling and not "singleplayer experience" as a whole (with its gameplay). Oh, and I wouldn't say Halo had a great story, either.


I was having an argument with some kids as to how I sold the game (after getting the white Ps4 bundle) because I wasn't interested in a game that was always online.

I was trying to tell them that there is no dedicated single player campaign, because there isn't. They're saying there is, but I'm pretty sure the single player gameplay was made to played with other players, was it not?

You also HAVE to be online to play the game. If the servers are offline, you cannot play the game at all. If there was a dedicated single player, you could resort to playing that if the online play wasn't working.

They were calling my reasoning stupid but I think they were just being stupid for not fully comprehending what I was conveying to them. It is not a game like Uncharted or Halo that have dedicated single player campaigns. It is online only. And even if you play the campaign alone, I'm pretty sure Bungie themselves said yeah you could do it, but it won't be nearly as fun as playing it with other people (hence, no dedicated single player)

It's not that I have a problem playing a game that has to be always online (but isn't that one reason why everyone hated the xbone when it was first revealed), I just don't think it is fair to charge $60 for a game that has no single player. You have to always be online and the servers may not be functional in 10 years, nor may there be many people playing the game to accompany you online.

Whereas those games with single player modes (or even just single player and nothing else, not even online), will always have single player modes, forever. This summer I felt like going on a little nostalgia trip and played Tekken 4.

At least you got rid of that piece of shit game man. Now you can play something that respects your time.


Gold Member
I kind of a agree with the kids. I was going to join you in the complaining about Destiny, then saw I have around 120 hours played....

hemo memo

Gold Member
For me it was first the standard edition, enjoyed the game so much that I sold my standard edition to buy the limited edition.

Then I hit 20 and the grind starts with the game flaws.



Dear gaf,

There were some kids at the store today who liked Destiny. I argued with them that Destiny wasn't a good game, but they didn't listen to me. I traded my game in with a smug face, calm and determined from a thousand other trade ins. Destiny wouldn't make a very good Christmas present.



10 years from now, the servers for Destiny may not still be up, and there may not be anyone playing it. So 10 years into the future, the $60 investment is moot.

You buy games worrying about if you can play them in 10 years? And you're treating £50 like a huge amount of money.

But really, well done OP, such an interesting topic and a great discussion starter, I'd not heard about this Destiny game before.
I sold it once i realized id never be able to do the raid and therefore would never be able to advance the game.

Now that raid is meaningless and another raid is out ill never do.

So. I guess nothings changed.


I've actually just been getting into it lately, I play it mostly solo with just randoms on Strikes, and I'm really having fun. To be fair, I'm not the type to put 100-200 hours into any game and I've only put probably 15-20 hours into this, but I really love the movement and gunplay, and just enjoy doing bounties and strikes and shooting stuff and getting loot.
Yeah, people don't seem to care that Destiny has to be online to play, yet we're ready to burn Microsoft to the ground when they had plans to require a connection all the time. Funny how that works. Anyways, that combined with the fact that it was so ducking boring I sold it too within a month of purchasing.


I personal put in a good 80 hours with the game and never regretted it. I'll propbly at more during slow release periods. So over all for me it was well worth the $60.


When the cable goes out you feel alone
When you're alone you want to be with others, so you buy Destiny
When you buy Destiny you find out it's always online
When you find out it's always online you tell kids about it
When you tell kids about it, you get into an argument
Stop arguing with kids over Destiny
Get rid of cable and upgrade to DirecTV

Edit: In a moment of weakness I bought a used copy over the weekend. After a couple plays I sobered up and returned it last night. I knew the game wasn't for me but I guess I still wanted to give it a chance. Considering I don't have any friend's playing this it's pointless.
Yeah, people don't seem to care that Destiny has to be online to play, yet we're ready to burn Microsoft to the ground when they had plans to require a connection all the time. Funny how that works. Anyways, that combined with the fact that it was so ducking boring I sold it too within a month of purchasing.
Huh? It's the difference between a single game being online-only versus an entire console...


Yeah, people don't seem to care that Destiny has to be online to play, yet we're ready to burn Microsoft to the ground when they had plans to require a connection all the time. Funny how that works. Anyways, that combined with the fact that it was so ducking boring I sold it too within a month of purchasing.

Its not at all, you can trade Destiny, you can sell it, you can lend it to a friend, and it's an online game, you can do solo stuff and that will help you in co-op and pvp too, but it's an online game at its centre

That's a million miles away from an always online console, where you can't play any of your games, single or multi player if your internet goes down, and where you can't sell or trade your games at all
I'm not a scientiest ;) but yeah that sounds pretty accurate. I picked it back up for the DLC the night before to get used to it, and remembered how much the game does wrong, even though the core shooting is fun. So yeah....


Umm was the copy gifted to you?

I don't understand. If you don't like online only games then WHY would you ever buy Destiny? Did you do any research before buying it? Did you know what it was before buying it?

This is like someone buying The Division, or Titanfall, or hell even WoW and being angry that the game can't be played offline.

Destiny has its issues. I personally thing the good outweighs the bad and I still find it enjoyable to play but I can see why some people weren't happy with it.

But selling it because its online only? lol


Why an argument? Not really a position that needs defending. It's yours. Do with it what you will. The Last of Us is one of the best games I've ever played. With 80million plus PS3s out there it baffles me that it didn't sell 40million plus copies but it sold nowhere near that. Peoples tastes are all different. Enjoy your Tekken 4.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Deatiny is definitely plaable solo. Nothing in the story campaign requires playing with others. That's just strikes and raids.

It is online only, so fair enough if that bothers you on principle. The servers have been rock solid. I've never not been able to play when I wanted to. Though I was lucky to miss some PSN outages.

It's far from a perfect game, but I'm 90ish hours in and have had a lot of fun with it both solo and with friends.


Don't argue with kids and don't second guess your decision. Destiny in the end was a hot flaming turd of grind.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Its not at all, you can trade Destiny, you can sell it, you can lend it to a friend, and it's an online game, you can do solo stuff and that will help you in co-op and pvp too, but it's an online game at its centre

That's a million miles away from an always online console, where you can't play any of your games, single or multi player if your internet goes down, and where you can't sell or trade your games at all

Yeah for me it was the no selling or trading the killed that plan for me. I didn't care about online checks. My internet is rarely ever down.

I sell most everything after beating and rarely replay games. Which is also part of why online only games don't bother me as it's moot for me if it's not playable years down the road.


You have to always be online and the servers may not be functional in 10 years, nor may there be many people playing the game to accompany you online.

Sounds about right. I shall get no fun right now because in 10 years the game might not be playable online.


I don't think I've laughed as hard in ages as reading the first few words of the OP.

I have this mental image of this 40something year old man surrounded by 10 year olds arguing with each other over Destiny.


Heh, saying something is inherently bad because it only works online is a ridiculous position to take.

You have every right to not like it, but it doesn't make others stupid who don't care.

Tell me, how is offline mode for GAF treating you?
Say what you will about online-only games, but Destiny has been rock solid since day one as far as network stuff goes. I've played for about 250 hours over two characters and can count the times I've gotten booted out on one hand.


As a guy who is currently living in 1995, I also have serious issues with games that are online.

Im fine with a game like Destiny being always online, in the same way I'm fine with a game like Counter Strike being always online

My issue is when you have single player games that have forced online stuff, or single player games where you have to be online to play, or something like Dead Space 3 with its microtransactions shoehorned in

People are mad at Destiny because they wanted it to be like a Halo campaign with your friends popping in and out, and they kind of led everyone to believe that as well
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